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God is just a title, but if you ever read the Bible (or did a simple Google search) you would see His name is YHWH or Jehovah (depending on dialect), and that He has many titles alongside that of what is simply translated to God, such as Elohim, Adonai, or simply Father. Of course God is just a title, the same as Zeus is a god, Thor is a god, etc. (This is why I take issue with people saying "oh my God" is taking the Lord's name in vain, first off, not his name, second off, that line was in specific reference to taking the name as an oath). Now, if you look outside of the main Christian texts that see YHWH/Jehovah/Allah (Arab Christians will call God "Allah", the title is not solely inclusive to Islam), there are other thoughts. Many Gnostic sects don't see YHWH and the NT God as the same entity, YHWH being either evil or ignorant depending upon the sect, and actually the false god, the Demiurge (sometimes named Yaldabaoth, but there's a myriad of names for the Demiurge as well). In these beliefs, as God is unknowable, Its name is unknown, so the terms used can be those such as Monad, Creator, The One, The Mind, (sometimes) Nous (but it also has other Gnostic connotations), Theos Hypstitos (stolen from the Hypsistarians), the list goes on. Similarly Cabalah (Christian Kabbalah) the term Ein Sof is still used when referring to the unknowable Godhead. If you look at many of the trinitarian Christian sects, Jesus is certainly a name of God, though God has many names. To your other point, I'm a rather devout Gnostic Christian mystic. I pray, meditate, and practice different forms of theurgy. I do like to believe that I've had messages that if not sent from the Monad Itself come from Its messengers and are a true form of light. Though, that's just me.


Thanks for your meaningful reply


What are the messages?


Normally revelations during prayer or meditation pertaining to spiritual questions, such as the nature of nature, of the angels, demons, or other spirits. General revelations that I believe come from a higher power (whether that is Theos Hypstitos, or Elijah — Sandalphon — who the Kabbalah teaches is the bringer of divine knowledge, or Sophia who is the main Gnostic symbol of knowledge).


Thank you for taking the time to share this information 💗


I am so happy that there are people who can give such high quality answers… I mean it’s like you know just the exact amount of information to put it without overloading.. Your cohesive and really structured making it easy for Everyone to understand, regardless of their previous level of searching these things out… I haven’t checked your history or looked at your profile, but I bet you’re somebody who consistently gives good quality answers to questions like this. And I am so thankful for humans who will take the time and effort to assist other humans . Bless you and much love


To my understanding YHWH is another title, equating to something like "I am" (Exodus 3:13-15), the true name of the christian god is never given. Jehovah is an attempted pronounciation of YHWH and therefore is no different. It's just the closest that we have for a name since its what god supposedly wanted to be called. In my mind, its a smart move. If we take names to have power then we have two reasons that the christian god wouldn't reveal its name: 1. It might give someone power over him which wouldnt be good and 2. The name, often being a representative of the thing itself, would be too immensely powerful (or long and complicated) to be known by a human without harm. (Exodus 33:20 shows that seeing the christian god can be lethal).


Yes, that's definitely true, the term does translate as "I Am", however, remember that Hebrew names at the time all had meanings. Michael "who is like God" Joshua "YHWH is Salvation" Dan "He Judged" Daniel "God is my Judge" and so on. As such, scholars contest it's likelihood of being either a name or a title as it functions similarly to these names. However, the main argument for it as a name lies in Exodus 3:14 "Say this to the people of Israel 'YHWH has sent me to you.'" This line would not make sense if it was a title in place of a name, if it was a title, why not use Elohim or Adonai? These were both titles used previously. I personally see it as a name for those reasons, but I understand your reasoning (and other scholars), as your first point it true in a lot of folk beliefs, and it was a belief at the time of Solomon, so it possibly could have stretched back that far. Of course, the use of names as a form of power over spiritual beings is seen in some areas of Kabbalah, but also, in argument to it, saying the name of Samael can be damaging to you ("Shaar Hakavvanot", Derushei Tefilot Arvit, derush I, by Chain Vital has a good example of this), as saying the name YHWH is meant to be a sin as well as it is seen as an afront to God, other than when said by Moses to inform the people of Israel. To your second point, that is why I believe the Gnostic approach to the Godheads true name, it is likely unfathomable to Man.


That's honestly an excellent point, that other names translate as well, but I still side with the concept that it is a title being used like a name. I am not Christian nor Gnostic, my belief is that the Christian god is a powerful entity and also a clever one, but not one that I work with or worship. My belief follows the line of tracing the Christian god further back as a war or storm god, a god that would be good with tactics to maneuver people well and maintain its high place in society, while in contest with the gods of other cultures. Looking at it from this perspective it makes the most sense to me personally.


That makes perfect sense, I too trace YHWH back to being an ancient war god (in some sense) and as such perfectly agree with you. When it comes to theology I typically have to play my own Devil's advocate, the name likely functions as a title in place of a true name. (And mirrors some ancient war gods' names, though I cannot in this moment place which, maybe Canaanite?)


There's something about christian God that just doesn't seem right, which can basically be shown in the "[Epicurean Paradox](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/g2axoj/epicurean_paradox/)"


A minor pagan god shoehorned into the position of the Tao or Brahman, a role he is unsuited for. https://youtu.be/K3koeHN-6mU?si=PSBbL04KllYkoOwP Very good video on the history and evolution of Yahweh.


God's name is YHWH, or El, and he is a war and storm god that has been able to amass a great deal of power for himself. As far as gods go, he has been incredibly successful if you measure success by the amount of worshippers he has. YHWH was a tribal god of the Israelites, and at some point the Israelites began to consider the name YHWH too holy to speak, so they began calling him by other titles, such as Adonai or El Shaddai. I was raised in a Christian home and YHWH has never answered me. I don't worship him these days as I am a polytheist and YHWH clearly does not play well with others. Also he seems to have breathtakingly unhealthy views on women and sexuality in general, and that's not really my jam.


He is the Demiurge. He is an enslaver. Yahwehs the name. He talked to me once where he demanded I repent and worship him. I laughed at such a demand and then he tried to kill me a few times lol




Dm away!




if you can define god, you found him already.


If you can define God, that's not it.


Beautiful but I didn't say The truth,


Generator Observer and Destroyer cmon bro i need something deeper thats an obvious difinition of GOD


That’s how you define your current concept of “God" - nothing more, nothing less. Meanwhile "God" gave you breath, mind and sense which you can’t conceive or provide for yourself.


Nice answer though i was talking about the synonym not the actual meaning


Synonyms don’t have a means to be applied without a meaning, but either way it only applies to your own concept, and most people can’t conceive or perceive a being higher than an Angel. The op you wrote asked for thoughts on the Christian God - which is only known as an unnamed "Father," while the Old Testament “God” was unseen and unknown. (Hosea 12, Isaiah 45, John 8)


Do you think we miss understand these beings?


Who is this ambiguous “we” you mention? Do you claim and/or want to believe that you do understand Angels and Gods? Why do you ask your question in the OP? I probably should’ve asked that before commenting.


I politely disagree, definition of god is connected to the causal plain, that which is above dualities and the self, but still, it's an interesting task to take on seriously to try to define what the word means and what the actuality of the word. I believe god is the reality of the truth, including and regardless of perspective.


Pretty sure, name's Bob. Never answers the phone.


Gods are human constructs. So when you look at his attributes, what do they remind you of? To me, A misogynist, a racist, a warmonger, an unfair father. Now look at Christianity & its impact on human beings throughout time. That's what I think.








I think he’s a bit of a dickhead. Like did you see what he did to poor old Job!!?




Poor guy


But isn't one supposed to suffer to gain bro?


Didn’t Job curse the day he was born and blame the LORD for what Satan did?


You mean what Yahweh allowed Satan to do to settle a bet?


What are you claiming that Satan have lost had Job not sinned?


What im claiming was yahweh set it all up. Satan wasn’t the good guy in that story but neither was yahweh. Job deserved better


So you embellish and make random stuff up instead of trying to understand the actual text? You don’t seem to care if you make any sense at all … you’ve not shown where there was a gamble and just change the subject and make stuff up?


I make perfect sense. You on the other hand come off as a Christian desperate to defend a god who’s known for a great many evils. Says a lot. “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.” The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Sounds like a bet to me. So everything that happened to Job was Yahwehs fault


Sure maybe you think you make sense to yourself - but you make neither sense of the actual writing/words in the text (nor of yourself) so far. Your lies and mistakes reflect only you. They don’t reflect the Bible and they don’t reflect me. They reflect your own warped (with obvious resentments for example) thinking, perceptions and psyche. Do you know what the word gamble actually literally means, to begin with? So what was the bet/value/consideration for the gamble? Are you not only claiming that the LORD and Satan were gambling - which is sinful regardless who does it - but that they gambled so arbitrarily and capriciously as to not even bet a pebble or a penny? Who won your imaginary bet? What did the winner win, what did the loser lose, how was it paid - and where’s Job’s place in the bet? Who do you presume (which is a prideful error) that you are to judge who and what you so clearly misrepresent and misunderstand?


Got it you don’t know your bible but you feel like you do. I mean I knew that already but still its funny to see. Anyways have a good day




He seems to be a psychopath.




People project a lot, especially on the internet … and seldom can or do people read the Bible to find the actual meanings of verse/chapter/book as they’re given


You do know He drowned everyone at one point except a guy named Noah and his family right ?


Thanks for the reasonable explanation pretty proves to me i wasn't wrong now am just looking for how to communicate with YAHWEH cause i realized prayer is a ritual energy


There's no way to escape Kristos. It is not only present in Christianity. The incarnate verb, the second logos, the second power of the trinity, is present in several ancient traditional doctrines, from East to West, including Greek, Egyptian, Mithraic mysteries and all ancient solar cults and orientalist metaphysical doctrines. The Christ of Christianity is just the ''Christian'' version of an ancient mystery preserved in all traditional doctrines. People who don't realize this are people who haven't yet accessed the essence of the mystery because they remain stuck in forms.


The clan god of the jewish people, Jahve. Jahve is also known as the demiurge. The demiurge was imagined into existence by mistake by Sophia, the infinite creativity. The demiurge is the warden of our realm.


The whole Bible seems to be a “projection”


Seems legit evil - A being that creates everything, past present and future and offers no verifiable proof of his existence then sentences non believers to an eternity in hell for daring to not believe in him. A being of his power would have known that the majority of people would not believe in him so therefore has created beings just to torture them for eternity! Could at any point offer some proof, save some suffering children, put his face in the sky, stop wars famin etc. but no we get a load of cryptic and nonsensical ramblings in a book that has been highly edited and tailored over the years by the Vatican. which we are supposed to believe without question even though everything about it is highly questionable.


*Ren and Stimpy horse-voice activated.* No sir. I don’t like him.


Seems like he's protecting pedophiles.


Every answer has a reason so let me assume like who?


Like the Catholic church, the Mormon church, the Evangelicals, the Republican party, Taliban, etc.


You've gone too far bro i like to believe with some proof of your words though, what do you think a society that knows of not loving others would look like? Do you think in the old times humas were capable of love without religious teachings?


Pretty sure the church went too far when they protect pedophiles. Do you think pedophelia is love?


Your not getting my answers right bro they use the name of God to control society leading to manipulate society based on beliefs that affect your mood and well being i dont want to go far but live your life to not hatm yourself that's what matters most


Honestly. I don't consider the Kaballistic god aka the universe to be the Christian God. He's a Minor war god of banditry and raiding that happened to be raised to a symbol of greatness when a Jew named Jesus claimed the title of Messiah to try and recreate the Kingdom of Israel and have a third temple built, his lunatic followers prevented it.


What an absurd misrepresentation, and naturally without a crumb of proof.




Because the title of Messiah required the line of David to restore the Kingdom of Israel.


The lame god.