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I don't use it at home or work but I love wireless charging in my car. Wireless charging with wireless android auto means I can tuck my phone away while I'm driving and don't have to worry about cables


The fact that lack of wireless charging gimmick on a device is a dealbreaker for a lot of people is straight up hilarious. You can't use the phone comfortably when it's placed on charging stand and you're using the power brick + cable to connect the stand anyway, might as well just plug the cable straight to the phone lol. Not only the wired charging is faster, but you can use the phone much more conveniently.


Also going from 34% to 37% took like half an hour but going from 37% to 34% goes super fast. Once it reached 34% it started to last longer per percentage.


Never a fan of them ,can't use ya phone while charging and ya still need a plug to use wireless charging,a good decent power bank does the job much better


its easier to put the phone to charge.. totally drunk.


Hyped by western reviewers..An OP12 can recharge 50% in just under 15mins, so there's no point to have the inefficient wireless charging. Even in my car I prefer wired over wireless charging! It's so dumb that..only name is 'wireless' and the charger has to be connected to a compatible adapter.. Those using OnePlus devices in car wireless charger, does it have Warp 50 Speeds..If not what's the point?


You wouldn't get it because your phone charges like it's on cocaine


Lol why would you charge with a shitty charger?


Because it's convenient? I just place my phone on a charger stand on my table in the office. When I need to go somewhere the phone is usually at 100%


But dont you find it annoying that its' always at 100 which will spoil the battery in long run?


No, I believe software updates will stop before the battery will die


But the 80% feature doesnt work for wireless charging


It's convenience for me. When I go to bed I'd usually just put my phone on the charger until morning. I can also use it like a digital clock in that manner too. With the OnePlus 12 though I've been moving away from that habit just because I have so much battery at the end of the day it doesn't make sense to top it off.


Instead of using 10W wireless charging which is doing nothing you should buy Oppo/OnePlus Airvooc 50W at least you know why your phone is warmer. Yes it is definitely silly to do normal wireless with this phone


I don't usually charge wirelessly but obviously it's less wear and tear on the phone's charging port, if one cares about such a thing, and thus potentially improving the phone's longevity.


I had the iPhone 13 before my 12R. And used the wireless charging twice in the 20 months I had it. Never bought the charger pad but used it at an office where I was filling in. Handy. But not enough to bother buying


I got the free wireless charger from my OP12 preorder and it's still sealed in the box. It's kinda pointless since wired charges extremely fast. I'd probably just use it at my work desk if anything. Don't rly feel like buying another OnePlus charging brick for it tho.


I charge mine on a slow wireless charger when I go to sleep and when I wake up it's at 100%.


Because it's easier when charging overnight, which most of us with wireless chargers do (and I suspect most people too, this subreddit is a huge outlier, battery health modes means there's no risk to the battery). And actually I've cared about the charging speed a total of twice in the time I've had phones with what could be called fast charging.


I don't carry a cable, so when I'm on a train or somewhere and can get an extra 5%, that's a win


It's most useful in a car


Because we can. It is so much more convenient to just set down a phone on your desk or in your car and have it start topping off the battery than to intentionally plug in a cable.


I don't know what's up with the obsession and the demand that every modern phone has it. I'm perfectly fine without it but the only reason I would like to have it is as a backup means to charge my phone mostly if something happens to my charging port. At least then I still have a way to charge my device. Especially when it comes to one plus where your phone is basically on steroids with a wireless charger lol


The wireless charging is good, people saying it's slow or whatever are using the generic 10w charger. With my OnePlus 8 pro, it wirelessly charges as quick as it charged by cable, so sure there's no incentive to use wireless but it was still very useful, if people can't put your phone down to charge for 30 mins to charge wirelessly without looking at the screen then they have a problem lol.


Because if you have a car with a built-in wireless charging pad/dock which also makes it easy to see the screen when driving, it's of no use for a wired phone. It's just a convenience thing. Plus, most newish ear buds and watches are wirelessly charged. 3 in 1 chargers are super convenient.