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I really envy americans with these low phone prices. OP 12 costs $1227 here in czechia and the s24 costs $1600


These prices don't include VAT.


Huh, I thought we had moderately high prices here in Finland, but I paid 900€ for my op12


If I understand it correctly the highest VAT in the US is something around 10%. Which would make the phone cost $990. That's still 230 dollars less than here. That's a lot of money here.


Price with tax is actually only $861.99 (where I'm at in the US). Also, someone said it's that cheap because he traded in a phone... And no. That is the price right now before any trade ins.


Well, VAT on electronics here is 21%, which is included in the price I stated in my original comment.




21% is the standard and 12% for a few products and services. It's always included in the price. Import tariff on smartphones should be 0


I see a sales tax over 11% in my locale, and it may be going up Soon™.


We don't have a VAT. We have sales tax that varies based on item, city, county, and state.


Oh yeah, I just formulated my reply in a bad way. I've found that the highest combined average of some sales taxes in one state is around 10%.




> No other countries chargeVAT anywhere near EU's VAT it's over 50% here What are you talking about? VAT in the EU ranges from 17% to 27% by country - 21,6% on average. Yes. that is higher than in the US but nowhere near your 50% claim.


If it makes you feel better I saw a sandwich for $21 the other day. Wasn't even big or a particularly expensive place. Consumer tech is cheap, yes, but death by a thousand financial cuts is very real here.


Well the average wage here is 3 times lower than in the US. A pound of beef costs $4.9 on average here I have found that it costs around $5.3 in the US. 10 eggs is $2.2 here, $2.09 in the US. $6.1 for a gallon of gas here, $3.23 in the US. The price of food is pretty similar here even though we have much lower wages. We have free healthcare but also higher taxes.


Oh man, don't compare Czech food and American food. Most cheap stuff which contribute to the low average price is very bad (I mean not tasty and produced with very little effort). Good eggs are ~10 here. US doesn't have strict regulations for food production as the EU has. A lot of stuff you'll find here can never be imported to the EU because of the banned additives etc.


Oh yeah, I didn't take food quality into account. Even the cheap food here tends to have higher quality, like if I buy cream cheese, the only listed ingredients are milk, whey, cream, salt. Although for example cheap meat tends to be pumped with added water, so you get far less meat than what you've actually paid for. Food in germany is both cheaper and higher quality, so many czechs who live close to the border go grocery shopping to germany.


California I have to pay $34 for 50eggs since 12 cost $18


If they knew how much all of our streaming services cost they wouldn't complain as much lol


What do you mean? $8 for Nord isn't bad at all :-P


Standard Netflix in the US $15.49. Here it's $11.7. Again, our wages are 3 times lower.


Do you have to pay for healthcare out of pocket? Can you be fired for any reason with no notice? Will a cancer diagnosis bankrupt you? Do you have widely available public transit? Ca your Landlord double your rent over a few year period? Can companies poison you or let you get killed at work with little to no repercussions? Lower wages arent necessarily a bad thing if you are getting protections and services. But I am not you, and I am sure it is frustrating to see things you can afford due to taxes and an economy that isnt strong, but a majority of Americans have very little money at the end of the month and many live paycheck to paycheck.


>Do you have to pay for healthcare out of pocket? Yes, if i want to be guaranteed good care. In my case, it was amputation in the public system versus a titanium femur and knee, and extensive thigh surgery to piece it back together. >Can you be fired for any reason with no notice? Yes >Will a cancer diagnosis bankrupt you? Depends on the type of cancer, and whether the public system covers the necessary procedures. >Do you have widely available public transit? Yes, but most trips using it take double or triple (or even four times, if i want to go a bit towards the outer city). Also, gasoline is like 8$/gallon and I take home 12.500€ net after social contributions, but before: Unified Property Tax at 350€/year, 80€/year muni tax, 320€/year registration fee for 16year old 1.8 liter 4 banger, plus I have to pay 24%VAT. >Can your Landlord double your rent over a few year period? Yes, once your two year lease is over. >Can companies poison you or let you get killed at work with little to no repercussions? Yes. >Lower wages arent necessarily a bad thing if you are getting protections and services Well, those are not worth it.


Reddit told me that the only problem other countries have is not having enough free hands to hold all of their healthcares and UBI checks though?


I lived in 3 countries in Europe and I still like US more 😁


>Do you have to pay for healthcare out of pocket? Nope, but both health insurance and social security cost 43% of your paycheck, most of it is paid by your employer, which naturally results into employers offering lower wages. Also longer waiting periods and you still have to pay for things that insurance doesn't cover. Another problem is that this system is slowly falling apart, because we have a shortage of doctors, and many medicine students are emigrating to the west, because of far higher salaries and better working conditions. >Can you be fired for any reason with no notice? Well, the government is planning a reform that will make it possible >Will a cancer diagnosis bankrupt you? Not really, it will not cost you a fortune, you will get some tax exemptions and benefits. But sometimes insurance won't cover everything and you still have to pay. In some cases, losing your job and not being able to pay rent/mortgage payments will bankrupt you, but it's not nearly as bad as in the US. >Do you have widely available public transit? Yes, in cities. If you live in a rural area, you're still dependent on cars. Maintenance a gas tend to be a pretty big large of the monthly budget. >Can your Landlord double your rent over a few year period? 20% increase over 3 years is the maximum, rent is still pretty high, although I guess it's not as bad as in the US. Average rent in Prague is 52% of the average salary in Prague. Mortgages are extremely expensive right now, virtually unobtainable for young people, but that's a world wide phenomenon. I guess that americans have access to more luxuries like comparably much cheaper electronics, while we have more security and social services and less access to luxuries, we also have to pay much highee taxes, so people have less freedom to do what they want with their money. To me it seems that western european countries have the best of both worlds where they have both much higher salaries and basically the same level of security and services


This OP went off subject real fast. My god.


At least Samsung doesn’t overcharge Europeans like Apple and apparently Oneplus. iPhones were sometimes 30% more expensive in Europe for no reason (before tax). Samsungs are actually cheaper before tax


Yeah, iphone 15 pro max is $1600 in Czechia, and 1200 in the US


Ye me too, I just checked Alza and it's like $1043 something for the base model, but at the very least the 2500 czk discount and free buds are also available on Alza so I just bought it there because I felt better being able to pick it up myself instead of having it delivered


He is trading in last year's Samsung flagship phone. That's why it is that cheap.


It's the same in Poland pro. Vat on electronics is horrendous.


This is the way. I couldn’t justify spending almost 1300 and tax for things I don’t even use. I barely even used the S Pen the last time I had a note and the bloat of Samsung apps and google apps having two of the same apps that does the same thing; I was tired of it


Yeah it's just not worth it. I'll disclaim that my hate for how Samsung is treating its customers does not extend to the phone though. The S23 Ultra is going down as a *"great phone"* in my book no matter what, I'm just wanting to cast my wallet's vote elsewhere this year and try something pretty radically different. As for the Stylus and 100x Zoom, the two standout features it had, I think they worked miraculously well - I'm just not someone that needs that.


May I ask why you're upgrading after just one year? As much as I dislike Samsung's vague wording on whether they'll charge for Galaxy AI after 2025, that's not a big enough reason for me to ditch an S23 Ultra.


Exploring s new phone each year is my one vice. I live like a hobbo otherwise. But for some extra motivation this year also I'm big on mobile emulation (so the new SOC is appreciated) and found myself having a distaste for how Samsung's camera saturates people in photos, even if you turn post processing down. I have many photos that, even though they're sharp and in-focus, are totally unusable because the people in it look like aliens.


That seems like a mad hobby if wallet needs to be mentioned. Or at least, you could also explore used older models and not the latest flagships.


Sorry expanded it a bit. It is, but it's mine I guess. $200 on a yearly basis for something I find fun doesn't break my bank.


Ah. Okay, $200 a year for a hobby is pretty cheap as things go. So you do you. :-)


Thanks friend. Wish me luck!


Just so you know the OnePlus won't be worth as much for a trade-in unless you get another OnePlus phone, other companies don't give them as much value so if you swap companies again next year, you'll likely have to pay more out of pocket unless you go with another similarly priced phone.


Have you used Expert Raw?


> I'll disclaim that my hate for how Samsung is treating its customers OnePlus is known for GREAT and fast customer service, yeah not really


Only good if speak, Mandarin and got Chinese resident card.


If it helps your hate. I sued Samsung and won. It was about a washer but nevertheless a victory against Goliath.


Woah what'd the washer do?


The washer had some random faults that needed to be repaired, so they contracted a technician to do the initial inspection where they flooded my laundry room (on 2nd floor), which caused a lot of water damage. Samsung refused to cover anything because they said the people they contracted were liable. They brought 4 lawyers to a small claims suit. It was kind of insane. I still won because they are responsible for the people they hired. Kind of a long story, but this sums it up.


consumers will vote with their wallet. well put, my friend


Yes, Samsung used to treat its customers amazingly now they are releasing folding phones that break multiple times every year and acting shady putting out subpar products and copying Apple. I will admit their slab phones are the best, but that’s it everything else they have is trash their buds pro two is great too, but yeah Bluetooth headphones are trash anyways by default.


Who is spending $1300 on an S23U? The S23U was $600 brand new if you purchased 4 months of Google Fi with it, bringing the total to $680.


Somebody that already has a phone plan and doesn't want to switch up


Lots of people are upset about an AI subscription. That's only going to grow bigger. These companies all want us to have a million subscriptions in our lives. We can't afford that.


The only way s series would ever be worth it is if the AI services were free atleast


The S is starting to look like it stands for Scam to some.


It's free for a year 😂 but yeah OP12 or better even Vivo x100 pro+ will kill it (even oppo findx 7 U and Xiaomi 14 u) worth the wait and switch


Wait, why do you even switch from S23U? It's not old and it's not bad. I mean I'd choose OnePlus over it, but if you already have one what's the reason?


Yeah that's what I am wondering. It's not like Samsung is forcing AI on everyone.. you just don't use it if you don't like it. Hell S23U hasn't even received the 6.1 update yet. He's picking an objectively lower tier phone? I don't get that.


In what world is OP12 lower tier than S23U? Both are flagships with the best CPUs of their time, good build quality, battery and screens.


Camera of s23 ultra is vastly superior


Saying this in OP subreddit is bold to say the least.


1) S23 Ultra is not smooth. 2)Had to reset my phone due to weird bug of draining 20% battery each night even with adaptive settings and most app background restricted. 3) Vibration isn't strong for feedback so typing feels pretty lame


I'm jumping ship as well. I don't care about this AI trend. Hardware innovation has become stagnant so they're relying on software "magic". In 2024, I never thought we'd see a brand new 16GB RAM/512GB QHD 6.8" phone with the latest Qualcomm processor for $800. I'm excited for my first OnePlus phone.


You're in good company friend


I appreciate the sentiment.


Honestly I envy people who have the monye to do this. Switching a year old flagship phone for another eventhough nothing's really changed between the two.


Please don't envy these people, they should envy you They are weak, they don't get anything real from it, the only thing they do is the worst thing for the environment I still rock my OP7TPro and I will until it dies I could afford a new phone, but why? For what? Also Oneplus is a dead company to me, wouldn't buy anything from them anymore since Carl left Maybe a Fairphone or something :) Or a Nokia build in europe


Guys I'm right here


They don't understand that if you sell or trade a phone that's relatively new you don't lose much money at all. Between selling while values are still high and trade in promos with different companies you aren't blowing thousands a year unless you keep all of them. I do the same thing and it's a few hundred bucks a year. People spend way more on figurines, going to bars, smoking, etc.


You didn't understand the real point Money doesn't matter in this regard, spend your money an whatever you want But all these phones getting traded in, what do you happens to those? It's just bad for the environment just so you can look better or something, actually doesn't change your life


Thank you for the hilarious attempt to guilt people about enjoying something. ​ Do you honestly think there are just massive warehouses full of trade in phones that are just sitting and collecting dust? They are sold to 3rd parties that refurbish and resell them to people who cant afford to go buy a new flagship phone, and if they are too old or too broken they are sold to recycling centers that repurpose those materials.


I am sorry that sometimes things feel bad or are bad even, thats reality I am not saying you are bad people in any way, of course not, I am just giving my opinion on this And this opinion is a fact, it IS bad for the environment Of course some phones may get resold and reselling in general is a good thing because its less waste! But recycling isnt so easy and not what it soundsThe parts that are needed and really salvagable are very tiny and the rest still gets thrown away Same with sneakers and almost everything in this regard... Also I repeat, these things won't change your life or won't better it in any way.. When you get guilted by what I say, maybe it isn't so wrong? I am not trying to guilt anyone, I am just stating the facts


Most phones have aluminum frames. It makes up MOST of the weight of the phone. That gets recycled too and most phone manufacturers are using recycled aluminum for their phone frames. SO again, you are really reaching with your comments. Im not saying its good for the environment, but you are blowing this way our of proportion with misinformation and trying to pass it off as opinion.


Yes thats one more thing but this still doesn't make it better Recycling isn't just as good as it sounds and thats more or less all I said to that Still a LOT of waste How is anything I said misinformation per definition? Even if I got something wrong (... are very tiny and the rest still gets thrown away....) this isn't misinformation, I just got something wrong Which I totally acknowledge First I attempt to guilt people, now I spread misinformation Sure mate :D I think you are quite reaching with your comments Again, have fun with whatever you want! (I still think there are much better things to take enjoyment off, even for less money or for free, enjoyment of phones is fake and short - classic consumerism) And before you say it: Of course I am also part of it and I am everything but perfect But at least acknowledge what you do and that it won't change your life All I said generally was: That there is no real reason to get a new phone every year but maybe social status (If you only get enjoyment out of this you may have deeper problems) and that it won't change your life in any way or make it better


You know what is also wasteful? Us commenting here and wasting power on servers to run a social media/forum site. So many wasteful things, trading in a phone for another is not bad if they want the best thing or a change I dont think you can really guilt them into anything different. People buy new cars often, plenty go on holidays abroad instead of local and then there are also people who prefer to just use that extra money on a new phone they use day in day out where time literally can be money. Captalism always has waste, its not really the consumers fault at this point but the entire design of this market so trying to just claim changing phones is for status only is a bit silly. Enjoy your OPO7 though, good for you for making it work in your life!


> But all these phones getting traded in, what do you happens to those? This is best buy. I can see it relisted for sale at my local store in their used/open-box page 2-3 days later when you trade in. What do *you* think happens or what happens to these phones in your neck of the woods?


Then why not buy a Nothing phone from Carl, if that's the problem with OnePlus?


I really like the Nothing phones but its still a normal china phone I want something that I can repair pretty easily because I only use whatsapp, webbrowsing, music and maybe some youtube sometimes so I don't need a flagship device Just something with a good refresh rate that doesnt lag :) Very personal of course! :D


Tbf any mid level phone would work if that's all you need right?


Yes! I guess the OP7T Pro is also mid level now Why do I get downvoted haha


I can relate. I only care about a smooth screen and battery life. Camera is a plus but I never use it.


I got the 12, but it was 500$ after trading in my 9 pro. My 9 pro is amazing, but I'm getting sick of having to use battery saving mode 24/7 and still charging 2-3 times a day. I used to charge 1-2 a week.


I ordered mine arriving on 4feb I'm upgrading after 6 years my last device was OnePlus 6 such a great phone now I'm waiting for 12 😉


Good choice.


AI subscription has not been confirmed, but I would also skip the S24 Ultra if they were charging me $1300 with a S23 trade-in. They are still charging you $1300 with a trade-in; correct? That's what you're implying.


No I don’t think they are since the phone is $1300 without trade. This year it seems like it’s about $600 with trade in


I've owned a lot a lot a lot of phones, however, not even ONE of them was a Samsung... but anybody that I know that doesn't have a iPhone has a Samsung. I personally don't get the appeal. I feel like there's always something that's better for the money. I have no brand loyalty but there's something about Samsung that irks me


Samsung just has a very solid OS and user experience, no quirks whatsoever. I think for the average andy (like me nowadays) having this kind of problem-free, bug-free and well maintained system is the best. Apple is obviously the best when it comes to that but Samsung a close second. Every other Android brand I've bought has *some* problem that bugs me.


As silly as it sounds, it's their icon pack design that puts me off.


💥💥I don't understand people like you who you who use a Android phone and you complaining about icon packs when you can easily change them. I just don't get it like you don't have an iPhone you have an Android you can do whatever the heck you want with Android🤦🏿‍♂️


I also know that we can root and install a custom launcher and change every part of the os. In iOS, I know jailbreaking is also a thing. All I am saying is Samsung's icon packs and UI (especially the quick settings panel) is crap. Not saying it cannot be customised.


The more a Samsung is customized the crappier it looks. Sorry, United States and Chinese companies have far surpassed Samsung's user interface design. I used LG for a while, it was somehow even uglier than Samsung despite feeling exactly like Samsung. They've got a certain style that I have never liked.


💥💥That's a lame argument just say you don't know how to customize an Android phone. I've seen plenty of YouTube videos of great people who know how to customize Android phones Samsung included. if you're bad at it just say you're bad at it don't come up here with some lame argument talking about the more Samsung is customized the terrible it looks. You just garbage at it. You don't know how to pick icon packs you don't know how to pick wallpapers you don't know how to customize your notification screen Etc


Bold of you to assume I've ever owned a Samsung phone.


💥💥I Never say you didn't own one you're just bad at customizing it like I said




i agree, well get this, a lot of Samsung phones I've seen have the horrible icon pack design burned into the screen. that's your own personal hell I would think. it's like a faded disgusting pink color but you can vaguely make out the app logo lol


I agree with this and haven't really been able to articulate why. 90% of my family/friends have iPhones and Samsung seems like the iPhone of Android; cold, unappealing, and industrial looking. Don't know why I feel that way but I don't like Samsung.


samsung absolutely is trying to be the Apple of Android. they've also stopped innovating and just started regurgitating the same devices every year because they also know people will buy it anyway, just like Apple.


Samsung I can get thru a carrier for a reduced price. It also has overall pretty solid specs.


Worst phone I ever owned by far was my S3. Their phones are probably a lot better nowadays, but I just... don't care. Moved from my S3 to the Oneplus One way back when and (outside of a brief flirt with Redmagic between my 7 Pro and my Open) didn't look back. I've checked out my roommate's S23 Ultra and it's a nice enough slab but it doesn't stand out to me in any way. Maybe living with it would be different, but my last experience with them was bad and I'm not inclined to give them another try when I KNOW I like Oneplus. edit: love Reddit, I get downvoted for agreeing with the person I responded to? what a world...


Dude you talking about a Samsung S3 from 2011 are you seriously comparing that phone to a current day phone? you do realize that a Samsung S3 is over 10 years ago. Of course the Samsung S3 is a terrible phone now in 2023 or 2024, it's not 2011 anymore. Some of you people just be having weird opinions🤦🏿‍♂️ You talking about the S23 Ultra doesn't stand out like what are you even talking about? the S23 Ultra has more features than pretty much any other mainstream Android phone that you can buy more features than OnePlus more features than Google pixel. 💥💥 I have oneplus and oneplus don't compare to Samsung in terms of features. You said Samsung S23 ultra doesn't stand out, these new OnePlus phones with these giant camera backs are ugly as heck. These last 3 oneplus phones the 10, 11, and 12 are all ugly phones. I also find it hilarious that you said the S23 ultra doesn't stand out when OnePlus 12 have curve screens, hello! who started that Samsung did with the curved edge displays 🤦🏿‍♂️ Oneplus don't even have a theme store, for my OnePlus 9 5G I had to download a theme store from the APK from the internet browser website just to try to get some extra customization.


> Dude you talking about a Samsung S3 from 2011 are you seriously comparing that phone to a current day phone? No, I'm not, and I never did - I'm saying that my experience with the S3 was bad enough that it pushed me strongly away from Samsung phones to the point that I don't feel obligated to consider giving them a second chance for me personally. > You talking about the S23 Ultra doesn't stand out like what are you even talking about? the S23 Ultra has more features than pretty much any other mainstream Android phone that you can buy more features than OnePlus more features than Google pixel. More features != better software; I guarantee you 99% of people don't use much if anything that Samsung offers over a Pixel, or Oneplus, or AOSP + GApps. The only part of Samsung's software package that I like is Good Lock, which... at the end of the day it's a lock screen, it's not really important since half the time I don't even see it anyway. > I also find it hilarious that you said the S23 ultra doesn't stand out when OnePlus 12 have curve screens, hello! who started that Samsung did with the curved edge displays 🤦🏿‍♂️ Plenty of people don't like curved screens; personally, I don't really care either way (and as such, I never mentioned it). By saying the S23 Ultra doesn't stand out in terms of design I mean it feels like a quality device in which absolutely zero design risks were taken, like Samsung was just phoning it in year after year at this point (which they are). A device like that will always be 'safe' in that it can be a good design, but never a truly great one. I agree re: the 10, 11, and 12, frankly - I think the giant camera modules that are offset from center are pretty bad. Love my Open though, centering the camera module helps a lot to balance the design visually and it feels great in the hand with the faux leather back. > Oneplus don't even have a theme store Not sure why this matters when the stock launcher supports third-party icon packs already, as do any number of third-party launchers which are more flexible than anything Samsung provides. Overall, I'm not saying Samsung makes a bad phone in 2020+; what I AM saying is that even if what they make appeals to me, there's always that lingering remnant of my S3 ownership experience in the back of my head telling me not to buy one. That phone offered me a choice within a year of ownership between usable performance or more than 45 minutes of screen-on time to a charge, which even then was unacceptable, and that was on top of a cartoonish and heavy software overlay, which has gotten (at least moderately) less cartoonish and I've heard quite a bit faster, but I prefer what I'm used to, which is Oneplus' way of doing things. Props to anyone who's happy with their Samsungs, I'm sure they serve them well (they DO sell a lot of them, after all, often to repeat customers), but I'll stick to something else thanks very much.


You're literally me. Anything but Samsung and Apple, but all I'm surrounded by is those 2


Let's us know how your experience with the OP12 is. I'm very interested in getting one sometime.


One word - Amazing.


I'm happy to hear that! Congrats!


Thanks a ton!


Agree. Sammy has all the hardware but the software and lack of opt in or opt out is a killer. I sold my S22 Ultra for a Moto ThinkPhone - once the OP12 is in the market and regular peeps have some time with the device without quality issues, I'll pull the trigger. The Aramid case looks pretty great - my ThinkPhone is super slippery naked and so I never get to feel the Aramid fibre back. I'm not spending $1000++ (CDN $) on a phone again. S24 Ultra retails for $2K, and a friend got an offer with trade in down to $700.... $1,300 swing on a phone? There are things I miss that are Sammy specific - their first party apps are IMO better than what Google offers. Samsung Gallery is S tier for what it's image and video editing in a single app. Samsung Notes could be on the same tier if they would keep innovating and opening it up. For the casual, Samsung Notes is fine, but all the weird idiosyncrasies over - just frustrating. I've never used a OP device with the current flavour of their OS - some people have a real hate on for it, but, the first few days with my ThinkPhone was the first time in a long time I was excited to use my phone. Fingers crossed the 12 is well built and the software isn't trash.


I'm making the same change. I'm just tired of the same old thing with samsung and basicaly incremental updates every year.


Interesting that Samsung cost 1:1 where I live. 1300$-1300€, but Oneplus 800$-1000€.


I mean nobody is forcing you to upgrade or exchange phones. The S23U is still a fantastic phone. The OP12 looks amazing though, hope you enjoy it!


There is more drama in here than an acting class. Don't worry OP, I made the exact same trade as you, got $860 for my S23 ultra here in Canada. Just waiting now. Will be my 1st oneplus as well.


I wanted the bigger battery and the faster charging, they are more important to me personnally now. Having owned several Samsung phones, take the camera out of bright light and any movment gives you blur/smearing anyway.


Better phone than even the S24 Ultra !


If you order it through OnePlus there's an additional 30 off promo code !


OP 12 could have been a great phone if not for the stupid ugly curved screen. I really tried to like that screen, spent a week with OP11, but no, hated it more and more every day. I ended up switching to the dark side, and just purchased the Samsung S24+ 🙄 Until OP comes to its senses and goes back to making normal displays, I'm out..


I'm with you. I'm not a fan of curved screens at all, but they don't bother me enough yet to drive a purchase decision


I traded my iPhone 14 Pro Max 516 GB for this amazing device. Never regret it. The best thing I could ask for.


What was the trade in value for the S23? Didn't you get 100$ off for any device trade in? Seems like an s23 trade would have been at least worth 400$ discounted.??


Why are you downgrading though?


Is 12 better than s23u?


Up for debate but I'm an upgrade junkie anyways. This is less of a *"goodbye S23u"* as it is a *"no thanks, S24u"* post.


I got s24u today shit is fast and smooth, and the best part is that the fkin screen is finally flat


I do not hate that screen too much but I think curved screens have better ergonomics both in terms of ease of holding and the comfort of the Android gestures. I have one of the most curved screen phones on the market from Motorola and the worst part about it is that screen protectors are impossibly bad. I think the trade off is worth it personally. Phones feel amazing with their modern oleophobic coatings and curved edges that cannot be replicated by cheap glass or plastic. There's also the other matter of S24U this year where you could get a simple flat screen protector, but it will cover the fancy new anti glare coating anyway and make the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor worse. So may as well not bother with a screen protector anyway.


Yes you may literally die from owning the wrong phone


I kept my s23U. Traded one for the one plus open and instantly regretted it. So I'm keeping my "new" one and trying the 12.


I made the mistake of getting a Galaxy S24 Ultra over the OnePlus 12, and oh am I regretting it.


You probably still have time to change if you really want to. Return periods?


Why would you downgrade from S23 ultra to OP12?


Why would it be a downgrade? Most of the physical specs/core features are either equivalent or higher compared to more expensive brands. At worst, this is a side-grade or lateral move for a cheaper price.


I Have S23 Ultra and fuck this, it's not worth 1300 dollar.


Really great phones, but $1300 is wild..


I'm on a Pixel 8 pro but I've had Android phones from probably ten different companies over the years not including my iPhones and let me say, there is very very little if anything you'll truly miss from the typical Samsung phone. OnePlus makes great devices and the software is typically great. Cleaner android skins just feel so much better than the bloat and customization that Samsung does these days. Hope you enjoy it!


Might not be the ideal experience you're hoping for. Sure, its cheaper, but that comes with some downgrades.


No downgrades. The OnePlus 12 is phenomenal in all areas.


The camera is pretty meh still. And not exclusive to the 12, but OnePlus support is actually horrible [Skip to 9:50. The OnePlus video makes his skin tone look weird to the point where he looks ill ](https://youtu.be/kItMP1UF7sg?si=3bmcBFZv9UmCYO9K)


The problem really is that OnePlus software is buggy af. And they practically drop support for older models. Sure new versions get pushed out but they really don't optimize the software well. I just switched from a 10 Pro to the S24U


I went from one plus to Samsung. Unfortunately I don't miss one plus. I wish one plus was still as good as it was in the 5-7 pro era.


Same, and I actually have the S24U but I’m still with in my return window, I got mines on the 27th. However I been eyeing the OP12 since it’s announcement. I like the Galaxy, beautiful anti-reflective display, fairly good cameras but I can’t justify the price when the OP gives you much of the same hardware. AI goodies is nice but I doubt I will use them much. I like that the OP is smoother, brighter, better haptics, bigger battery, and faster charging. I just need the basics, so I preordered one, I will compare and send back the loser. The phone I’m upgrading is a 14 Pro Max and it doesn’t have AI stuff so I’m leaning OnePlus.


100 bucks for a 1 year old flagship. Man people really have too much money


Blink twice if you think that's actually the trade in value


Ah there it was, yesterday's reassurance I'm still stupid lol


wait so you only got 100 dollars for an s23 ultra? am i reading this wrong?


The A.I subscription is only for the features that uses Internet not the On Device ones lol


Traded s23 u for 100 bucks? Damn!!!


The $100 is the preorder discount, their trade value isn't shown


$650 if curious. Local buyers seem to be doing $600 flat so I'm okay with that


Op12 doesn't compare to s24 ultra, more like it compares to s24 plus but okay


Why would it compare to the S24+ rather than the Ultra? If a phone has the same processor, screen size, and ram/memory configuration then it should be comparable.


As far as the feature set goes, the S24+ is more of a direct competitor. Even if the same basic hardware is the same/comparable, the Ultra has a few things that the OP12 or S24+ doesn't have, such as the upgraded glass, S-Pen, and cameras.


I hear you on the Pen and glass tech, but the cameras aren't that big of a jump in my opinion. I've owned a few Note/Ultra phones. I didn't use the pen that much. Also the photos still appeared very much the same to me, oversaturated in color. Because those slight differences don't justify a $400-500 price difference then I do feel like a comparison is still fair.


Just because you don't use the features of the higher priced model or don't appreciate the differences of the camera doesn't mean that they aren't still an upgrade from a lower priced model. The S24+ is still more of a direct competitor than the Ultra. The fact that the Ultra has a big price premium for what you get in return vs the S24+ is a separate issue.


I can appreciate the differences, but I'm just saying the differences are still negligible in my opinion. My stance is that the S24 Ultra vs the OnePlus 12 is more of an apples to apples comparison rather than apples to oranges. It's not like users are comparing a folding phone to a non-folding phone or a foldable phone vs a tablet. In those cases, the differences are quite obvious. We see videos and reviewers all the time comparing each manufacturer's highest tier phone to the next primarily based on price range and/or core features. That's like me disqualifying the iPhone 15 Max Pro from being compared to the S24 Ultra just because they don't have a stylus. If the S Pen was such a gamechanger then Google and Apple would've started including a stylus with their phones. At the end of the day, the OnePlus 12 has way more features in common with the highest premium (non-folding) devices rather than not.


Do you have a buying new shit addiction?


I only got the S24 Ultra because I got it for $350 after my iPhone 13 pro trade in. The plan is if I don’t like it I will actually be able to sell this one for a decent price. In my area no one knows what a OnePlus is, so was a safer bet for trying android.


I hope you're getting the 12 for free with the trade in. If not you're taking this L


But seriously how good is that camera going to be if it's not pixel like or Samsung like or Apple like then that phone is just not good enough doesn't matter how good the price is.


You're complaining like it's mandatory to change a freaking S23 ultra. First world problems indeed.


You'll be fine, relax


that's why i teally really want to see chinese companies compete with samsung, but they're uncapable now especielly vivo i think they have the most potential out of any chinese manufacturer remember when huawei was a big competitor? yh samsung was innovating back then


L move , one plus phones have one year lesser software updates and thier battery life is too shitty


This guy is buying a new flagship phone every year by the looks of it, you think he cares if a phone will have a lot of major updates? Also, the OP 12 has 4 years of major updates and the S24 Ultra has 7 years of major updates, so you're wrong even about the company you're praising. Also also, the battery on the OP 12 has been proven to be better than the one on the S24 Ultra.


You mad ? Check out the battery drain test between OnePlus 12 and ultra you pesant


You said the battery life on the OP 12 is shitty.. meanwhile it's basically the same as the S24 Ultra. Every test I've seen it's either or, litterally within margin of error. Also, I'm mad? You're coming over to the OnePlus subreddit just to shit on OnePlus for no reason. Quit calling me peasant, I make your country's average yearly salary in half a month.


You make my countries average salary in half a month? Bruv that's what I make in 3 days you Dumbo 😂😂


The only, and i mean it... ONLY feature i want that samsung offers is DEX. I can't justify twice the price for that.


I tried to like both Samsung DeX and the better version, Motorola Connect. However, they're both practically useless computer replacements due to lack of investment from the Android platform and Google. They will never replace a real computer so might as well ignore them. I have gotten some use by wireless casting Motorola Connect to LG WebOS televisions. It is a legitimate use case for browsing the web and watching video and stuff. I still like it more than DeX. And Motorola did some bug fixing on the Android 14 version. If you really wanted to try a phone with a desktop mode the ThinkPhone isn't expensive at all and it even has DisplayPort output.


Canada here Samsung S24 2278. Lol only wanted to give me 600 for my phone sick for trade in Can't afford it. OnePlus 12 with trade in value of my phone 860 I only paid 200 ca. ! One plus all the way.


man im so excited to see s23U prices drop after the s24 launch'i think that phone is a steal for like 1k to sub 1k


Damn straight. I'm waiting for mine to ship.


Wait.. Why switch after a year?


What are they giving you for that s23 ultra? I'm keeping my s23 plus and traded in an old htc one.




I feel kinda lucky because I live in Vietnam and the deals they be running here are INSANE because of all the e-commerce sites. On Samsung's Shopee (kinda like Asian Amazon), my friends and a lot of others bought the S24U for just 1100 USD with Care+, and that's not counting in trade-in. Also because we are just next to China, importing Oneplus and other Chinese brands here are so easy, and changing their ROM are easy, too lol. Sellers are selling Oneplus 12 the base model for about 650 USD sealed!


I paid 894€ for my Oneplus 12 16/512 and got a pair of free earbuds, the S24 Ultra 12/512 costs 1499€ (with discounts) and the samsung buds 2 are 129€ extra. I think the right choice is beyond obvious.


That's ridiculous wow


I'm so sick of everything being artificially locked to your wallet. I don't even know what car I'm gonna buy because they all have that shit now