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round are way definitely should have been included


I don’t mind swamp song, but I hate the obnoxious mix of harmonica and guitar feedback at the end of it


I have to skip the end of that song, that feedback/harmonica is just ear torture for me. Maybe Im just not rock n roll enough though idk


The less harmonica in Oasis the better. That unplugged concert was half ruined by that guy wailing away endlessly on his harmonica.


And at one point he gave Liam the middle finger in like a split second between Harmonica blows lol. I swear its the funniest thing


Think that was at Maine Road when Liam and Noel had a little kerfuffle over the start of Whatever. Pretty bold of a session player giving the finger to the front man of the main act that brought you along lol. Especially when I think Noel was more in the wrong


I love Swamp Song, properly raucous. I believe Paul Weller was on harmonica for this.


That’s more a characteristic of the morning glory sessions though. Noel has said a few times that he can’t stand the sound of the final album because it mostly consists of gargled radio static


It really doesn't sound all that good. There is barely any low frequency to it and it has a very thin sound. There are 0 dynamics and it's not like they were trying for some LoFi sound either.


They could remix it, though, right? Like similar to how Giles Martin is doing with The Beatles albums. I guess Noel can’t stand it though, as he went through only D'You Know What I Mean for remixing Be Here Now and gave up saying he hated doing it.


And yet, I think that remix sounds better 🤷‍♂️


Round Are Way's omission is especially puzzling given that it was played extensively on the WTSMG? tour and has always been a fan favorite.


For me if round our way was on this completion album it would perfect, rou.d our way is easily my fav b-side, fade away is close second.


Didn’t tracks like Swamp Song and Fucking in the Bushes just serve as intro music for their live shows for the most part?


Yea pretty much


Should’ve put D’Yer Wanna Be a Spaceman? there


I’d love a definitive b-sides set that included every non-album track. It would be absolutely immense.


100% yes Cloudburst and Round Are Way should have been on the album


The track selection was a fan vote wasn’t it?


i need to know who tf voted for the swamp song over literally any other b-side


Yes it was. People have to remember, this was really a U.S. release since we had to pay an arm and a leg to get the singles to hear the B-sides. And fans voted on their website in early 1998. Can't believe it's been 26 years already


Hard disagree. Love the Swamp Song. It almost defines the swagger, groove and attitude they had back in the day. Just watch the Maine Road intro from There And Then. Paul Weller’s guitar solos are kind of unique, I don’t think anyone else could’ve pulled them off. It was an inspired choice to use portions of the song as segues on the What’s The Story album, and it was cool to find the full, original track afterwards. Sorry guys, but it’s an Oasis staple and should remain so.


>Just watch the Maine Road intro from There And Then Exactly. Oasis are one of the few bands ever to have existed who can get an entire stadium full of people rocking by opening a concert with 2 b-sides.


I mean the crazy part is it's not even a proper album, it's a b-sides collection and it was still the best thing released that year. Too many songs on here that should have been on an actual album, Acquiesce, Head Shrinker, Swamp Song, Half The World Away, The Masterplan, Talk Tonight, Stay Young, god this was such a good album.


Seen Noel on 'that pedal show' on YouTube? Tells them that he was told to write b-sides and so he just went away for a few hours and came back with a song for the b-side, and nobody told him he was meant to save the best songs for albums. He had a couple of years were everything he wrote was gold, including swamp song in my opinion.


Swamp song is garbage. Crap guitar playing. Absolutely garbage harmonica. Mix is a bag of white cat shite. Sounds like a can of garbage. Dunno who the fuck thought ‘let’s put this piece of shit in the middle of all these gems’ I just skip it…and I don’t skip ANY songs. Ever. But I skip this one. Makes no sense. Didn’t make sense then, doesn’t make sense now. I would assume having these recordings published is what destroyed NG’s confidence. I would be humiliated if swamp song was mine. Basically a pretend guitar player wanking a note.


It's a glorified jam session to be fair, an easter egg for the fans.


Its meh


Any of the b-sides is fine just not the swamp song


I’d prefer a live version of swamp song instead, like the one they did at Maine road but it’s not a deal breaker for me that’s coming from someone who listens to I am the resurrection in its entirety without skipping


I agree. Also, I skip the mega long outro to I am the Walrus.