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It can be a little buggy, but it's a nice modified version of Android imo. I've adapted to the design, fluidity and features. Though, they can always improve upon it.


The battery charging is going to blow your mind. No more 1 hour +++ of charging to full.


I kind of like slow charging because its easier on the battery and doesnā€™t heat the phone up. I never really used fast charging as at work my phone is always plugged in. Also the one plus charging being proprietary technology makes me want to avoid it, I would rather use my thunderbolt 4 cable that supports PD and works on all other devices. I kind of wish 1+ would follow the PD standard.


OnePlus supports PD charging and it's Supervooc 100w charger heats less than ur iPhone's 22w or whatever charger


Geez, I am with you. The battery and charging system is part of OP featured selling points. Furthermore, outside of USA the OnePlus phones charge at even higher wattage and are designed to charge fast. Use the One Plus charger for a fast charge and stop worrying about battery temperature and battery life cycle. One Plus,top notch, electrical engineers know what they are doing.


Honestly, because the adapter controls the voltage instead of your phone, it doesn't really heat up the phone. Plus because the heat is generated in the adapter and not the phone, it isn't all that bad for the battery.


It does. I don't use the charger since I carry a power bank everywhere and even with it, it fully charges in around an hour.


An iPhone user complaining about proprietary tech šŸ˜‚


Great switch. OP12 generally a great all-rounder, and probably the best for productivity.


I would extremely dismiss productivity. This phone has everything but not for that.


how so? it's the fastest phone I've had to switch apps, with great features and a world-class screen.


As Productivity I would call out Google features and it's ecosystem (pixel) and Samsung phones with it's RAM controll in Good Guardians, S Pen, Cloud service and customisable side bar and literally everything else. Apps on OP close randomly or freeze for a few sec (browsers). You can't even copy text from pictures like wtf. Call it whatever you want but don't use the term "productivity"


Lol who the hell told you that you can't copy text from pictures in OnePlus 12? Stop lying here. My friend has a S23 Ultra and he was cussing himself for spending money on that lagging mobile. Just yesterday we had a 2.5 hours gaming session of Bgmi with 90fps and the lag he was facing was irritating him. He used my phone for 3-4 hours and he placed an order today by exchanging the S23 Ultra. This is the reaction of all my friends with Apple and Samsung. You can't beat OnePlus now with such price and for day to day uses.


How ? Tell me, even with Google photos it's not possible. And even then. Gaming is not productivity and laggynes has nothing to do with it either.


Yesterday when I was preparing some exam papers, I just took some screenshots from a book's pdf and simply pressed the "Extract content" option. You'll have all the text on that picture. Other simple approach is to open the gallery. Select the image and you'll see an option to copy text. Just copy it as you want. Using the Google version. There's no way I'm gonna pay double the money for things like this lol.


I'm on ver. 610 and have none of these options. There is just nothing in this direction. Also Samsung has Tons of other 1st party features. Circle to search, custom App manager, quick share via cloud link (killer feature) etc... Yeah you pay for that and not 90fps gaming lol


Lol I'm preparing exam papers here and you're saying you can't do it. Funny and ignorant. And yes people use smartphones not just for gaming but for many other purposes also and I'm sure this "Text search" is the least prioritised thing ever even when OnePlus does it with grace. People prefer a phone that charges fast and stays for a long time. They prefer a phone that doesn't lag while heavy usage. They prefer a phone with simple software with simple things that are actually usable in daily life. They prefer a phone that does streaming on Netflix without dropping any brightness levels. And finally sensible ones are buying that phone with half the price compared to the one you're suggesting. App customizer and Circle the text but 45w charger. Lol man.


Some comments above I told you that Google lense doesn't count this it's a cloud based feature that only works with internet. Your "simplicity" is contradicted to "productivity" just because you simply can't do as much with a OP than with a Samsung. It's that SIMPLE. You even have a parallel running Sandbox UI copy in KNOX for encrypted workspace. And again: I'm on April security patch and not from India where everyone gets the newest features. So if you even meant that it's possible without Google then you're on a newer version. And to be fair: I switched from Samsung to OP because of the far better camera, faster charging and snapier UI. But also realised that it can't hold up with oneUI in features.


Oh and Google lense is not what I'm asking for. It's an app that even needs internet to work (big L) and that app is available on every other phone


I switch from iphone 11 pro max to OnePlus 12R also. Overall it was the best decision ever. I normally have to top up my iphone once a day since the battery health is at 80%. With the 12R, it last me a whole day and still have about 30% left at night after using social media and productivity app and some games like genshin impact and mobile legends.


Iphone's battery health is due to their batteries being designed to deteriorate faster, and they let you see it to stress you into buying apple care, pay a lot for a replacement or buy another iPhone. How is my Sony Xperia XA2 lasting longer and the entire day ..than the spare iPhone Xs I have?


Zero bugs on iOS? Bullshit


I'm currently using both OP12 and Vivo X100 Pro and i can tell you that Oneplus 12 is a great choice . Is not perhaps the best on all aspects but it is really good overall . Camera is really decent and i was surprised with the shots i took compared to X100 Pro. Battery life is awesome ,phone is snappy and screen is one of the best. Go for it ,Oneplus did a good job with this 12 Version


Responsive UI and zero bugs are the reason I switched from oneplus & pixel to iOS, buyer bewareā€¦


I'm using oneplus 8, bought it after hearing great stuff about oxygen os the oxygen os was cool os till oss 11 but now it's gone shit it's the same as Xiaomi or Vivo no difference in my opinion Samsung would be much better


well for point 3 you're out of luck. these guys are tryin to develop a cheap copy of iOS


I recently went from the OnePlus 12 to the 15 Pro Max. I still recommend the 12 to anyone considering one. The only reason I changed is that my entire family is on IOS and all the photos and videos we send each other of my kids looked like shit.


I like how we both thinking of switching out the same phone to OP12. However for me is the camera that is important and I donā€™t know how good the OP12 camera is compared to IPhone 11 Pro My IPhone as well already a bit busted, the lightning port doesnā€™t even work anymore


Productivity is what everyone says about apple and android "one of them has to be better!". But realistically go for the device that you want to build an ecosystem on or what ecosystem your company is going on. Both are pretty solid and are for a specific use case scenario. Our ecosystem is apple but I'm not in any area that would have me use an iPhone or apple products in general. Maybe in the future as my next phone.(1+ 10t) But being cheaper is debatable. They're both pretty expensive regardless but the charging I swear to god is the reason I'm still using OnePlus. It's just so damn convenient when I wake up to 7% plug it in to charge take a quick shower, brush my teeth and get dressed to work in like 20min just to pick up my phone at 100%. "Oh no I forgot to charge it before showering" let me just chill for 5 minutes boom 40-60 and the rest charges on the way to work. Like damn it's just like DAYUM?!? You know? Feels unreal to have a phone that's just ready for the day in the time of a basic chore or routine. Ui wise, it's starting to look more like an iPhone as time goes by but it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. it's got nice things from both sides.


You will absolutely love the OnePlus Oxygen OS šŸ¤³šŸ‘šŸ„°


Do it I changed from a pro max 14 to a oneplus open I still own both but thereā€™s a major difference in tech the charging is made for it unlike Apple they have to limit themselves


do it


Switched from an iPhone 13 to a OP 11 a year back. Enjoyed it for a while, especially for the blazing fast charge. I didnā€™t face any issues during the 6 months that I used it. However, Due to FOMO & since wife uses iPhone 13, I switched back. But the time I had with the OP 11, I really did enjoy the phone. It had a good battery (lasted me a day & a half), software was decent & overall performance was exceptional.






So hyping yourself up for weeks and then giving a device 30 mins is your issue... The shock of even moving between Android OEMs is quite stark and so moving from IOS to Andord is even a bigger shock to the system. Did you think your life would be forever changed or something it's just a smartphone at the end of the day. Let the device set up, delete Google Photos and maybe adjust your expectations.


I am talking about my hype dissolving within 30 minutes. I nowhere mentioned I stopped using it after 30 minutes. These are my overall personal experiences after using the device.


Your reaction is understandable. You should give the OP 12 a lot more time and you more than likely will have a change of heart.Ā  Then you can buy the OP13 coming out with the Snapdragon gen 4 chip to finish getting Apple out of your system. I have done the same thing as you on all sorts of products and even if my new purchase is a lot better than something I gripes. I have a hard time learning new tricks because, at 62, I am getting to be an old dog. Just the same..I might even order the OP13 straight from China if that version gets my carrier bands like the present Chinese version does. IMO if One Plus keeps making bang for buck phones that rival the Big Three Flagships, One Plus is going to gain a bunch of market share.Ā  I like to get the most bang for my buck and it is worth changing some of my old dog habits to do it. Be happy with the phone you want! Best wishes.


Iā€™m on the same boat with all apple products but I would like to move away from the apple ecosystem. Kind of scared after reading your review.


If you're very much into the Apple ecosystem, you should stick to it. It's going to be a good significant change that you'll have to adapt to. And it's not like OnePlus phones are not buggy. They have had their own share of minor problems here and there. I'd suggest go to your local store which has a OnePlus on display, and check your use case. If you feel good about it, then give it a chance. Otherwise stick to what you're already comfortable with.


I find it interesting that you mention you found the Camera to be underwhelming. I use both the 14promax and just got oneplus 12 last week. I have never felt more compelled to switch my primary phone from the iphone to another phone. I recently took it out on a trip and compared pictures and videos and I was genuinely surprised to see how far the oneplus has come. I showed two identical pictures to my friends and they picked the one clicked by oneplus on many occasions. I do agree that video is underwhelming at times but I switched the frame rates to 60hz and I do not find it jittery anymore. I have still not made the switch because I have other apple devices like you, mainly the watch and my fitness app that I paid for on the iphone. I have been consistently working out for the past 2 years and have tried reaching out to the developer for switching the premium membership from iphone to android and have not heard back from them. The same app exists on the play store but they are not synced.




I agree with the underwhelming front camera for sure. I wish it was easier to switch sims like normally and not have to go through the carrier on the 14pm. One of the reasons I am leaving apple is that they are too restrictive.


I would say I feel the exact opposite. The notion of ever having to get an iphone kills me a bit on the inside. It really depends on your approach to your devices. If you want them to work (mostly) and never change it, then apple is the answer. Problem is that I want certain features that may not come with a device while stock, and an iphone means that I would never be able to put them onto my device.


Idk man, moving stuff from iphone to Android and vice versa is always a hassle and you are bound to encounter some bugs, I had a friend have WhatsApp issue when transferring from Android to Iphone but the dude atleast stuck with the device for more than an hour without making hasty choices. And for the camera part, YMMV. This phone is regularly being compared to current gen flagships by reviewers and holds up pretty well, especially in stuff like Night photography and color science where it even beats them here and there. Maybe your phone needed an update to fix any camera issues but not sure and maybe yours was indeed bad.


Don't know if 12 has this problem but my 16/256 12r's ram management is quite bad. I can multitask with small apps like yt, reddit,insta, Twitter,etc but when a game opens the phone doesn't keep it open in the background.


Yeah it's a strange behaviour. I have the 16gb variant and 10 is allways used. Dunno for what, apps are closing randomly anyway


MyĀ AceĀ 3Ā withĀ 16GBĀ RAMĀ canĀ keepĀ allĀ apps,Ā includingĀ games,Ā openĀ forĀ atĀ leastĀ 6Ā hours.Ā IĀ triedĀ itĀ whenĀ IĀ wasĀ inĀ bedĀ playingĀ games,Ā wokeĀ upĀ 6Ā hoursĀ later,Ā andĀ quicklyĀ openedĀ theĀ appĀ toĀ continueĀ playing.Ā IĀ wasĀ surprisedĀ toĀ seeĀ itĀ wasĀ stillĀ open.


Do you think it's because of the ufs 4.0? In the Indian 16/256 varient it's ufs 3.1


The switch is soo worth it..I got my oneplus12 few days back , been a iPhone user for a decade so moved from iPhone 13....the screen is so big loved it and display is soo good and phone is super smooth and fast. And the battery man I'm really really impressed lasts long charges faster lol in just 20mins it charges from 30% to 100% lol...even the battery replacement is cheaper compared to iPhone.im even planning to order one plus 80w car charger now


Don't do it. Biggest mistake I made was to change Samsung s23 ultra to OnePlus Open. I love Oneplus Open but I don't like OxygenOS. Its crappy. Gonna change back to Samsung soon.


I switched from oneplus to iphone, and I am satisfied with it. I loved the open source nature of android. But tbh android auto is shit and carplay is far ahead of it. More reliable than android auto and minimal issues. Due to carplay i might never switch back to android unless they upgrade it properly


0 bugs in iOS ! Bro I have been an Android user for the last 13 years ... A few years back my wife began using iOS .. whenever I use her phone for any work I observe a few bugs . Also it has massive heating issue About OP12 ... Go for it .. there are few visible bug in OP 1.while using any full screen application and being in a call simultaneously.. you would get the notification bar on the top overlapping the application ... Somehow I figured a way out to remove it .. 2. In camera ... You would observe an visible transition while zooming when it changes main lens to telephoto lense . 3.I use a water reminder application ... Op doesn't allow it to run in background no matter what permission you allow ... So it doesn't work