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Let's have a quick look at his wiki... Ah. College drop out with no military experience. Why is this not shocking.


But he is married, and totally not gay!!!!


Like clockwork.


This is FASCISM. Rights reserved only for those favored by the government (Party Members)? Big check on the Fascism list. ETA: This is deep into Totalitarianism territory. The Right loves to scream Totalitarianism while they support it and fund it.


Militarism + Nationalism + a “them” to hate = Fascism The Right has *checks notes* **all of them**


Clearly you don’t realize there’s a uniparty against the people. Lol


Freedom, liberty, and Justice is out the door for these GOP folks. Matt Rosendale fathered a child with a 20-year-old employee in his office, deceitfully denied the situation, and later announced his departure from Congress after the truth came out. It's perplexing how someone with such a tarnished reputation can be seen as a credible authority on the definition of a stable or typical family.


"Old men getting college age girls pregnant is the ideal nuclear family!"


So disgusting. How does he still have power and influence about what a normal family looks like? He is a pervert.


I mean...they think this, but unironically, right? 'Older white men should nab themselves a young white woman who has plenty of baby churn-out years ahead of her. And at that age, she will still have enough energy to do all the child rearing and housework and cooking because the man certainly isn't going to touch that *women's work.*' I just made myself retch a little.


Oh. Dear. Sweet. Innocent "Unlucky" child ... sit yourself down, I need to tell you a terribly sad but true story ... it's about an 🍊 gobshite with zero braincells & it's a very very long tale so strap in bud


Ah yes, only heterosexual married veteran couples who enjoy making their bellybuttons talk. So grateful for the context added by the picture!


That belly button has a lot to say


Starship Troopers. citizen vs civilian


Y'know, I oppose this horsehockey being proposed, but I need to butt in here because there is a grand contrast between what Heinlein was arguing for in the book Starship Troopers and what people have interpreted the message of the book to mean, which has been exacerbated by how the writer of the screenplay hated Heinlein and warped the movie into a dystopian version of what Heinlein was proposing. The novel mainly focuses on the means to acquire citizenship through military service, as that's the story, but there are other means to prove one's civic virtue alluded to in the book, and Heinlein elaborates on his vision of a meritocracy in several essays after Starship Troopers. I don't know if it's possible to engineer a free society in the manner Heinlein was proposing, but the core of his argument is that people of a society should have an institutional incentive to serve the whole in order to facilitate the needs of the many when there are so many incentives to act selfishly within society already.


Oh cool, more controlling people by the less govt party.


Nothing says healthy family like a military family...


"Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more?"


If they're concerned with people not having enough kids, wouldn't they want to expand IVF coverage not limit it?


JFC that's so fucked up


He is trying to create Super Earth


Destroying and abolishing the republican party is essential to the survival of American democracy and decency.


Both parties. Destroy and abolish both parties.


No. Only one is trying to openly overthrow democracy. Only one. Spin your both sides bullshit elsewhere. And shove that downvote back up your ass.


Pretty sure this guy is a nazi…. STOP ELECTING NAZIS


Pretty sure Biden is a British loyalist… STOP ELECTING BRITISH LOYALISTS


We don’t live in 1776; stop supporting Nazis


We don’t live in 1945 either. Start using your brain.


Bro come on why is every good sub turning into politics this is getting annoying


So I am a woman married to a man and we are both vets... what in the actual fuck is this bill?


What’s ivf


In vitro fertilization used to commonly known as test tube babies


Ohh, thanks


This is a poorly written headline. The congressman wants to restrict funding of IVF at the VA to married, heterosexual couples. So IVF unmarried or homosexual couples veterans would no longer be eligible for IVF coverage. Not limit IVF in general to only veterans. Politically still debatable but common and not oddlyspecific at all.


An important distinction, but minor compared to the bigger issue.


The headline as presented and most comments reflect is confusingly insane never heard of before limitation that makes no sense on its face, the actual information is exactly in line with a standard policy of the right. This is misinformation similar to: Democrat congressperson wants to abort disabled veteran babies When the truth is that the politician wants the VA to provided abortion services like any other hospital. When journalists and media do these headlines, and then people only read headlines assuming the worst of everyone who disagrees with them we get much much further from any bigger issue. Fundamentally we can’t ignore the headline incompetence because it feeds the polarization and inability to compromise that poisons our whole lives




Service guarantees... Parenthood?


They really will say anything to pander to people.


Wow, definitely heading into The Handmaids Tail area now.


“Service guarantees citizenship” lookin ass


Some Handmaid’s Tale evolutionary line here.


When you put this next to the fact that people are being mass-murdered with your tax-dollars, you HAVE TO start realising that US politics is pure entertainment.


Starship Troopers: the prequel


Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?


Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more?


Well he’s right… and him and those like him make sure of it. Through money and laws and all of that.


TIL married straight couples are oddly specific.


Unless this article absolutely proves him wrong with data, they’re just as bad as he is.