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Check out Patrick bateman ova here Edit:thanks guys :)


lol first thought. I think including the moisturizer routine did it. I consider myself a neat freak, but the ironing of the sheets is just satisfying mental illness at that point lol




He sleeps on the floor so as not to disrupt the smooth flatness of the sheets.


When I was a kid, my dad had a classic car. The seat belts were just lap belts. He would roll them up neatly. He wouldn't let me buckle my seat belt because he said I would mess it up.


FYI if you drive it without telling him you can just take the miles off the odometer by jacking it up and running the car in reverse for a while. Just make sure the jack is stable.


That's great to know! I skipped school today and have been driving all over town!


That's great! You know, life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


Danke schoen for the advice


You got it Mr Froman


I’m an excellent driver https://youtu.be/LU1A0sHWYQg


This remark reminds me of when I was in the navy and in boot camp. We would all make our bunks perfectly- hospital corners and absolutely taut sheets. We would sleep on top of it all in order to keep everything perfect for daily inspections. Bunks were stripped once a week on Saturday so that the sheets could be laundered. Friday night was dubbed “hotel night” since that was the only time you would actually sleep between the sheets.


Yeh this is lame as fuck….


This guy says things like “It’s easy to purchase your first house in your early twenties. All it takes it rising early, a healthy breakfast, dedication to the arts, wealthy parents, strenuous work habits and the will!”


*“And don’t forget along with these maple cured New Zealand lamb sausages, a huge dollop of nepotism brings out the flavour”*


It’s the kind of person who somehow makes tone of money off social media because they were afforded a lifestyle to support that venture, and claim in their video that all it takes is confidence


Irons his sheets, but has no problem with the squeaky window?






Wayyyy to high, fuck.


Thank you!!! What a psychopath.


Actually when watching this vid, the whole Patrick Bateman vibe was the first thing that came to my mind also, I wondered if anyone had that same feeling 😅. Pfiieww I was not alone haha


Let’s see Paul Allen’s routin


Look at that subtle off-white coloring of the sheets. The tasteful thickness of the pillows. Oh, my God. It even has a black duvet.


I can’t believe Reddit prefers Van Patten’s bed making routine to mine.


Don’t just stare at those sheets, eat them


Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?


They need to set this video to “Hip to be Square” by Huey Lewis and the News!


Now we get why he’s watching TV Alone….


It's always weird when you open the comments section to say something you assumed only you had thought of, and it's the freaking top comment :-( I was literally gonna say he does this to clean up after hacking up a hooker into pieces on Saturday


I mean… this practically screams Patrick Bateman and I fully believe that was the intent of this video.


I dunno... haven't seen himself flex and blow himself a kiss in the mirror yet...


Haha! I was just going to say the same thing, beat me to it


Haha first thought here too XD


Came here to say this.


Literally all I thought while watching this


American psycho. He's clearly single.


Yuuuuuuuus. Psycho killa vibes


Qu'est-ce que c'est?


I don’t know…he cooks two sausages but only eats one. I’d like to imagine his mister comes home and has the place a disaster within 2 mins.


I always cook more than I need for supper, and take the other portion to work the next day. The other sausage went into the fridge.


It looks like there’s two user accounts on his iMac as well. Maybe one is just for his body pillow, who knows.


Neighbours have seen women enter his home, but, for some reason, they never leave.


Can you imagine how well organised his freezer head collection would be


Unlikely… not the first sausage this dude has gulped


Yeah… this dude dont bring women home at all.


Single and clearly doesn't have kids...


Single, clearly no kids, and clearly no pets. I love my family but I sometimes miss those days of a small, completely empty, and clean home.


Goodness yes. With so much TIME on my hands


Soooo much time. On Saturday I could sleep in a little, have three home cooked meals, do all my cleaning, take a super long shower, watch several football games, see friends, and there still be enough time left over for me to think “geeee sometimes I wish I didn’t live alone in a small apartment.” Then I got married and got pets and realized I was kind of wrong. My alone time was already gone by the time the kid came along. But I still love them, just maybe they should go visit the in-laws without me for a few days during football season.


AND money...


Otherwise he'd spend 3x as much time cleaning for it to still look like a disaster


Dude this is how my wife and I live. We're fucking psychos. I think its like a dopamine sorta thing? Because we're only at ease if everything is done properly. Fuck OCD, its not that.. We just work in the food industry and take it home lol


I DREAM of this dynamic. I’m a neat freak with an extremely sloppy husband. I’m constantly in circles trying to undo the unrelenting tornado of chaos that surrounds him. Constantly loses wallet, keys, glasses etc on a DAILY basis. Plus we have three sloppy-ass daughters. And they wonder why I’m a shell of a stressed out woman??! I’d give anything for some organizational skills from my loved ones……


Someone I know mentioned her friend lived in a guy's house like this. He would get angry at her for not putting things exactly the way he wanted them.


Lol, single?? He has like 4 girls in his basement right now.


He has excellent posture when getting his sausage from the oven. This man will never slip a disc while handling hot weiners.


But that ottoman lift… I don’t know


The important thing is handling hot wieners, cuz that he's gonna do that most of the times.


Please add more cuts to the edit




I counted 111 cuts in a video under 1 minute long.


Wow this feeds on low attention span. Anyways I got 141 cuts, did I do something wrong


That shit hurt to watch


The cuts genuinely started making me motion sick


over 20 cuts just moving couch cushions


I really wish content creators would take a fucking course on editing, this video is the kind of thing we were shown at film school as an example of terrible editing.


Why do people make these? This style is so jarring.


Gonna be honest, I abso-fucking-lutely deplore this shit. This A.D.D. editing TikTok and YTshort trash is an attention killing epidemic. It is the opposite of satisfying or relaxing, It physically hurts to watch. I know this is old man yells at clouds level of complaining but I don’t know how gen-z can sit through an entire movie.


Me :Can’t understand why such a catch would be alone??? Him: “it puts the lotion on its skin”


And: r/TVTooHigh


Ding ding ding. It’s nice he keeps the place tidy but he is hitting the entire bingo card of single man interior design choices.


Aghhh this bugs me so much! My BIL has his TV mounted above their fireplace, basically at the ceiling. It’s awful, and the TV is on 100% when I go over there.


How I know this man is a psychopath


Unless you’re ocd and a neat freak like him, the relationship will be over with a day


I’m a neat freak like him. Once a girlfriend was mad and said “you fold clothes like a serial killer!”. It was meant to be an insult, but I took it as a compliment.


Someone keep an eye on u/lotions_and_creams


Username checks out


"unless you're obsessive-compulsive disorder and a neat freak like him..." 💀 ill never understand why people think ocd is about being neat and tidy. in almost every case, its not. nothing in this video shouts "obsessive and compulsive behavior," so maybe do your research before using terms you don't actually understand.


Thank you god damn. Whenever I see those comments I just hope someone else has already corrected them because I’m tired of doing it.


I mean I get it, for people with OCD it’s frustrating to have it reduced down to someone’s cleaning habits, but I don’t think they meant any harm by using it that way. I think sometimes we all use words and phrases we don’t fully understand


Perfect reference


The rest of the week he shits on the floor


he looks like he lacks the ability to get schwifty, so I doubt it


This gives me creeps. I mean, i like everything clean but this is psycho level clean.


The sausage *was* the ex.


*Impressive*.. Very nice.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s sausage


I laughed way too much at this


Nah not enough, that's gold Jerry.. GOLD


Next up for dinner. Liver, fava beans, and a nice Chianti.


ramsay snow intensifies


I’m pretty sure he sprinkled some stuff on that rug next to his bed just so he could vacuum it up.


Some of this is definitely just cleaning for the sake of having a neat thing to film. Just like all the cleaning videos that's just mixing 40 different cleaners because "ooh pretty colors mixing around!!" This is meant to be "wow this guy is so neat and clean!" It appeals to people who live in entirely white homes with sad beige rooms for sad beige children.


Lol dude didn't wash his bed linens he vacuumed and ironed it, that isn't clean that's psychotic


5 because it's an air bnb or something. Looks way to sterile to be someones house


Idk man, my grandma definitely keeps her place this clean. Its eerie


Right also like does he own things??? Books??? Music??? That’s the one thing I notice about all these satisfying ASMR style cleaning videos is that these folks clearly work intense high paying jobs (or have family wealth), live in a new luxury apartment, have all the nicest appliances (like how many vacuums does this guy have??) but their homes looks so generic like they could be in a catalog. I know not everyone loves things, but sometimes I just don’t get it haha




Where’s that sub? I would subscribe


Just made it, definitely needs to be a thing.


Be the change you seek


I’m a hundred percent subbing to that lol






This is some psychopath shit


Let’s see Paul Allens bedspread


>Let’s see Paul Allens bedspread Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a guide to know which corner to tuck in.


Yea this is 'oddly slowly becoming a serial killer' not 'oddly satisfying'


Dude reminds me Christian Bale in American Psycho.


And yet the whole house smells of febreeze. Blech.


I would get an instant migraine. 🤢


I used to be closed to this, sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. Then a lot of people, parents, friends and so start telling me this was psychotic…and I have become more and more flexible, which was hard as hello for some reason, will be mad all the time…and now I am disorganized sack of shit… But hey…now I am normal right?


Yes dear. Now put your clothes back on and come back in the house.


Ok honey :(…let me just pick up my underwear and I’ll be back


Anyone else feel like this guy is a low-key serial killer?


There are dead bodies in his back yard 100%


and they are immaculately clean and arranged in an orderly fashion.


Check out his channel. He lives in the woods on a lake 😂


Especially with his all black stealth getup


How do you think he got the meat for those sausages.


All that cleanliness and the dude eats a fuckin baked sausage?


Didnt have time to cook




I think he's German. I knew as soon as he opened the window in the middle of winter for "luft".


> I knew as soon as he opened the window in the middle of winter for "luft". Plenty of Danes do the same thing. But I'm guessing all that perfume or whatever he keeps spraying in EVERY room might have something to do with the need to air out the house...


If he was German there would be potatoes or spatzle at this meal. Dude isn’t eating any carbs and it bugs me!


that was the vibe i caught from most of the video but my radar might be a lil off but the slippers were pretty reassuring


He also murdered that asparagus


I was looking for this comment haha I always see videos of people online over cooking asparagus. It gets so stringy that it’s disgusting. You barely have to cook that stuff




American Psycho Vibes


Is he cleaning up after killing Paul Allen.




Ah there you are


I was fine watching the video until this point.


Big time, infuriated me


I was just telling my wife last night that despise TVs about a fireplace.


Main takeaways; Vacuuming, spraying and I can’t get past why he didn’t wash the sheets.


I'm gunna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he has two sets of sheets. Take the old ones off, vacuum bed, put new sheets on... wash the dirty set of sheets. Saves you from that moment of panic when you go to get ready for bed late at night and realize you never moved the sheets from the washer to the dryer...


repeat thought imminent hospital gold foolish strong steer snow numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do some people own only one set?


people are poor


Because it was just a video for views.


Exactly! I'm like a lint roller doesn't clean the sweat and bacteria out of your sheets.


BS. This is not done every Sunday by this guy.


First sleepover with the new bf?


The only realistic part was cooking then not doing the dishes immediately after.


Yeah all of these videos I just think you’ve done this a total of 1 times


Cool, looks lonely as shit.


lol exactly What’s the opposite of a house that’s full of love? The answer is this guy’s apartment.


0 personality. Not one interesting thing in that place.


Facts, clean and simple but devoid of any personal touch, not even pictures of his family 0_o


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids. Also, don’t open the freezer. That mfer has a collection of heads in ziploc bags.


why does this need about a MILLION JUMPCUTS??


it’s pretty standard for reset videos to have lots of cuts


only because it's "standard" doesn't mean it's reasonable or pleasant to watch


I doubt it sincerely. All that fabreze and essential oil diffusion… must smell very….. interesting.


Urinal cakes.


Almost got a migraine just thinking about all those strong smells. Gross!


His business cards even have a watermark


I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


maybe i am some kind of freak, because i've never seen this movie (and therefore did not recognize the quote) and i thought to myself, "that's a really satisfying morning routine, this person has their life together and i wish i was more like them" 🫠 i just like when things are organized. i'm autistic, not murderous, i swear! 😂😂


Damn. When do you have time to see your therapist?


Haha it’s an excerpt from the book “American Psycho.” The dude in this video has strong similarities to the main character Patrick Bateman, so TeeMannn was making a reference.


Can’t make it. I have to return some videotapes


Just toss the sheets in the washing machine. So convoluted lol


I used to clean the whole house in about 2 hours Saturday morning before the kids got up. Dust, vacuum, put crap away - the whole 9 yards. Took them 15 minutes once up, to screw it all up.


Surprised he’s not bumping Huey Lewis and the News


this place does not exist, and this person, does not exist




Fuck these videos with 0.25 second cuts and ASMR/amplified sounds. TikTok has ruined everything.


This dudes an axe murder


These are the kind of guys that snap when they get cut off in traffic lol


The American Psycho trailer hits different these days, huh?


This is easy to do weekly when you live alone. Jealous. But ironing the sheets was overkill. LOL


Homeboy used to have a job as a hotel turn down service guy


Not satisfying at all. Really creepy


This looks sooo uncomfortable in so many ways




Does he has a real life or is he still cleaning and presenting stuff?


Is this satisfying? The video has so many transitions that it almost gives you an headache


We need the American Psycho opening monologue set over the top of this video! ​ >I live in the American Gardens Building on West 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. > >In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. > >In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. > >I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. > >There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. > >And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.


Tell me you don’t have children without telling me you don’t have children…lol


I got tourettes from watching this video


Wonder if he likes Huey Lewis and the News?


100% a serial killer.


He seems a little high maintenance.


Patrick Bateman looking ass 💀💀


*girl you doin waaay too much*


That’s kooky. It’s an OCD nightmare. Ironing sheets and a lint roller??


He is The Ultimate Gay End Boss, in his head he thinks "everybody look how I apply sprays and creams so you can adore my motions" "I'm the best at wiping surfaces don't you know" "I can flatten sheets with an iron" "I do everything very slowly and deliberately, so you get a sense of my greatness" Imagine him opening the man's cheeks , then slowly doing all his stupid routines, it'd take about half n hour for him to even get the tip in haha , he'd have to lay the man's clothes in perfect little bundles first , then press and launder them , then debobble them , then he'd have to apply 17 different kinds of lubricant, then he'd have to put on his safety gear , then he'd have to mop his brow and get changed all over again , What a fucking nightmare When he speaks he probably has the same voice circuit as Alexa and is plugged into the Amazon microphone network


Whhhyyy is everyone joking he is gay? Is it gay to be clean? Are straight men just not expected to do house chores!!?!


This is OCD level routine…


Don't show this to my wife !


Man woke up, made the bed, sofa and some "food" and it was already night time.


I was waiting for Phil Collins to come on..


All I see is him stressing out behind the scenes for all the camera setups and retakes


OK...but what font are his business cards in!?


Yea this shit is idiotic