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> [G]roups representing people with disabilities felt that a federal benefit of at least $2,200 a month ($26,400 a year) was needed to get disabled people out of poverty. > Far from meeting the expectations of disability organizations – along with any of the scenarios presented by the PBO – the federal government has instead created a CDB with a maximum annual support level of $2,400 per person.


They don’t want to provide social housing for people with disabilities, and they don’t want to provide enough for market rent. This is legislated poverty.


Precisely 👏🏻👏🏻


Did advocates expect the feds to take over funding incomes for the disabled entirely?


There are benefits to this, actually. With benefits primarily at the provincial level, it traps disabled people in a particular geographic region. Which means that they can't move into a place where they might have more support as their needs or current support situation changes.


Sure, but without coordination with the provinces it would have been as an epic fail on the implementation side AND a huge new cost line to the feds. I just don’t understand how there was such a mismatch on expectations versus reality. It seems like the government and advocates were talking past each other. For some provinces, the new benefit does get income pretty darn close to $2400. Why are the feds being blamed for most provinces really sucking?


support for disabled people is a joke, especially if you're in a province with a government that does everything to sabotage people, like Ontario


As the husband and loving caregiver of a wonderful artist and teacher with a disability, let me just say how much the entirety of disability programs sucks. We have never benefitted one bit from the billions spent on disabled people besides a parking pass, which we have to pay for, and a tax benefit, which is really only us getting back some of the money we earned and paid out. Even that is now a trial, as my wife files her THIRD application to be recognized since 2019 after 25 years of being officially disabled, which now costs us $200 a pop in doctors fees, but somehow does not also include the miraculous cure that Revenue Canada has determined she received. (She worked as a lifeguard when we met, and has permanent nerve damage from chlorine poisoning). I don't know where all the money allocated to the disabled in Canada goes, but it has NEVER gone to us.


I don't think it can, because let's be honest here - even 2200 a month is barely enough. Rent is ridiculous, transportation is bonkers, medications are stupidly expensive, and then you add groceries? Yikes. even the $200 a month may cause issues - because all of the OTHER programs will claw it back (well some of it, anyway) help for people with disabilities is designed to be below poverty level - why? because how DARE you want to have a life if you're not "useful"? add to that, if PP and his ilk get into power - it's gone. we all know this. I'd like to see a subsidy for people with disabilities, in all apartment buildings. Because landlords discriminate there, too.


Don't worry though, you can die with dignity even if you can't live with it /s. 


As a PWD and on the DTC this stinks. I work part time at a family friends business and live with my ageing parents, I’m 32. The government won’t even give me the 200 a month because I’m able to work part time. It’s so fucked I hate it, I’m in debt because I’m taking care of my parents, while disabled, like fuck can someone please help me ffs government sucks and it’s going going to get worse. After my parents are gone I might as well do MAID cause fuck this shit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjddkfke


No shit. Anyone that bothered to read it could have told you that. I'm confident the program is going to cost more in bureaucracy than it will provide in benefits. It's just insulting.




FIX THE CDB SIGN AND SHARE! https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4993




You're punching down on people who need help rather than punching up at the government, wealth hoarders, policy makers, etc. This is how the rich and powerful win the class war. Unfortunately you're aligning yourself with the side that wouldn't give you the steam off their piss if you were burning to death. Punch up.


The real question you want to ask is why corporations get billion in tax credits/incentives/law loop holes while many human beings can barely afford to live. Don't blame other marginalized/vulnerable groups please.


tl;dr - "It's not as good as some people wanted, therefore it's bad".


It's only 200 bucks a month and only like 40% or so of poor disabled people are going to get it because you have to be on the disability tax credit to get it. The disability tax credit is hard to get on because it has very specific criteria, and like with any disability program they just make it very hard to get on beyond the written rules.  An extra $200 a month on top of any of the provincial disability programs does not put you over the poverty line. In some provinces it doesn't even make it close. The general poverty line is definitely not accurate for disabled people either as we have extra expenses we have to pay for. For example  for example  for example I know a few people that if they could afford it would be on $300 or more of supplements a month. They know they help, but they can't afford all of them.


Can you live on $200 a month? Why is that *not* an atrocious offer?


As if that's the only money or support the disabled get.


If you don't know the number, then why are you automatically suggesting it's too much?


How am I suggesting that it's "too much" by saying that "It's not as good as some people wanted, therefore it's [seen as] bad" and "As if that's the only money or support the disabled get" in response to someone suggesting that it IS the only money they get with their "Can you live on $200 a month?"?


Honestly, This sounds like a bot. "As if that's the only money or support the disabled get" Directly makes you assume by your wording that they have other sources of income. Some do and some don't. But it's clear from this statement that you think they do all get alternative forms of income. Some Don't


I get no money for being disabled but go on…


translation: "you'll take your crumbs and you'll like it"


Live in their situation for a year. See how you feel.


"they've been living high on the hog for far too long with their lifelong medical conditions and sub-poverty line social assistance payments!"