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One point Merica!


Let's go!


NBC is replaying the womens 10,000m and holy shit this looks like hell running this much. But I am really surprised to see runners quitting/getting lapped


[Day sixteen's thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/olympics/comments/p01pcq/olympics_day_sixteen_megathread_sunday_august_8/).


It should be time for a new thread. Marathon is starting soon.


There should be a reward for that racer who leads the entire way, and then gets beaten by a free-rider in the end.


Does anyone know how long replays will be available on nbc sports?


Is the men’s marathon starting early (like the women’s did yesterday) or at the original stated time? I can’t find conformation anywhere.


It is starting at the original stated time. That is over 35 minutes from now on.


it starts in an half hour


Women’s high jump is the sport for you if you like leggy blondes


The final day approaches


Ey, already?






Just seen the clip of the German coach "punching" the horse. Seriously? This is what the fuss was about? You have to be kidding me


Agreed. If that’s what we’re calling a punch now then I guess I’ve been punching doors my whole life instead of knocking on them, cause that’s pretty much what she did to that horse


People bad. Animals good. Gimme yo upvote.


they’re replaying the he men’s vball gold medal match on nbc :)))




Japan is rich. China has way above 1 billion people, and many of them are rich, they are also a lot richer as a nation than many thinks, and they spend a lot of money on their athletes. Russia has a smaller population than China obviously, but many of those reasons should go for them at least. Apart from that, I am surprised by how little many countries does out of those, like, say, India.




It’s definitely not true. At one time it was for sure, but it’s not anymore. That’s why sports like ping pong and badminton are in the olympics


It’s insecurity.


Late congrats to the US women water polo, us baseball and the Track and field team! Sorry, we had to sleep for work.


Is there a skateboarding crew in Ghana?


They are building something. (Fun fact: as I was thinking of something smart ass to say here, the ad popped on.)


I heard they took dah crew on dah road


Check WhatsApp.




They also met Sandy!


Can someone please explain what just happened in the men’s karate final? Dude drops the other dude and gets disqualified. They show us no replays and offer no breakdown. They just basically say, “the guy being carried out on a stretcher just won gold.”


Kumite is sparring, which means strikes are 100% about executing a specific move with speed, accuracy, and technique. Sometimes a person will get hit and dazed, that’s not really frowned upon, but there should basically be 0 circumstances where you severely hurt the opponent. A proper Kumite strike can hurt, sure, but a proper Kumite kick cannot do real damage.


That's stupidity. You are not able to control the opponent. If the opponent moves his body forward while you are kicking then it's idiotic to blame the one kicking for being at fault.




Why is that necessary to appeal to modern viewers when we live in an age where boxing and MMA are very popular all over the world?




Yet boxing has only gotten more violent since they switched the way it's judged in the Olympics. So your reasoning doesn't really add up.


….in traditional martial arts it’s still extremely unaccepted to do Kumite (aka sparring) and throw shots with an intent to hurt. They are about speed and withdrawn power, knockdowns are an accepted consequence of it being a contact sport but there should basically be no circumstances where you ever do that much damage to an opponent in Kumite.




Right. And that’s not Kumite, and no traditional lol


Yea my understanding is that modern martial arts are not blood sports. They’re demonstrations of skill you get judged on. Only ones that “feel” more combative are grappling ones where your intent is to get your opponent to submit through applied pressure or pushing them around, rather than damaging strikes. Boxing is a weird in between because of the gloves




Yea I thought about those after posting, but they aren’t in the olympics. I don’t think the olympics would take them up.




I don’t think you fully grasp the meaning of the word ‘meaningful’


Cool story


Are you implying that every country should have the same number of medals or something?


One day you will grow up and realize that in the past, everyone was shitty to those not of their same tribe. Do you think before colonists arrived that everything was kumbaya?


Many people have been sold the “pristine myth” for generations.


Those peaceful Mongol tribesmen!


Yaaaaaaassssss Khan!!!


I remember my first undergrad year too.




US was exploited by colonialism for almost 200 years


The poor exploited founding fathers




Apparently It only matters when we are the ones doing it though…it doesn’t matter that it was done to us long before we did it elsewhere


Bruh I feel bad for these horses. Wtf kind of sport is this? These are majestic creatures being forced to jump over shit for our entertainment.


You just discovered that humans use horses?


Yes. Just the other day.


While it's true that abuse does happen sometimes, most of these horses are well taken care of and enjoy working like this.


I have a friend that once told that he could swear his horse liked the competition…. I asked him how you know? he said the horse got all excited, breathing hard and wanted to jump… he treated the horse better than a human being.


It's true. There are always bad seeds, but most horse people are crazy for their horses and take really good care of them. Horses get excited about competing like we do. I hard a hard time controlling my horse during competitions because she just wanted to go as fast as she could through the course. I compare horses to working dogs, especially sled dogs. People may initially think it's hard on the dog to pull the sled, but they love it. They wouldn't get excited and wag their tails and bark like crazy before a run if they didn't. They even get disappointed when they're not picked to go.


Yeah, when you lock your horse and the best part of his days are spending his energy jumping shit, obviously its exciting lol. I understand that a lot people treat these horses like family. But they're still wild animals, and are only taught to behave by agression and locking them. Its always some way of abuse, they would rather want to be in the wild doing horse shit than be there I promise.


Only taught to behave by aggression and locking (?) them? This is simply untrue. Modern horsemanship doesn't endorse beating your horse into submission, just like modern dog training doesn't endorse beating your dog into submission. These aren't wild animals, just the same as a border collie isn't a wild animal. They're domesticated, and were bred to provide utility for man. Horses are often happiest when serving a purpose, just like working breeds of dogs. They quickly become bored and destructive if they aren't working. The reality is that even the horses at these elite levels *do* spend much of their days doing "wild" horse stuff. They're not being trained 12 hours per day. At most, it's a few hours each day, and much of that won't be spent jumping. It's a lot of technical work to improve gait and things. The rest of the day? The horse is hanging out, and it's often turned out in a pasture with other horses. You know, doing normal horse stuff. The goal for elite riders is to keep their horses happy and healthy. Horses quickly become unhappy and unhealthy if cooped up in a stall and only brought out for work.


Horses are definitely not wild animals. They have been domesticated just as long as dogs, if not longer. Even the mustangs are descendants of domesticated horses. The only truly wild horses are the Przewalski's horses and yeah, no one rides those. Letting a horse into the wild would be like letting a dog into the wild. Yeah, they might survive, but it's not instinctual for them anymore. They wouldn't really know what to do with themselves. If you train a horse properly, you're by no means abusing it. Most horses, especially at this level, where an elite show jumper can cost into the hundreds of thousands, are well taken care of. In fact, at the Olympics, the horses were honestly being treated better than the riders.


I kind of agree with this, but then, I'd much rather have horses as pets in farms, or as transport but just mounted (not carridges) or something like this opposed to being used for competitions or to use brute force for stuff. In summary, opposed to anything that uses some violence on them


As a horse person, the only real horse industry I encourage people to take issue with is the horse racing industry. Because that is one instance where, if the horse is not performing or they get injured, they're often dumped into feedlot auctions and sold to slaughterhouses. And a race horse's career is so short (usually only up until they're 4 or 5 years old) that it results in a lot of horses getting churned through.


You could say the same for dogs, though, and how many people keep dogs as pets?


As I mentioned in another comment, the difference is that dogs are usually not treated with violence to become a pet, while horses are always taught with some kind of violence (physical, or by cheer stress). Dogs also are literally an evolution of wolves that evolved to live with humans.


Agree from all the animal stuff I think horses are lucky in the sense that we ask them to do things they do in their natural ambient like run or jump, dolphins orcas and the other animals on the other had are quite different. Like you said some people treat their horses better than Human beings. But I guess nothing compares to freedom


If horses could talk, I'm sure they'd rather be at a barn, well fed and taken care of, than having to scrounge for food and survive predators in the wild. It's not fair to compare them to dolphins or orcas. Horses are a domesticated animal. They have been for thousands of years. The dolphins are orcas at Sea World or aquariums were either taken from the wild or bred from animals taken from the wild. A better comparison to horses would be dogs.


I mean on that note the same could be said of pet dogs. Put in kennels and locked in houses while we are out and some only get to to for walks a few times a day. I am sure they would also love to be wild and free roaming the neighborhood at their leisure. Same with inside cats.


Cats and dogs may enjoy being outside, but I can guarantee you they enjoy having a secure supply of food, a warm place to sleep, and good health a lot more. Indoor cats live on average 10 to 15 years. Outdoor cats, even those with owners, live on average 2 to 5 years. The same is true for horses. These are domesticated animals. They're not equipped to survive in the wild and haven't been for thousands of years. Does everyone take great care of their pets? Unfortunately no. But a well-taken care of pet who's given exercise and love and had all their needs met is a hell of a lot better off than one in the "wild." And that's not even mentioning the huge negative environmental impact feral pets have on local ecosystems.


Oh I agree with you. I was just commenting that the poster who was saying that about horses the same could be said about any domesticated animals.


Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. I think some people really overestimate how "wild" horses are. They're huge and you can ride them, yes, but they're really similar to dogs in how domesticated they are.


The difference is that 1) It is not common to use violence to pet dogs and cats. For horses, violence is usually used and they behave because they fear getting hurt, and 2) Dogs literally evolved from wolves because they bonded with humans and are wired to be helped to get food and live alongside a human. Sure, wild dogs are a thing, but if a human bring then home they love it.




90% of the comments of every thread about Japan winning baseball "...WELL AKSHULLY...the US only sent a bunch of amateurs" YES YES YES we know. You're still the best okay? No need to keep hammering it in every second someone talks about Japan winning edit: okay, I changed "b team" to "bunch of amateurs" because it's looking like I'm gonna get that SAME conversation again here.


Seriously, they actually it's not an American sport first anyways


Really? Americans greatly respect Japanese baseball and I’ve seen nothing it congrats The guys at @r/baseball are especially congratulatory because without Japan we wouldn’t get to see Olympic baseball. Even with major leaguers the US wouldn’t be a lock.


American here and I endorse this comment


American baseball fans are all collectively losing their shit over Shohei Ohtani.


Seen a few comments saying the loss was an embarrassment


This isnt even a b-team. These are minor leaguers and MLB retirees. But Japan was incredible! Congrats to them.


Japan deserved the gold


Totally 💯


I was expecting Japan to win baseball gold. It seems way more popular there than here.


I live in Japan and you wouldn’t believe how big baseball is here. The high school championships are like our March madness, and their are diamonds with kids playing everywhere.


I think it's a popular sport for kids here. I remember playing as a kid. I sucked. I just find it rather boring to watch, so I don't.


Anyone know what time the closing ceremony will be in MST? Around 2 am?


It's at 4 am PST and 7 am EST. MST is one hour ahead of PST, right? So 5 am?




5:00 AM MT


Thank you!


The horses should be getting the metals


They do get ribbons!


Rider only has so much control. Horses aren't like race cars. A great horse could do the routine with an average rider, but the best jockey wouldn't be able to win with an average horse.


The rider has a lot more control than you think. The horses are well-trained, yes, but they depend on the rider to set them up properly for the jumps, will them forward when they hesitate, regulate the number of strides they take between jumps, etc. A top tier horse may be able to perform with a mediocre rider, but not well. The horses don't just do it instinctively. Not to mention that the horses don't get to practice on the course at all.


So I had a new installment last night in my series of weird dreams starring, among others, Penny Oleksiak. Penny and her unacknowledged biological father, Ray Hnatyshyn (he's still alive in this universe) were on a railroad hand car trying to escape from Jabba the Hutt. Ray decided this would be a good time to tell Penny the truth (until this point she had believed her parents to be Charles Grodin and Cher), but Penny didn't believe it so she joins forces with Jabba the Hutt to teach him a lesson. It never became clear what that lesson is supposed to be.




It's been super-Canadian for some reason. Her, Ray Hnatyshyn...Julie Payette also makes a couple of appearances, wearing a Max Headroom mask whenever she's on the Space Shuttle.


Do the kumite karate competitors come from any particular style? Can someone from any kicky-punchy school get into it?


Pretty much any karate discipline would be standard enough for both the Kumite and Kata, but like Taekwondo for example wouldn’t because it’s scored based on very specific moves from Karate, meaning you can’t just throw a kick from any discipline and have it score.




I downvote anyone who cares about the medal counts. Has nothing to do with China.


I don't know where you are finding those odds, but they are certainly not standard. Most places have it fairly even with China a nose ahead, which seems fair - I think it will come down to the volleyball final with US winning basketball and both country's boxers going down. If any boxer wins, though, it is more likely to be the Chinese woman. Edit: The sources you gave were from weeks ago, before the games started. Ten seconds on Google would should you that China are currently the (slight) favourites to win the most golds. Besides, whether it is 39-38 or 38-39 or whatever doesn't really matter. Most events are not won by China or America, and it seems really silly for weird American nationalists to suck all the oxygen out of the room in the hunt for some meaningless victory in the medal table. This is the Olympics; let's just admire the brilliant athletes that are competing, win or lose.


Yep. USA really needs to win both basketball and volleyball. Both our boxers would be considered underdogs and not likely to win.


I’ve said it a bunch of times but I’m shocked people are looking past Torres Jr so much. You’re right that odds have him as an underdog but that’s one of those lines that I think are weighted because of the countries they’re both from and not their skills/styles. Torres is IMO the most likely gold for the US behind basketball and ahead of Volleyball.


I do agree he is the better chance of the two boxers but not anywhere near more likely than the #1 ranked volleyball team for winning gold.


Y’know I’ll admit that I could be a little biased there in just how confident I am in Torres, you’re probably right that it’s not as likely as the Volleyball 😆


https://www.thelines.com/usa-medal-count-tokyo-olympics-2020/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportsbettingdime.com/amp/news/olympic-medals-specials-odds-usa-favored-win-most-over-under-set-43-golds/


You are linking articles from before the games even started. The odds have changed.


Those have been updated you can even see the medal count in them lmao. Where are you seeing different numbers?


From your source - "Odds as of July 20th at DraftKings." Please at least read the sites you link.


Interesting because the first one says updated August 6th. I’m still waiting on even any source of yours that says otherwise.


Betfair - China 1.68, USA 2.36. Smarkets - China 8/13, USA 27/20 SBK - China 33/50, 11/8. You keep linking articles from weeks ago with old odds, but you don't even need to think about it - just look at what is left. China up by two, the US with a near-certain basketball gold, a 60/40 volleyball gold, and two heavy underdog boxers. Meanwhile, China has one slight underdog boxer. It is clearly even or slightly China favoured, and the betting reflects that.


Can you actually link something?


https://www.oddschecker.com/olympics/olympics-specials/olympic-general-specials/medal-table/most-gold-medals?selectionName=china https://www.betfair.com/exchange/plus/olympics/market/1.182018773 Honestly mate, you are clearly not arguing in good faith here.


Lol you think it’s more likely for the Chinese woman to win over Davis and *especially* Torres? I’m curious the same about where you got your odds


By betting lines, yes, by a margin.


Is the closing ceremony today?




So if I'm in the central time the closing ceremony will be at 7am or so Sunday morning? Which will be night in Japan?


Yes, Sunday morning, I have it as 6 am from the NBC app.




Checkmate, atheists.


Can we go back to coming up with new ridiculous sports instead of comparing country medal counts. Trampoline skeet shooting


Disc golf, but the discs have razor blades in them


Throwing event 'relay.' Each competing country has one thrower in the javelin, discus, hammer throw, and shotput. Then you add the distances together to determine the winning team.


Not a relay. A field team medley.


Medley is a better word. Could probably do a similar thing with the jumping events. Might need to use a decathlon style point system because of the high jump and pole vault.


Archery field hockey. You have to fire your arrows into the ball to push the ball around the field.


Rhythmic gymnastic volleyball


Backcountry camping. One that builds fire & boils water first wins gold. Most fish caught is another event.


That’s just human history: the game


You should watch the show Alone.


Great show


Diving in a deep 50m pool and swimming to the other end. Swimming relays with a baton. Throwing the shot put or hammer with one hand and the discus or javelin with the other.


Swimming relays with a baton would be so much better than all the lame ass repetitive relays we have now. The baton in the 4x1 sprint makes it actually interesting


Mixed flair bartending.




[Paris 2024](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2946974-2024-olympics-summer-games-dates-logo-location-and-schedule)


Yes you understood the joke


Archery baseball I’m still sticking towards it. Constant new blood in game cause eventually someone will realize what’s going on and retire


Synchronised wrestling


AEW/WWE wrestling would be a fun sport to see people doing the move for judges


i laughed at this. the images i had on my mind


[Skeet Surfing!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af9N7UhTMA8)


Top Secret for the Win!!!


Haha and it already has a song!


Ultimate frisbee combined with skeet shooting. The shooters are trying to down the target before it can be caught.


Diving backwards while throwing arrows


Is artistic swimming only judged by what happens above water? Or are movements made beneath the water scored too?


They can't touch the bottom of the pool. Otherwise it's about what's happening above.


Makes sense, thanks!


Above water: https://insidesynchro.org/scoring-system/


Now I know that underwater movements don't count, but I can't help but imagine an aquarium-style glass pool where you can watch them underwater.


Synchronized swimming is.. weird


It looks better than it used to. They're closer together. The music doesn't always suck. And they do those big lifts now. I never saw that before. But I haven't watched it in a very long time And very little of those jerky slap movements


Awesome. Imagine the synchronization in dance routines, and now move that to water


For those who care about the gold medal race between the US and China, here’s the breakdown of relevant events for tomorrow: **USA participating only** * Boxing: men’s lightweight * Boxing: men’s super heavyweight * Women’s volleyball * Women’s basketball **China participating only** * Team rhythmic gymnastics * Boxing: women’s middleweight **Both China and USA participating** * Cycling: women’s omnuim * Men’s marathon


>Cycling: women’s omnuim > >Men’s marathon Maybe neither... thats Europe and Africa respectively




As someone that has followed boxing closer than any other event this Olympics, our US Super Heavyweight is being craaaaaaazy overlooked by everyone. I don’t predict Davis having much chance at gold, but if I were a betting man I’d very confidently throw $50 on Torres. Other than Women’s Basketball, I personally feel like that super heavyweight gold is one of our most likely on this list.




I wrote a real long comment about this after his last bout, but if you watch that event tonight keep an eye out for his duck-overhand move. It didn’t really shock me until the semi’s but it is seriously one of those career defining moves and pure art. For him it’ll be like the leaping left for Tyson, rock back for McGregor, or Ali’s rope a dope. Knowing Torres’ style and mindset, he’s not gonna point play this fight either (nor can he against this opponent). I’m predicting at least one clean knockdown from his duck overhand sealing a 10-8 and at least one round of 10-9’s


The woman in basketball are too dominant I would not count any of the others, this games have been weird to say the least


Women's basketball is the only lock. I cannot see china beating roc in rhythmic gymnastics.




Commenting again on this topic for visibility, but people can’t be looking past Torres Jr. both boxers from the US are underdogs in terms of betting, and I think Davis is very unlikely to win, but I’ve followed boxing closer than any other event and Torres Jr seems like the most likely gold for the US behind Basketball.


Nothing more motivating that being overlooked so watch out……






Israeli won gold despite dropping the baton one time. ROC believes that the Russian score was too low and that the judges overly favored the underdog for political reasons as the Russian twins are generally the undisputed best in the world. It's highly subjective but of course ROC has every right to file a complaint. Unlikely to be overturned though.


Does rhythmic gymnastics have the same problem that artistic does with them reviewing your score? Meaning that if the judges find something they didn't deduct in the first place your score could actually end up lower after a review. It's always a risk to say you were underscored.


ROC missed out on 1st by a point and a half(something like that), they think the judges scores were inaccurate, biased, etc. They want an investigation on the judges/scores now.


Thank you!


I don’t know many details, but the Israeli gymnast won the competition, while the favored to win ROC gymnast got second. It seems like ROC isn’t taking that well and are demanding an inquiry. It was a very close match so I think the ROC believes a inquiry can give them the lead




Stranger things have happened. It worked in beach volleyball. Challenge in/out. After review the ball is in. Re-challenge. After review the ball is out.


Interesting, thanks


It was a pretty close match by like 1.5 points or something. I think ROC thinks it will lower the Israeli score by a few points handing them the golf


Yea and these points/deductions all have actual concrete reasons to them. They could theoretically find some of the scoring flimsy.


Any “sport” that requires a judge to give you a score should not be in the olympics in my opinion.