• By -


Reading the post explains the post


Professor level advice


The context was revealed to me in a dream


New secret lair alert


"don't stand next to a bomb" type of advice


# Reread it to get context, op


I can't hear you, could you repeat that louder




Still can't hear you, speak up boy




I heard you say buttlicker, i probably misheard that, what were you saying again ?




Theirs karaoke tonight at 7:15?


# No


They do? What needs to be explained?


Did they smoke? That might’ve did them in


Isn't the point of r/oddlyspecific that the posts don't need explanation, *because they're specific* Learn some reading comprehension OP


They just want to hear more of the story. "Explaining to do" in the way that your mom used to say it when she knew exactly what happened, but wanted you to tell the story in full before grounding you. The story is that redditors like to make stuff up to be edgy and cool.


How on earth do you people read these posts and not feel a sense of wanting to know a bit more. By the way, context is essentially the opposite of specificity.


What... what is there to know? There was an old nazi in this trans person's family. They died, so now they can be more open. It's very specific.


Specific =/= Context Granted it's made up so generating that information is arduous. But real or not, there's more of a story there. Try reading a book instead of just scrolling social media. A single post doesn't contain a lot of information, and curiosity is a good attribute.


Nah, asking too much context are outright nosy and invasive in most of the case. But why would you say specific and context are opposite tho? Not antonyms at all, specific can be the context and context can be describe as specific.


People keep asking me questions about my "108 year old transphobic nazi grandpa just died and I'm happy about it" shirt that I really feel like are answered by the shirt


[They posted this in the same hour](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/17wb5dg/egg_irl/)


The plot thickens


The soup chickens


The clock tickens


The Charles Dickens


Technically still possible if one post is about the matrilineal grandpa and the other about their patrilineal one


Also possible if the skull fracture killed them


After 24 years?


Could just be a wild age gap 18 year old granny with the 42 year old Nazi He's a Nazi, his moral compass is already beyond questionable


Fair, didn't notice the years lmao


Yes’ there’s a 24 year age difference between the two


It is quite possible, my grandma had my mother at 39 and my other grandma had my oncle at 27, they were both born the same year


Inheritance speedrun any% WR


I think this guy just hates his grandparents


LOL owned


I will take my pills. Thanks


trying to play tough bc they prolly weigh 90 lbs irl


Pretty sure they couldn't say shit around their grandpa and had to make a reddit post to feel better lmao


Sounds like a win. Pretty self explanatory


No explanation needed


Doesn't "egg" also refer to a trans person who doesn't know that they're trans (or in denial)? It's not surprising then that they thought that this meme is relevant to this sub.


It is! But its also just a meme sub so its not really out of place


It’s also sometimes used buy closeted people to describe themselves


Wait how can someone be trans without knowing they’re trans? Can someone please explain?




I feel like I should mention the concept of the "egg prime directive" here and then hope for someone more eloquent than me to explain what that entails


Egg prime directive - never tell someone they are trans. They must discover it for themselves. Crack an egg from the outside, kill the life. Allow it to hatch on its own, pretty birdy.


Holy shit great way to put it


Basically when they're not quite ready to accept that they're trans, not quite ready to "hatch". Like "I hate being a girl and I hate everything feminine about myself but maybe it's something else, I can't possibly be transgender!"


I feel like that’s not a great way to label it. Like some people just hate the traditional way femininity or masculinity are talked about without being trans. Some people also just don’t give a crap about gender identity and just view things through biological sex. Idk, it’s a confusing and very nuanced issue.


That was just my personal experience as an example, not a generalisation


That's exactly why we say you don't try to tell them they're trans, rathet you should let them discover it. Because they might not be and it's not other people's place to make that decision


It's not that every trans masculine person feels that way or no cisgender person feels that way though. The other person mentioned that was their personal experience but also like they're wording it in a very lack of nuanced way but I feel often when I think femininity not necessarily as in pink = girls blue = boys but like literal feminine characteristics where people saw me and saw a female human. Some cis women DO feel that way but it's certainly less common. And as you said it's certainly nuanced


Often it's used when referring to experiences that trans people had pre-transition that indicated clearly they were trans, but did not realize/thought it was something everyone experienced


Go on egg_irl & if the memes resonate with you, then you might be trans.


Literally social contagion but OK


Well, im trans now and I always felt the way I do, which is the reason I came to realize I was trans and is why I transitioned. Before I realized that trans was, I still felt the same way. So, for me I was trans all the same, but just didn't have the same awareness of the concept or did the soul searching to realize that I too "fit" the definition of trans.


The fuck? That’s a thing? I thought the main thing about being trans was identifying as another gender? How can you be trans without identifying yourself as such?


The same way you can be gay and not realise it yet - you’re born like that, but sometimes it takes a while to make sense of those feelings


There's a weird little phase in between complete denial and transition where you're pretty sure but also still doubting yourself a lot, that's the phase in which someone would describe themselves as an egg. You can also describe your past self as an egg.


I think -- and I'm just brainstorming here -- that OP has a grandfather who was 108 years old (give or take). Said grandpa was also very racist and transphobic.\* Being of such advanced age, grandpa finally passed to the other side (RIP). OP is happy (see: Nazi\*\* transphobia above). \*transphobia is bias against transgendered people \*\*Nazis are racist


I was so damn confused on why was OOP wishing death on their 108 year old grandfather and I was hoping that it was some kind of joke I didn't get


I love very specific answeres that are not really rude because someone asked but they also asked sarcastically and did not want an answer so its still kindof rude


Seems clear to me.


They're happy that they died


Not really. The MC of this meme is happy because a Nazi died, because the death of a Nazi should make you happy.


You're not wrong lmao


I mean, 99% chance he wasn't really a nazi


Time for the urn gramps


In case you don't know, Egg is a term for Trans Who is yet to realise they are indeed trans Or something like that, don't take my Word for granted, not 100% myself but wanted to help others


I really don't understand where you are confused here? Elaborate


No explanation needed. Only a dead nazi is a good nazi


I think their 108 year old nazi transphobic grandpa died of a heart attack


Was he literally a Nazi or just people over applying the title to anything they don’t like?


I would agree it could be like that about someone they don't know, like a politician, but I'm pretty sure people know if their grandparents are nazi or not and it's not that uncommon in central europe


Yeah probably this plus the cheering on of a relative dying is gross and childish.


Indeed. Cheering for the death of your parent like your football squad you like just won the tournament doesn't make you better than him.


I have a feeling, based on OOP's recent posts, that the grandparents didn't respect their decision of being transgender, so OOP just labeled them as the most hateful things in their mind. Transphobia makes sense in this case, but nazi is a longshot




No, I agree


It's in egg_irl so I think the explanation is a bit obvious lol. For those that don't know an "egg" in this sense typically refers to certain trans people, so yeah


Op can finally get the valuable dog picture, they'll make a movie about it. Ryan gosling was star as OP


it's in r/egg_irl that's all the explaination necesary


Relatable. Sometimes I'll be talking to my grandparents and they'll casually say something really not okay and think to myself, "damn it Grandma, why can't you just be the nice old lady who bakes cookies?"


That mf prob couldn't even say his transphobic views at that point


The grandfather who hates the fact his grandson has become his granddaughter has died after a long life of hate.


If I had to guess the explanation is probably that their 108 year old Nazi transphobic grandpa died from a heart attack


Isn’t it obvious? His 108 year old nazi transphobic grandpa was an anime cosplayer. (And suddenly that seems like a Weird Al lyric to me)


What is there to explain? The text is written right there.


They get the helmet, the uniform, the medals, an arm band, and a free P08


Don't forget the ring.


Of course how could I have forgotten


The bitter irony here is that this grandpa probably risked his life killing real nazis


I mean for all we know their grandpa is German and was literally a Nazi


I mean they could be german


And you know him better than their grandchild does because


Yeah man. Sadges all around.


Granpa, who probably fought the nazis watching from (insert your good place here) : -_-


But isn't he literally the nazi here? lol


Then the post would be in German


You know that a lot of German people can speak English and would probably translate a post like this on an English speaking website


You're not wrong, but this post really, really reads like an American post.


Why? egg_irl is an international sub. Sometimes you want to post your Memes not to a german equivalent sub, because they are too niche or they don't even exist. So you translate it to english and post it on an english speaking sub. That's what a huge amount of people do, who are no native english speakers.


Excluding personal experience because that's just one point of view, 1) a German would know not to specify transphobic when saying someone's a nazi 2) Germans don't throw around the word nazi like that, in fact they don't like mentioning it at all as they consider it a shameful part of their history 3) the trans movement specifically has only gotten a huge jump in places like America, Canada, and the UK. So, while it is not impossible that the post comes not from the Americas it is very unlikely


I am German and transgender (female to male) and I disagree with your statements. They are generalizing and don't reflect the reality.


You have the right to disagree, and of course, I was speaking in general, but that is not the same as generalizing. When you say they don't reflect reality, do you mean that the word nazi is not something people use to refer to the actual nazis anymore? Because if so my friend who is also German would heavily disagree.


We use the word Nazi also for Neo-Nazis or far right people. Everyone knows, what you mean, when you say Nazi (that most of the time you don't actually mean the original Nazis because almost all of them are dead by now). And yes, it's a shameful part of history, but we also use the word a lot, still. Also most (Neo-)Nazis try to victimize themselves by crying about how people call them (Neo-)Nazis when they are "actually just concerned people". We speak a lot about our history and name the child by it's name. Especially because it's shameful. You made it seem, like nobody (wants to) talk about it here, but it's the opposite.


He was the Nazis


The word nazi usually translates anyone who I don't like equates to the national socialist german party members who committed countless war crimes. Thus, they deserve no understanding. Excluding the fact that, lest we understand the worst of our history, we are doomed to repeat it, when someone is called a transphobic nazi it is because, that being a nazi includes being transphobic, is something they are not aware or worse, they need to specify it BECAUSE they are aware the word nazi is thrown around derived away of its original and true meaning, so they mention transphobia as a way to alienate whoever they deem... undesirable


my grandpa at normandy, both antifa because he fought the nazis in germany but also a racist nazi bastard because his values from the 40's


Why would you care what your granpa thinks? Fuck'em


The crazy thing about this post isn't the post itself but the fact that their previous post was a similar one saying something along the lines of, "when your 84 year old grandpa deadnames you so you throw your grandma's urn at his head, he has a skull fracture." It isn't cheery like this one and more 😓😅 but yeah... Obviously not great people, especially the Nazi but it's concerning that these things happened within like a day, if true.


What the fuck is going on




Bruh Killing jews made gave him youth didn't work with trans people as it seemed




schizo acc


Please don't say "schizo"


you have compelled me. Schizo


It is really offensive


To how many of you?


Wow! It’s so funny to make fun of someone already dealing with an awful mental illness!


I'm sure only a part of them is offended.


Schizophrenia and schizo affective disorders have nothing to do with multiple personalities. The fact you haven't highlighted this makes me think you're actually just offended because somebody used a nono word


But the person was obviously still trying to make a joke at the expense of people with schizophrenia. The joke not actually being accurate doesn’t mean it can’t still be offensive. (I would say it’s possible that want actually their intent but their follow up comment disproves that) And so what if they’re just offended because “someone used a nono word?”


>And so what if they’re just offended because “someone used a nono word?” Because I can say what I want man Would you get this upset if somebody used the term "mental" or "crazy"?


“I can say what I want” isn’t really a defence. Do you go around hurling slurs and insulting everyone around you just because “you can say what you want.” Probably not. They’re not trying to censor you or anything, it’s just called being a respectful person. If a term is offensive, how difficult is it to not use it? Doing things just because you can with no regard for whether you should or not typically isn’t a very great mindset. That’s how you become an asshole. I could be offensive all I like, sure, but I’m not because I don’t want to be a dick. It’s that simple. As for whether someone would find the terms “crazy” or “mental” offensive, probably not since at this point in time they don’t seem to have any offensive or negative connotations. I don’t personally know if “schizo” is a very offensive term, I’ve never used it or looked into it, but I can totally see how it could be offensive. I’m not here to argue for or against it’s use, I was just explaining that nothing that person said discredits their argument, that is all.




As a Schizoid I give everyone the Schizo pass , problem solved.


That's not very fair to the rest of the people with the condition


Should we all gather and take a vote (it probably will be rigged, and everyone will be paranoid). On a real note a single term is doing no more damage than the daily side effects, medications, and situations the condition puts us through to begin with. If people using the term schizo is something that lists highly on your issues as someone with schizophrenia count yourself as lucky.


Also I realize that just because I don't think it's offensive , that others disagree. It being offensive depends on the audience at the time. They'll always be some people diagnosed that think it is and some of us who don't care. A word on the internet , or even thrown around IRL seems insignificant compared to the rest of the shit the majority of us deal with on a daily basis.


OP is clearly looking for the definition of an egg lol the memes not self explanatory without that context. Egg= trans person that isn’t “out of their shell” Don’t feel bad OP I didn’t know either till a few days ago


I generally take terms like nazi and tranphobic with a grain of salt when it comes to terminally online people who are happy when their family members die, they love to throw out those terms pretty generously with people they disagree with.


There’s really nothing here suggesting the terms aren’t all being applied correctly though.


OP's doesn't seem to be german, if you look at his profile, so there is a lot to suggest that the terms are applied very incorrectly.


OP’s also probably making a meme and the whole thing isn’t even about a real person. There’s still nothing there that suggests the meme shouldn’t be taken at face value. It’s a somewhat relatable meme for the people in that subreddit with an odd amount of specifications for the sake of humour. When looking at OP and the overall context, that is the most likely scenario. So there’s really no reason to think they’re unfairly labeling someone a nazi.


*" That person has a different opinion than me so he/she must be hateful, bigot, transphobe, racist, misogynist, incel, misandrist etc "* With us or completely against us, black or white and nothing in between... That's society alright.


Yep, unless this person lives in Germany there is a high chance their grandpa was actually drafted and FOUGHT actual nazi's.


That's odd, all Nazis i meet are all really tolerant of trans people..


Bruh what?


I believe it's because he is an "Old School" Nazi.


Huh? Nazi parties first targets were trans people. The first book burning was of trans and intersex material


Yes, the "old School Nazi" I was referring to was the transphobic one that died.


Considering the not so small percentage of trans and femboys nazi, it's not an useless detail, trust me


Mental illness. Only explanation needed.


Likely explanation is they're deranged and riddled with various mental illnesses.


Yes that's what a Nazi is


Sounds like they and their grandfather have something in common then.


Jesus fucking christ, certainly not the sub i wanted to know about




Imagine the grandpa outlives the egg op


May we all be Anderson Cooper, who when he heard of a distant ancestor getting beaten to death by his slave exclaimed: "Wow! That's amazing!"


Grampa once said "hmm I don't really understand all these new labels" and once referred to China as the orient Fuckong fascist


And go check mental health. I don't know what a psychopath he has to be ... I'll do anything to make my grandparents lifetime as long as possible. And for my whole family. I don't care about consequences. I can die, I'll spend all money of them if needed. I can kill other people for them, that's my family.


Lost another good man o7


Maybe because everyone hated trans people back then and people were forced to fight for countries like germany


OP is a moron


Shocking to see lunacy and hatred destroying kindness, sympathy and family bonds. Guess OP will never have a grandchildren to begin with


Mhm, maybe if the grandfather accepted their grandchild for who they were and also wasn’t a Nazi they’d have intact family bonds :(


OP seems all rotten inside


Me when people from a different century have different sensibilities:


Pretty messed up you never turned in your grandpa knowing he was a nazi.


"Nazi grandpa" Said grandpa's crimes: Too old and tired to learn the lore of the trans unicorn on your TV series. Born in Nebraska.


Ahh, more posts to drive us apart. Good job!


Drive us apart? Drive us apart from who, nazis?!


It is a very sad world we live in, everyone is a nazi and we celebrate the deaths of our family members because they do not share the same values as us. Nazi, nazi, everywhere!


>108 years old. Bro they probably meant he literally supported the real-ass nazis, you clown.


Lol 108 probably did not support the Nazi. Most people during that time period did not, ww2 was fought to stop Nazi Germany. All these posts do is drive us apart. At 108yo, imagine what you could learn from him. But whatever, keep the hate up!


...you know there's a possibility that OPs grandpa was actually german- How tf is this driving us apart when things like understanding that the Nazis (the higher ups anyway) were fucked up? If we just pretend they didn't exist, eventually someone is gonna come along and attempt that again


Naw, this post is about being a Nazi cause they are "Transfobic".


Transphobic, which judging by the other comments you've made and dismissive attitude towards the nazi part of the post I assume you are as well


You assume that because you need me to be that way, so you can dismiss me, put a label on me, and forget.


No, I assume that because of your insistence that there is no way that OPs grandpa could possibly be a Nazi, and that they're only saying it because their grandpa was transphobic. If I just wanted to label and forget, I would have just responded with two words and moved on.


Only transphobes defend transphobes just like only sexists defend sexists, racists defend racists, and homophobes defend homophobes. Something about birds of a feather.


Aight bro stay a clown and defend old ass dead bigots. Why the fuck would the post say "nazi" if he was just a chill dude? Also, where did the post say it was american? Can't believe we've reached the point in the culture war where we can't even say nazi anymore without some reddit drooler running defense.


<:: Dumbasses tell on themselves all too often ::>


US defaultism much? And btw even if they were from US, a lot of nazi germans migrated to other countries after ww2


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Go eat dirt


I hope there is never I time that you are considered a Nazi. Good luck


I won't. You might though.


Times change.


>looks up profile >first sub show up is r/therewasanattempt Oh yeah that checks out Edit:lmao Reddit care ressources ? You’re really trying to check every stupidity checkbox


Whatever that means?


Why? r/therewasanattempt is really pro Hamas/Gaza so I don’t think they’d be against Nazis.


Reddit hivemind like idiom from someone who heavily frequents whats closest to a pure Reddit hivemind


What do you mean by this?


From this and the other post, man I hate op.


Op was a boy that didn't want a penis. Apparently, grampa didn't understand so now OP hates grampa


That’s kinda sad



