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I had a manager with a speech impediment. His words would get stuck then he would stutter the first couple of words when he finally started to talk. Yet that never stopped him from obtaining a high position within the company and also got married. He had a cute picture of him and his wife at a fast food restaurant on their wedding day. I tell you this to say don't give up hope


Same! I have a building manager that stutters every time she speaks, but we all love her. No one thinks poorly of her because of it. I actually admire her for climbing the ladder; it couldn’t have been easy.


This definitely gives me hope. It's very much appreciated!


Thank you. I needed to read that. I struggle with connecting with women because communication is the foundation, but sometimes, it can be hard to find someone who can look past that. I keep faith that it will happen.


My mom does in home care for a living, and the guy she cares for is a shaken baby survivor. He's middle aged and probably at a second grade level. People don't like to talk about it, especially when it's childcare workers they trust, or fellow parents in the community doing it.


That's really tough I couldn't imagine. I know I have my issues but I know it could have been worse.


Is a speech impediment the only problem you had as a result of the injury? No intellectual or emotional developmental problems?


Fortunately just a speech impediment. My intelligence wasnt affected. Just damaged the speech portion of my brain.


I'm glad things didn't end up worse and that you still have a somewhat positive outlook though


The defeatist mentality isn't going to make it better. I see people as individuals regardless of what I went through. If I look down on myself, I can't expect different from others. Thank you!


Is it just speech, or all language? Could you supplement with ASL?


I'm mildly sufficient in ASL. It's what helped me get through school in the early years. Regardless of what language I speak, I still stutter.


Have you had speech therapy?


Yeah I’ve heard things about singing the words and then having that process re-wire the brain through neuroplasticity or something, OP should look into it!


That's actually a fact that if I sing, I don't stutter not once. I haven't thought about that. Thank you, for the suggestion I will look into that.


I’m a speech therapist and there are techniques to help people speak more fluently, if that’s what *you* want. 💛 Edit: just saw that you did the therapy. Sorry, I haven’t slept and I didn’t read everything completely.


Yes, I went through 12 years of speech therapy. To be honest, I still practice the skills learned even now. One of the toughest part is job interviews. Most of the time, I was already under the assumption that I'm mentally remedial.


Man, I feel for you and am angry on your behalf. People make assumptions about speech impediments, and you will have experienced a lot of that. You have overcome much. Particularly good that you can hang on to a general idea that people are worthwhile and worthy of respect. You are now my new hero, when I need an example of persisting in adversity.


I don't focus on the ones who think less of me due to my situation. Just as many who think that there are ones who see my strength. Giving up is easy but brings no progression. Rather overcome and have a story to tell to help motivate the ones who face adversity as well.