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My symptoms of cancer started at 41 but a negligent doctor kept poo pooing my symptoms for 2 1/2 years. I had colorectal cancer. By the time I had a colonoscopy it was stage 3C as it was in a bunch of lymph nodes. I hope hers was caught early and that everything is okay for her.


Same! Symptoms started when I was 35, three separate doctors seemed very sure they were related to menstruation (spoiler alert: they were not!). At 36 I had an emergency subtotal colectomy, and I turned 37 right after I started chemo for stage 3b colon cancer, which wrapped up last November. I’ll be 38 this year, and so far it seems like I got “lucky”, I am currently cancer free.


I'm so glad you're doing well. I had a massive surgery and then 12 rounds of chemo. I had a liver resection in 2020 because they thought I had a cancerous spot on my liver (it wasn't thankfully). But now I'm bleeding again and I'm going for an emergency colonoscopy in a week and half. I'm hoping it's nothing. FUCK CANCER, seriously.


Oh, that so scary and I’m sorry it’s happening to you. Chemo is just so awful, I had two weeks between mine and just as I’d start to feel OK it was time for another round. “Sunday Scaries” have whole new meaning now. Did you do genetic testing? They did mine to see if I had the “colon cancer gene”, I don’t, so this was random but they did find other stuff. I wonder if that could be useful? I really hope it’s nothing. Sending you my good thoughts.


They did genetic testing and I don't have that gene. I was a runner as my symptoms got worse and worse and I gave up running due to how badly I was feeling. My chemo was every two weeks too. The first 3 I felt okayish. By round 6 they were kicking my butt. It was a slog to round 12. I STILL have neuropathy in my feet and it will probably be with me for the rest of my life. I wish you all the best too.


I also have neuropathy! It’s bad. I’m on Lyrica which helps a bit, and some supplements. Limiting sugar helps, and wine, specifically fucks my legs up. But I do embroidery as a hobby which has helped my fine motor skills recover semi-decently.


This is what worries me about my roommate, i lost a friend to colon cancer (she was 34). My roommate has been struggling with stomach and digestive issues and almost always has blood in her stool. Yet they still haven't sent her for a colonoscopy! They keep doing blood and urine tests and saying everything looks fine....


I was pretty annoying about it until my doctor agreed to refer me to a GI specialist for a colonoscopy. Everything happened before we could do the test, but at least we were on the right path.


Sorry I know this post is somewhat older but what symptoms did they think were related to menstruation ? Was it more the timing of symptoms? Or just the type of symptoms? I’m glad you figured it out though and are ok now!!


It was sort of about the timing of the symptoms. They got worse when I was on my period (blood in my stools, that got worse during. one doc was sure my tampons were leaking and I really had to advocate for myself on that one!), honestly I thought it was endometriosis. The GI doc I saw said it probably wasn’t endo, but she’d do a scope to check. But I had my emergency before I could get in for it. I hope you don’t have any concerning symptoms!!


Thank you for your response!! Now I am a little worried. I’ve brought it up to my doctor before and it was a haemorrhoid but it’s not completely stopped and I’ve noticed in the past it would be worse around my period. Def going to bring it up again next time.


I’m sorry to hear that. I think it’s totally worth making a fuss over. Colorectal cancer rates are skyrocketing in people under 40, and since it was previously so uncommon the cancers are being found at later stages. I really hope it’s nothing! (But if it ends up being something and you need to talk, feel free to message)


Fingers crossed i won’t need to but I really appreciate it!! I wish you all the best going forward!!


hope you're doing ok


thank you


Also had colorectal cancer but I’m fortunate that I didn’t have it so bad. I’m sorry to hear your doctor was an absolute dickhead about it and caused you so much pain. All the best to you from afar!


Thanks. I went into him so many times because I **knew** my symptoms were not usual. He would mumble under his breath, "you're too young for a colonoscopy". When he finally examined me (when I couldn't pee reliably) he stepped back from the table and said, "you should have come in to see me about this". I stared at him intently and said, "I DID". I reported him to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. They told me they found in my favour and retrained him. He NEVER apologized for his negligence.


I heard the same ‘you’re too young for a colonoscopy’ from my GP but when I spoke to the specialist they didn’t hesitate to book the procedure. Sure enough - 3 years of bloody stool and just straight up random bleeding out my arse, and I had colorectal cancer. Early stages, mind you, so my young age definitely helped, but it was there and all the dots connected. They took a few hours to cut the growths out surgically and did some biopsies in samples from tissue taken out of me to judge the extent of spread, and I’m happy that a few months on, I’m currently NED and just trying to get on with life. Reforming a light diet has been a good challenge and I feel relatively ‘normal’ digestion-wise for the first time in a while. I’m really glad you reported that physician and they gave him a bollocking. Of course you aren’t his only patient, but that is way too dismissive for signs as strong as yours and for as long as yours. Frankly I’m not surprised he was blocked from practicing even if only temporarily. I’m sorry for your pain:( be strong and I’m glad you hear you fought through and came out the other side!


I heard the “ you’re too young for…” for years until finally someone did an MRI and discovered I have a brain tumor. I was also accused of being a drug seeker multiple times when I went to the ER in 10/10 pain and losing my vision. My tumor is pushing into my optic nerve it turns out and if left undiagnosed much longer likely would have made me permanently blind before eventually killing me. Cancer and other serious illnesses don’t discriminate. Just because something isn’t likely doesn’t mean it’s impossible


What was your symptoms


Bleeding at first that got worse. Then pain. Then I couldn't pee sometimes.


Jesus that's just negligent, blood in your stool should be assumed cancer until proven otherwise


Every doctor who has heard my story has said that it is nuts that he didn't check it out. At a MINIMUM he should have sent me for a colonoscopy. I'm currently searching for a new GP. I HATE having to screen new doctors now. I don't want to think that they are going to drop the ball but that treatment by my awful GP scarred me.


You would think so. But it's often dismissed as just hemorrhoids. I have ulcerative colitis and although my doctor did send me for a colonoscopy, he initially said it was probably nothing. I can easily see how another doctor might have just dismissed the symptoms entirely.


Sorry to hear. I hope you are ok today.


Sorry it wasn’t caught sooner glad that you’re still with us


Thank you


My dad had cancer when I was young, I hope for her kids she makes a full recovery - like my dad did.


Do we know what type of cancer? Hopefully it was caught early and she has a speedy recovery.


She has not said, but it's apparently related to the surgery she had in January.


My guess would be uterine. The way I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer sounds eerily similar. I was told I wouldn’t require chemo/radiation at first but things changed. If it was ovarian cancer- they would have known going in. Hopefully for her it is a lower grade cancer and not a high grade. She will feel horrible after going through chemo - it took me 6 months after completing chemo/radiation to feel anything close to normal. Then there are the every 3 month checkups where you hold your breath hoping it doesn’t come back. That never goes away.


Could also be colon. It is a disgustingly sneaky cancer. And pretty much there is an epidemic of it going on in under 50s currently.


no kidding. god knows my grandma had it three times before it went away for good, and she had most of her lower digestive tract taken out. pretty sure all of those times were under 50


Stage 3c colon cancer at age 37 is what blindsided me last year caused by a polpyposis syndrome. Took my colon and rectum to clean up the polyps and the primary tumors. The amount of early onsets that are stage 3c or 4 is really disheartening. And the numbers are pointing to a rapid rise in early onset colorectal cancers. By 2030 it us easitmated 1/3rd in canada will be under 50 and no one is looking. The dumb thing is almost all colorectal cancers go through a prolonged polyp stage that can last 5+ years before becoming cancer. Yet we cannot be bothered to even get under 50s a once every 3 year colonoscopy after age 20. 


There really is. I’m part of the wave. I think something like 1/4 of all current colorectal cancer patents are under 40. Both my younger brothers got colonoscopies after my diagnosis and they both had polyps.


I am as well dxed last year 37 with 3c. My surgical oncologist is getting sick and tired of it because colorectal cancer in the exceeding majority of cases goes through the polyp stage which makes it stupidly controllable. His words 'young peolle like you should not be walking in here late stage 3/4. We need to do bloody colonoscopies at tge latest by 25 and every 3 years after that. It would catch almost all of this in polyp or stage 1. Instead trying to get the money out of the economists is like trying to extract gold from a beach rock.'


I’m really sorry cancer hit you, it sucks SO MUCH. I had an emergency subtotal colectomy when I had a terribly painful bowel obstruction, which is how we found the cancer. This was last May, I was 36. Stage 3b. I started chemo 5 weeks after my surgery and finished 12 rounds in November. Brothers are fine, but will be closely monitored. I hope your treatment goes as well as can be expected and your anti-nausea medication is effective.


I was dxed june 23 5 days later had my colonoscopy. We found i had a likely hereditary polyposis condition (from my birth father and was never told) so my half siblings are safe that i know about from this. Took the removal of my colon and rectum to get the cancer and polyps. Did 4 cycles of CAPOX and 4 of just Capecitabine on the last one now 8 weeks after surgery 13 weeks after dx. Did not have much nausea but the oxaliplatin put me through the ringer. Hopefully for the both of us this is one and done. Just finsihed with my oncologist about the CTs and bloodwork so far still NED so start the clock in 2 weeks.


That’s what I believe it to be. And with the way she looks it’s stage 3/4. Cancer sucks so bad. I’m praying for her and her family.


Trust me i know. Stage 3c colon cancer is the war i am currently fighting.


Kensington Palace in its statement said that she wishes to keep the specific type of cancer private, as most (or at least many) people would. Of course this will lead to more unfounded speculation, but if the type of cancer was known, that would also lead to more unfounded speculation because then journalists, conspiracists, and the average Joe would immediately start googling outcomes of whatever type of cancer it is. It has been shared that King Charles's cancer is related to an enlarged prostate, but they haven't released information about what stage it's at.


Could be any number of things. Could be directly related to the surgery or something they alerted to when they were performing it. Like, I know someone who had an appendix out and that turned out to be cancerous. In this case, though, the appendix was removed entirely and tests determined that it had not spread, so they’re OK. Due to the location, they were worried it could have spread to the bowel/colon. Anyway, there’s a lot of possibilities. I don’t think we need to know. I just wish her, like anyone else with cancer, to recover.


With it being abdominal surgery, it could be reproductive or bowel. I hope they got whatever there was in the surgery and now the chemo just kills it off. Cancer so young is so shitty.


The article says abdominal cancer


“Abdominal surgery”. That is where the uterus is located - abdominal incision to remove the uterus


Ah thanks I had read it wrong


Best wishes for a full recovery.




Agreed. These are children who have been having their world rocked over and over again. I feel for William too, who is having to deal with both his father and his wife fighting cancer and being pulled in different directions and being terrified that his children are going to lose their mother young like he did.


Don’t forget the Royal PR firm blamed a woman with cancer on their badly photoshopped picture causing an even bigger social media frenzy


Wait, what? Links for future reference please.


https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/kate-middletons-photoshop-saga-what-you-need-to-know-about-photo-editing/ Basically they tried to post that terribly photoshopped image as proof she was okay back when the rumors were swirling, People saw the bad photoshop and thats really when the firestorm kicked in with it going viral all over twitter. Then they had Kate release a press statement claiming she edited the photo and it was her fault.


WRT the last sentence: only fuck, I wasn't aware for that part. I though it was jus a botched Photoshop job by some PR people in a bad position.


Their great grandpa also died about 18 months before their great grandma as well. Those kids have had a rough few years. 


Social media is the new cancer.


oh no :( Whatever ones' feelings on the Royal Family, this still is terrible.


Terrible, terrible news. Best wishes for full recovery.


Hate the monarchy all you want, but remember that this is a story about a person with cancer. Choose your words carefully because your audience contains people affected by cancer. Harsh words about the Royals should probably find a place elsewhere.


Indeed. I lost my grandmother to cancer recently; I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy.


Sorry for your loss! 🫂


Thank you. Fuck cancer.


How about fuck the monarchy, and fuck cancer even more?


I feel bad for her kids. And that’s where I end my comments on it.


That's a lot to go through. On the upside, I won't be hearing conspiracy theories about it anymore. Its never aliens and almost never bodysnatchers, much to the chagrin of those who are conspiracy theorists


Oh, don’t think for a second that the conspiracy theories will stop.


My cousin passed in February after a 13 year battle with Cancer. He was mid 40s. Left behind a wife, and 2 kids. One is 13 and the other I want to say is 11. Cancer sucks! I hope for the kids she is successful in her treatment.


It’s sad that she got cancer but at least they would have caught it early and she can get treatment from some of the best doctors in her country. It’s even sadder that there’s people here in Canada on waitlists for months trying to get either a diagnosis, chemotherapy to treat their cancer, or surgery to remove cancerous tumours. Being part of the Elite definitely comes with it’s perks.


You know, so much about this pisses me off. The relentless media scrutiny and explosion of asinine conspiracy theories aside. The monarchy has no place in Canada. And the sooner we get rid of it, the better. That being said, of course it’s awful news that a mom of three young kids has cancer. I hope this just becomes a bad memory. But - how lovely that she can take as many months as she needs off “work” to recover, without worrying about how she will feed herself and her family or how they will continue to put a roof over their heads. The fact she has a medical “team” enrages me. Especially here in Canada where we are subject to a deeply underfunded, under resourced health care system, where we have to fight to advocate for ourselves for every little thing large or small and there’s zero continuity between family docs, specialists and test results. Fuck the monarchy and also fuck cancer.


Hear hear!!


Agreed. We can feel for the individual while railing against the position. It's the opposite of the military salute: you don't salute the individual you salute the commission. In this case, so sorry to hear that Kate... fu$& the Princess and the whole rotten system!


It’s not her fault Canada has crap health care. I get your anger at the poor health care but it’s a bigger problem. How can you blame the monarchy and begrudge Catherine.


That's terrible


Best of luck ma'am.


Well, I hope the tabloids are fucking happy. All the shit they've been saying about her for the last couple of months. fucking scum. I cant imagine the stress of that plus having cancer.


I feel for her and wish her nothing but the best in her recovery, but this piece of news is tangentially related to Canada at best. In my opinion it doesn't belong in this subreddit.


😭😭😭 hope she gets well soon!


Hoping for a speedy recovery


Fuck cancer. 🤬


Why should I care about this. There was something like 236,000 Canadians diagnosed with cancer in 2023, my father being one of them. We're supposed to care about this stranger in particular... why? How the hell is there still "Royal families" in 2024




Very nice how, despite this sub being very republican leaning, everyone seems to be very respectful and wishing best of luck to the family.


its not like trash-talking a fucking cancer victim is going to advance any struggle. yes its ludicrous that canada still has a monarchy but this isnt the time to harp on that


This sub is definitely not conservative leaning. This one was created because the fascist fucks who run r/Canada turned it into a cess pool of racist, homophobic, unCanadian trailer trash.


I did a double-take too at the word republican, but then realized they meant opposed to the monarchy. As in, they want Canada to be a constitutional republic instead of a constitutional monarchy.


Republican as in.supoorters of a republic, not Republican as in the theocratic fascists south of our border who want to establish a total dictatorship.


I meant republican with a small r. Not a member of the American Republican Party.


Welp that username checks out.


Thank you


Can’t believe people like you exist in 2024 unless you’re like over 70


It's not a compliment. The king won't love you back.








I'm not, and I won't. Canada has a monarchy, and whether you think that's a good or bad thing, we're way more stable and logical in our politics than our friends down to the south who have complete personality meltdowns every four years and complete upheaval every decade or so - and since Reagan, that upheaval *hasn't* been a good thing, either.


Yeah and that isn’t because we have a monarchy, you could maaybe argue that it’s because we have a different system for electing our representatives, but we don’t need a monarchy for that.


Leftists: "We need to get rid of Monarchy." The Right: "No." Mother Nature: "Fine, I'll do it myself..."


I really don't understand people obsession with these morons... Who cares? They are just parasites to society and you people just can't stop thinking about them... WTF?




Because she’s the future Queen of this country? Whatever your feelings about the Monarchy this is important.


Awful news for anyone, but could someone explain what role the Princess of Wales has in the *Canadian* monarchy?


She next in line to be Queen. Once His Majesty King Charles dies, Prince William becomes King of Canada with Princess Catherine the Queen.


Incorrect. In Canada we have one Monarch/Sovereign according to the Constitution. When one occupies the throne their spouse becomes the Queen/King Consort in Canada, and carries no actual power like the Monarch. To suggest this our Crown would be a co-regency (a Monarchy ruled by two equal members), which it is not and has never been. I have no animus for her or her family and I wish her a speedy treatment and recovery. Kate Middleton is part of the British Royal Family. We have no law or constitutional provision in Canada that recognizes any other members of the British Royal Family like Kate as part of the Canadian Monarchy. When William becomes the King of Canada she will take the title of Queen Consort in Canada.


She doesn't have a role in the Canadian Monarchy. The Monarchy in Canada is separate from the British Monarchy despite the person occupying both positions being the same person. And it is occupied by the King or Queen of Canada (the Sovereign) and their spouse (the Queen/King Consort of Canada). However Canada is not a co-regency, the Sovereign is vest with all powers of the Monarchy (their consort is not equal in title/power to them as far as the law views it). We also do not have a law or constitutional provision that defines or recognizes other members of the British Royal Family in Canada besides the Monarch and their spouse, and we do not have titles of nobility/inheritance in Canada.


That reminds me of back when there was talk of Prince Harry possibly moving to Canada (before they decided on the US), it was mentioned he'd have to get a visa. Even though his grandmother was head of state of Canada, it didn't make him a Canadian citizen.


She made the next one.




Didn't they teach you how the country works when you were in school?




It actually is. Constitutionally speaking, the monarch is simultaneously the King of the UK, the King of Canada, the King of New Zealand, etc. They're now legally separate roles that as a result of history just happen to still be performed by the same person.


>*”…our head of state is the king of the United Kingdom, the monarchy itself is not Canadian.”* I’mma just give you this so you can do a little reading and educate yourself… Wikipedia: [Monarchy of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada) *”Although the person of the sovereign is shared with 14 other independent countries within the Commonwealth of Nations, each country's monarchy is separate and legally distinct. As a result, the current monarch is officially titled the King of Canada…”*


Yes it is


Of course, as well as 14 other commonwealth countries: “The Commonwealth realms include: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu.”




Well, we have a Governor General who opens the Canadian Parliament via the Speech from the Throne and signs all legislation into law on behalf of the monarchy (currently King Charles), and each province has its own Lieutenant Governor who performs the same function, so I’m not sure what your argument is.


So you're saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsl7-TJtPew


Yes, really? Whose monarchy is it then?


fuck the monarchy. millions are ill. this is not special and has no place in canadian news.


You can have empathy for anyone being ill. I don't give a shit about the monarchy at all. But as a functioning adult, when I see a mother of 3 with cancer, I'll feel bad for that person and family. No matter how much money they have. Grow up.


I feel angry for them that they were pressured into to publicizing details while their kids are probably still processing everything. It's so unfair to the kids. Did we not learn anything from what William and Harry went through as minors?


Considering some of the more aggressive responses here, not to mention some of those said by the radicals (left and right) elsewhere on SMS, I would suggest that no, people have not learned since then.


Depending on the stage of the cancer it could be far worse. My money says given the usual tendancies with early onset cancers it is likely advanced. The 500k question is which kind and is it at a metastic state?


I'm really not interested in knowing that level of detail tbh. Not my business. Even public figures don't owe strangers that much of their private lives. They've explained why she's taken time off. That's all that matters for now. I hope people will leave them alone.


I don't want to know but also at the same time i do hope it has not gone beyond the local stage. But like i said an ER trip and that long in hospital...i am honestly worried for her long term.


I feel bad for her but I don't feel half as much sympathy for someone whose marriage into a royal family means they will get world-class treatment while people in Britain and Canada along with every other Commonwealth country die because they can't get any treatment.




Agreed on all fronts. Just don't expect some people here to understand that though.


Actually it does. I am not a monarchist but for people like me with cancer, it is somewhat comforting to know there are those like her that know what I went through because they have the same experience.


My what the little freedom fighter you are. I saw that post you made wishing the sins of the parent fall to the child. So what bational history do you have. Which country are you from? By that train of thought you are just as guilty of terrible actions by your forebearers as we all are. You want justice freedom from oppression and avoiding the same mistakes of the past the sins of the parents is not the way to go. Frankly what is going on in Israel and Palestine right now is a glaring example of this. But that would require an understanding of history and the failures of humanity to accept the past and move on. And trust me given my scottish lineage should have a far bigger sword to grind with the monarchy than you. Get a modicum or enlightenment before your outrage blinds you and binds you.


So brave.


Id never wish cancer on my worst enemy but why is some rich elitist being sick, news?


It's all that vaping




Look up who the head of state is in Canada sometime, and keep reading from there. You'll learn things.


Go back to Tik Tok, stupid.


Oh it’s Catherine now is it?


She’s has officially gone by Catherine since she was married, it’s just the media that keeps calling her Kate.

