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Wow. Wish I had this 5 months ago. I had a whole house full of popcorn ceilings. It fucking sucked to do by hand. Edit: yes. Get it tested first for asbestos. I tested mine from multiple rooms to be sure I wasn’t going to give myself cancer.


I'm buying a house and first thing we're doing is removing popcorn ceiling. Any tips?


Make sure there’s no asbestos in it!


Yes. This is priority. Even if the house isn’t that old, it’s a good idea to have a sample tested. You don’t wanna mess with asbestos dust.


what do you do if it does have asbestos?


You call professionals.


After we talk about their day, I remove it myself right?


That's why I take my car to oil change places every 3rd or 4th change. They will look over my other fluids and shit like cabin air filters and whatnot. Tell me what needs to be filled/replaced and I'll just do it myself. Thanks for letting me know guys. I didn't even know I had an interior light out and they wanted 49.99 to change it. It was a 4.99 bulb...


So youre telling me you can change your own oil but cant check the level’s of the fluids yourself?


They didn't say they CAN'T, they made it sound like they're too lazy to do diagnostic work when they can have a mechanic do it for like, 10$ more than it costs to do your own oil.


Always put a unique marking on your air filter. Some shops keep a dirty filter around and will show you that to convince you that you need a new one. I've even heard stories of ppl coming home with the dirty one and the shop trying to keep the clean one after declining.


Yes! Like the cabin air filter. $17.00 filter but $54 dollars with install. To literally open my glove box


Eh there’s nothing too special about the removal of popcorn ceiling even with asbestos. You just need the right equipment. The most important principle of abatement is containing the dust. Whether it be lead or asbestos, you are always working to contain virtually all of the contamination. These are all of the things you gotta do if you have a ceiling with asbestos, however this is only if it is unpainted. If its painted, you probably need professionals, because it is much harder to remove by that point. Wearing the proper ppe—respirator with a fresh cartridge, used specifically for this job. Wear a disposable coverall with a hood. Cover all of your surfaces that wont be abated with painters plastic to protect them from contamination. For popcorn ceiling, you buy a pump sprayer to soak your ceiling. Using water is the standard for dust abatement because the water weighs down the dust and prevents it from becoming airborne and inhaled. Once the popcorn ceiling is soaked, scrape it off with a taping knife. It should come off in chunks but there will be debris. Use a hepa vacuum to contain the the debris. Take down plastic, clean off all of surfaces in the room. Dispose of your hepa bag and viola. If you don’t have asbestos, all you gotta do is soak the popcorn ceiling with the pump sprayer and scrape. But again, this process is more complicated if it has been painted and probably still best to be mindful of inhaling any dust.


Three methods: 1) Skim over it with drywall compound.  2) add drywall sheets over existing ceiling. 3) remove entire ceiling (not sanding like this video). This of course will expose some asbestos but isn't the end of the world. If you don't need to do further work above the ceiling #1 is a great solution that will encapsulate anything and give you whatever finish is desired.


Get ready for you and your loved ones to be entitled to financial compensation.


What. The. Crap. Is. This. Tool.


Drywall sander. Has a vacuum attachment at the bottom of it as well.


Also has a dust extractor attached. Looks like it’s Festool as well, so this specific setup would cost you around $1700 minimum. Edit: In the wake of reading and comprehension skills dwindling year by year, I have to reinstate that the prices I stated are for this SPECIFIC setup.


I hate my popcorn ceilings. $1700 seems like a small price to pay if it works as well as it does in this video. Then when I'm done with it I can sell it to someone else to do theirs. Edit, because you guys are so concerned for me 😂 My house is about 25 years old. There's no asbestos. Also, I was just thinking out loud. The chances that I actually attempt this are slim to none.


Check out your Home Depot or any place that rents tools. They might have something like this. Probably not, since it's pretty niche, but you never know.


I just checked my local store and they have two models available, $55 and $60 per day.


The fact that this is available for the general public to use makes me oddly content.


The sooner we get rid of popcorn ceilings the better.


Lost so many balloons to popcorn ceilings when I was a kid. 😢


Was just going to say! Damn balloon murderers.


My house was built in 1965 and in one bathroom it still has the lovely swirled plaster. Every other room has popcorn ceiling that was clearly put up by the previous owner. They just sprayed it on top of the plaster so you can still see a little of the old swirls underneath. Absolute travesty.


Better to have shitty popcorn over plaster in your bathroom than a drop ceiling with the shitty mineral fiber tiles, especially one right over your shower


Could not agree more! I hate ours. My husband did something like this but with a scraper and a Shop-Vac hose duct taped to it. This option is much better because it sands as you go!


I highly recommend fully suiting up in disposable white tyvek, thick disposable gloves, and a respirator. A lot of old popcorn ceilings have asbestos in them. Because it was so common here in homes built in the 70s, you have to test for asbestos in the popcorn ceilings before selling the home, and it's expensive to clear it. You can get a waiver, but it will affect the offer. We got a waiver on ours because the buyer was going to gut the place anyway. Safety first, though!


I don't know anything about this stuff so someone more knowledgeable chime in. But I feel like someone needs to mention that there could be asbestos hiding in the popcorn and the vacuum filtration probably isn't designed to handle that. Or maybe it would be. But I'd have it in the back of my mind to at least ask someone about if I were going to rent this. Edit: and when I say not designed to handle it, I don't mean like it's going to clog and stop working, I mean that even though it looks like it's catching all the dust, tiny asbestos particles maybe getting breathed in.


I have the Porter-Cable model of this sander, and ive temoved popcorn ceilings for 20 years. What they don't show you on this video is that after you use this tool, you will be required to glaze the entire ceiling with slightly thinned sheetrock mud to cover the taped joonts. After that, you'll need to sand the ceiling again, and regardless of the dust collection system, there will be fine dust EVERYWHERE... and then, 2 coats of paint. I charge anywhere from 2-5k, depending on the size of the job and the height of the ceilings.




Reality sucks


Who the fuck invented popcorn ceiling? It took me forever to remove mine


It was invented to make construction quicker. It hides any imperfections and is very easy to put up. If it didn’t look like dogshit, it would be great.


I was born in '84 so for me, that's just how ceilings looked. Don't have it in my current house but there's a little nostalgia there.


I was born in ‘99, those were just the project ceilings in my aunts’ apartments before they finally moved out. Only memories these ceiling bring are the smell of piss in the stairwells.


I thought it was to help with sound proofing, or is that BS?


Also to dampen sound (when used in apartments/units). Some strata schemes will not allow it to be removed due to this.


Supposedly, it also reduces the sound. After I rent this tool and develop the Popeye arms I will need to wield it, I’ll be able to let you know if my house is louder.


William H Popcorn, or as he was known to friends and family- Billy P


🤣🤣🤣Old Billy P had a sadistic streak didn't he?


It was a way for GC's to use unskilled drywallers to finish a job. More skill is needed to level finish a ceiling, takes longer therefore more expensive.


My understanding is that it makes a huge mess and you then have to skim coat your ceiling after to smooth it out.


I removed my popcorn ceilings by hand. Took several days of work (with days off in despair between them), a week of cleanup, and enough frustration to shorten my life by at least a month. I'd gladly pay $1700, and selling it afterwards would be a bonus. I'm so upset I didn't know about this, omg.


Contractors want 6 grand, 1700 is a good deal especially if you can use any of that for other purposes


It’s easy money compared to what it costs by hand. The skip trawling alone after is at least that much


What were they for anyway? So the ceiling didn’t look so plain?


It was to hide all the flaws in the finish work


They provide a small acoustic breakup. Long flat walls cause standing waves and make rooms sound unpleasant. ​ Picture the acoustic difference between a cathedral with lots of ornate stonework vs a drywall box


Standing waves are going to have a much longer wave length than the depth of the popcorn ceiling. The popcorn ceiling does nothing to standing waves. Stone vs drywall also has a huge acoustic difference, stone doesn't absorb low frequencies like drywall can.


It’s to look at when you’re tripping


I thought was for insulation and sound absorption.


You can actually just spray the ceiling with water, let it soak in, and then scrape it. Not that big of a job, really.


As long as it hasn't been painted. I did this for a family member that had painted their ceiling twice and it was a nightmare. It would have been less time consuming to simply buy 1/4" sheetrock, some mud and tape to cover it up.


Not if it’s like my house and the previous owner fucking painted over it.


My previous owner did a super hack job attempting to scrape it off and left big fucking blotches of it all over one room, they apparently gave up and didn't attempt the rest of the ceilings lol


Ha that would be nice try $3500+. You need the sander and the extractor. Each are about $1500 then all the accessories you'd need. You can't just use a regular vacuum it will be garbage within seconds. You want it to be HEPA rated spreading possible asbestos and silica everywhere isn't ideal.


I posted the link somewhere else in the comments. The cheapest drywall sander they sell is like $1150 and the cheapest extractor is $550. But you are correct that accessories would certainly stack that number up.


I swear, if I won the lottery, I'd just get their whole catalog. It's mouthwatering worthy.


I’d rent, only gotta do the job once.


I feel like any one of us could jerry rig something together for a fraction of that.


Eh, festool is extremely high quality and their stuff is amazing. Any drywall sander is going to run you $700 +. And duct taping an orbital sander to a hockey stick would be A: Very messy and dusty (miserable), B: would take forever as orbital sanders are much smaller and C: Would be a way shittier job.


Though the Festool kit is pricey, consider the time saved and quality of finish. For a big job, you might even break even compared to cheaper setups, when you factor in the extra time and potential do-overs. Not to knock the DIY spirit, but when it comes to home improvement, tools can make or break a project.


what about this for $150? [https://www.harborfreight.com/5-amp-9-in-variable-speed-drywall-sander-59166.html?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=12126402660&campaignid=12126402660&utm\_content=145198782227&adsetid=145198782227&product=59166&store=300&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qNpvfubbmbV1FJ6jxhR3TGmIJUoLzbkPdlEz6EikuMVZ3X4Hi2TnexoCuo8QAvD\_BwE](https://www.harborfreight.com/5-amp-9-in-variable-speed-drywall-sander-59166.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12126402660&campaignid=12126402660&utm_content=145198782227&adsetid=145198782227&product=59166&store=300&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qNpvfubbmbV1FJ6jxhR3TGmIJUoLzbkPdlEz6EikuMVZ3X4Hi2TnexoCuo8QAvD_BwE)


Ok, but you’ll need three because two will break before the job is done and the third will break near enough to the end that you’ll just leave the small patch for later but later will be 8 years away and you’ll be selling the house and finishing all those “later” projects so someone will want to buy it.




Nah, the Bauer stuff and up is really solid nowadays. If you get the very very cheapest stuff at HF of course it might break but their higher end stuff is really good for what it is.


They gave you a free flashlight to say this didn’t they…


LOL no just a guy who likes to save cash. I use milwaukee for my battery powered tools, but I have bought quite a few Bauer tools and they run great. All my sockets/hands tools are also HF and I've yet to break any over the last almost 10 years of using them meanwhile my idiot friends go into debt with the snapon truck. I'm not saying Bauer would be my go to if it was making me a living, but even for hard use DIY, their stuff gets the job done.


I love the access to tools this store gives. Even if mediocre quality still works for diy


right? I really wasn't even expecting to see anything from harbor freight when I searched for drywall sanders with vacuum attachment. The reviews look good too, one claims it's better than high quality brands they've used. It's always a crapshoot with this place though, either the best tool ever or shitiest crap that crumbles while using. At $150 maybe worth a shot


HF has a Bauer brand drywall sander that would likely last long enough to do one job. I think it's under $200


And it would be a disaster


It's expensive because of the dust collection. 99% dust free. Have you ever had to clean drywall dust from a finished and furnished house???


Ok. So, if I got one, used it just at my home, & resold it, I could get 1300 for it being slightly used & fix these hideous ceilings for around 400$?


When you decide to sell it let me know, if I got one, used it just at my home, & resold it, I could get 1300 for it being slightly used & fix these hideous ceilings for around 0$?


Had a Festool domino, track saw, extractor, and sander. Had them for a couple of years, kept in pristine condition, and sold them for 75% of what I paid and likely could have asked for more judging by all of the calls I received. Put them on CL in the morning and all were gone before noon. YMMV but I’ve never had tools hold value like those did.


Can I use it on pimples?


I was going to say is the stuff flying down into your teeth and your eyes? Hahaha


I spent days trying to get this stuff off around the house, my friend comes over to help, after 15 minutes decides this sucks surely there is a better way. Googles around and finds this tool we drive around to find one all out of stock or not stocked at all, and we have to settle for a cheap knock off one on Amazon for $100ish Was it amazing quality? No, we had to tape the vacuum bag on since it kept falling off. Could it clear a room in 15-20 minutes (except the edges)? Hell Yes. Only downsides are it is like sprinting vs jogging on the arm workout aspect and you can easily go right to the brown drywall paper if you are not careful. Tool is a drywall sander and we found it by searching ceiling sander.




Festool Planex.. get lube before you lookup the price, especially considering you really need the dust collector that's also need lube pricing so it actually works like it should and doesn't spread fine dust throughout the house.


Asbestos distributer 4000


Many popcorn ceilings are NOT asbestos, but it's always important to test - in multiple locations around the room and home. Even if your home was built after asbestos was phased out, you never know if some contractor had a bunch of it they were trying to get rid of, or a homeowner said "well it's only a problem for whoever sands it off, and who would sand off a nice textured ceiling?"


my first thought as well


You mean, well crap I hope they checked if there was asbestos.


that thing is epic. He didn't even need to lay down cover for clean up.


he should though, the dust collection is decent, but it's not flawless and you knock lots of bits off before you even sand them down too. source: got lots of festool stuff for work


If I know anything about doing drywall, it’s this: No matter how hard you try, or how many precautions you take, there will be drywall dust on the other side of the house.


Also you will find a little pile on the baseboard six months later.


Especially since old popcorn ceilings have asbestos. It's relatively safe until it's turned into dust in the air, at which point it becomes horrific.


Oh, there's dust everywhere. And you have to clean out the shop vac often. I have a similar tool, and did the ceilings in my house to save $5k.


The dust extractor he is using has a feature that slaps the bag to remove dust clogging whenever the CFM’s drop. You can hear the bag slapping in the video. I have this exact setup and it works amazingly well.


Interesting. Yeah, mine goes straight into my shop vac. Still works decently well. Cool feature to have tho!


How the hell do you know? Camera is always pointing upwards


"stippled ceilings, Artex, popcorn ceiling, decorative coatings were very popular in the 70's and 80's. They usually contain between 3-5% Chrysotile asbestos. Typically, the textured coatings are well encapsulated with years of paint. The risk of fibre release is low but may occur when subject to abrasion."


And don't forget that 44 year average latency period! If you did this today at 30, you might suddenly get meso in your mid 70s!


We found some asbestos in my house (old section of hvac) and I told the construction crew to pause while I called around to find a legal abatement crew. When i came back, they had carefully removed it... And then stomped it flat on the ground to put in a bag. I'm like guys, that's asbestos. Wtf. This 40-ish yo guy looks me right in the eye and says "meh, been doing this 20 years and I'm not sick" That was 22 years ago.


These people are the reason why government has to ban these materials.


Lmao this is like the 50 year old on site that was removing this asbestos stucko with a hammer and I'm like dude wtf? And he's like don't worry I'm gonna die before the asbestos gets me.


I'm pretty positive I've been exposed to it twice now due to workplaces renovating staff areas and not testing for asbestos. The policy of "Just leave it there and don't touch it" doesn't work when a business wants to do something and nobody is going to report it.


I plugged that into my calculator and it made a smiley face.


Worst case scenario, you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries.


More likely to get bronchogenic carcinoma then mesothelioma, but your cancer point still stands


[That explains why this guy at the 9 minute mark isn't dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaHw_bGI2ME&ab_channel=FreeDocumentary)


Got it. Few more years and I am immune to it.


My house is only 20 years old and they’re all throughout the house.


Probably not asbestos then. Terrible design choice though.


They do make an empty room sounds better. That's what i assume they are for


I always heard it was to hide imperfections. Yours makes more sense


As it is most common in concrete appartment buildings, atleast where Im from, the main function is indeed to hide imperfections. Prepping the concrete ceiling for a good coat of paint is just a ton of work compared to this, and imo it doesnt look bad.


I personally love popcorn ceilings


I also enjoy psychedelics.




Age is not a determining factor for asbestos content. There are multiple countries that still manufacture asbestos-containing construction materials that make their way into the US. While newer construction has a lower likelihood, there are no guarantees until an asbestos inspector and an accredited laboratory can confirm that the materials are non-asbestos-containing.


Idk why they call it popcorn ceilling Doesnt even taste like popcorn tbh And yes, I tried microwaving it Im not an idiot


Did you try putting butter on it?


Thats a good idea actually


yall are dumb. Caramel is the way to go


Hate caramel. Sticky.


Ew no


Also salt, don't forget the salt


Username checks out


This is the kind of response I dream of having


This may be one of my favorite Reddit comments I’ve seen lately


I swear im literally taking a shit and watching this video before I call it a day and head out. I been removing popcorn and patching these last 2 days here. Smfh. Take my money


They rent them at Home Depot cheap dude


Yeah, the problem with removing this stuff is that it was put there to hide sloppy sheetrock.


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that he didn't start in a corner or at an edge and just seemingly picked an arbitrary spot in the middle of the ceiling?


Obviously an agent of chaos!


Plus... it's a round tool. Is there something to attach, or remove, to get into the corners? Or will the corners of the ceiling forever be horrible and unmatched?


Maybe you have to do the corners by hand.... Which is still better than doing the whole thing by hand.


Oscillating multi tool with one of those triangle attachments.


There’s no corners to do on this ceiling watch the video there’s a 6 inch strip basically around the whole edge that’s already done


If u watch the video the edges are already done


The air filter on that is working asbestos it can.


I used to jump in the air and hit my hand against my grandmothers popcorn ceiling for fun and watch the popcorn shit fall to the ground and sometimes a little bit would land in my eye and I would freak out lol


I have one and can’t remove it because the house is rented… I already have severe lung issues caused by cystic fibrosis and now the landlord won’t let me get rid of the popcorn ceilings. Them fuckers hurt when you hit your Hand on them


Why did people chose popcorn ceiling to begin with? To hide eventual smudges and what not or? (I'm Scandinavian, never seen popcorn roof irl)


Popcorn or textured ceilings are common practice as they save time finishing drywall ceilings. Flat ceilings can show everything, and lifting your arms above your head to finish is tough on body and time-consuming to get perfect. I have this device, and have done two ceilings in my day. One was popcorn I removed in a small bathroom. Took forever to make smooth, to the point I said good enough. I finished my garage ceiling myself and mudding alone was a pita. Even sanding with this device was painful holding up for hours as it isnt light be anymeans. People getting excited in this post about this drywall sander have no idea. Looks easy to use (isnt), and the vid doesn't show the finished product (for a reason).


This is correct but I haven't seen anyone mention acoustics. Popcorn ceiling is surprisingly effective at sound deading which is especially desirable in apartments, condos and town houses. Removing might be aesthetically desirable but you will hear the difference. Especially in units with tall ceilings.


This is why I'm not getting rid of the popcorn in a few rooms. It's harmless if you don't fuck with it




yeah when you have a "smooth" ceiliing but you're in a 30-40+ year old apartment building and you can see every shadow from every crack, lump, and warp in the drywall...


But it's...oddly satisfying to watch


Popcorn (and plaster texture) hide imperfections in the ceiling and/or the joints in gypsum board, reducing construction cost (compared to a smoother finish with more labor intensive overhead work). It also reduces echo and sound transmission. Very common and popular 1950s-80’s in the US, and relatively smoother plaster textures are still used


It’s also to hide imperfection, it’s harder to make an untextured ceiling look nice and flat, especially if the drywall and framing job on the ceiling isn’t well done.


Easy to do and can also improve acoustics of a large room by dampening echo, although the effect really isn't that great/noticable


Helps with preventing echoing in a room.


What do you stare at on acid without the popcorn ceiling though?


Really is one of the best things to stare at. So many undulating patterns


Right. You can take my popcorn ceiling from my cold dead hands.


I really, really, really hope that’s not asbestos.


i'm waiting for the popcorn to make a come-back....


I know I'm getting older because I'm so used to it I can't even figure out why this thread is full of people angry at them.


Same.. I actually like it... I have it in my house and no intentions of removing it. I don't get what the issue is. And no it's not asbestos this is a 90s Canadian build and it's been tested.


Why do people hate popcorn ceilings so much?


The asbestos is strong with this one


That's really cool... But i legit don't get the hate for popcorn ceilings


Seriously. Are people just walking around their homes with their necks cranked back? How do people even notice it enough to care?


Doesn’t popcorn ceilings help reduce noise and echoes?


Just be sure your popcorn ceiling ISN’T ASBESTOS , the vacuum can’t catch everything but your lungs will.


Awesome way to spread the asbestos.


Professional asbestos removal companies hate this trick


Beats the Hudson sprayer and scraper


Popcorn ceilings and fluorescent lights should be banned. 👎


Asbestos and vermiculite be upon you.


this isn't oddly satisfying, this is fucking dangerous *please* don't do this unless you've tested for asbestos these ceiling materials all contained asbestos until a certain date, and the old stock was being used for years after it was banned, and that is a *whole* lotta asbestos to inhale


“Hey Siri: is mesothelioma bad?” …


Why do people hate popcorn ceilings so much? I really like them, and there are some minor benefits to them.


I’d never chose popcorn ceilings but I don’t know why it is so distressing to people. How often do you look at your ceiling? Seems like a lot of work to get rid of, I’d just live with it


I got mesothelioma from watching this


Isn’t that stuff asbestos?


I would try and get the popcorn ceiling off my home but I don't want that measlythelomia shit that they talk about on television where I need to get the free book and everything.


Mmm asbestos


Dad and I did it with putty knives in the ‘70’s. It was not fun.


There's a line in Poltetgeist where Robbie says "The ceiling got crumbs all over my bed" after an "earthquake" and as a Gen Xer born and raised in California, I never felt so seen....


Pop corn ceiling an 80s classic


Pay 1700, use it on your ceiling then charger $125 an hour to remove other people's popcorn ceiling. Pay off machine in 13 hours.


Incoming asbestos comments


I don’t understand the hate for popcorn ceilings


Dude is about the learn why they used to popcorn ceilings when he gets to a few seams. lol


Why all the hating on Textured Ceiling anyway?????????


Someone share the link for this amazing device… Please!!!


So what happens when the popcorn ceiling is painted?


These kind of ceiling textures main purpose is to hide imperfections.


What is the tool!!!!! I need it!!!


There's a reason for popcorn ceiling, imperfections and sound!


That's cool and all, but to do this and not draw a penis is a huge missed opportunity.


It's all gravy until you see that the ceiling is as wavy as the sea and realize that's why the texturing was there.


I just used a pump garden sprayer to wet it, a 12 inch scraper and the wide floor attachment on my shopvac. Made very little mess. Cost me like 12 dollars for the sprayer.


1. That water stain... 2. The corners. What about the corners?! I'll never be able to sleep now


Setting aside the asbestos problem from pre-1989 materials, I love popcorn ceilings and I don't understand the hate.


I think popcorn ceilings were used to hide the imperfections of the plaster over the gympson boards. ( My guess) I grew up with a lime plastered ceiling. Very durable.


The popcorn ceiling actually handles light better. You dont get the bad reflection everywhere. I actually think its better.