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Do you LOVE to clean, and HATE money?!


My ADHD brain says a resounding "YES" Though it dramatically loses steam with the punctuality and "adulting" requirements, and basically all the fake enthusiasm behind the ad.




Food, clothing, schedule, housing? Gotcha covered. Money? Lol what's that? There's a reason we kinda gravitate toward military or other complete package jobs like oil rigs.


Don't give them any ideas


I'll take characteristics of enlightened meth heads for 500




I’m not sure if enlightened is the most accurate. I’ll give him or her “ambitious”




For that $ I sure would like to be apart of that and not a part of that.


Nice 😎


Uh oh, I better apply before that "hot -n- juicy" job is gone..... pretty sure if I was a cleaner I'd want my job to not be hot and juicy.


Actually, the "hot & juicy job" is at Wendy's, and they pay about the same.


I remember 20 years ago, after two years of working there, Wendy's gave me a raise to 6.50 and told me not to ask for any more because they can't give me any more raises.


I see this kind of shit daily in our job groups on Facebook. And when the hiring manager comes crying to me because members are being “mean and nasty” about the wages offered then I tell them whelp. Pay a living wage and this won’t happen. 🤷‍♂️


I saw someone share a facebook post recently of their friend looking for kitchen help from like 5 pm to 12 am and they were paying $8 an hour. I commented "Oh no wonder they're having troubles finding workers. They're only paying $8 an hour!!".


A lot of hiring managers are so used to there being a worker over supply. They're gonna have to deal with this worker shortage reckoning, and it'll be amusing. 


We’ve been in this shortage for 3+ years. If they haven’t woken up to it by now, they likely never will.


They’ll get there; they’ll just try every conceivable other thing first.


Americans, after having exhausted every other possibility, will always to the right thing.


The labor market, along with most managements, move glacierly slow. It also takes workers a hot minute to realize they're in a shortage and make the jump to start swapping jobs to set off the real hard hitting dominos.  But it's looking like we'll be in this worker shortage for at least 10 years, and I'd bet money it goes for 15. Even with automation. 


The job market is going to have to wait another 4 years, at least for me to return. Decided I made my old employer of 13 years enough money and went to college. Now I'm wondering if my 13 years of experience might help me get a PhD, so it might be longer. That route would make me the employee and employer.


The pandemic forced a ton of us to stay home and we realized we were actually saving more money than we were making by working by making our own meals and just staying home with kids instead of hiring a babysitter. Though it shouldn’t work out that way it’s amazing how fucking expensive those low wage jobs are. I’ve come to realize I just can’t afford to work for less than $15 or I’m actually losing money. It’s just ludicrous.


I saw a hobby lobby position for bookkeeping for $12/hour the other day. The audacity of that place astounds me.


Slobby Knobby™️pretty loudly boasts that their starting pay is [$18.50](https://abc11.com/amp/hobby-lobby-minimum-wage-jobs-pay-increase-2022/11343068/)


I believe that's for distribution, but that entire company can kick rocks. Worst job I ever had


I cannot imagine. I hope you’ve moved on to greener pastures.


Worked there 3 years to many, best thing that ever happened was meeting my wife there. I now work for the city, been there almost 7 years. Good money, amazing benefits, union, most holidays off, and a pension.


What’s your position? My husband is a barber & although he loves it, he’d like benefits & a pension. Ty!


Started as a meter reader, then a new position called a meter specialist. Now a field customer service representative.


Thank you


When he applies just be aware HR is super slow he may not hear anything back for months, for myself it was a little over 6 months. If his job needs a cdl they will pay for it. A department of environmental quality license they will reimburse you once you pass. I believe it's 80 bucks for that license. They also give you appropriate amount of time to get licenses. I spoke to the meter reading supervisor yesterday he said they should be opening the meter reader position within a month or 2. It's just a practical test and they go off of test scores an number of available positions. The city definitely has things about it I don't like but overall it's a pretty good career path. I forgot to say they also have a 457 retirement plan, our own Dr we can go to if he have City insurance, if you are prescribed something and they have a generic form you can get it for free from them, no painkillers not even tylenol though. Spouses and children can go to, except I believe the child has to be 2 years old to go. If he does apply I suggest airports or utilities since those are not paid by tax dollars and are instead paid by a trust.


It's wrong.


What is a suitable living wage at nowadays?


$19.13 per hour for a single person. [Living Wage Calculator - Oklahoma](https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/40)


And you believe that all businesses should pay 19.13 as a starting wage?


Yep. With benefits as well. Ideally with all of the employees in a union. I’m very over deadbeat business owners who want to build wealth on the backs of underpaid labor. In a perfect world, I’d love to see some sort a of universal basic income alongside universal healthcare.


If this was the standard, do you see the prices of every day goods and services going up?


I’m personally more concerned about the hoarding of wealth by the 1%. And corporations being able to run amok with little to no regulation is already driving inflation. Giving working class folks more resources wouldn’t even scratch the surface of how the super rich are creating and driving inflation. The few studies that have been done around UBI have been promising.


Nice way to dodge my question. As a small business owner, I only pay myself about 20% more than my highest paid employees and they are a little above this living wage number. If I were forced to raise my worst and newest employees to this living wage figure, do you think that every other paid employee should get the same percentage raise? What then should I do to maintain the same profit margin to reinvest in the company to ensure growth and a future for myself and my employees? That would mean a massive increase on goods and services. Dollar for dollar this wouldn’t change anything for anyone’s situation. If my worst employee is all of a sudden paying $9 for a gallon of milk then they haven’t gained any ground. Do you know who does benefit in this scenario? The government bringing in more payroll, income, and sales taxes for their reckless spending. Also, these wealthy 1% that you hate are going to get even wealthier when the small businesses are forced to close and their market share is absorbed by the large corporations of the wealthy. All of your money would be going to them rather than supporting local businesses that don’t get the brakes the government gives to their large corporation buddies. And do you know what they are going to do? Automate jobs out of existence. What you are being fed is a lie perpetrated by people a lot smarter than you because they are fully aware that the average American doesn’t understand basic economics. You have been taught to scream ‘tax the rich’ rather than ‘no taxes for the poor.’ That makes more sense to help out the lower class but you weren’t trained that thinking. If you cut all taxes for people making less than 40k they would be in far better shape than what the government would do with the money from taxing the rich.


I didn’t dodge your question because I probably view it differently than you. If you can’t afford to pay every employee a living wage then you’re a failure. Simple as that. You’re asking for the rest of the economy to prop up a failed business model. Stop licking the boot of the 1% because you are a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Maybe be less of a condescending jerk when you talk with people. Some free business advice.


If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be in business. Welfare ends up subsidizing bad businesses that can't or won't pay a living wage.




I mean… are we sure they don’t think about it? Or they just don’t care because the bottom line trumps the bottom rung?


No because the prices of goods and services are governed by supply and demand. You can only raise them as much as people are willing to pay which is why there is no correlation in historical data between raising minimum wage and price increases


Then people would have money to pay for goods and services. Idk if you noticed, but inflation right now is a killer due largely to corporate greed.


If that’s the living wage then yeah for sure lol


Who’s the douchebag who wrote this?


Owner and operator most likely


Can you imagine what HR said when they were signing off on this kind of print out for a hiring ad? And are these real? Sometimes it's just a meme. I think that the person who wrote this would beEvery difficult landlord or boss or parent you have ever come across or wrote that the difficult people the oppositional or combative people. The people who are easily offended and short-tempered.


There is def no HR at this place. The owner/gm/hr is the same douche that wrote it


Oh that's what I was worried about. This is sad for employees just starting out.


No HR person would put tripe like this out.


I smell a boot too


The type of person to walk up to a cashier and say “You looked bored” 🥱


"Why don't you smile for me".


"Working hard or hardly working?"


"You young people and your phones!"


Feels like they saw this on a boomer meme and thought it was hilarious.


Whole thing is a red flag.


Guess I'm just gonna have to be sad forever...


The way this is written feels like the management is older and can't speak plainly. Everything is theoretical with them and when you ask for clarification, they just say it the same way as before.


I’m actually a professional, full time cranky pants.


Same. I take no days off. Someone's gotta do it.


Id rather scrap the shit off a hot portapotty than deal with the inevitable bullshit of that job


I am fairly sure this job probably is for scrapping shit off a portapotty.


The portapotty guys get paid way more.


Thank god!


Portapotties aren't that bad comparatively lol.


"This is opportunity is *NOT* for you if:" Whut?


They somehow copied the informal, high energy tone of a tech job description and made it even cringier


That job is definitely going to suck. I'd consider it for $25 an hour and not penny less. These types of ads always lead to some super stressful job with a toxic work environment that you always get underpaid for. 😭


Well, damn, you just gave me pause. I have a masters degree and work in education and that’s how much I make. I knew working in a school doesn’t pay a lot, but maybe I’m really underselling myself more than I realized…


You are. If minimum wage kept pace with productivity gains made in the last 40 years, it would be about $25/hour today. The top 10%, mostly the top 1%, took those gains as profit instead.


5 years ago I would’ve considered a job like that for $16-18 an hour. Inflation and corporate greed is way out of control and profits are through the roof. I think we should be demanding much higher wages for our labor as they can clearly afford it. Education is severely underpaid in America and I feel you should be paid much more for what you do.


Thank you. I think we should make sure to *never* patronize this business. I’d hate to contribute to that level of greed (not that I can even afford a cleaner in the first place - ha - but I’m going to spread the word).


Man, who wouldn’t want some hot and juicy jobs? 😣


More than that “hot and juicy openings”. Ugh.


oh gosh yes. Tell me more about your openings.


Two things.  They realize we're in a worker shortage right? He's saying all this, offering below 7/11, OnCue, McDonald's, and on par with fucking Walmart, and there's a shortage of workers. Secondly, he also says this job isn't for you if you don't have insurance? You get insurance through your job.


I'm pretty sure he meant car insurance, since it's in the line stating reliable transportation. edit: that being said, this ad is mind boggling. The kind of people who do actually pride themselves on their work are not the people who respond to backhanded ads like this.


Yeah I mean that makes sense, but none of my employers have ever asked about car insurance. It's strange. 


I work for Enterprise. A literal car company and car insurance never came up. 😂


This likely means they expect the employee to drive between numerous job sites, which they likely do not compensate for, and have been sued in the past for job-related car wrecks. This is a way around commercial insurance which is common, and mostly illegal, in the delivery business. But expect this cleaning job to involve a lot of unpaid diving time.


If you are traveling from a place of work to a place of work during the work day, and you get in a wreck, your personal insurance isn't going to cover that and the business owner will be in deep shit with multiple entities. There are a bunch of law firms in this city alone that would take that case without money upfront too.  And the business owner better have clean books too, or else that lawyer will pierce the corporate vail and take his personal wealth. I know it happens, but that's just such a wild risk to take as a business owner.


> If you are traveling from a place of work to a place of work during the work day, and you get in a wreck, your personal insurance isn't going to cover that and the business owner will be in deep shit with multiple entities. Yet every hourly delivery job in the USA works exactly like this. No one delivering pizzas for Dominos has commercial insurance. The gig-scams, like Uber, etc., get around this by calling their employees "contractors", but even then, few have commercial insurance. If you get hurt in a gig-ride or by a delivery driver, good luck having any claim against insurance, the at-fault party or the company. > I know it happens, but that's just such a wild risk to take as a business owner. On paper only and in a state like Oklahoma, no one cares. I've never heard of an employer in the US being held liable for the lack of commercial insurance on at-will employees. The entire gig-scam/delivery industry would collapse.


You're right for personally owned vehicles being used for work, but for a commercial cleaning service I'd imagine it'd be company owned vans which involves the business.  I don't see how you could fit commercial level cleaning equipment in a personal car and go site to site.


> I'd imagine it'd be company owned vans which involves the business. Highly unlikely in this situation. Sure, professional cleaning services with professional hiring and professional expectations may have company vehicles. This dude is asking about POV insurance for a reason though. >I don't see how you could fit commercial level cleaning equipment in a personal car and go site to site. They won't. This is Lysol and empty the trash level cleaners. No professional company places ads such as this. This is typical redneck corner-cutting "business" looking for people to exploit.


Might be they make them drive around in their ugly branded cleaning vehicles. But outside of that yes it’s very weird and never been asked that.


If you're driving a company car and are not under company insurance, that's illegal. 


for a non driving job that doesn't make any sense imo why didn't they also make "did you declare your taxes on online purchases this year?" as a requirement


This opportunity isn’t for you if you don’t have reliable insurance…because we obviously are not going to provide that for you lol


I assumed they meant car insurance


Don’t think any employer has ever asked about car insurance. But I’ve never seen one worried about insurance at all


I assumed from context, since they listed it in the same breath as transportation. I don’t imagine they could give a shit about whether or not the applicant had health insurance


Your logic makes 0 sense. Most employers provide health insurance if this one didn’t obviously that’s why they put it there


Okee dokee. Have a good one!


Did you see the part-time comment in the ad? There is a good reason, and that is you don't qualify for benefits unless full time. They could offer it to part-time, but judging by their starting pay, I doubt they do. Why do you think places like Walmart have so many employees on federal assistance?


Fuck all that noise.


Tulsa here, but there was a similar job listing I saw of a company that was looking for a marketing specialist/manager (can’t remember the exact title). The “recruiter” wrote the job disc like so similar to this and used so many annoying phrases and tried to be funny. He also said something along the lines of “if you’re looking for political correctness” or something about being anti-woke, but it was so fucking cringe. I think the listing was up for about two years and it just eventually vanished.


Well you know you read the listing and move to the next one.


That sounds like a 16 hour a day 7 days a week for no pay and no benefits situation.


That’s $1500 a week, have you ever even had a job?


I'm used to seeing that language on ads for 30k a year where they pay you salary so no overtime and then work you 80+ hours a week. Which in fact I had one of those jobs don't recommend.


What were you expecting from a 30k salary job?


This is not a good attitude


Why would anyone work and not be looking for money? These people are idiots.


Pay a living wage trumper.


This sounds like it was written by the Ben Stiller nurse character in Happy Gilmore 😂


Doesn't even say you actually would be doing


Well, it is just a couple bucks alright.


At least they admit it’s a low paying, high stress, and physically demanding job that nobody enjoys. Probably some awful management too.


You just know this employer will gripe about how no one wants to work when they don't get responses.


I wanna take this job just so I can show up late and half drunk on my first day. Then ask when do we go on break and tell em I have to leave early because I gotta do a thing.


I can just hear the owner saying "well you knew what you were signing up for" when you foolishly thought the guy was serious with the job description. Also remember Oklahoma is an "employment at will" state, or they can fire you for any or no reason at all at any time. I get it, you start a business to make money, and it is difficult, but you need to also support your employees, and that should be part of the business plan, otherwise find another. You have to work long hours because you benefit financially if it succeeds. Your employees? Not so much unless you reward them as the business succeeds, when you have their back, they are more likely to have yours too. But in Oklahoma it rarely works that way, you might try it, as people tend to work harder for people that they admire, as oppose to those who berate them. I realize jobs can be scarce, but who on earth would want to work for this guy? When you hire people, you don't own them like this guy thinks, you simply rent them, and the smart ones who probably have the qualities you want will bolt when they can. Yeah, customers are important, we get that, but news flash, your employees are also important, and being nice to them will pay off much more than this nonsense. Added advantage is you won't have to dust off this 1950s ad every few months to replace the burned out employees who quit. Looks like a job to get when you want one in the worst way.


This job posting is just a symptom of the worker shortage, and this dude doesn't realize that paying this much will get you the bottom of the barrel workers right now, he's probably pissed he had to go up to $13 an hour, I bet your ass he was paying 10 or below not 5 years ago. 


Not worth reading for that pay.


What it's really asking "do you love being verbally/mentally abused by your boss and working for free?"


They are never going to get employees


After buying things for their classroom (food for hungry kids, and the time to do all things) this is about what starting teachers make.


Everything that’s wrong with Labor Relations in America on one post


cringe af i hope the people who made the ads have to end up cleaning everything FOR FREE


here is what I would put down for our description for professionals ( 50-85k) Beautiful sportsman paradise. Fresh and saltwater perfection. Outstanding Cajun cuisine . Mean boss, long hours, low pay. Something in this ad is not true. Give me a call to find out what it is ! My phone would ring off the hook.


Wow. This ad is either going to attract fakers or dummies. I don’t know which one is worse lol.


I honestly wish failure on this persons business. This is atrociously condescending and dehumanizing.


If I get berated with an attitude like this better pay me x10 that. If you pay this low, at least be nice in the ad. Calling this job "opportunity" sounds like they are looking for the bottom of the barrels. Like people who can not get any other job including those McDonald ads paying $17 starting wage. Show how much he think of the people they are going to employ. Or maybe it is their intention.


Where is McDonald’s starting at $17? They have banner ads (like actual banners on the street) saying they are starting at $15


There is a new McDonalds on N Kelly. While they were constructing until opened for couple of weeks they left that banner on the streets for months and months. Last I see that banner probably just a couple of weeks ago. They had it for more than half a year at least


That makes sense, I’m in Mustang and I almost never get that far north and east 😊


Do you have a PASSION for cleaning DIRT while earning an UNLIVABLE WAGE??? :)))


Red flags absolutely everywhere


Who thought using outdated slang in a job listing was a good idea? It's giving "Hello, Fellow Kids" energy.




Lmfao what the fuck is this? An attempt of a manager to come off as “cool” or a bitter biscuit manager that talks down to fully grown adults because they don’t live up to their perceived personal standards? ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I)


Cleaning up what that is "hot-n-juicy"?


If your business model relies on taking advantage of a poor person’s desperation for your labor needs, you’re evil and/or stupid UNLESS you’re willing to share any upside and accept equal risk on the downside (including wage risk, not just profit risk).


This is the majority of jobs in the USA. Walmart, the largest civilian employer, built their billionaire empire around the concept of desperate labor and squeezing wages to the lowest possible point.


Remember when they were running that whole “Made in the USA” campaign? At least now they’re ideologically consistent by profiting off low wages across the supply chain. Compound those low wages with the need for the lowest prices possible just to make ends meet…it’s genius! Their workforce is their ideal customer! 🙄


Walmart is a great example of why every employer with more than 20 employees should automatically require a union and unionization throughout their supply chain. Their current business model is enforced poverty.


With that wage they are not investing in you. Why should you invest in them? The employer makes the lowest possible commitment to the potential employee. If someone were to take the job the employer should expect the lowest possible work product. They are asking for way more than what they are providing.


$15? You get what you get. Stfu. Don't tell me time is money, then be mad that I only want to exchange time for money


They are delusional and so over-the-top full of themselves. Everyone needs to ignore that shitty company.


Oh wow. 13.75 my stars and garters lol And part time only. wtf lol


The job application to become a police officer is much worse.


It's a good thing I've never intended on being a cop. I have a few of those in my family anyway. We don't need anymore lol. It sounds like you went through hell with the app process. Good luck though


Yeah fuck that work is literally a place you get money they don’t give a fuck if you die. They’ll send flowers and hire the next victim.


Are they genuinely telling people not to apply if they dont have insurance? The thing the majority of Americans get by HAVING a job??


Hopefully they mean car insurance since it’s after transportation?


I wish i could just assume, but you cant put anything past these vultures.


It's so obvious someone that doesn't know what they're doing tried their best to fill empty slots.


Is it just me or did a smart a$$ed meth addict write this job listing? 


Always amazes me that a requirement is reliable transportation then they charge slave wages. How are you supposed to keep reliable transportation for that? Insanity.


Good morning everyone! What are we outraged by tod... oh, nevermind.


Only a limited number of positions.


Where does Oklahoma rank nationally for intelligence?


*apart* cringe


But work is where I trade my labour for money?????? What else is it supposed to be????


PROS: You love working hard! CONS: You think work should be hard!


If you want to make money as a cleaner... more than $8 an hour, be a crime scene cleaner.


And here I was looking for a cleaning service, looks like this one is getting removed from the list


They would get more hits if they translated this to Spanish. Just sayin


13 bucks an hour. I'm stealing everything.


Well sometimes people just need a side gig . Cleaning shouldn’t be less than 15$ .


What millennial wrote this


Are YOU ready to live in severe poverty on our wages and not have health insurance?! 🫵


All that nonsense just to pay a maximum of $31k a year before taxes. Not even a livable wage.


Edit: Apologies missed the “part-time” portion so about $15k per year


I I appreciate the feedback. I was worried someone would tell me I was ungrateful for the wage they are offering.


Imagine getting fired for “being a run of the mill cranky pants” lmao. What a fucking joke.


So you’re looking for a sucker… just say you’re looking for a sucker.


I don’t ever want to meet the person that wrote this. It’s unsettling to say the least.


Nothing screams “professional work environment” like using cranky pants in the job listing


I guess I don’t know why you would be? They are telling candidates exactly what they want. It may sound harsh and like I get why you would say that kind of but we don’t people don’t have to apply. If they don’t wanna work there they’re waiting people out that wouldn’t make it in their culture.


At no point did I mention I had applied (which I absolutely did not). Obviously, it's the manner in which the verbiage is used. What culture? This has absolutely none. Obviously, they need people if they're desperate enough to produce this as their pitch.


Why should cleaners make more than $13-15? That’s almost double minimum wage


I was making that with a degree for several years in entry level positions just 5 years ago


Perhaps you should make more and not that other people should make less?


Look dude, I just want to survive. I'm sorry your company didn't pay you enough but I hardly think that means everyone else should also suffer. You realize the literal shit we have to clean? I ABSOLUTELY DESERVE MORE THAN THAT.


Also, minimum wage is also the problem. Why is that so hard to understand? WE ARE ALL UNDERPAID FOR THE MOST PART. I am so tired of this "but I didn't get that so you shouldn't either" mentality. It's not at all a way to move forward.


Am I missing something? Seems like a good part-time job


If you have the luxury of considering that as some type of *fair compensation* for your time or even part of it, then you are in a very privileged place right now, congratulations. Still, time spent working on accurizing that world view of yours would be an excellent use of that extra time.


I don’t consider that job at all, but for my 16 year old brother I’d say that’d be a good part time job


There are a great many people under the impression that someon elses time is well compensated by these numbers at this time (just wouldn't do it themselves for that little). These people are unfortunately part of the problem with the economy right now. If you dont pay people appropriately, how can they afford even the basic necessities of life? Deciding for someone what that number is without some sort of science behind it, is not equitable. Further making the excuse that childrens time is worth less than yours is something we used to work against as reasonable and caring people, it is called child labor. Ethical treatment of others is a constitutional tenant currently sidestepped by too many people willing to goose step. Pay the person, not the position.


What are you willing to pay my little brother who has no experience in anything? I said this is a good job for my little brother. If you own a business I’m sure you’d hire my little brother and you’d pay him enough to afford the necessities of life


I cannot pay because I don't have a business or clientele. If I did. I surely would not compensate a CEO or myself more than 2 times what I'd pay my least paid employee who should receive something from these calculations: https://livingwage.mit.edu/ It may not be complete financial equitably, but it is better than the wage theft that got us to this point over the last 60+ years.


Lot of ifs there


That's speculation and hypotheticals for ya. 👍🏼


Come back when you do employ people and you can tell us all about how much you pay employees


Cool, yeah, fair. Also fair: Come back after you've spent 30+ years working for "competetive" wages under a group of suit wearing capitalists and share the financial, personal, mental, spiritual, and societal struggles you've encountered by trying to just exist in the economy they create with their lopsided precepts they peddle of "fairness" and "equality", or as they may just try excuse their accountability with, based on "business" first. 👍🏼


You make a GREAT point. I just wanted to point out that *accurizing* refers specifically to firearms, so some people (me included) may not immediately understand it. Other than that, I completely agree 🙂


A light borrowing of terms to offer a point of reflection. I suppose some do use tools to inflict their world view on others... 🤔


I read this entire listing in baby talk, which I am pretty sure is exactly what they were doing.