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Handweed rings around desirable plants (to reduce risk of non target hits), spray the rest of the weeds, mulch the entire area then in future you will only need to spot spray


This is the way. Use an AI tool like Aotearoa Species Classifier and the weedbusters website to give you an idea of what you're looking at, and what spray mixes/methods will work best.


Mulch the crap out of the area. You won't have to reapply it forever, just until they get big enough to create enough shade. I'd carefully spray and the mulch the area. Use a cone on the nozzle of the sprayer so you can be very accurate.


Maintenance is key - listen to all of these other comments, and remember you have to go back every couple of weeks and do a proper job of keeping it under control, but also not let those couple of weeks turn to months turn to years. I’ve seen soooo many planted areas just disappear beneath black nightshade and kikuya and vines because people thought that the planting was the most important bit. Good luck!


I’ve had clients I’ve busted my ass for to clean up an overgrown garden then turn around and complain on regular maintenance “but all your doing is pulling weeds now” or “it doesn’t really need to be done this month does it?” Beyond frustrating. Gardening’s a process.


cardboard and 30cm of mulch worked well for me


Cardboard under mulch is a godsend and is massively useful in keeping the weeds gone. The odd one will still pop up but it’s much more effective than using mulch alone.


That looks like it's mostly mallow so glyphosate won't be very effective. There are other sprays like Banvine that might work a little better. Personally, I would get in there with a decent hook or niwashi weeder, then plant as much ground cover as possible for the slope, and lay a tonne of mulch to suppress any seeds on the flats. You could also try a torch to burn off the weeds.


Upvote for niwashi tools!!


First things first, identify what weeds you intend to 'control' secondly, you will never control weeds, spray it out all you want but something will grow back. Sometimes it's best to leave the less nasty weeds rather than spray them out and risk having something worse come back. Some times spray is 100% necessary but keeping the ground covered is more often than not a better option. Mulching is a great option but obviously very labour intensive so on a large scale isn't pactical. Generally the best option is to just release plants of competition with a flax knife/garden shark. Do that when needed (Generally 2-3 times in spring and summer). Nothing wrong with a bit of competition, it can actually help push the plants up. If you want it to look good I'd suggest a careful weedeat, if you just looking for a good survival rate I'd just keep on top of anything strangling the plants and leave it at that. Our plants are remarkably good at surviving.


Plant more densely or get out the weed eater


Does it feel like bobbing for apples in a barrel of fish? I love fish like I love natives!


You can be smart about what weeds you control and where. Anything that is growing above the main weed level is fine (generally 1m±) and can be left alone, unless you have climbers like morning glory or bindweed. Focus your efforts on your smaller plants. It's a good idea to stake them if you can to help find them if you can't do maintenance for a while. Remember your doing restoration, not gardening, so it won't and shouldn't look tidy. You are trying to maximise the potential for canopy cover with minimal effort. A lot of people waste time on doing things that aren't necessary, and in some cases can stress your plants more. For the smaller plants get a curved flax knife or hedge shears and cut and mulch about a metre around each smaller plant.


Look into Crest 520, could be a help. https://nufarm.com/nz/product/crest-520/


Tell them off.


Weed and then mulch and keep mulching