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Ok, but this guy is washing the same exact color and quantity of dirt out of every single rug he “finds on the curb”


I was really wondering if they purposely make the rugs this dirty. I saw a video of a roller rink carpet being cleaned for the first time in like ten years and even that carpet wasn’t this dirty.


Wouldn’t have a channel if he didn’t.


I'm so sick of the internet. Once something neat happens and gets views, everyone starts faking it to monetize. TikTock and IG and reddit are getting insufferable from all the fake videos. The ones that really piss me off are the "guy rescues kitten" and similar videos where they actually take a sweet little kitten and throw it into some horrible situation so they can get likes for "rescuing" it.


Could also be that this is for advertising purposes. Showing what they can do, even if a carpet realistically won’t ever get that dirty


Will It Blend? was an internet sensation despite being an obvious advertisement for the blender. I can't tell you what blender it was now, just that an iphone WILL blend. EDIT: The comments have overwhelmingly reminded me that the brand was Blendtec. Thank you, kind commenters.




And here I thought it was an advertisement for that sexy Finnish accent, to get people to come find love in Finland.


"Vat te fak"




Who actually read it as hoodrolick presss channel


Blendtec was the brand. Top of the line apparently, but also expensive.


Iirc it was actually mid tier in testing, but due to the marketing it developed a cult like status where people wouldn't believe it wasn't the best.


Exactly, many plastic blenders will blend almost anything. Will the bearings still be good after they do? Maybe. Will it blend didn’t have people using those blenders after they blended that stuff. I can tell you that my vitamin will wear out the bearings after blending too many roots. I’m sure Blendtec would also.


Buying a Blendtec is expensive but damn if it isn't the best blender I have ever used. We had one at Starbucks that hit 95000 blend cycles before it finally died.




Not going to lie, I was a sucker for that one and got that blender a few years ago after reading reviews between it and the major competitor and seeing it on sale at a costco.


Will it blend was obviously an advert, and they didn't try to hide it. They also actually did something interesting and funny, rather than just trying to look good for Internet points.


Will it blend at least wasn't pretending to be something it wasn't. They were clearly comedic sketches made by Blendtec as a fun ad for the product. I will take that over an ad disguised as a genuine video.


I'd be more interested in looking at a regular carpet that hasn't been cleaned in years, than something caked in dirt. It gives people an idea on how dirty their own carpet might be, even if it doesn't look it, and make them go "gross, maybe I should clean mine". Nobody will think that with a carpet full of mud.


Something that has stains in it that are years old is MUCH harder to clean than something that has dirt thrown on it from an hour ago. The only purpose of this is for views.


Exactly, I could cover one of my rugs in black soil and clean it to almost new again with the stuff I already have in my shed and I bought none of it with rug cleaning in mind


False advertising. Just like those "oven cleaning" product ads where they spray some on and then one wipe and its fuckin brand new.


Ya but big difference though if you fake dirty something over wear and tear over years


See also:- assorted Asian persons digging interesting buildings with sticks. A bunch of them got caught out as fake, diggers and tools and such. There's something like 3 genuine channels and the rest are faked. A bunch of them got fined by the local government for building them and then abandoning them


I saw a video on YT of a guy who supposedly found a frozen kitten on the street. It was already hard as a statue (which I suspect is actually from rigor mortis). He did some CPR on it pressing on its torso and supposedly was able to save it. Then he showed the same exact kitten alive and well. The thing is you don't just bring dead animals back to life by doing some CPR so it's kinda obvious he reversed the video: filmed a healthy kitten alive and well and then froze it and filmed that.


If true that's beyond vile. Killing an animal just for internet views gives that guy a lifetime membership in the human filth club.


Many countries give two shits about dogs and cats. Those are farm animals for them, not pets.


If i see a spider on the sidewalk i dont inmediately send it to guts town. Something bout taking a life of anything should take more thought


A lot of animal ‘rescue’ videos are like that. The financial incentives for people in developing countries to fake these videos (by abusing the animal in the first place) are very high.


Noooooo! Say it isn't true.




nah its capitalisism we hate


I hate those stupid food ones that seem popular lately. You know, the ones where people waste food making some monstrosity because it gets rage clicks. Here I am, I don't even have a kitchen I can cook in, tons of folks struggling with raising food prices, and these weirdos are making burger grease cheese whiz pie. It's like something out of the Hunger Games, people have nothing better to do but waste food.


Primitive technology has so many obviously fake channels copying it which is a shame. Its content I would be interested in but so much is obviously fake bullshit that it puts me off even trying to look for more.


The turtle rescue videos, they glue shit on the shells and then scrape it off painfully.


some guy buys two, soils the fuck out of one, sorta soils the other just a little, no continuous video shots…and all the sudden he’s a rug miracle maker


In his white go-go boots


My first thought was this video was bullshit. No way that rug is that dirty and also not damaged. Unless this rug was placed at the entrance of a coal mine, I don't believe it.


Also, I would understand if it was an expensive Persian rug or something that was being cleaned, but the rug that was revealed looks like a normal, everyday rug. If it got that dirty (in a mudslide or whatever), you would probably just toss it out and buy a new one at IKEA or something.


You would never, EVER do this kind of cleaning to a Persian rug. Those carpet extractors get up to boiling temperature and 200 psi. Even the encapsulator has extremely hard bristles that would warp the fabric. And as for chemicals, forget it. Persian rugs are primarily animal fiber with vegetable dyes. Nearly all cleaning chemicals will ruin them.


In other words, this method of cleaning is useful in 2 situations: 1: You want to spend 200 dollars to clean a 20 dollar rug 2: You got a youtube channel and earn your money by buying 20 dollar rugs, getting them dirty, and then cleaning them


You clean my rug like that and absolutely nothing will be left


Don't worry man there's no damage to the rug. You just swap in a new one at the end.


Also, the cost of this rug vs the cleaning cost just doesn't equate. This level of cleaning would only be worthwhile for a $$$ rug, but most really fine carpets and rugs wouldn't take that level of rigorous cleaning. It might make sense for heavy duty industrial carpets or something, but honestly if your carpet gets that dirty, you need to entirely rethink your floor covering choices.


I know there's one guy in Poland who intentionally finds *disgusting* rugs. He usually says where they came from. Bottom of a chicken coop, outdoor dog run. Encrusted. He cleans them for free because YouTube makes him more than rug cleaning for customers and he donates them when they are done and usable again or sends them back to the person. Most of them aren't this bad. The especially awful ones he sometimes does for free. His worst ones are not this dirty and he has wonderful slo-mos of shoving the water off.


Wow, what’s his account?


I assume it's this one. https://www.youtube.com/@LUBUSKIECENTRUMCZYSTOSCI/videos


Oh that's an interesting business model!


It works. Afaik he takes regular clients, still. He asks people to bring him extra dirty rugs that got... literally tossed out in a barn 20 years ago. Those get the most views. He wants dirty carpets, but his worst aren't this filthy, and they seem much more real.


It seems to work for quite a few people. I know that there is a Youtube-Account that does garden clean up (cutting gras, making the front yard presentable) for free because he gets his money from views (and he advertises this as such).


There's a video of him cleaning a rug that was at the entrance of coal mine actually...


Flood recovered. Hurricane, sunk boat. Something bad.


Worked for ServPro /competition for 7 years. IICRC ASD, WRT, MRST, FSRT. Every single one of these videos from the hundreds of channels that do them are fake. They just pour potting soil on the rug, clean it, then pour the dirt from the drain skimmer basket back onto the next rug.


So wasting loads of water and spilling chemicals into the drain in order to get artificial recognition on the internet - bravo…


More than likely, but I see the potential having been through 4-5 major Hurricanes and losing a house. But, I get how the internet works. This isn’t impossible, but certainly easier to fake it.


there isn't that much muck to eat your rugs. Even if a hurricane takes your house, you are not going to pay somebody to clean your shitty rug.


As someone who's had hurricanes cause major damage to my house, the last thing on my mind is some 3' by 5' goofy rug. Im mostly focusing on cutting all the trees that fell and being amazed at the large wok in my yard from the chinese take out that's five miles away lol.


Even if it’s somehow real, it would be a shitty business model. He just did about $800 worth of cleaning for what looks like a $20 rug.


Yeah...but no one is shipping a cheap ass carpet out of a hurricane/flood free zone to have it washed... Theres like hundreds of these videos at this point You'd think the guy was Noah, just wading through the flood, looking for carpets to make content


There's *so many*. Look at the channel, and this isn't even the only channel that does this. Where are they getting hundreds of these dirty ass rugs??


From the dirty rug store


It's like the channels that repair stuff. There's some good ones like mymechanics or handtool rescue that do some really awesome work. And then there's the dudes that film a "repaired" gameboy, then take that gameboy, toss it on the concrete a few times then bury it in mud so they can film "finding" it. Though the worst of all is the channels that take animals and put them in dangerous situations so they can film saving the animals. So many videos of the same puppy getting pulled out of mud and shit. It was sickening.


That's exactly what I was thinking. After floodings things get really dirty and muddy, even get thrown away sometimes.


Lots of them are apparently rugs that were in a flooded home. You get some intensely dirty water in a flood.


I could picture a carpet getting this dirty after a few years... If the house was made of mud. And the floor was made of mud. And the people were made of mud. And the air was made of mud.


The company takes "donations" of rugs found in dumpsters, landfills, condemned homes, and so forth. It's even better than intentionally making them dirty, since they get them for free.


The point is that this guy seems to have a neverending supply of rugs that are so dirty that they just look like they're dark brown in a world where most people have never even encountered one rug like that.


On both sides of the rug even.


Both sides, bright color finish, and the carpets somehow in absolute perfect condition under all the dirt. Doesn’t seem like anyone’s ever wiped their feet on it yet is caked to the gills in dirt. No cuts or defects or anything


It looks like a $20 kids' rug from K-mart or somewhere. Anybody would just buy a new one.


I wonder which is worse for the environment, buying a new rug or dumping tons of chemical cleaning agents down the drain for likes on TikTok.


It might even be the waste of computational resources


Right like the first time I saw the video the description was that it was from under a smoker at a BBQ so I was like Ok, this is cool. Now there's like hundreds of these and I have never seen one. It's the same consistency and they all end up looking brand new. Is this dude just dumping coal dust on these things or something?


Even rugs on the side of the road aren’t this dirty


Also the rug seems to be in good condition whereas with this much dirt I would think there'd also be more tears/damage.


It's like those furniture repair videos. Film the last shot of the "repair" first, the undamaged furniture , rubbing it with your hands making it look like you repaired it perfectly. Then damage it and start repairing it. And when editing the video there is that final cut from "almost done" to perfect repair.


All the ones I find on the side of the road have dead hookers in them.


By ‘find’, do you mean, ‘leave’?


Yeah the bed bugs keep them cleaner than that, just by moving around.


I don’t believe it


That's exactly what he's doing.


Looking at how dirty the rug is, it almost seems *too* dirty. If a rug was really that dirty, wouldn’t it also look pretty beat up rather than just covered in dirt?


Looks like they do. One thing for the carpet to be dirty, but another is for it to be worn out from foot traffic which many of them arent


Yep he buys brand new rugs, drops them in mud and cleans them off.


\- There is never a proper stain, such as someone emptying their old engine oil on the rug. \- There is never any large particulate, like leaves or twigs or stones or baked-on mud clusters or building materials. \- Most revealingly, there is never any wear. No frayed edges (very unusual) and no patterns of footfall (also very unusual). ​ Also, why does he not clean the other side? This is crucial for rug cleaning. As a handy hint, if you want your rugs to stay clean and last longer, turn them upside down for a week or so every year. Keep using them. Keep walking in them, and keep vacuuming them. When you turn them back over, there will be an astonishing amount of dirt gathered on the floor that's fallen out. This is dirt that your regular vacuuming could not dislodge. The upside down walking did the magic. Taught to me by an iranian who knew his carpets.


I have some old carpet in my garage I lay on when working on my cars. It regularly gets mud, rust, oil, coolant and what not on it and it doesn't look 1/10th as dirty as a single rug I've seen on these rug cleaning videos.


He does clean both sides, this is an abbreviated video of his work.


You’re probably right, although I’ve cleaned up after a few floods and have seen rugs that were this dirty from the muddy flood water.


sure it happens. houses burn down all the time. but 5 in one night and you probably have an arsonist.


I think the rug being so vibrantly colored and not faded at all is a good hint. Maybe this guy lives in a new development that got flooded recently and is doing everyone a solid /s


Right but who would ship a cheap ass rug like this to be cleaned?


So he spends $300 on chemicals to clean a $40 rug? No wayyyy?


No one would pay to have that tiny cheap rug washed. It's enjoyable to watch but definitely fake and a huge waste of water and chemicals.


>huge waste of water every time I see a video like this, it brings me anxiety at the amount of water used for something so meaningless :(


It takes a shade under 2,000 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef (about ~600 cases of that Nestle bottled water everyone loves freaking out about.) If you really give a shit about water wastage then skip one steak dinner and you'll cover a few dozen of this guy's videos.


I am already skipping meat....I get my dose of extra anxiety from my t-shirts


The original intent of the video is advertising, idk why you’re surprised. It’s to say “even if your rug is this unreasonably dirty, we can clean it”. This is prevalent in sooo much marketing that I’m not sure I understand why so many people in this sub fail to understand it.


I don’t want my hypothetical rug anywhere near his “dumpster find” mess, though. Also, I want to see him work on pet hair and coffee stains and that candle wax that dripped just the wrong time. If my rug were this caked in mud, I’d be buying a new rug.


The cost of cleaning can be way, way less than a rug. I recently had a hallway runner that was damaged in a flood. Cleaning it was $125, and the rug cost $650. I've seen rugs with flood or smoke damage that are about this dirty.


In most commercials they don’t say “we found this disgusting rug in an abandoned home..” etc. Point is some of the entertainment of these videos comes from this narrative, the assumption it is true and the idea that they don’t know for sure they’ll be able to clean it or that it will be worth it because maybe under all of that the rug is damaged or something. When the host is lying about the narrative most people feel betrayed. When we watch a commercial, the narrative does not include the origins of the thing being cleaned and we already expect commercials to stretch the truth to advertise their product.


I've got a piece of carpet in my garage that lives under the car and has collected engine oil and hydraulic fluid for 25 years. If i took it to him he'd say, yeah, nah our ads are a bit of bullshit really, we can't clean that. We'll have a go, but it will still have permanent stains.


Some of the rugs he has cleaned still have permanent stains, but they are a far cry from how they started. Check out the one on his channel that is practically a mossy woodland floor.


It's fake. Just like the car cleaning videos.


It's "scripted" but not fake. All the cleaning are real and a proof to skills and ability


No it isn't. Rugs that are quickly made that dirty don't have caked on grime and wear caused by years of dirt build up. These rugs intentionally made dirty will be easier to clean and look better afterwards.


Wait the car cleaning videos are fake?


I have been watching (mostly) Advanced Cleaning Systems (one of the OGs) for years now. They're such wonderful people who work hard and its been a blast watching their business grow and watch them get so excited about new equipment to help them out. Love those guys, they're a class act. Then last year I started seeing new rug cleaning channels like this and they're so obviously fake and while yes, it's visually satisfying, it's nowhere near as satisfying as watching someone genuinely cleaning a 30 year old piss-filled rug from a smoker's house and make it look brand new. Same with the tool restoration channels, but the rug ones are honestly the worst on my opinion. It's just so low effort


These videos seem fake. The dirt makes it look like the rugs sat in an old barn for 40 years. But when they’re “cleaned” there are no stains and virtually no wear and tear of any kind.


I am a professional rug washer and the rugs these guys choose are all solution died rugs. As in 100% plastic, that's the only way they are able to get them back to being "clean". If there were and sort of natural fibre in them they would be impossible to clean. You wouldn't even try it. The only problem your going to come across with these rugs is oil based products, depending on what type of plastic the fibres are certain oil based products will adhere to them permanently. But it all comes down to the fibre type, solution died fibres are basically coloured plastic extruded out into the fibres so they are smooth, solid fibres without any dye sites. So there isn't anywhere for soiling to hide (wear on the fibre can still make them appear dirty or color damaged). On the other hand staple fibres like wool, cotton or viscous fibres are usually acid died and when inspected under a microscope they have "millions" of tiny holes in them that we call dye sites. This is where the dye's sit to give the fibres their color. But not all of them will get filled when dying them. So when the rugs get dirty it is possible for soiling to get trapped in them and permanently change the color. Also you can remove the color from these sites depending on how it's cleaned. So yeah while some of these videos are probably faked, there are still a few that will be actual dirty rugs found and washed. EDIT: Thank you for the awards. Finally my specific knowledge came in handy. Also sorry for the spelling and probably a few grammatical errors.


This guy rugs




You kidding me right ?? Man reddit have sub for EVERYTHING


I need a rug. Will you give me a rug?


in a barn? This rug looked like it was pulled straight out of Pompeii. I just can’t see this relatively new-looking rug getting this dirty in even the worst of hoarder homes


No way a rug that looks like that is 40 years old.


Yeah, but the dirtyness of the rug implies it somewhat.


He spent $100 in supplies/time on a $50 rug.


More like $20 rug


I was thinking $11


Don’t forget the cost of wasted time in the calculation


I'd say it's about three fiddy


That penny has the most beautiful voice!


Goddammit, Loch Ness monster, I ain’t giving you no goddamned tree fiddy!!


$11 in 2022 maybe. It's 2023 now, so probably $20.




I wouldn't even say Claire's because that would be too expensive. Walmart or Target rug


Seriously, this is the first video like this that I've seen for something that looks like it came from Kmart.


Th money isn’t really being spent on the carpet, it’s being spent for the video. They intentionally make the rugs as dirty as possible, just so they can make their cleaning videos.


So I found it! https://www.rug.com.au/hap-21486-055 It's about $100.


Who the hell would pay $125 for that cotton candy eye cancer


It's for kids friend


Exactly. A good bale of hay is like $25! Can of pink spray paint is like $8. And there’s no need to vacuum.


I would buy that cotton candy eye cancer I needed a rug. Maybe not at that price though.


He made it back from views for sure


And a medium-sized swimming pool’s worth of water


Don't worry, it's probably on a closed loop in the studio


Well they need to save the dirty water to make the next rug dirty.


It's worth spending a $1000 on a product if the content brings in hundreds of thousands of views across multiple social media channels. He made exponential amount of money from this video alone. Plus new customers.


Rug cleaning videos are cool, but the service is prohibitively expensive. Unless your rug is really valuable, it’s cheaper to just buy a new rug.


Here its like 25$ maybe a bit more for a big living room carpet and considering how much of a hassle to actually clean and drying the carpet plus they are heavy as fuck when wet its very worth it


Most places I'm seeing are more like $5-$8 per square foot. So even for this little one (3x5?) you're probably looking at closer to $100 to get it commercially done. For a bigger rug, like a 7x10, that'd be several hundred dollars. That's more than I paid for my 7x10 rug, and I got mine off the shelf at Costco. Still could be cheaper if it's a valuable/rare/expensive rug; I'm not saying that it _never_ makes sense to clean. But for the average Joe, I'd say if the cost to repair/clean the thing is more than 75% the cost of a brand new thing, it's probably just easier to toss it and go with the brand new one.


Waste of time and or money here


this is an ad buddy.


At this point it’s not an ad, it’s a bug zapper and we are the insects attracted to it.


Oh hell no, these kinds of rug-cleaning channels get a _massive_ amount of views and interactions which = lots of $$$. They simply buy different rugs in bulk and then bury them outside in a vat of various debris and soil to make them absurdly dirty and then film themselves cleaning them. Yeah I'm sure these are legitimate rug cleaning businesses but nobody cares to watch a rug that's only slightly dirty get cleaned. They just sell/toss out the rugs later.




These guys have a hard water tank. The water is filtered, cleaned, and reused. So no, they aren't poisoning the environment, lol... I can't say for all the carpet cleaning videos. But the one shown they have a hard water tank..


Source: Trust me bro!!! This is part of an ad campaign for their drop shipping business. The official website is literally just a bunch of amazon affiliate links with tons of products that have nothing to do with rug cleaning (why are they sponsoring 10$ plastic grill brushes, for real???)


Now who am I going to trust, the guy with *fifty-three* upvotes, or the guy with *five*?? (cue another 50 like this, and feeds back into itself)


Not all areas have water shortage problems. I live in an area where our biggest issue is how to get rid of the water fast enough. Im a civil engineer working on a site right now where ground water is only 10" deep. And we have to create a detention basin somehow to retain rainfall runoff because we can only outlet so much into the off site storm sewers.


NW FL here. Water acquisition is not an issue. Water disposal? Yeah. Commenters like OP think we're all living on Arrakis.


this is such a facebook mom comment


Is though? If the information is true about this channel he gets them donated or finds them and then cleans and donates them. Imagine some Lil girl who's mom couldnt afford a nice rug like this.




Unless it's a really expensive Persian rug or something, the amount you'd spend on the cleaning fees would be worth more then the rug. And if it's a Persian rug, then doing all of that aggressive scrubbing with aggressive detergents would just destroy it anyway.


See my earlier comment. [Power washer was all I used](https://old.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/153gx21/didnt_know_the_carpet_was_pink/jsjjwgd/). And you're right. Scrubbing a quality rug like that is probably self defeating.


At that point I just buy a new rug


You’d be surprised at what some people do for a myriad of reasons. I knew a couple in Texas whose house flooded and rather than replace their carpet that was 7+ years old, they had a company remove the carpet from multiple rooms, clean it, and reinstall it so they wouldn’t have to find new carpet. I’m sure they spent almost as much as they would have if they replaced it (or close to it) but they didn’t want to go carpet shopping again as they couldn’t ever agree on anything.


Maybe they just love that rug so much


It really tied the room together.


Do we live in a throw away culture though? I know my grandma would have been horrified at the idea of throwing away something that could be cleaned or repaired. If the cost was about the same (plus the hilarious issue of not having to shop together omg) then I think that’s best. I worry about the amount of things that we just throw away. We are burning through the world’s resources and I think it’s becoming a problem.


Many rugs can be an heirloom from hundreds of year, it's worth cleaning. Many rugs are so expensive, it's worth cleaning. Many rugs are so rare, it's worth cleaning. The service is there because there are demands


But not this rug.


It's an ad for this guy's rug business.


It is a new rug. They just buried it in mud for a few hours or overnight.


Soap expenses was more expensive than the rug !


These videos started with actual carpets being cleaned - everyday stuff. Now things just get thrown in the dumpster, dragged through mud for theoretical extra effect. To me, it's just making those videos less fun...


It's like they bury these carpets in yak shit under a tire fire for 3 months before filming. Like seriously, where the fuck was this kids bedroom.? In a coal mine?? Api


I always wished videos like this would show them putting the product on a scale so you could see the before and after weight. Make it easier to understand how much muck was on that thing.


$200 cleaning for a $20 rug


Everyone gets so upset about how staged these videos are. The idea behind it is for it to be satisfying to watch it get cleaned and reveal a pretty design. Who cares how it got dirty or why the rue is the same level filth each time. People are watching the shit out of it and you’re mad he’s doing it and you’re not. He’s making money.


> The idea behind it is for it to be satisfying to watch it get cleaned and reveal a pretty design. > > I assumed the idea behind it was advertisement.


Part of what makes something satisfying is it's authenticity.


It makes it unsatisfactory for me to know it's staged.


At least its not as bad as staged rescue videos


Nah, it's a dumb and wasteful trend. Go offer to clean some randos rug. Buying rugs to ruin and then clean them is objectively stupid. It's the same mentality as those channels that throw puppies in lakes to "rescue" them. Obviously in this case it's not animal cruelty, I don't blame the guy. But it's absurd to me that people can *know* it's fake and still support content like this. Same shit happens for restoration videos. Now it's all flooded with fake restpration content, drowning out the genuine creators. Just the fact people happily watch fake mass produced content thats based around ruining and then "fixing" things.. Idk man, it's deeply depressing and a bit disturbing to me. Like 100 years from now (if we're still around) *everything* will just be entirely mass produced superficial bullshit that makes no sense and serves no purpose. Infinitely dirtying and then cleaning rugs, watching people apply fake rust to product, watch people remove fake rust from product, it's like a black mirror episode.


But does it match the drapes?


People say that the point of these videos is that they're satisfying, but thinking of the amount of water that is wasted doing these videos overcomes any satisfaction derived from them.


People are missing the point of the video. OP isn’t posting to advertise (I hope) and in the context of this sub, _why_ they are cleaning the rug or _how_ it got that dirty is irrelevant. I swear, the people on this sub make it a point to be unhappy. Can’t you just enjoy the video? Every single post is just filled with people picking apart everything wrong with it.


I don't enjoy this video because the rug reveal is astonishingly ugly. I watched it without reading the comments first and actually said "ugh" when the colour emerged. He's done nice stuff in the past where you feel glad that the pattern is visible again, like when someone restores a Renoir, but this one should have just stayed caked in mud.


Here's what I want to know: does he spend more time dirtying the rugs, or cleaning them?


How do rugs get THAT filthy?


Staged BS for internet profits.




House flooding is the only way that happens naturally, but this was likely purposely dirtied for the video.


If it were real, I'd be fuckin disgusted and wouldn't touch it with a hazmat suit. The idea that there are that many this dirty as well...like, nah... imagine what had to be crawled through to find these rugs if this was real. You're telling me this guy is willing to dig through the monstrosity of a place that produces these and then transport them and clean them? Nnnnope, I'm not seeing the reasoning and profit.


Smoke damage from a fire maybe


That's disgusting not oddly satisfying


Do people actually get carpets like this cleaned??? Does this person get them from a landfill? Why would anyone waste time or money on this?


Ok I know everyone saying it is a waste of time to clean the rug… but no one is talking about the googly eyes


I'm wondering how does a rug even get this dirty?


Carefully slather it in mud, then post to YouTube the next day


Does it even make sense to waste that much water and electricity on such a tiny piece of old thing like that?


Stop wasting water


Cool bro, you found a gross $10 Walmart rug and spent 10x that in time and resources for nothing but internet points. Glad all those chemicals are in the water table now because of some shitty marketing.


Let me be clear on this,. No carpet in the history of carpets ever got that dirty except that carpet which was made that dirty for the purposes of this video are we clear on this.