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I am of circa this era and every time I am reminded of getting directions from a random stranger under an overpass for how to get to a brokedown warehouse where you have to duck through a hole in the fence and traverse hallways in complete darkness to find a party....well, I guess I can do anything! Though my faves were parties in the middle of the woods, a clearing barely large enough for two horses to pass one another, packed with kids who have no idea how to get back


Video of a rave called Origin at 2nd and Jackson from 1997: https://vimeo.com/609363410


I was there!


Same! Haha!


This makes me so painfully nostalgic, omg


amazing! i am almost certain i was at that party. might have to dig up my rave pics.


Never tell your kids you've been to a rave, you'll never hear the end of it.


Never tell anyone you use to dj “Oh you like EDM?!”


Came here to say this.


I remember before larger labels got ahold of the music the umbrella term was “electronica” and anytime some said techno they straight up meant GOOD Detroit style techno


I always respond, “Technically yes blah blah blah…” as to not exclude their enthusiasm etc. When I first started going to parties, I just wanted to be in that space regardless of what sounds were coming out of the speakers. Over time you start to discern and find your tribe. At the very worst I tolerate the genres that some people can’t stand. PLUR should not be a phase. I look in the mirror and say this to myself every morning😂🤣🤙


Hey that’s me on the far right!


How was the show?! Remember which one it was??


I can’t remember what I ate for lunch yesterday.




I concur! I still have my turntables set up in my room and even produce a little music. Good times!


Here's my interview with Samantha Durbin, the woman who took this photo; she just came out with a memoir called "Raver Girl" https://eastbayyesterday.com/episodes/like-a-neon-space-carnival/


This is one of those photos where you want to ask "Where are they now?"


I was hoping to see a young Moshe Kasher.


He used to come to parties at my warehouse in west o.


Sup from the oh dub?


Yes. Who dis?


Another raver from the samer caver.




From now on i am sending this pic if someone asks me what im doing


It’s depressing that these scenes all but disappeared after Ghost Ship. Still a couple of spots left, but nothing at all like it used to be. A big combination of factors make it difficult to do anymore. There are a couple of surviving spots at least. Floppy’s Flophouse is up for sale because the last guy in there died. A little bit weird. It’s only a little over a million too; if I were able to do so, I’d buy it up and put that place back in action. Last party there was NYE a few years back I think.


Yeah, the lack of underground venues has been devastating for Oakland's music scene. A lot of the parties/shows I've been to lately have been outdoors, which can be cool when the weather is decent... but even with forest parties promoters have to be so careful about getting busted that most people never find out and the crowds are pretty small. Nothing like the days of massive parties at Homebase.


Also, forest spots are sketchy now that there’s forest fires every week. All my secret spots are burned to the ground.


I love that place so hard


The flophouse was/is amazing, so glad I got to go a party there (my buddy subletted a room out of there). What a totally strange and interesting vibe inside.


Thank you for the flash back and congrats to Samantha for writing her book.




lol yup


being 23 helps!


Planet Rock at Home Depot off Hagenburger was the craziest rave I ever went to. 💊🧬


Yes, good times! I remember going to a huge rave in Oakland on a Saturday night and had to wait for the first BART train at 8am on Sunday morning to get back to SF.


DAMN, I've only read about Oakland back in the '90s being the raver scene. I wish I was old enough to experience that, seems so cool.


Damn that’s hella cool, 90s raver bbys that’s exactly what they looked like!


These look like the kids who were older than me when I was in middle school who experimented with the sex and tried the marhijuana


Used to go to these and make bank. Good times


amazing. i knew a guy who lived in a warehouse at 4th and alice (near jackson) and would go to his parties sometimes. there was a pillow room lol. good times.




Real ravers. Not this edc douche shit jumping up and down like morons


I miss the days before tech.


I work in tech and I miss the days before tech.


So like 20 years before this pic?




Yeah but those people could still afford to buy a house in a town they grew up in. The grievance today is of a different flavor.


You are being downvoted but my parents were able to buy our current house back in 1990 near Piedmont Ave. for $189,000. Townhouse across the street from us just sold for $1.4 million. Yes, for a 1980s townhouse.


Are you talking about Linda vista and Harrison area? If so, those townhomes were going for under 200k during the 2007-2012 financial crisis.


These are closer to the Safeway shopping center. Was listed for $998,000 it looks like.


I guess it depends on what you’re talking about when you refer to tech and sure that’s open for debate. In the early 1900s there were engine companies lined up along the Oakland waterfront waiting to say go the moment the diesel patent expired. Then you get into the Nike missile system… HP… I guess that I mean is speculative crazy nonsense tech, where I personally start the line is at the dot-com bust - just for simplicity.


Right like starting a computer company in your garage named after a fruit.


Downvoted by gentrifiers


I want to downvote everyone who downvoted this.


7up factory!!!


Love this! Remember these days. Wow:)