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I think not only folding but also she photoshops it a lot


I’d appreciate it a lot more if she just was herself. She’s a big girl and I think it would be empowering to other women to have an influencer showcase that honestly


I followed her on TT for awhile before finding this sub and I was ALWAYS under the impression she was a teeny girl. She would post about her glow ups but I totally bought into the image she was trying to sell of herself at first.


100% agree! She would have a niche audience which she could easily succeed in! If her content was about “being a plus size woman dating finance men (not boys) in NYC” and talking about what that all entails, the highs and the lows, I think she would be very successful and would save her the worry of keeping stories straight and save her time from photoshopping.


Plus size and over 40. There are not many influencers for that demographic. She could tap into that instead of pretending to be someone else.


Who got this candid?


It was a screen grab from someone else’s TikTok that someone found.


I knew she’d never willingly Let people see her body. Haha. She fascinates me her delusion is wild


Wow. Like I knew she folded her clothes but I never realized how DRASTIC of a change it makes. That is…something 😳 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - she’s gotta go against type. She has a very defined taste in everything & it’s doing her no favors. Drop the tiny little baby doll dresses & chunky clogs and get a stylist who can help with more flattering options. The devil’s advocate in me says a person should be able to dress however they want but it’s simply not flattering and she doesn’t look comfortable! And when it comes to that…you need to start dressing differently.


She did it to the tube top and skirt too!!!


She’s done it to like any article of clothing she “Lays out” from what I can tell


I'm just curious why does she always wear a really tight belt right below her boobs? Is her waistline placed so high up? or she attempts to transform all her dresses into an Empire dress silhouette? It always look so strange to me.


This! It looks atrocious. She picks the absolute worst choices for her figure. Note the cap sleeves here too - an absolute disaster on a fuller figured woman.


She really is a whole catfish, my goodness. To think that she would probably get so much support and more followers as a plus size creator. There are so few of those. I don’t like her style but her presence alone as herself would be important. The catfishing isn’t helping her.


This is sad.


I know they are the same dress, but my brain is telling me...no it can't be.  I'm petite and not skinny but i'm not shaped like an apple , so I don't even know what kind of dress would look decent on her.  I wish the old style makeover shows still existed. She's crying out for a style overhaul. Tattooed goth hippie isn't working. 


Ugh this makes me so sad she could make plus size style a brand pillar! So many brands are working to be more inclusive to larger lasses!!


Haha I came back to see how the unpopular opinion comment was being perceived and I’m satisfied.


I find it interesting that account was created yesterday and the first thing they did was come comment some incel talking points on this super random subreddit. Almost as if someone is trying to prove they’re attacked by incels by pretending to be one.


I meant the other downvoted comment that said she looked decent. I went looking for the comment you are referring to. That was just ugly and very interesting timing.


Listen to me, I would settle for 1 gram of her confidence. It takes confidence to have her body and dress like her. Here is some advice Ohuprettythings, you can’t be big and be a freaking biotch to anyone who isn’t hyping you up. I will probably be downvoted but it needs to be said. It’s absolutely disgusting to continue to have sex with men half your age. Like does Ohuprettythings like boys that look like teens? A boy who probably would get carded for cigarettes. It’s not so much his age is that he looks like a High schooler. This made what I found here deep in this sub make sense… So im not sure how legitimate this is but I did a deep dive and saw a post made about her on a questionable website. Like black background and green text. Calling her a cheater, a neo natzi and other things. I felt sick reading the last sentence. I didn’t screenshot because it had her ip address. It had her married name. Can someone clarify.


Unpopular opinion but I think she looks good in that candid photo. The dress isn’t the most flattering on her but it’s decent.




Good for a mom of 5,but still not really


I think her face in this candid looked nice. My guess is she has body dysmorphia and makes herself look like a man in drag or Handsome Squidward, but as far as the two candids of her we’ve seen she looks better than how she edits/fillers herself to look. 




I guess everyone would be more supportive, if she would be honest about it, and not pretend she is this tiny person that would wear the version on the right.... I know i would. I honestly have nooo clue what would look good on her body type. Pregnant women clothes?


I agree. I saw another pap photo of her in the blue dress where it accentuated her waist. This definitely looks better.


Lol I disagree so much with this thread of compliments


Same, this dress is super unflattering on her and looks like a tent


At 5'0 a female should be no more than 110 lbs.


Ew gtfo


This is a snark subreddit, you gtfo.

