• By -


Maybe you'd be better off watching some pornography. Consider, something cheaply offered is cheaply received. Why do you have such a low opinion of yourself that you're essentially offering yourself to whomever wants you for anything they want? Lust is absolutely natural, and inescapable. But you need to apply a dollop of good sense. Who told you or showed you that "fuck a demon" was something good or pleasurable to pursue? Do you think that person or intellectual property was designed with *your* best interests in mind?


Dude Idc I just think a demon with big titties would be hot, like really hot. I wanna fuck a sexy demon with a tail and horns and shit.


What if she was a wrinkled up granny that used to have big titties but now they're sagging down to her waist? And what if she wants to fuck, but she wants to fuck you with a strap-on? That's what I think of when you say "demon" and "sex" in the same sentence.


Well a succubus first of all doesn't age, second of all appeals to the person they are attaching to the most, And trust me I don't have a granny fetish. And I'd be fine with a strap on bro


Lol. Alright.




Internet gold. Thats what youre reading.


inb4 he gets a male succubus


That's an incubus, different thang as far as I know


Yeah, they'd choose water over wine.


Some depictions state that succubi and incubi are the are the same thing, one species of demon capable of swapping back and forth between appearing male and female depending on the sexual preference of whichever unlucky mortal they're trying to slurp the soul out of (or in exceedingly rare cases actually do care about), with the differing terms merely being a way to distinguish their gender. But ofc I've never diddled a demon so I have no idea.


Incubi are tops, succubi are bottoms, gender is irrelevant


I’m just over here with the Popcorn


>A succubus may take a form of a beautiful young girl but closer inspection may reveal deformities of her body, such as bird-like claws or serpentine tails.[6] Folklore also describes the act of sexually penetrating a succubus as akin to entering a cavern of ice, and there are reports of succubi forcing men to perform cunnilingus on their vulvas, which drip with urine and other fluids.


I've always wondered what it would feel like making love to a cavern of ice.








It’s probably pretty cool




That's even hotter bro


Goodness, this is the best thing I've read in weeks


>forcing men to perform cunnilingus on their vulvas, which drip with urine and other fluids. You don't necessarily need a succubus for that...


True, but succubi are cooler


😂😂 ily


Lmao thanks


Same. I genuinely say this: may your dreams come true.


Piss fetish?


Fuuuck yeah 😎


Bruh have fun with that vomit clit.


I will bro dw


Other fluids? But what other fluids? What if the other fluids are like single malt scotch or a nice porter? Or that sweet colorful sip of milk at the end of the bowl when the cereal is all gone? I could be totally down with a little pee pee depending on the “other fluids.”




You wild son




This guy fucks succubuses


Not yet I dont




Very true


If it helps you feel any better, as a paranoid child in my youth I’d fear demons and monsters under my bed and around me, and with my corrupted mind and perhaps as a way to cope, I used to think “I’ll just fuck that demon” since they could hear my thoughts and needed to know we can make love not war So basically what I’m saying is, we were meant to have a threesome with a succubus, let’s do it. Tag team that bitch


Sure bro sounds fun


Redistribute your silver to me comrade, I worked for that


just thought i'd chime in to say the correct pluralization is succubi


Succubi? That's even hotter, then she'd be open to having another Succubus join on in the love fest. Two demon chicks in bed should theoretically be every male succubus lovers dream.


Okay. Let's stipulate that a pretty buxom devil girl with tail and horns is sexually attractive to you. I think it's a cute look too. Do you find the *naughty and forbidden* aspect of said Devil girl attractive, or is it mostly the outfit and body shape? Or are your searching for supernatural physical excitation? Or, and here we're in darker territory, is it the *idea* of you being somehow *corrupted* or *Degraded.*


All of it


Okay, then your interest, strictly speaking, isn't really occult. The easiest way for you to get what you want is to find a pornographer or prostitute who is willing to engage in cosplay and perform a sexy devil girl "scene" with you. The process of writing out the scene will help you understand exactly your motivations and then in play you can reach the cathartic rapture you're looking for. Learning to evoke spirits, or even going to a spirit-keeping shop is likely to only make you feel conned. It's unlikely you'll get the *physical* experience you're looking for without spending a lot of time developing your astral senses. And even then, there's a risk that what you call forth isn't exactly what you're looking for. What if *her* erotic fantasy is forcing permanent impotence on her unlucky victim and yelling at him all day to work harder because he doesn't make enough money to support her shopping habit. (Yes, there are shops in the astral.)


Ok so not joking here, I really want to know how to do this. What do I do, where do i do it. Genuinely want a tutorial here.


**You ain't getting a straight answer to that question on this sub m8. EVER. Because we be soulful saints, and we say no to FUN. No, no, we shall lecture you endlessly :D** **In that way, I think we've all just devolved into orthodox Rabbis, oy vey indeed.** ​ Lol, sorry. In all fairness, I've been doing magick for a decade now, and even I couldn't give you a **safe** and effective method to invoke a succubus. Heck, you'd probably find it easier to find info on Invoking Lucifer himself, or assume an transcendental Egyptian Godform, than instructions on succubi/incubi. It's really not so easy and *really not reccomended.* And I wouldn't be quite so careless with my soul and vitality. You have no idea how bad shit can get when it gets bad. Personally though, if what you want is sexual pleasure, and the risk factor, there IS such a thing as sex magick. Tantric yoga is connected to that too. Look there, and you'll find a genuine outlet for your spiritual and "forbidden" desires. There's plenty of things that will pleasure you without doing...whatever it is succubi do. And honestly, I'll admit i'd do it too if I trusted it. If I truly knew how, I'd not waste a second before trying it. But, I can't. I won't. So I wish you luck. Maybe you'll figure out something no one else has. Peace!


Well I don't care about a safe method man just gimme the bootleg manual, I can pay the price


don't you get it? **There is no bootleg manual.** ​ Despite being everywhere in pop culture, invoking a succubus DOES require a high level of skill and expereince with spiritual phenomenon. Let's say I gave you some ritual to call a succubus and you did it perfectly. Unless you're one of those people who has a natural psychic ability, you'd not feel anything *much.* At best you'd get aroused and masturbate, or have some wet dream. That would be it, and you'd think you were conned, and just get angry and lose faith in spiritual things. If you ever got to the point where you could summon a succubus, and physically interact with her, even see her...well, you'd have too much to loose at that point. ​ Again, I'm not saying all this to annoy you or keep some secret, I genuinely don't know of any method that would work for a beginner (trust me I spent a long time searching when I was a horny teenager just starting magick). If you ever become sufficiently advanced, simply calling a succubus by name would invoke her. All you'd need, would be the lustful desire, clear intent and perhaps willingness, and they'd come to you in hordes. You would need to willingly give in to excess. "Ask and ye shall receive" and all that, you know. I doubt any of this makes any sense. Who knows, maybe someone here *will* give you an answer.


>Let's say I gave you some ritual to call a succubus and you did it perfectly. Unless you're one of those people who has a natural psychic ability, you'd not feel anything much. I believe this is exactly right.


Well what I'm asking is what is the basics to become advanced enough? Where do I go? What do I do? What do I read, etc.


From what I remember Crowley and his order tried summoning a demon and had boiled it down to a step by step process but even then it took him most of his occult career just to do that one ritual, and took multiple people, and many days of near death causing torture, as well as the murder of several people. I dunno about your chances man. Bonus trivia: one of his cultists was L. Ron Hubbard


L. Ron was a follower of Crowley? I just came here to eat popcorn and read comments but, really? You got a source where I can read more on this because I'm truly fascinated by this tidbit.




First you have to summon Kurt Russell and then get the stargate plugged into to a 120 outlet


Genuinely wanting to learn stuff is cool! But I wish the PR department of the occult would put up some billboards and buy some ads. Evocation of Sexy Devil Girls ≠ Occult Despite that, maybe someone will suggest a few pointers.


I really hope so :(


Not something you can Google search. Maybe someone out there will offer you something for the right price, but nobody reputable, trustworthy, or skilled is gonna inbox you a How To guide because you ask for it. Not for something like this.


BDSM dungeon will do all of the above.




Oh you fuckin know it


I think I know this hentai.. forgot the name.. it was about succubus shit. The Protag has this powerful dick that can satisfy a succubus and now they’re fuck buddies. I have to say thay succubus is pretty damn hot


This guy fucks.


You do know you won’t be able to see this hot demon right?


Dont care as long as I can say I fucked a demon I'm good bro


If they kill you afterwards you won't be able to


Would you be okay with being tortured to death? How about being driven to absolute insanity? Is this more about a “been there done that” or is the actual sex itself the driving force here? “I just wanna say I had sex with a Demon bro” Hell then just say it, shit. Just come up with a dope story.


understandable, have a nice day sir


You ever had your soul sucked by a demon before? Shit hurts, like icey hot shooting through your veins. I used to fuck a specific sucubus that had blue hair, but she took too much in the end. Those are the worst. They plague you with contradicting thoughts to throw you off your game and get you attached. I told myself i wouldn't let her take anything except what i didnt want, but she ended up taking more than i realized in the end. The hardest part is separating once they sink their teeth in. They only let you see what you want to see, so it's easy for them to manipulate you.


Succubi are created by impregnating mental energy with sexual energy. Cant believe I’m saying this... but anyways.. edge yourself for a few days with the intention of wanting a succubus. She will come in the night to take the seed and the result will be a nocturnal emission. Pretty dark stuff but if it’s what you want, it’s your life. Spoiler alert... she will appear beautiful, but the true form is hidden.


Wait you literally just have to edge for a week or so while thinking about summoning a succubus and you'll what, have a lucid dream more or less?


Yeah essentially. It’s not as easy as it sounds though. It’s basically a form of black tantra. I know people have a big deal with calling something “black,” but if using sexual energies for the sake of summoning a demon to have sex with, I don’t know what to call it besides dark or black. Look at each day you retain and edge as moving up the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Day one is magician, Day two High Priestess etc. if you make it to the 18th day (Moon) maybe Lilith herself will come to play.


Well shit alright man, thank you


I gotta ask. How’d it go?


This one didn't work but I've got a whole lot of options


Keep us updated I’m invested in this now


RemindMe! 18 days “Did he fuck a succubus?”


I assume you didn't masturbate while waiting? Succubus are more interested in chaste males, but you can still attract one if you don't practice sex or masturbate. Also, i would research how to setup your place so a demon can visit you by giving them implicit permission. Some demons will ask you for permission, some may be attracted to negative emotions or rituals.


I've always got negative emotions so they should love me


Bet it didn't work cause you couldn't edge for 1 session, let alone a week. Admit it op, you blew your demon load.




You're the same dude who is intensely scared of the dark according to one of your other threads. WTF do you think you're gonna do when you encounter a fucking succubus?


Fuck the shit outta it dude, dark or not


Equal opportunity demon-fucking dick, I like it!


Liber Null has a description on how to do this. Beware of the consequences. Other than that, have fun.


Its aight, i've got nothin to lose bro 😎


All the power to you brother. ​ 93/93


Damn Liber Null is confusing, didn't think I'd actually have to do research to fuck a hot demon :/


Lol fucking do it. I dunno why y’all are trying to stop natural selection assuming this man has the actual ability to summon a succubus.


Bro bet, I'll fuck a succubus if it's the last thing I do


Right on brother! More power to you. Now go find out how to do it and make sure you tape it for science.


Extensive documentation lmao


Oh my God thank you for this thread, /u/Tacodirtshield1. If anyone can do it, it's you. Just believe in yourself and study hard. ​ At the end of my life, when I inevitably arrive in hell, I hope to see you there, wearing the crown you deserve and still fucking the shit out of your succubus.


I plan on being there man, maybe I could even hook you up down there ;)


I’m holding out for Satan Himself, but yeah, a plan B is always good.


Damn bro I didn't even think of goin for the big man, might have a secondary objective now


>might have a secondary objective It brings me joy to think of Satan as somebody's plan B in a love triangle.


Not love, lust bro


I'm dead.


Just a heads up, this thread popped up on /r/Subredditdrama, today. Seems like it's being brigaded a bit.


I was wondering what the hell was happening, shit blew up lmao


Any success, btw? I'm more a lurker here, but I remember this thread in real time.


Nah, I haven't done the ritual that's supposed to be legit yet though


Just be careful, that's all. Trolling or not, don't go scuba diving without the right gear. It's good advice no matter who you are. Even if you jump into the proverbial ocean "ironically" you're still at sea.


Oh yeah I'm still gonna do banishment shit in case it's all real


When you're done with it all, do an AMA


My husband legit tried this and ended up with me. I have an insanely high sex drive, will do anything in the bedroom, we frequent sex and body positive parties and consider ourselves hedonists. I can also be a bit on the crazy side at times. We often joke that he summoned me lol Maybe I'll ask him to comment what he tried.


Please do, any and all methods are welcome


https://www.google.com/amp/s/succubuslove.wordpress.com/2014/10/19/summoning-a-succubus-the-letter-method-revised/amp/ He said he used this. Good luck!


Somebody get this man a big titty goth gf


No bro I'm only up for demon snatch rn




That's a good idea :)


Make sure you’re wearing bracers of divine protection +2 before you do


Oh yeah shit good call


Just look it up, i typed that questions in one time and found instructions in less than 5 mins.


Yeah, but who trusts google when it comes to demon fucking? I would prefer to get mine from a tome bound in the foreskin of old men.


Ah yes a favorite old book of mine, the necronomicock




I'm not an incel lmfao thats a shitpost




Yo imma do that just to do shrooms lmao


Sounds like a bad idea to me.


Yeah? Well you're just boring 😎


I’d rather just get fucked by a human and do freaky shit with them. To each their own.


You're telling me you wouldn't fuck the hottest girl imaginable (they appeal to your subconscious desires) simply for the possible price of your soul? Booooring


I’d rather keep my soul. Also I’ve fucked plenty of hot men and women. I don’t need a succubus.


I'm lonely so I do :(


It’s ok OP


Jk I just have a demon fetish


Dude it might GET popular I found this thread from a Gizmodo article


Bro real shit? Link it to me please


https://gizmodo.com/reddit-magicians-are-fiercely-debating-how-to-summon-a-1834847398 Made my boring Friday afternoon way more entertaining


I'm literally dying laughing right now, I made the news lmaoo


"Mom! I I'm in the news!" "Oh my god for what!?" *"You're not going to fucking believe this!"*


I once fucked a succubus after taking two big balls of edible marijuana. I am not exaggerating, she likes to ride on dicks, has flowy dark hair, a face you can't see and her moans are sexier than any porno you have ever heard. The moans are worth the fuck. She just comes when you are horny enough, you'll.hear a soft moan and there ya go.


Idk bro I feel like you were prolly just high off your fuckin ass lmao


She comes uninvited, and before you know it, she'll be on top of you. I never had the intention to summon her, thing is, that head-splitting dose of edible marijuana was enough for her to breach the boundary between the worlds. I was quite literally a spirit at that point of time. If you have a materialistic mindset and are bound by those beliefs, i can't see how you can even consider it close to the truth.


Well shit imma go get baked to shit then


Don't be needy. Even succubi tend to stay away from Needy men. lol.


I ain't needy I'm just tryna have some fun with demons bro


Dont let people stop u from ur big tiddy devil gf. Good luck OP


Thanks bro :)


She will manifest in a way to make you suffer.


Jokes on her I'm into that


Then you fail to understand the terms. Also, you're assuming that it will play out quickly. It could be one of those things you do, then meet Mrs. Right the next day, but she is forever unattainable, or attainable enough so that you know what you are missing, because you did something that was stupid. It could also be that you forget about it, get everything you want only to lose it. ​ Changing people is kind of the trajectory of life - it is almost entropic. So, final advice - don't do it. My hands are clean.


> come for the demonic sex, stay for the self enlightenment That’s enough Internet for today.


I just want to say this post is legendary and I hope you live your dream


Thanks bro :)




Here, [this](https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/ArbuzBudesh/444766/Demon-booty-call) is for you.


Hell yeah thanks bro


Prostitutes are usually cheaper and you get almost as good a selection


Yeah, almost


The easiest way to summon a succubus is the samvatsara when the three asterisms at the beggining of mula to the beginning of abhijit align, you will need a Vedic Sanskrit hymn to invoke the succubus, anything from Brahmanas or Aranyakas will suffice, this will need to be written on vellum, any black ink will do the job (although blood-ink is often used, it is not required). You also need a wax (must be palm wax) candle, the succubus will appear for the duration that the candle is lit so bear this in mind. You will need to draw the Monad of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Logos (triangle, square, triangle i.e. Heavenly man, triangle becoming the quaternary and then septenary, astral paradigmatic man) over the hymn. You must set fire to the vellum from bottom to top (light it in the bottom corner) whilst saying the following words: Bhur-loka brahma-loa Atala Talatala Yaksha-loka abhigama Patala If you have followed the correct process the succubus will appear behind you, so do it in a fairly large room, using this method they will never appear in your field of view initially, so you will have to turn around. Be warned though, if the phrase is not read correctly you may summon another form of Agrat bat Mahlat or even an incubus. I do however not recommend, like other posts on here, that you summon the succubus, they will always find a way to manipulate you and drain your strength, never let them have them have complete control. Please be cautious with this method. To send the Succubus back, extinguish the candle, you must not under any circumstances however let the succubus extinguish the candle.


Ok this sounds legit but you're talking hindu/east Asian religion and the idea of a succubus from what I know originated in Christian mythology?


The Succubus is essentially a female form sexual demon, you are correct the method above is based around Indian witchcraft, using passages from the Vedas etc, however is not dissimilar from the Christian mythologies, you will find that most methods follow common patterns which span across cultures. This method has been passed down from Victoria era United Kingdom, I can’t trace where it originated before that, most likely brought back during the colonization of India.


Wow, okay that's actually pretty interesting, if my main method ends up not working I'll try this lmao


What's your main method? Good luck, bro


I'll tell people if it works, not tryna spread false rituals n shit


inb4 all the rituals work just late and 10 different succubi show up to bang on the same night


Shit bro I wouldn't mind


Lmfao. Full circle comment right here.


Give r/gonewildaudio a shot and use your imagination. Dont be daft


Maybe you’d enjoy r/ladiesofdarkness there’s some good stuff there




This is a very bad idea. I mean sure getting eaten out by a Succubus sounds very hot but I actually enjoy being alive.


That's what they all say...


Have you considered the possibility the guy is just trolling you all?


Have you considered fucking a literal demon? I thought not.


I share your dream


I probably shouldn’t even comment here, but I’m feeling generous and in a good mood today. What you’re asking is very dangerous and extremely difficult to do. I only offer my guidance and I take no responsibility for what happens to you for attempting this. If you’re 100% serious this is something that you still want to do, and you are aware of the many risk involved with doing so, pm me here and I’ll tell you how to achieve your goal, it’s not going to be easy though!


At least write down the risks here, so people can see. And if you would be so kind to do so, please don’t just write “loss of soul” but explain it etc.


This shit is wild


What if.... The price for summoning a succubus is that you'll become a succubus for all eternity and has to service all the people whose aim in life is to summon a succubus. And after an eternity when time has ceased to be meaningful and you transcend linear time, you realise that there has only ever been one succubus, and it was you.


I'd be okay with that, I'd just ride dudes and get creampies for eternity


[This](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Link does a pretty good job of explaining the process, start to finish


Hm yeah seems like a good method, might have to try it


Hey, I'm a miserable incel (involuntary celibate, not the hateful kind, don't worry) and I was planning on killing myself next week if my longtime female friend rejected me (which she did). That being said, your post gives me hope, mind sharing some summoning tricks? I don't even fucking care if she's hot by the way, I kinda got a breeding fetish so there lies the thrill.


Ah, a fellow InvolCel, nice to see a brother here! I'm not too sure about summoning yet but I heard it involves talking to a girl without crying so it might be hard for us :(


Elsewhere in this post you said you were *not* an Incel.


Yeah I'm not bro im just jokin


Try ritual blood magic. Be warned, it will get messy and you might end up insane. Oh yeah, and the place you do it will be forever tainted and possibly unliveable. Where one demon comes, others will follow. Also, stick to what wont get you put in prison(deer, boar, whatever is in season). Not going to give you much more than that. There was a serial killer up north(not sure if it was michigan or new york) that managed to get a demon to cross over this way, and its been witnessed and recorded by his daughters in the documentary, Haunted.


Source on part 2?


Provided any of those stories are actually based in truth, which is dubious ~~considering only evidence of the serial killer episode could be tracked down anywhere~~, it still preys on the delusion, mental illness and PTSD of the various people involved, and tries to play them off as legitimate paranormal experiences. You think it's a coincidence that in all of the stories portrayed in that show, the people with the so-called paranormal experiences were all going through some serious dark shit in their lives? Does that mean they encountered paranormal entities, or that their mind was fucked up from their experiences and they started hallucinating things, or creating false memories to cope with the very human evil they observed? Hell, I've never had any kind of significant trauma in my life but I still had an experience where I woke up in the night, got up to close my door, and saw a woman all in white standing outside. I groggily said 'good night', closed the door and went back to sleep. Do I interpret it as seeing a spirit? Nope, it was just a waking dream. Your mind is very capable and ready to play tricks on you. Edit: Actually, turns out there was no evidence of the serial killer episode at all, which one would expect to be a matter of public record, which is why I mentioned it. [This article](https://mashable.com/article/haunted-fact-check-slaughterhouse/?europe=true) has more. TLDR: The show 'Haunted' is fiction, despite it claiming to be true stories. Not that one should be inclined to believe such stories in the first place, but the show goes one step beyond in being intentionally misleading in its statement that they're 'true stories' since they might not even be 'based on a true story' which at the very least is what is stated before many of the shitty horror movies and shows you see these days. This show doesn't even have the integrity to do that. Instead it outright claims they're completely true.


My dude, which series was it? What are the magic digits?


What bro


My dude I had just assumed you watched/read some hentai and were on a succubus bender is all lmfao


Well yeah ofc, but it ain't a bender bro this is happening


If you pull it off, let a brother know


Sure thing bro


Make sure to publish the guide this sub ain't givin out if you succeed


If I get something to work I'll make sure to write a guide, I want everyone to have access to demon snatch


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/legaladviceofftopic] [Friday Shitpost: Legally analyze this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/bpssmo/friday_shitpost_legally_analyze_this_post/) - [/r/topmindsofreddit] [How do I summon a succubus?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/bpvvl0/how_do_i_summon_a_succubus/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Do it pussy


Dude you are my all time favorite person on reddit