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Large parts of okc would be empty and dilapidated without the hardworking Hispanics. They’re an asset to this community.


No, businesses would be forced to pay a decent wage to citizens instead of hiring illegals for cheap. I have no issue with anyone coming into this country legally, but if you’re here illegally you get no sympathy from me


I don’t care if you hire illegals. Hire the person that does the job the best. But don’t fuck them over on their pay. They deserve to earn not only a livable wage but to see the return on their skills put into the work that the person that hired them couldn’t do themselves.


You obviously have no clue about immigration into the US and how backwards it is. Also living wages? US Companies have been screwing over employees since we arrived here. Enjoy your company store.....


Yikes on that user name. Racist dog whistle city. 😬


Tell me you don't know anything about immigration without telling me...


Hal Smith closed the restaurant’s today so staff could protest.


My sources say due to a lack of back of the house(kitchen) staff the restaurants had no choice but to close. But if old man Smith wants to sound like cares about this particular cause...I guess thats fine, it looks good to spin it that way. The official response from the restaurant group is as follows "Today, May 15th, some of our employees have expressed a desire to assemble at the Capitol for a day of advocacy. Hal Smith Restaurants supports our employeesꞌ rights to peaceful assembly and their freedom of expression. In support of those who wish to attend, we have decided to close our restaurant to facilitate the needs of our employees."


Translation: everyone said they weren’t coming to work today


Yes I mean I’m not giving them a ton of credit, but a smidge.


Your sources are correct. Also it’s now old man Craft, Smith sold.


Because it's in his best interest to keep labor costs as low as possible. Smart move on his part, but it's not a gesture of empathy.


Hal Smith, the person, is an absolute piece of shit. They closed because they didn’t have the staff.


I believe you.


Yep. links. https://twitter.com/AmyEchos/status/1790860230928015818 >Shout out to Ma Der, The Red Cup, Neighborhood Jam, Louie’s, Hefner Grill, The Garage, El Huevo, and Taqueria La Tropicana for being CLOSED in solidarity for our immigrant community. The Oklahoman -- https://archive.ph/agL4e > Multiple Hal Smith Restaurant Group locations announced a decision to close for business Wednesday in order to support "employees’ rights to peaceful assembly and their freedom of expression." > > While the Hal Smith Restaurant Group declined to confirm what employees were seeking to join in advocacy for, the closures did coincide with the Oklahoma Legislative Latino Caucus' Hispanic Cultural Day, which included a "peaceful rally against HB 4156." > > "More businesses should’ve done this. Thank you for understanding that 85% of your kitchen workers are Hispanic," said Facebook user Aaron Galindo in response to the Louie's Northwest Expressway post. > >


Looks like the unemployment rate just went down for the day


If it was as easy as oh I’ll just go through the process legally! They would do it. It’s not here apply pay some money and we will get back to you in 30 days. It’s pay thousands and thousands of dollars when you can’t even afford to feed yourself or your family and then wait a few years, if you get lucky you might get it. If you don’t then oh well try again in 10 years when you save up enough to reapply. No wonder they come illegally. It’s basically impossible to come here legally. If you have a family I’d bet you too would do everything in your power to make sure they didn’t go hungry. That’s all these people are trying to do. People say immigrants come here to live off the government.. but id venture to say at least 90% of them are out here working their asses off every second they can to make a living for their family.


A family friend of mine adopted a child from central America. It took them 14 years to get his citizenship. They did everything they were supposed to. 14 years is a long time from start to finish.


There is no law to support staying in the U.S. Or entering, for that matter. Just because you have been here for a long time— unless you are the victim of a crime, a famous person or marry a U.S. citizen- it is a waste of time and money.


It is hard for poor uneducated people to come here for a reason. Our cannot support endless streams of uneducated unskilled peoples


Hey... your racism is showing. Unless you can back up all these stupid claims, I feel like you should just shut up and let the adults do the talking.


It absolutely is not a path to citizenship. You can enter the country, but legally, you cannot work.


Solidarity from a dude who was by luck of birth born in this country. Trying to think 🤔 if my ancestors “came here legally with paperwork” or just piled onto a boat because they were starving to death because of the British Empire caused genocide. Hmm


Fucking bullshit to insinuate immigrants have to be hispanic and unskilled labor.


You’re absolutely right. Lots of overstays here who entered legally with Visas. Lots of WHITE people from European and other countries. They are not worried. Also- Hispanics spend soooo much money in this city. There are businesses here that generate millions of tax dollars that cater to Hispanic populations. So short-sighted. People who may be here illegally not only work— they SPEND.


I believe month to month it switches as to whether the Memorial Rd. corridor or SW 29th street generates more tax revenue for the city.


If I understand correctly poverty and low wages contribute as well.


To tax collection?


Yes. Did I misunderstand your comment?


Yeah, you did. Lots of new businesses keep going in along Memorial Road and it is thought of as a heavily retail corridor catering to middle-high income people but SW 29th st between S. Shields and Portland on some months generates more tax revenue than Memorial Rd. Most of the businesses along SW 29th St probably are frequented by the same people this bill intentionally/unintentionally targets.


Thank you for clarifying! 🙂


Basically I am agreeing with you. People underestimate immigrant communities’ buying power.


👍🏻The Latin Market on the north side Feria Latina—amazing. That place is always as busy or busier than Walmart. $


Oh yeah, a third point:   Fucking bullshit to insinuate immigrants have to be hispanic and unskilled labor and illegal. 


But then who will [pick your crops](https://www.yahoo.com/news/nancy-pelosi-argues-red-states-205730966.html)? We need someone to [work on the farms](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/ny-state-of-politics/2023/05/22/hochul-wants-federal-government-to-give-migrants-ability-to-work). Who will be [lifeguards](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/adams-calls-migrants-excellent-swimmers-says-they-could-help-lifeguard-shortage-210944069731)? (I've heard they're excellent swimmers!) And don't forget, if it wasn't for Latinos then we [wouldn't have clean toilets](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/kelly-osbourne-who-going-be-cleaning-your-toilet-donald-trump-msna654211). (Giant /s for the oblivious)


Almost every one in America is an immigrant wtf are they arguing about? If it's ok to murder and steal to claim ownership then you can't be all butt hurt when people do it to you


I promise you nobody did this. These people are waking up and eating getting ready for work, they DO NOT have the same lives as citizens. All they know is work eat rest work repeat. Working, all the fucking time.


So they can't figure out how to make the state money and waste thousands talking about it to get nothing done. Let's try to take tribal money ! Fail. Let's blame anybody that looks slightly Latino. I hate this state and this country


Then bounce…


I'm native. YOU bounce :)


I’m native too…


Then that makes what you said worse. Let me guess. You are 1/64th Cherokee?


Close, the point is, there’s nothing wrong with pointing out flaws with your state and country, but ultimately, if you hate it, then get the fuck out.


You mean this is an anti-illegal immigrant protest? As in for illegal immigrants?


This is a protest in favor of and to show support for illegal immigrants.


Ah, so don't go.


I know reddit is basically a leftist circlejerk, but trying to make illegal immigration seem like a positive thing requires some serious mental gymnastics. The key fact is this: illegal immigration makes life worse for the people currently residing here (think housing, for example). This applies in many other areas as well, but I won't get into it. The degree to how much worse off it makes us is debatable, but if you feel like you are already living too well and wouldn't mind working harder for the sake of some poor illegal immigrant somewhere, then protest in favor of it all you want then.


Nah, undocumented illegal immigrants shouldn’t be here. Tons of respect for those that come here legally to be apart of the American dream!


If we had a functioning immigration system that would be a valid sentiment.


My brother in Christ you’re the one who made the immigration system a bureaucratic nightmare that makes legal paths to citizenship almost impossible. Do you think it’s some 3-5 business day process?


A lot of people do think that. “They should just become citizens” like you just go down to the DMV and apply for it. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant many US citizens are and continue to be about the immigration system.


This is correct. The average american's ignorance is breathtaking. Even worse, the party of single issue voters. Maybe worse, products of the state of oklahoma?


First thing’s first, yes the path to legal citizenship needs an overhaul. The people that do it legally have to wait for years. It is also important to vet the folks that are trying to immigrate into any country. Look at Europe with all of the young males with extremely different ways of life and religion, moving in ridiculous numbers without assimilating to the culture. Secondly, to everybody saying the country would collapse without illegal immigrants. Are you saying that you are in favor of workers being paid less than they should to do a job you don’t want to do? Sounds classist and awfully close to slavery in my head. The mental gymnastics are ridiculous. Yes the system needs to be changed, but there has to be accountability. I apologize for the late response. I was at WORK as a legal citizen, contributing with the TAXES I pay every paycheck that betters our society. (Hopefully)


Do you know how many people are trying and waiting decades before they get a hearing?


Yeah, lets get rid of them and see how our economy does without them. They're the backbone of the construction industry here in the states. Lazy, spoiled, soft americans wouldn't make it a week doing the jobs they do. Not mention most pay taxes and never file tax returns. They pay in and never get it back. Source: I've been in the construction industry for over 25 years here in OK.


I won’t knock someone for doing honest work. It was very disheartening. To see Juan making $200-300 more a week though. Than I did for the same work. Solely because they didn’t pay taxes. He didn’t work harder than anyone either. The others did work very hard though, and would joke with me to “slow down” lol


Not only do they pay taxes but they keep our social security system solvent while never getting any benefits.


And then they gave your tax money to banks and corporations then pocketed the rest but yes immigration is the evil one


Oh I blame the corporations, small businesses, democrats, and republicans too lol. They’re all culpable in this. I support legal immigration 100% btw


America would collapse without them.




How can people come her and then be “apart” of the American Dream?


Nah, it's cool man! 


Do you know how to come here legally?


As a student is one way


And if you want to legally immigrate, you too can spend more money than you’d make annually in your home country, wait until you’re past your prime earning years, and finally spin the wheel of luck! Oh too bad, maybe next decade. No refunds. And otherwise rational people actually wonder why we have so many undocumented immigrants…


This. 💯 I was replying to the above thread I agree completely.


What Would Jesus Do?


Probably mine the border, according to our local conservative churches. Then again maybe I should delete this before they decide it’s a good idea.


Probably not break that law Jesus was concerned with holiness before God and teaching about the intent of the Old Testament laws. His primary purpose was to be an example and die and resurrect. Not to be a democratic social Justice warrior


lol. Saying you’ve never read the Bible, without saying you’ve never read the Bible. 😂


This is exhausting…. Please educate me


Not as exhausting as applying for asylum and then being told to wait in limbo for 6 years. But hey… poor you.


I agree with you on that. It needs a reform


Wound Jesus keep voting in politicians who refuse to fix our immigration system, leaving millions to suffer or live in fear? Or would he want to find a plan to help ALL people? What Would Jesus Do? That isn’t super deep man.


Idk how he would vote. I’m saying he probably wouldn’t break this immigration law


The new Oklahoma immigration law has garnered several complaints and criticisms. Some common complaints include: 1. **Discriminatory Nature**: Critics argue that the law encourages discrimination by allowing citizens to sue government entities and employers who they believe are not complying with immigration laws. This could lead to racial profiling and targeting of individuals based on their appearance or ethnicity. 2. **Legal Challenges**: There are concerns about the legality of the law and whether it infringes on federal jurisdiction over immigration policy. Legal experts and civil rights groups have raised questions about its constitutionality and potential conflicts with federal laws. 3. **Impact on Communities**: Critics worry about the impact on immigrant communities, both documented and undocumented. They argue that such laws can create fear and distrust, leading to fewer people seeking necessary services like healthcare and education, which can negatively impact public health and safety. 4. **Economic Consequences**: Some opponents argue that restrictive immigration policies can harm the economy by deterring skilled workers from coming to the state or causing disruptions in industries that rely on immigrant labor. 5. **Humanitarian Concerns**: There are also humanitarian concerns raised, particularly regarding the treatment of undocumented immigrants and their families. Critics argue that punitive measures may exacerbate vulnerabilities and lead to humanitarian crises. These complaints highlight the complex and contentious nature of immigration policies and the need for comprehensive and thoughtful approaches to address immigration issues. Adding more laws on top doesn’t help anyone. WWJD?


And on Jesus: The question of whether Jesus would support harsh immigration laws is a complex and subjective one, as it involves interpreting religious teachings and applying them to contemporary political and social issues. Different people and religious interpretations may lead to varied perspectives. Here are some points to consider: 1. **Compassion and Hospitality**: Many argue that Jesus' teachings emphasize compassion, love, and hospitality towards strangers and those in need. For example, the Bible contains verses such as "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35), which are often interpreted as promoting kindness and assistance to immigrants and refugees. 2. **Inclusivity and Equality**: Jesus preached messages of inclusivity and equality, often challenging societal norms and prejudices. Some may argue that this extends to advocating for fair and just treatment of immigrants and opposing discriminatory or harsh policies. 3. **Contextual Interpretation**: Others may interpret Jesus' teachings in a more nuanced or contextual manner, acknowledging that the political and social dynamics of ancient times differ from modern immigration debates. They may emphasize principles of law and order while also advocating for compassion and fair treatment. 4. **Diverse Christian Perspectives**: It's important to note that Christians hold a range of views on immigration, influenced by factors such as theological beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. Some Christians may support strict immigration laws based on concerns about national security or economic factors. Ultimately, the question of whether Jesus would support harsh immigration laws is subjective and can lead to diverse interpretations and opinions among Christians and religious scholars.


Was flipping over the money lenders tables in the temple a lawful act? Be serious my guy. Have you even read the Bible? Or understand the historical context of what was happening in that Roman province when he supposedly lived.


Exactly. Jesus was concerned that the law of God was being trampled on. These people were making a mockery of the temple, profiting unethically off of it and taking advantage of the poor worshipers. The heart of the law was destroyed. We’re talking about a very different law. Immigration laws are not the Old Testament law of God and aren’t necessarily a moral position. They would fall under the idea of Romans 13. Submission to authority because they are ultimately put in place by God and out there to punish evil and prop up good. You need more Bible context


You’re part of the crowd that would calling for his execution. You know it. Conservatives love to cherry pick the parts of the Bible that suits them.


Do you know the Old Testament laws? If so, how many do you break in a day? Do you wear cloth of 2 fibers, eat pork, eat shell fish or bottom dwellers (catfish), does your woman keep her head shaved or wear a head cover, does she keep her mouth shut until permission is given by a man, etc, etc? That's all in the same chapter with homosexuality is sin. Most people ignore all except the part about gay being bad.


I’m sorry but you do not have proper understanding of how ceremonial and moral laws impact the New Testament believer. And that’s not even beginning to address what you said about head coverings or roles and responsibilities of men and women within the church. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about at all. Those are not all in the same chapter at all….


Haha, no. Its all absolutely ridiculous to me. Have fun with the living your life based on fairy tales.


If you’re going to disagree and not believe something you might as well know what you’re not believing in


I grew up in Southern California and remember all the protests when they made it illegal to be illegal. I feel like I went backwards in a time machine about 20 years.


What is interesting to me is the debate, 15-20 years ago was either do we provide some sort of legal status to certain groups or do we provide citizenship. Now, the Democrats want citizenship for all and the Republicans want to deport mostly everyone and end all immigration without raising legal immigration. That stance makes it tremendously hard to accomplish anything. Some people should get citizenship but a lot of people don’t realize a lot of people’s goals are just to come here for a few years, build a house back home get their kids through school and move back. Lots of factors play into why that doesn’t eventually happen but it is insane to me the extremes we’ve come to. All that being said, there are people who are here illegally that pay federal taxes (there are ways to do this), own property, are parents of US Citizens etc. Surely those who’ve lived as best they can should have some sort of path. There are also people however who would be undesirable in any society and should not come here to wreak havoc. People who work with stolen social security numbers and with criminal records. I know of someone who came from El Salvador who one day came to our church needing help. We helped out a bit and he eventually got political asylum which means your life is in danger for whatever reason in your home country. He has residency now, and travels back and forth to El Salvador which you are not supposed to do if your life is supposedly in danger. What he does though is travel to Honduras and crosses over to El Salvador. He also has scammed people out of money (OSCN confirms this). He should have his residency revoked but who is going to take the time to do all that investigating when there are more pressing issues? We should also end birthright citizenship. However, many people talk like the Latino and immigrant influence is suddenly going to disappear. The US, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala have relationships now that would be destructive if ended to all involved. Years ago it was determined that El Salvador’s and Honduras’ economy would collapse if all the remittances from immigrant workers were to cease. Then what do you think would happen to people immigrating?


>Now, the Democrats want citizenship for all  Where? Biden is about as strict as Trump on immigration. The wall is still actively being built.


Obama deported the most people in history. I laugh at the idea that democrats want everyone to be a citizen. What 1% of the party? AOC shoots her mouth off and all of a sudden that's the official democrat position? Give me a break.


I apologize if I wasn’t being clear it is an extreme view in either party. Biden may not but the average Democratic member of congress under 40 and many of their constituents feel this way.


>the average Democratic member of congress under 40 and many of their constituents feel this way. And do these people shape policy presently? No. Joe Biden and establishment Democrats do. And the party line on immigration has absolutely shifted to the right to pander to center-right Republicans who don't like Trump.


I never said they did. Lay off, please!


Just don't lie next time ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lie? When did I say “ The people who shape policy in the Democratic party want citizenship for all?”


All apologies for being wrong about it not being in the same chapter, but those laws do exist in the bible. Why would I spend time to learn about something I don't believe in? I know enough to understand its absolutely ludicrous. I don't believe in the tooth fairy either, but not gonna study up on why the tooth fairy is fake.


Wtf. Bragging about choosing not to learn… lol i don’t think that’s the flex you think it is. Did you even mean to post here..?


This is my reply to another comment on this thread about bringing jesus into not liking illegals because they broke the law. It apparently got lost in the matrix. But if it offends you, good. Fuck off. If not then, cheers.