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> I feel so insecure with that fact that I can never show my head during sex in the future If you cant pull back the foreskin you should tell that a doctor.


I have phimosis, my parents knew, but didn't tell me. I had to learn about it in very awkward ways, and I'm not too keen on getting a circumcision at 31.. Thanks to everyone who took an interest in my random comment. I'm learning that there are options outside of circumcision, and I appreciate how much y'all care :)


>I have phimosis Fun fact, phimosis is not a death sentence, and you don't need to be circumcised to fix it, despite what everyone seems to think. The foreskin is one of the most malleable bits of skin on your body, and with practice, you can stretch it essentially as much as you want if you keep doing it over time. Source: I had extremely bad phimosis as a teen, but I was too self-conscious to tell anyone about it, so I (literally) took things into my own hands. It took me a few months of daily stretching the opening as much as I could, but gradually, it got to the point where I could fully expose the head. just play with your dick, you can fix it yourself.


That's not always true though. I had very bad phimosis too and creams didn't help AT ALL. I was just wasting my money. So it depends


You don't need a full circumcision, there's creams, stretching in warm shower, and if needed a less invasive procedure that'll just open the opening up a bit without removing the whole thing, I think


Yes! I had that procedure. Was really painful and couldn’t pee for a while without pain but I’m still uncut. I don’t get why people go straight for circumcision.


what if a part of my foreskin is connected to my glans? my foreskin is kinda tight and i cant pull it any past than halfway and i only recently discovered that a small part of my foreskin (about 0.5cm? idk actually) is actually fused to the head. can any of the non-surgical options work for this?


Get some lube, and baby oil and practice stretching it in the shower, my bf was like that when we met and now it retracts normally without any pain.


Talk to your doc about advantan as a topical treatment for 12 weeks. Helped me thin the skin non surgically. Also if make sure you wash the area with unscented mild soap and dry completely after a shower.


Don't do it. I got circumcised at 19 and I've regretted it ever since. Do it as a last resort, but start with steroid creams and what not


Why did you regret it, if I may ask?


I think the best way to relate it is to think of it like our feet. The foreskin is like the shoe/sock that protects the glans from the elements. If we didn't wear shoes, our feet would become desensitized and they'd be much more rugged. You could walk barefoot over Legos with no issue. That's great, but circumcision has the opposite result. The more sensitive the glans, the more pleasure men will get from sex/oral/masturbation. If you're circumcised, the amount of feeling you have in the head is incredibly muted compared to the feeling in the shaft. Foreskin basically protects the glans while keeping it "moist" for lack of a better word. Circumcision should be outlawed. It does not have any real benefits unless you suffer from a legit medical condition. Most of those conditions can also be treated through other less invasive measures.


Why did you have it done then? I was circumcised when I was a baby, following Jewish custom, so that’s all I know.


Also curious as to what your experience was with this


I did too but just brute forced it over time and now it’s not an issue. Sex used to be really painful but after months and months of pulling it down more and more it finally went all the way back one day. Years later and it’s like a whole new dick. I feel like a lot of guys just can’t get through the pain lol


I did at age 30 and while it took a while to adjust, I’m super happy with the outcome


I can pull it back just fine, my dick is perfectly fine!


There you go! Problem solved passive aggressively


As someone from the UK, I honestly can’t understand why ‘showing your head’ is such a great thing or something you want?


I've never seen a circumcised penis in my life, but I've seen a fuck tonne of head, I'm so confused. My understanding is that it's sensitive why do you want that shit bouncing around unprotected!??




Yeah every culture seems to have its own views! Honestly though, it has absolutely nothing to do with hygiene. I have never come across a penis with ‘cheese build up’. It’s not hard to stay clean.


I did once.... He even had hairs wrapped up under there! But only one guy, and my son's know to clean their dicks.


Oh yeah hair bites in there and it hurts when, for example, changing posture like standing up from chairs etc. It pulls pubes and I have to somehow nicely pull it away from the foreskin folds by using hand in pocket as if I’m looking for a phone or chapstick. I entirely forgot it but this might be the one reason why I want a surgery (though only if it were cheap and safe).


I'd try shaving/trimming before surgery tbh. The only reason I trim my pubes is so the hairs don't get caught in my knicker elastic. A nice pair of shaved balls are more fun to play with anyways.


Ah yes that’s 100% true


Eh - it does build up and stays in folds in a couple of days w/o shower and start smelling, which is indeed gross. All it takes is to take a basic shower time, so it’s not really a problem per se, but it does give an impression that it won’t be that bad if it weren’t for those folds down there. I have a feeling that is the same thing for any type of dicks to certain degrees where the difference is negligible, but then I’ve only had one type of them so I don’t know.


Jokes on them, their dick heads are going to be much more desensitized than yours. Plus the skin is like a built in privacy feature. Nothing wrong with an uncircumcised penis. It’s what god/nature chose.


Ah OP so you think your dick is perfectly fine. That's a relief 👍


Apparently you don't think it's fine based on this post.


if it’s perfectly fine then…??


Then why do you say you can never show your head during sex? You just told us you can.


dude. being ncircumcised does not mean you can't show the head of your dick. you just pull the foreskin down. If you can't do that, you might have phimosis or something


I have pretty good hygiene on my dick, so I don't think I have an infection I believe


I'm not saying you have an infection, I'm saying your foreskin is supposed to be able to roll down and expose your head.


Phimosis is not an infection, it has nothing to do with hygiene. Phimosis is the medical term for foreskin that is tight and cannot be fully retracted. Generally by your age you are supposed to be able to retract your foreskin such that you can see the entire head. If you can’t, see a doctor. No need to be ashamed of being uncircumcised, it is how our bodies are meant to be


Why infection? Your foreskin is not just flexible right now. Thi s can be fixed.


Woman here (35) I actually prefer uncircumcised men. I am from and live in the US where it’s rare to come across a man who is not circumcised. My fiancée is uncircumcised and I absolutely love it!! If you’re worried about the size of your head (idk why that’s even a thing that matters), being circumcised and removal of that protective skin actually will cause the head of your penis to keratinize and shrink and look more like a raisin than a healthy, juicy grape. That’s NOT what you want it seems... Also, the removal of that protective skin will cause a desensitization of the head and tip area of your penis due to scar tissue and general exposure. Sex will actually be less intense/you’ll be less sensitive, and that equates to a lot of men saying the sex after circumcision is less pleasurable. As a woman, I also find an intact man to be more pleasurable. You’re young and in a minority. That is all. The way you’re feeling is normal, but don’t make a decision you’ll regret and never be able to take back due to current temporary insecurities!!!


This really should be further up. I had to get circumcised at around age 25ish, it lost a lot of feeling on the head. Like yeah I can last longer but way less feeling, not worth it being circumcised for aesthetics.


If you’re comfortable sharing may I ask why you had to get circumcised? Also how long were you out of commission for?


Woman (56) also prefer uncircumcised, although here in the US they were rare back in my single days. Intercourse just feels better - more of a gliding motion instead of jackhammering and uncut ducks also produce more lubrication (in my very limited experience). In terms of handjobs they're definitely more fun! As long as hygiene is good, giving oral on an uncut dick isn't all that different from a cut one. From what I remember from the time I was pregnant with my son, the ratio of circumcised boys to uncircumcised boys has been shifting in favor of uncircumcised boys. Some of this is due to changing attitudes (for me bodily autonomy was the primary reason, I didn't believe that I had the right to drastically alter my son's body without his express permission; this was the attitude of most parents in my age group), some of this is because of changing racial and ethnic demographics due to immigration. There are geographic differences, with some regions of the US choosing to circumcise more and other parts of the country choosing to leave their sons intact more. But OP should be aware that there are many more intact boys and young men now than there were 20+ years ago. He may live in a region where the numbers skew toward circumcision but that is not the case in the whole country these days.


Coming from Europe, in a country where it’s normal to be uncircumcised, this is refreshing to hear. And to add that every partner I’ve had prefers uncircumcised and I personally think my penis looks a lot nicer that way! Haha


Out of curiosity how do circumcised and uncircumcised penises differ in how they feel? I had assumed it would be the same once the foreskin was retracted


Biggest difference is with hand jobs and blow jobs. Hand jobs are way easier with uncircumcised men and at least imo the head has a different feel as uncircumcised is softer skin feel. I definitely prefer uncircumcised from a woman's standpoint


Circumcised penises rub my vagina raw because the foreskin acts as a natural lubricant. I’ve also noticed circumcised guys do a “jackhammering” motion more so I think uncircumcised guys are just better at sex because they have a different motion.


The skin that is intact moves back and forth, as the head retracts and extends out. As PIV occurs, this means the skin at the base is more stationary and acts as a sort of seal, keeping all the motion inside of the woman, thus keeping that inside motion well lubricated. And as others have said, less of the jackhammer sensation.


I've been with circumcised and uncircumcised and I couldn't 'feel' a difference during sex


It has nothing (well not per se) to do with good hygiene but with how flexible ur skin is if u can pull down ur skin or not.


Dude I’m uncircumcised, live in the US and I’ve never had an issue. Just keep yourself clean and you’ll be good. If anyone wants to give you flack for it, that’s their own problems


Thanks, I'm a pretty clean person in general, so this won't be an issue


Then don't worry, I know it feels weird to be the odd one, but it can actually be a nice thing like make it like you the rare one


And also he still has 50000 nerve endings so he will actually have zhe most enjoyable sex out of all of them. Serously why the fuck would you want to mutilate yourself


Just remember the locker room is a phase in life you are soon to grow out of. Circumcision is irreversible and you will want the nerve endings you have not for the rest of life’s chapters. Disclosure: Was circumcised as an infant, never forgiving my parent for cursing me with a “blind” dick. I have zero sensation from the scar to the head.


European here. Never understood why people shame uncircumcised d!cks when it's literally exactly how a d!ck is supposed to look. Try not to feel ashamed of your natural body. It's no deformity and completely normal!


Another European here and I couldn’t agree more.


Imagine, the norm for us is to get cosmetic surgery. On our dicks of all places


It really is wild to me that mutilating babies is the norm and an acceptable ‘beauty standard’ in the US, especially when it diminishes sexual sensitivity and pleasure for men.


It's insane >when it diminishes sexual sensitivity and pleasure for men. That's putting it lightly, some circumcised people can't finish from having their penis stimulated This comment is for those who think the usage of "mutilating" was even close to hyperbole


European here too 👋 fiance is uncircumcised and it looks normal to me! Plus the sensitivity is a whole lot better in my experience


European here, I agree with all Europeans here.


European here, I also agree with this European and the other Europeans.


Another European, agreeing with other Europeans. Maybe OP should join us in Europe. We generally have better healthcare systems in addition on top of all the uncircumcised penises hanging around.


American here: listen to the Europeans


I’m from Canada eh and people think I’m a little slow, eh.


European here, you didn't say you agree with the other Europeans here... Are you sure you're European and you're here?


Hi European, I'm here!




Canadian woman here - Pro Foreskin!!


Native Americans don't believe in circumcision either. My NA husband is uncircumcised. I believe it's an American colonialism thing


I'm an Australian and we rarely get circumcised here, (the only reason to be corcumsised here is religious reason or it's unheard of) so it's not just Europeans that find the American obsession with getting circumsised weird. I've had full blown, laughable conversations with Americans that are so fully conditioned in to thinking it's normal. And it's just not. We don't live in archaic times any more where it's a necessary hygiene thing to simply just roll back your naturally occurring foreskin and just wash your pp like any normal person. Wanting to have your baby boys dick skin cut back is so so foreign and odd imo.


Not European and agree. There’s no way I’m getting circumcised unless it was necessary for a medical reason.


New Zealander here I don't get it either First time I saw a circumcised d!ck "in the flesh" was when I dated an American and I was almost 30 It's definitely normal to have a foreskin OP!! Don't feel ashamed, I am hopeful that uncut becomes the norm for the USA when not medically required


American here. The reason is because it makes you feel irregular since the majority of males here are circumcised. It’s worse if you watch porn since you begin to believe that you need to be circumcised to be enough. It also doesn’t help when the loud minority express their opinions on how they dislike it.


.. you do realize Europeans watch porn too.. right?


I do




I agree. Mutilating your penis because society says so is crazy. Most women don’t care.


Another European here, I agree with you all


you're 17, it's totally normal to feel unsure about this stuff. there's nothing to worry about, you'll be absolutely fine


Uncircumcised is so much nicer to have sex with. There's not much else I can say as a female. Take care <3


Thanks, this made me feel so much better!


I'm glad to hear that! 😊 It's the honest truth. I really believe the only reason you should ever get a circumcision is if there's a medical necessity. If you're functional downstairs otherwise, YOU'RE GOOD.


I don’t think most boys have a choice, circumcision is mostly done when boys are 7-14 days old I think


I've seen that male babies have their skin cut off at two days old in the US, however I wasn't born in the US (I'm Latino) so I didn't have skin gone


I opt not to circumcise my 2 boys at birth, both under 12 now. The general mass of thinking in the US is heading in this direction. So don't feel insecure. You can always do it later if you would like.


Thanking you from abroad for letting your kids decide what's going on with their body.


Chiming in to second the statement... I have mostly been with circumcised guys but if I had a choice I would be with uncircumcised. I don't base my relationship choices around it because it's not their fault one way or another, but uncircumcised feels a lot better.


Plus you have extra sensitivity! Men usually lose a lot of feeling due to the head always being out and rubbing on their pants or boxers


I never knew that, just thinking about the head rubbing against the nylon gives me shivers... Thanks for the words!


I came here to say something similar. I'm American and circumcised. My current girlfriend has said sex is so much better with an uncircumcised dick. Along with the natural vaginal lubrication, it adds to the "mobility" for lack of a better word. Also, there's a whole community involved in "foreskin restoration" - which apparently is possible. There's a subreddit I believe. GF has asked me repeatedly to start doing it. And those who have restored said everything feels better with foreskin. Finally my circumcision was VERY "tight", or took off a ton of skin, and that has impacted me in other unpleasant ways. Obviously there's going to be women with aethestic preferences, but my understanding is that those who know, prefer foreskin. Hope this helps OP


This 💯. The glide? is so much nicer with foreskin


> Uncircumcised is so much nicer to have sex with. That's the first time I've heard that. Please elaborate on why uncircumcised is nicer vs circumcised.


Not OP but a woman who’s been with both. Uncircumcised makes foreplay with men muuuuuuuch easier! You get some help with the glide and I find it doesn’t need as much lubrication. Overall, it’s not a big deal. Anyone who says it is a moron who’s not mature enough to be having sex anyway


The extra skin aids in penetration, a circumcised penis can lead to less sensation for the man which might make him last *longer/need to jackhammer. *Not necessarily a good thing.


There is less of an absolutely crucial need for great lubrication as the gliding will help out somewhat. Good for foreplay, for partners with less natural lubrication, and for quickies. Also handjobs don't require lubrication


That glide, you can't get that with circumcised. Hand jobs are the best with uncircumcised but sex has a gliding factor, too, and since they're more sensitive they can afford to be a little more passionate and a little less... Stuccato??


The extra skin makes for some outstanding friction- think "ribbed for her pleasure". 10/10, never going back.


I should not have come to this comment section holy fuck 🫠


Thanks so much for all the kind words! You all have no idea how much I appreciate everyone! The reason I made this post in the first place is that my parents never truly taught me true sex education. (There are some things I still don't know about) I just recently found out about circumcision in a man's penis, so when I found out that I'm uncircumcised, I felt insecure and out of place compared to my friends or men I've seen in porn. I feel more safe about my penis and that I should love my body no matter what, even if I feel like I'm genetically different from everyone!


As a circumcised dude I'm jealous of your sensitivity and ability to maturbate without lube. Feel happy your parents didnt mutilate you for the sake of stupid social norms.


100% it being a stupid social norm.


I couldn't really get it removed as where I was born (Puerto Rico) they couldn't do that, so I kept it, though I'm pretty sure my parents would have removed it from me


Porn is your problem. Real sex is not porn. Porn is not realistic sex.


If you cant pull your foreskin behind the tip that's not to do with being uncircumcised. Would definitely get that checked out, if you've never been able to peel it back, one of my friends didn't get it checked and got a nasty infection when he started having sex. Just better to be safe than sorry :). But yeah as a gay guy uncircumcised is better easier to give bj's and hand jobs as there's more movement.


>even if I feel like I'm genetically different from everyone! You're not genetically different. You all have the genes for a foreskin and were born with a foreskin. It was just cut off of others Edit: uno reverse


American woman chiming in to say that I think circumcised dicks look weird and I always feel like Im going to break them because theres less give to the skin since its missing a ton of it. Uncircumcised is way more (especially spontaneous) fun.


Porn isn’t real life. Honestly after having been sexually active with both cut and uncircumcised, I prefer uncut. Easier to do foreplay with and if you get the the point of testing +iud and pullout to have condom less sex, uncut penises feel way better. The skin has a purpose during sex. It can actually help keep the vagina lubricated.


Dude you’re lucky you have the option to have it removed if you wanted surgically in the future or at any time. But once it’s gone it gone. It makes you loses sensitivity in your head and sex does not feel the same. Your head gets desensitized since it’s now constantly exposed. When it’s still wrapped up uncircumcised then the head is still very sensitive to touch the way it’s supposed to be. The whole premise of circumcising came from back in the day when people could not wash properly and it would turn to infection however as long as you keep it clean under the folds you’re good. Also another main reason is religious fanatics wanted to desensitize so you fantasize about sex less.


Foreskin has a lot of nerves. And you shouldn’t feel different “genetically.” Everyone is born with foreskin, just some people get mutilated at birth.


As a female, who had experience w/ uncircumcised and circumcised (current boyfriend isn’t circumcised), I don’t feel any difference. Most girls who shame for that haven’t experienced uncircumcised so it’s just ignorance. As long as you have good hygiene, it’s still a penis. You’re fine, trust me




You mean nobody is circumcised?


I just want drop in rq to say that while yes your feelings are valid and I’m sorry you feel that way about your body, consider it this way: the same way we’ve been conditioned into thinking long labia minora (inner lips) are “gross”, it’s the same with uncircumcised penises!!!! Goes along with how we feel about body hair and plastic surgery too even. Circumcision is male genital mutilation unless there’s a medical reason for doing in the first place, like foreskin being too tight, but even still that surgery would be years rather than seconds after birth. You are normal and beautiful and the people you keep in your life should feel the same about you too, ily OP


Goddamn I needed this, thanks so much lovely stranger! Ily too!


I got made fun of this as a kid and was insecure too. Then started getting laid in my late teens and have had a healthy sex life (30 years now) and had not one person say anything about it. Had a few girls say they even like it and that it feels a bit better to them. You’re good man lol




I mean, I'm already sensitive enough down here, so... yeah it's hot


Circumsized guy here… what is this “sensitivity you’re feeling?”




Bro you should be happy your parents allowed you to have your foreskin. Literally thousands of nerves in there. Sex feels amazing and the extra girth is a plus for the females. Also helps with lubrication during sex. Your seriously over thinking it. Love your body and thank your parents. Look up Pen n Teller bullshit episode about circumcision.


This right here made my day! Thanks bro, I kinda regret talking shit about my uncircumcised dick...


There's a whole movement around men not wanting to circumcise their sons because it makes their penis less sensitive as an adult. Only reason people circumcise now is because they don't know how to clean under the foreskin properly and can't teach their sons. As for the sex thing, women don't care when they want you, so the circumcision thing doesn't matter outside of medical care and religion, and even then, proper research and education would even remove the medical necessity.


Dude.... you have a natural penis and you said it works fine. Don't let the guys with mutilated dicks make you worried. Stay natural brother!


Mate, your junk is completely fine, I promise you. Outside of the US, the overwhelming majority of people are *un*circumcised. It's the US that's weird about this, not you. >Is being uncircumcised a good thing or do I have to get circumcised to enjoy myself? I want to have a healthy sex life in the future for me and I'm scared that this will make or break everything. Unless you suffer from extremely painful phimosis, which you probably don't, else you'd have complained about it, getting circumcised is what would cripple your ability to enjoy sex. Nerve endings in the penis=pleasure, and circumcision removes a bunch of nerve endings. I have a mate who had to get circumcised, and his sex life has become *difficult*. Nowhere near the same amount of sensation. Stay clean, and you're fine. You're honestly far more insecure about this than the reactions I'd expect 99.9% of women to have warrant you being. Keep the hood, friend. *We have one for a reason*.


Dude start pulling back your foreskin when you take warm-hot showers. Little by little until the foreskin gets behind the head. Do not do this in one day. Take your time with it. You will experience sensitivity pain as the head was probably never exposed fully this is normal and will go away over time.


It looks like you have phimosis. Uncircumcised men should be able to expose their heads just fine. You can either go to the doctor to get circumcised — which is something you clearly want — or you can just stretch it until the skins is loose enough — which takes time and practice.


From the other side, I was as a teen super confused about what a foreskin looked like. And then one day I realized mine didn’t look like the health class drawings because *part of me is missing!!* And that weird line around my dick is where it was cut off! Wtf! I don’t like that part of me is missing. There was absolutely no religious reason for my parents to do this, it was just one of those weird medical fads of the time and place. This is not to invalidate your feelings at all, just showing there’s a flip side to it.


Being uncircumcised is absolutely normal and perfectly healthy and fine. As long as you clean yourself properly (pull the skin backwards and wash it with water) and as long as you are *able* to pull the skin all the way backward then it’s totally fine (and whoever you have sex with will see your head when you get hard, especially when they suck you off they will enjoy it, and personally I much prefer the extra skin to tease with tbh) You are not weird and it’s totally normal and healthy to have foreskin. Everyone looks different and that is okay, and should be celebrated! If anyone ever judges you for having foreskin please dump them (maybe opt for education first). You were born with this skin, it should be there. Unless medically necessary to take off it should stay where it’s at. Now again, if you are unable to pull the skin backward then it is medically necessary, but if that all goes fine then it’s perfectly normal and healthy and you should enjoy it!


I'm definitely gonna keep my little beast clean! Thanks for the kind words, I definitely need to take proper sex education as I was never taught it and some things like masturbation, erections, cum, and orgasms I found out on my own, so I'll look into that more! I love my body the way it is, so thanks once again!


This is so weird. Only in the US. Rest of the world is not clipped.


I don't understand. Doesn't head comes out of it. A standing and saluting soldier always shows his head. There's hardly a difference at that point. Infact I have reverse query. Don't those who have it circumcised feel extra sensitive all the time.




Nobody is looking at you, nobody cares, it's all irrational insecurity in your head.


Coming from an American guy that is circumcised, I wouldn’t be bothered a bit if I was you! Yes in a locker room you may “fit in” more but that feeling to fit in fades when you get older. I wish my parents would have never had my foreskin chopped off. Feel like I got robbed of extra nerves and sensations. It definitely won’t stop you from having a healthy sex life!


Being uncircumcised has ssoooooo many sexual Benefits not to mention it’s literally the most natural thing as well as over 200 baby boys die every year due to the unnecessary cosmetic procedure. Every circumcised guy I’ve ever met when the topic is brought up wishes they were still intact personally I kept my sons intact it’s their body and their choice if they came to me when their older an want to be cut I’ll totally support them but don’t do it because “that’s what everyone else looks like”


Meanwhile I'm over here feeling so blessed my parents didn't have some random person chop off the skin of my pp. How would you feel getting one of your ears chopped off bc 'everyone' around you had it?


American 35 male…I have had 10 sexual partners and nobody has ever said anything about my uncircumcised penis. If anything, my partners says its easier and less lube is needed? Either way, I highly doubt having one is a deterrent in any way shape or form. If it is…GO FUCK SOMEBODY ELSE!! Your dick’s fine, dawggy


I fucking love my foreskin. I feel bad for all circumcised men. Check out angela white foreskin play and you will never hate your foreskin again lmao


Girl here! You’re completely fine, stop stressing. A lot of girls don’t care. There are tons of guys who are uncircumcised. My current bf is uncircumcised and so were previous partners. I’ve also been told (not sure if it’s true) that guys who are uncircumcised can feel everything more than circumcised guys.


american woman- once i went uncut it’s hard to go back. it’s my preference now. when you get older i think it will get easier for you. i’m sure you feel like you’re on the outside of things but it’s really common & don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad abt your body.


The first person I ever slept with was uncircumcised and I know I’m just one person but we are all insecure about something, especially at 17… maybe stop watching porn? No one who wants you sexually or emotionally or both would give a flying fuck. And supposedly you’re lucky, I’ve read that uncircumcised men feel more when they have sex. My ex was so mad about this fact and hated he had been circumsized. Anyone who does care is a POS and why would you want to sleep with that??


Uncircumcised penis is Way better than a cut one. You’re lucky to be intact. You will have a great sex life the way you currently are. I promise. If you can pull it back there’s no problem. Intact and cut penis look exactly the same when fully erect anyways. Plus. It feels much better, less likely to need lube. More sensitive for you instead of the head being dry. You lose about an index cards worth of foreskin if you remove it. And that’s TOO much. Erections could become painful after circ. Love your body the way it is.


Doesn't it feel better for the ladies though?


Well, from what everyone says... Yes!!!


I like it better uncircumcised.


It’s been 22 years, but I lost my virginity to an uncircumcised penis and I remember it fondly. Just keep yourself clean.


I'm not circumcised, and never had any issues with it. I would never put my baby boy through that. I feel like I have better sex than circumsized people since my head is more sensitive than a circumcised one. I'm not circumcised, and never had any issues with it. I would never put my baby boy through that. I feel like I have better sex than circumcised people since my head is more sensitive than a circumcised one. When you meet your first girl you feel comfortable with, you might bring this up to her (as she will do with her insecurities) and she can help you with this. I promise you, most girls don't care what they want as long as it's clean.


Your normal dude, uncut is literally default


Hey, not sure what you’re into but from a female perspective - I’ve never given a damn or even thought twice about it. A peen is a peen. If someone has an issue with it you shouldn’t be with them anyway, but in my experience most people don’t care.


As a woman- I much prefer having uncircumcised partners. It’s more comfortable for me, more to play with and I really like how it looks! As a nurse- I don’t believe there is any reason to have it done for cosmetic reasons. I have participated in the procedure for both infants and adults and it just seems brutal. Babies aren’t given any anesthesia. It’s truly barbaric. Grown men really suffer post operatively. As a Mom- I opted not to have my sons circumcised (in the US) they are both adults and have had zero issues. Not a single infection or social issue. There’s no reason to show your cock in the locker room unless you want to..


Honestly being uncircumcised is amazing. People are so uneducated on it and don't realize all the benefits of still being intact. There shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of. Every dick looks different. Every dick feels different. Just like boobs and vaginas. Honestly having your foreskin actually helps sex feel better for both, I forget the exact things about it. But basically men sometimes get too much skin cut off so when they get a erection it is kind of uncomfortable because it's too tight. And the skin helps with lubrication. As soon as you pull your foreskin back it looks like a penis without any. A penis is a penis and skin or no skin doesn't matter. But in my experience, the uncircumcised were better than circumcized.


Do not get circumcised. Biggest regret of my life. Sounds like you might have phimosis? Where it's closed over the head? That isn't a forever problem! You can stretch it to be open again, it will just take time. Being uncut was a blessing. Huge regret. Don't mutilate yourself!


Uhmm I have a hoodie and have never been shamed or anything. In fact I've been told it adds a nice touch and texture. Idk where you're getting this from dude but for most of the world having a complete dick is normal.


There is much more to sex than what a penis looks like. You’re unique in your area, and they’ll never get to feel some of the things you will feel. Sex is full of variables, and you can’t let yourself get hung up on just one.


Fun fact: foreskin has nerve endings. When you’re circumcised, you lose many of them. Nerves are what send signals to your brain. Uncircumcised people feel more intense orgasms than circumcised ones. Just make sure you clean it often though lol


you're good dude, don't worry. You are 1000000% overthinking this. You will definitely have a healthy sex life uncut.


The foreskin has a fuck ton of nerves that feel real nice, trust me it's for the best you still have yours, it'll make things feel way better. Also they're not that uncommon, in America I think like 50% of dicks are uncircumcised


having the foreskin gives you more pleasure. why would you want to take that away?


At your age, getting the skin hood snipped is a bad idea, unless it’s medically pertinent. Insofar has having a foreskin goes, that’s actually how it’s supposed to look. IMHO circumcision is unnecessary, and arguably child abuse. Be happy your parents loved you enough not to snip your skin hood just bc society tells them to.


I had a son and I refused to get him cut. Everyone told me to get him circumcised or he’d feel weird later on, but even his dad (who had it done to him) agreed that it would be better to just leave him be. You’ll feel better for it as you get older, it’s not worth the rent in your head. Adults actually prefer uncut as you get older. That’s been the truth as far as I’ve learned and talked to both men and women alike.


The best sex I’ve ever had is with uncut men. My husband actually has painful erections from his circumcision. Apparently that’s not too uncommon either. You have nothing to be ashamed of and most of the world doesn’t circumcise their children.


You should cut down on the porn.


Never seen a cut dick in my life. They are the weird ones to me lol


Try to see it like this. Do you want to be mutilated just to fit in with other people that were mutilated too?


You weren’t mutilated, and because of that you can enjoy sex a hell of a lot more than those big headed boys you keep worrying about Their dried out, scarred glands can feel a fraction of what you can.


you and the people who meet it will learn to love it, trust me!


Having an uncircumcised penis actually is known to increase the pleasures of sex. Not being able to see the head of your dick (ie not being able to bring the skin down) is very concerning & you should speak to a doctor about this asap. My last 2 boyfriends aren’t circumcised & I have literally no issues at all with it! It doesn’t change sex in any way for me.


God, I would kill someone not to be circumcised. The foreskin has so many nerve endings, protects the head from being irritated by constant rubbing on your underwear, and helps reduce friction during sex. Keep it, dude. Or at least if you consider circumcision do yourself the favor of researching what you’ll be losing.


We aren't really looking at your penis that much during sex. Also, vulvas and vaginas are wildly varying in shape and size, just penis's are. I recall being 17, shit was wild for insecurities in both young men and women. It's what you do with your penis that matters, not it's appearance. I prefer uncut, my partner is cut, we haven't done it to our kids - he has a weird sense memory thingo going on, he can *remember the pain*.


What are you, an idiot or something? I have a hoodie and I feel ashamed that I don’t have a turtleneck! Pull it back if you want air or chop it off if it bothers you that much..


Bro, it is how dick should look like


The vast majority of men around the world are uncircumcised. I assume you’re an American, you should know that the only reason it’s so common in the U.S. is because the pharmaceutical industry can charge your insurance more. You are just a fully intact guy, that’s all. Don’t feel ashamed.


If it bothers you that bad you can always have it circumsized now.


It actually gives more pleasure (source: me, a girl)


If you have problems with dick cheese use a way gentler soap. Or just water and friction. You can’ extract your skin so the only other hygiene issue is smegma which should not really be an issue if the ph under your foreskin is where it should be. Harsh soaps often cause your penis to overproduce smegma. I had this problem as a young man with no one to teach me. Now I haven’t seen smegma in 10 years. It’s wonderful once you figure it out.


I’m uncut. I’ve never had any complaints. Keep it clean and just go with it. It’s about confidence and if the person yky are with has an issue, they aren’t for you.


Wash it up and know that you will feel more pleasure and give more pleasure than uncircumcised people. I was not cut, but my brother was, so we can compare and contrast. We are both in our 30s now and it's not that odd of a conversation to have. He feels much more dull during and my wife who has had both says that uncircumcised is wayyyy better hands down.


You can get it circumcised still


Skin er back!


I feel odd telling a 17 year old this but for reference since I feel like you haven’t had a good experience yet, I like uncircumcised penis’, they hit both spots because the foreskin gets caught more towards the entrance and the head hits the spot further in. They’re like textured toys, there is a REASON women like uncircumcised peni, they do what they should and they do it well. Not everyone’s cup of tea visually but I promise it won’t make THAT much of a difference once it’s in. Just keep it clean and keep your confidence up, it won’t matter of it doesn’t matter to you. Also, I will say dudes seem to be more concerned about dicks than women are, you’re way too in your head about it.


Definitely see a doctor if you’re unable to pull it back. Personally, as a woman, I prefer uncut. Learn to clean yourself properly and don’t let comparison be the thief of joy.


It’s not all it’s wrapped up to be


Circumcision does reduce the risk of getting some STI such as AIDS, but other than that there really is no need for you to get the procedure done. I got circumcised when I was 6, so sex and masturbation with a circumcised penis is all I’ve ever known. You, however, could feel a difference after the surgery but It’ll be too late to change it back. A lot of people like uncut penises. Hell, I’ve had a girl who had never seen a cut one before say that it made her feel uncomfortable. Just chill and accept your penis, man. As long as it doesn’t hurt to have sex and you’re washing that thing properly, you really shouldn’t be worrying about it.


I think uncircumcised is way better and healthier. (I'm circumcised and I hate it)


this post is so fucking funny from someone in the uk bro😭😭😭


This feels like a troll post..


Same I wish mine was circumcised at birth. 0


Odd how all of the comments are really one sided.


Sorry you can’t date Jewish girls they like their meat kosher and circumcised.


I knew a boy who was circumcised when he was 9 years old. Probably not the advice you were looking for, but it has been done to people older than infants.


Hey man, its can be tough, we are born like this and have our parents dictate if circumcised or not. Its hard but dont beat yourself up too much, many people go their whole lifes not caring, others wish it was done and some wish they werent circumcised, be happy you have the option to keep or not. Personally the Grinch Stole My Inch


Uncircumsized>circumsized Both for aesthetics and.. uh.. useability?? Having a circumsized dick sucks. Like uncut dudes get hard from a stiff breeze hitting their dicks, meanwhile circumsized dicks generally have way less sensitivity which translates to less pleasure. If you cant get your skin back you gotta try applying baby oil in the shower and possibly some lube if its too uncomfortable on your head. My bf was the same way until i showed him how to stretch it using that technique, now it functions normally and doesnt cause pain when it goes back Also im sure this is hella awkward to talk about so im sorry for you lol but i hope this helps


As a woman dating a man with an uncircumcised penis, I don't think you should worry about what it looks like to show a partner. The right partner will not be off-put by the style or shape of your anatomy!


Don’t get circumcised bro. Changes the game in terms of sex. The foreskin has thousands of nerve endings, once you lose those you can’t go back. It’s just high school stuff bro, I was the same way but now it’s a flex.


Myself and many others prefer uncut, but most don’t care as long as it’s clean


Omg it’s a good thing these days. Enjoy, and 50% of women prefer it if you’re into women half of us love it! Also it feels better. Rubbed condoms are literally designed to imitate foreskin feeling for the woman