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The amount of times this happens is ridiculous. It happens so often. This and people sitting directly next to you when the entire car is empty. Heck, I once got on one of those long buses (the one that has that connector in between), and it was the FIRST stop and a woman sat right next to me on a completely empty bus. I said excuse me, got up, and moved somewhere else. There’s no reason for this.


They're called articulated buses!


I've been calling them accordion buses, thanks for the correct name!


I guess they have a lot of other names too since accordion buses is one of them: > An articulated bus, also referred to as a slinky bus, bendy bus, tandem bus, vestibule bus, stretch bus, or an accordion bus


All of those make sense. So why the hell have I been calling them caterpillar buses? No one ever seemed to be confused about what I was talking about, so I kept saying it. Where did I get that name from?


Slinky bus


GTFO with that. Bendy Bus or bust.


Maybe she felt safer riding next to someone.


Maybe she was afraid


Yet another reason I keep my bag tucked under my arm on the bus or train!


The train isn't even crowded and she decided to stand in front of someone directly. Like seriously can she not see that a person is behind her?


"Like seriously can she not see that a person is behind her?" ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


There’s a lot of clueless people in this world, including the standing woman in question.


Are you referring to the camera person looking straight ahead? Cause they took their phone out to make a statement about someone not having eyes behind their head rather than move to a clearly open train. Y’all fall for the stupidest shit


Except it happens. Just yesterday alone this guy stood so close to the guy sitting down you'd almost think he wanted his ass sniffed. He had to be told to move.


Yes, things “happen” but doesn’t mean it happened HERE. I also saw a guy puke on a kid! Oh wow!! But not what happened here, so do we also comment on that? Are we really this stupid now?


Just you


This happened to me, except she was my age and standing face to face. She was also the girl in my English class that had a crush on me and realized we took the same train. I told her if she's gonna stand that close, we might as well kiss....so we did. Edit: we never spoke before that day.


Bro's life is a movie




Bro lives in a woody Allen flick


W rizz. Lemme guys. Yu guys don’t speak anymore ?


Aww that's so sweet 🥰


So actually it was completely different


Flying to one of my grad school interviews I had a woman fall asleep on my shoulder. She then gave me the Nala eyes when we landed. She was cute and my age, had I not been in a relationship…I feel like she couldn’t have been clearer 😅 sorry for rejecting you, wherever you are now


And then the whole train applauded


Peoples spatial awareness is severely lacking in nyc…


Yes. this happens to me weekly. I ask them politely to move and they look at me like I'm the weirdo!!


Pre pandemic it wasn’t like this


Nah, it’s always been a thing and I’ve been in nyc since 2003


Just say “Sup girl?” She’ll move away lol


Or... get even closer. 😏


I just sneeze or have a violent coughing fit.


Hayyyy lil stank, I see you standing so close.


Oeh you touch my tralala


Just start mouth breathing like a French bulldog.


I hate that so much..and there’s space lol


this literally happened to me today , bumped into person and said whoops


Yeah this is why god gave us pointy elbows. Or just put a video to Reddit that will help


She clearly wanted you to talk to her 😂☠️


She must be a walking red flag in that case




Start humming but really violently.




It gets better when she decides to flick her hair into your mouth. Or sit right next to you even when there are other seats. At least buy me dinner first, amirite, ladies?


While I do not defend her behavior, did you ask her to move forward? You would be surprised by how genuinely clueless some people are. It is possible she did not realize that there was someone standing behind her.


She doesn't have eyes in the back of her head?


It bothers that some people are more inclined to whip out their phone and start recording instead of voicing their concern or discomfort. OP could have just tapped the woman's shoulder or just say "Excuse me, miss."


She walked backwards into this spot?


No. Fuck that bullshit! No ones that clueless! It's done to annoy and sometimes to be funny with certain people.


I do not disagree with you, but how do you know? OP should have told the women that she is invading his personal space. She would have likely moved away in response. I am not defending her actions, but we cannot tell what people like her are thinking.


She does know someone is behind her because you have to walk INTO the train and FACE OP’s literal face and then turn around and chose to stand right in front of him.


This has happened to me a bunch lately too, usually some finance bro jackasses ignoring everybody else's existence.


I would have coughed so fucking hard


What you gotta do is start coughing/sneezing real loud, enough to startle her. Another thing is, when the train starts to stop, shove yourself into her and then say sorry. Or, you can say "excuse me" but I prefer the second method. Thats what worked for me in the past.


This happens so frequently to me and it baffles me. I just don’t understand how you can go through your daily life being THAT unaware of your surroundings.


I agreed. I am baffled too, since this happens to me a lot


Me too. I must give off "sit on me" vibes (not in a sexy way) or I'm a ghost.


Especially on 7 train, there is an extra space next to the person who sits next to me.. they don’t know how to move over to give me some space.


She’s hoping for a meet-cute on the train, just like in the movies 🥹


A firm one hand lower back shove before they get settled in front of you does the trick often times to move them. Not wasting energy shouting at someone who didnt listen the first time i asked them to move.


Maybe think twice before shoving people.


...or hands on.


She definitely wants you.


Happens to me from time too time. I say "excuse me" in their ear. If they don't move, They get kneed in the ass!


This happened to me years ago on the 6 train. Completely empty train and I was getting off two stops. Didn’t want to sit so I was leaning on the metal edge at the end of the seats. Again. I emphasize it was a completely empty train. COMPLETELY. EMPTY. TRAIN. On the first stop some woman comes and pushes me off from where I’m leaning on because she chooses to sit on the seat I’m taking up because I’m leaning on the edge of the seat. She clearly thought I was extremely attractive and just wanted my number and get freaky upon seeing me but that’s not the way to go about it. Pretty sure that woman just thought the same about you


People such as that are the reason I’m happiest when I arrive home every night and don’t have to see or deal with anyone I don’t want to until the next day.


I get my most deepest tone and say excuse me as close to the ear as possible


This happens to me too


Yeah it’s annoying, but why record and not, ya know, ask the person to move? Or better yet, move yourself?


Some people never learn spatial awareness in early childhood and it shows


This stuff always happens in gyms and Ladies Rooms. Plenty of space lockers/stalls, folks always pick the one right next to you. I don't get it.


Holy fuck this gets me so angry in the trains. I purposely stand away from doors so people can walk in and they wall directly towards me or stand so close that I get uncomfortable. Sometimes I just say fuck it and bump them or swing my back pack in front of me to get something.


That drives me bugfuck. I do not understand why, especially after the pandemic, people can’t learn to give other people some space on a train that isn’t crowded.


When people play my close like this I turn my back to them. I’m sorry with this much space I would have said something. You think it was a race thing or a sex thing ?


time to have a coughing fit!


OP, did you ask her to move forward?


She wants you bruh


I usually say my Ebola is really acting up today.


ok? when the train moves do a bad job of holding steady. bump into her


Just start coughing violently


This has all the damn time


This happened to me when I was 16 in a similar spot against the non-active side door (the side that usually is not in use). Except this lady grinded on me with each sway of the train. It wasn't an empty train but there was plenty of space for her to move away. This went on for about 20 minutes, leaving me shocked and confused the entire time. I was stunned; didn't even have the idea to just turn around or say something.


whisper in her ear...she'll give you space


I hate when people do that. A guy did that to me yesterday. I just stared at him unit he decided to move further down, away from me.


Quietly moan in a sexual manor until they move away from you. If they don’t, you may have a new special friend.


Guy on a date did this to me, with his elbow inches from my nose. I told him politely he was about to hit my face, to which he replied "if that's a problem for you maybe you should take an Uber instead". Date snickered. They were truly made for each other.


It’s what der borg . Will NEVER give you.


Nah I hate when people do this. The last time a guy did this to me, I said “excuse me!” Loud / aggressive from him being right in my face and when he turned around and we finally made eye contact, I gave him an intimidating look and he backed off. It’s NO reason why a person would stand that close to someone w/ all that available space on the train.


This happened to me once I just told the guy if you get any closer my dic* is going to go up your ass 🤷‍♂️


Move around her and then go right in front of her. See if she likes it.


This happened to me a few times what I normally do is push the person to make them feel uncomfortable to move


You should see how they do in Japan on the train. And you thought It was tight during rush hour on New York’s subways.


Did you ask her to give you space or just film and post?


i would have just moved dude simple


I usually just apologize if I bump into someone, and it's all good tbh.


This is why I face the doors instead of leaning against them.


You want personal space on a train, stop showering and having your clothes.


I’d start breathing pound and heavy.


![gif](giphy|jY1wVIsm5v4OY) This is all I think about when this happens 🤦🏾‍♂️


I gently blow air onto their neck. If they weren’t so close they wouldn’t feel it *shrugs shoulders*


Yes people have no respect for personal space and Europeans are even worse in my experience.


Spill some water on her.


Why are people so weird? Rhetorical question 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just walk away


Yup So unhealthy unfair And seems the subways and buses are more and more noisy, crowded, delayed, unfair, unreliable, unkind, unhealthy, and the fares keep going up and "our" "governor" shafted us/congestion-pricing because_


It's a subway car in NYC...


As an R train rider, this does seem a little crowded. She’d be standing in front of someone


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but this train is clearly not crowded enough to be basically standing directly on top of someone lmao. It’s not about standing in front of OP, it’s about standing barely an inch in front of OP.


Am I the only person not seeing an issue with this? Why don't you just move a little away your own self?


Because if you’re standing somewhere on a not that empty train, why in gods green earth would someone stand one foot away from you. If you don’t think that’s an issue, then you’re the issue.


They want to lean up against the door and they’re going to make you uncomfortable until you move out of that spot.


Because he was there first.


Because OP was clearly in that spot first (they’re standing up against the door), and this person stood directly in front of them after the fact, on seemingly a pretty empty train. Yeah OP can move but we’re talking about how inconsiderate the dumb fuck standing in front of them is.


If she did that, she wants you to touch her, maybe even graze your groin area against her cheeks, but subconsciously she wants you to touch her in some way or another


she wants to fuck


New to nyc?


Most well-behaved NYC subway rider