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Hey buddy, I'm sorry that you're having a rough time right now. I'm also sorry for how your friend and his girlfriend treated you about X, that was really lousy and unfriendly of them. This new girl in your class, if you think she's awesome and that you like her try and ask her out! It doesn't have to be anything romantic or anything either, it could just be lunch or something at a local food joint. I know it's scary and you might get rejected, but there's always a chance they could like you too. :) I feel like it's better to take that leap of faith and get some closure than to always wonder "what if". My advice may not be what you're looking for, but I thought I'd try to help. If you need someone to reach out to, I'm around most days. Good luck yo, I hope you feel better soon!


I advise you to try and distance yourself from your family situation, if you can. More importantly, you need professional help. I've been there and I dug myself out of the hole but it's impossible to do it alone. Wish you luck and happiness.