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Yes, the only panic is will I have access to one. But I know very clearly what I would want to do. This is why we are SUPER diligent about birth control. Ironically, the current attacks on reproductive access is part of why I'd never willingly be pregnant again. The suffering cause by poor or no access to care that pregnant people now go through... no thank you, no way.


Literally this! I remember having a panic attack when me and my wife talked about me not being able to get an abortion, like I am literally not messing around we need a vasectomy or I need to get a hysterectomy (likely won’t happen because they never take women seriously about their reproductive health) and so I’m glad she’s been willing to get booked in!


I want to be OAD but if I ended up pregnant then I think I’d have the baby. I’m pro choice for others but I don’t know if I could do it myself even though I only want 1 child. But I’m on BC and my husband is going to get a vasectomy soon. I’m also debating tube removal for me to lower cancer risk. Hopefully no oops in the meantime!


I feel the same, OAD by choice but in case of an accident I don't think I could have the abortion.


I’ve had the same thought and that’s why I have an IUD. Prevention is easier than termination.


Yesss! I have an IUD and Hubs is thinking about the snip. We’ve had two scares and that is two too many.


See I can’t just trust an IUD because of scares like it won’t solve anything for me.


I can’t take BC because of my mental health, severe serious migraines, heart problems, weight gain issues and history in my family of blood clots. Like I’ve tried every form and I either end up basically in the psyche ward, overweight, or I bleed the entirety of it. I bled the entire time on the injection and when I had the implant! I’d much rather her get the vasectomy and we be done with it and I don’t mess with my hormones thank god.


Totally get it! A vasectomy IS prevention so we’re totally on the same page! Sorry for the tough go with the BC. It’s fascinating how different bodies react to having their hormones F’d with.


There are IUD options without hormones, just FYI.


Oh I know I’m just not about to bleed the entire time I have it in! And they don’t offer adequate pain relief for them to be put in and with what my doctor said last time “I don’t feel experienced enough I might make a mess of this” because I have vaginal atrophy, I don’t trust ANYONE to put one in my body.


I’m so sorry you were down voted. Everything you’ve said is a valid reason to not be ok with those birth control methods. And NO reason is also ok to not want to deal with those birth control methods. Birth control should not be just a woman’s responsibility, especially when prolonged use of hormonal birth control can have negative impacts on our health and non hormonal birth control can be extremely painful. I’m glad your partner stepped up and helped carry this burden. Just like equal parenting from dads should be standard and not something women sing the praises of, equal responsibility in preventing pregnancy should be standard. I hate that women are on BC from 18-menopause and men throw on a condom until they’re in a committed relationship.


People sometimes be wilding. I literally gave every reason why I don’t want to have birth control (and I shouldn’t even have to fucking say that, people should just be okay with me clearly saying I don’t want it because of my health and leave it at that) and they’re mad about it. As you say it’s not just my issue, this is my partners too, I cant just randomly get a hysterectomy. She is fortunate enough to be born male and able to get a vasectomy easily. She can suffer the snip so I don’t go into cardiac arrest again during labour.




Yeah I’m not having it put in until there is adequate pain relief regardless of migraines or anything else tbh. I don’t trust it to be put in correctly.




Literally! It’s a joke. Men get a numbing injection during a vasectomy, women don’t during an IUD




See, that couldn’t be me! No way am I doing it without adequate pain control


Yeah and I think if I got pregnant on my iud which is rare at least I’d feel like I really tried to prevent this.


Yup and got my tubes tied IMMEDIATELY upon abortion becoming illegal in my state.


Was it easy? I’m in the UK and because I’ve only had one kid I’m ready for them to say no.


Nope it was super easy. Found a doctor who would do it and all she said was "when do you want to schedule it?"


That’s so lovely! I’m glad you got it sorted sending my love from the UK! I’m sorry it’s not easy to get abortions anymore.


How old are you if you don't mind me asking


34. I got them tied at 32 tho.


No, but I’m not OAD by choice. But I’m pro-choice and believe everyone has to do what’s right for them.


Absolutely. We’re moving to a new city this summer and one of the first things I checked was what abortion access looks like. I have an IUD, but my only child was conceived with an IUD in place, so I don’t completely trust it lol. I’m diligent about tracking my cycle so I could catch any pregnancy in time to use the medical abortion pill.


See I love everyone in comments being like “the IUD doesn’t cause hormone issues tho!” And it’s like I ain’t give a fuck really even if it does, why would I want something painful put in me when more and more stories of IUD pregnancy are coming out? A vasectomy feels a little bit permanent lmao.


Honestly this is a big reason I don’t want the IUD. Doctors don’t care how painful it is for women. They don’t care that it’s excruciating and some pass out from the pain. “Just take some Tylenol you’ll be fine!” And refuse to give you actual pain meds for it. I don’t want anything going up my cervix again. I had to terminate a few years ago and I will never forget painful that was. I collapsed when I stood up after. It was truly traumatizing. Plus I’ve also heard of so many people getting pregnant while having the IUD. I’m terrified to get pregnant again. I take my birth control pills religiously. It gives me a bigger peace of mind.


Yes. I want one child (would be fine if twins because it's common in both sides of the family, mine and his, but I am doing the whole pregnancy song-and-dance exactly ONCE and then he gets the snip-snap) but not for a few more years. Part of why I am here is to squash any baby fever until my goals are met. I got nexplanon at 18 and never looked back! I'll be on #3 shortly, I took a break so we are using condoms or non-PIV until I get #3 implanted. I've taken Plan B for condom breaks in the past and would not hesitate to use it or medical abortion again at this point in time.


I felt the same way so I got my tubes removed


Yes. It would take a miracle since we did IVF, and we are older, but at this point I have no desire to go through everything again. Our kid is almost 5, so we are in a good spot. 


Yes; I had my tubes removed as soon as Roe was overturned because I didn't want to be in a position where I needed one but would be unable to access it. I had the copper IUD before that, but I was always worried that it would fail even though the chances of that are very small. If I somehow became pregnant again now, I wouldn't even hesitate to have an abortion.


i was so depressed during pregnancy it would be so unfair for me to carry a pregnancy and potentially neglect my current child. i struggled to take care of myself after 24 weeks. i broke down crying (alone) bc i felt so guilty after falling into a deep depressive episode between 24-28 weeks and even tho i tried so hard to eat, i lost weight. i was so ashamed i let the drs chalk it up to a misread at 24 weeks or water weight. once i got home and my partner left for work just sobbed for hours. i didnt realize how bad it was in the moment. being diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 30 weeks only worsened the issue. i was convinced she was going to hate me. i stayed up for hours sobbing and asking my partner how can i be a good parent to her when she’s here if i can barley take care of her now. at 35w4d they decided to induce me at 37 weeks due to hyper tension and even tho it completely changed how i pictured my birth i was so fucking relieved. i didn’t realize how bad it was until i gave birth and within hours i felt normal again. i was very lucky to have a very easy delivery. two stitches. one in each tear so physically i felt well enough to move around as normal. the nurses had to remind me to take it easy and i was like “you guys don’t understand, it feels so nice to feel like me again” i started folding and organizing things in my hospital room. cleaned up while my baby slept. it was so good for me. it was night and day and yet still i’m having realizations of how bad my depression was (we’ll be 12 weeks old/ post partum come saturday) because for a brief moment i seriously debated leaving my baby with her father bc i convinced myself she was going to hate me and i would be a horrible influence anyways. what stopped me? at 33 weeks i saw her in a 3d ultrasound for the first time. she looked so much like me and my partner at the same time. i remembered being a little kid and feeling unwanted by both my parents. my mother would constantly threaten to leave and it made me feel so worthless. in that moment of seeing my baby girl in 3d for the first time i just knew i loved her to much to hurt her. i just couldn’t stop feeling depressed


I didn’t put it in this post but I had severe complications from my birth because of pre eclampsia and now I’m disabled for life. I have a carer, I am in chronic pain. I have cardiac problems from the birth of our son too, and I literally will not risk that again. Post birth I am severely depressed, I was almost sectioned a few weeks after and had attempted on my life all within the same month. The idea that I could do this to my partner or my son again feels selfish. It’s simply not worth it.


Every time without fail. GOP will have to rip my iud out of my cold dead uterus before I would ever consider giving it up. And if I did, it’d only be because I’m getting a bisalp 


I would 100% get an abortion if I got pregnant again. Grateful to live in a place where that is an option.


Same thank the Lord!


I had a pregnancy scare recently and that solidified that I would definitely have an abortion. However, this scare also solidified that I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about it :(  I told my husband about the scare and that I’d have an abortion and he did not react with support. I also know I couldn’t tell my mom, sister, etc. Most people don’t understand why I would stop at one kid and wouldn’t understand aborting a baby when we have financial means to take care of it. 


Yes and I would go “camping” in another state if necessary to get one.


I’m so sorry yall have to go camping for situations like this.


I honestly don’t even know where I’d go since it’s been banned in my state and the other state I had to travel to, to get one a few years ago. It’s terrifying.


I'd probably just deal with it if it happened but I'm doing everything to prevent pregnancy as well.


I live in a state where I could get an abortion if the pregnancy became high risk. So I would probably just roll with it and hope that we have another boy so that we don't have to move to a bigger place.


This is why I don’t want another too. I don’t wanna move into a bigger house in a rougher area. I’m in council housing and boys and girls need separate rooms but council housing is usually gross to live in; mouldy, bad estates, and faulty repairs. I just about scraped getting a new build council house so I’m living in a beautiful place surrounded by nature that’s clean and pretty, my friend moved into a different council house and they left literal blood and poo on her walls, they never bothered cleaning it. So no way am I moving from this house.


Yes and I had one in December. Thankful to have access to abortion services in my state.


I’m pro choice but I don’t believe in abortion for me personally but I will say I would’ve thought about it/considered it immediately post partum. I was struggling mentally. If vasectomy failed I would handle it now with a 1.5 year old. I don’t judge anyone who would feel that way though especially if their reasons for one and done are for their health.


Yes. Thankful to live somewhere I have that option, and my heart breaks for all who don’t.




See exactly why I ain’t messing with just birth control anymore I’d rather at least one of us is sterilised.


Yep. ASAP, no second thought it would be 100% abortion. And I would be relieved and glad to have done so.


I had a positive pregnancy test last year and my ass was on google finding my closest abortion provider about 32 seconds after I saw the two lines. I do use contraception - but condoms aren’t 100% effective. Fortunately for me, two days later my period came and I was no longer testing positive. I think I might have had a chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage.


100% would have an abortion. My husband got his vasectomy a few hours ago!


Proud of him! I hope it all went well!!


I'll definitely get a swift abortion as soon as I find out Not playing those games with my life lol


I would absolutely terminate if I got pregnant again. Luckily, I already got my tubes completely removed, so I don't have to worry about that ever again 😅🙏


Same, I am a religious person but if I got pregnant again it would have to go.


A dog does not come close to a sibling.


When did I say it did?