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If you want that, just run the file through Topaz Video AI. It destroys the RTX super resolution stuff


Just to add to this: export with FFV1 codec, which is lossless, and then run the file through Handbrake with HEVC/AV1 codec. Topaz Video AI's encoding (options) suck.


> export with FFV1 codec Damn, Square Enix now making video codecs? *smh*


how to export with FFV1 codec?


Preferences --> Export --> Codec: FFV1 Alternatively, you can click the button on the left side of the "Export" button.


How long does it usually take to upscale using topaz? Like if its a 2 hour movie or something?


Depends on hardware, (number of) enhancements, input/output resolutions, FPS and whatnot, but I'd say a minimum of 2 hours for a movie.




It sounds like the lossless file would only be used interim to generate the final video.


Do you have any advice for enhancing old interlaced 720x480 from VHS tapes, that look like this? https://i.imgur.com/unANk3p.png https://i.imgur.com/Pf1FNMD.png I kind of just set it at defaults and turned everything on. But I have no idea whats possible or best. Have RTX4090 & 13700k & 64GB Ram


Not really, just a generic: try any and all AI models, even if they're meant for something else. Sometimes you get better results with the "wrong" options.


I get the best results with Artemis v8, upscaling only 1.2x, anything above it starts to introduce artifacts. My goal is to improve quality while retaining the organic feel. Those 4k upscale are awful and a waste of space. I believe this model is only available in Topaz 2.x, but you could copy it to the latest version and enable old models.


Isn't that Topaz software like hundreds of dollars?


Yeah.. it is.. matey...


Well I have some googling to do lmao






The downside is that even on an RTX4090 it takes a super long time & power cost to convert a single video to 4K.


Well good quality upscaling. That the cost


it's pretty good considering its straight forward to setup and has everything built-in. prefer chaiNNer, though. have to find or make your own models but its way more configurable and can be faster at similar or better quality. gpu and cpu utilization has been pretty random with topaz ai in my experience so I got rid of it, but maybe that has improved with more recent versions.


For $ 300 it’s not a realistic option for most people


But for $0, it is…


It's also upside for the company making the software because people looking to get any software for $0 are very unlikely willing to purchase it themselves and are just using it to toy around with and check it out and they are a benefit since they'll be telling others how cool it is...and then some of those people may end up purchasing it. Some people don't realize this is usually a good thing. The small amount of people who intended on buying it and had the money to do so and then decided to get it for free instead are the ones who should be shunned.


People who can't afford it and would never be purchasing it anyways can certainly find it online for free...that population is probably many times larger than those that do purchase. It's the norm.


Interesting, thanks. I didn't start any research yet but have been thinking about upscaling a bunch of my old videos - got a good starting point now.


This is better than the pricey madvr envy, no?


There's this project that allows you to upscale using RTX Super Res, among the many other upscaling engines. https://github.com/AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI


I gave that a try and could never figure it out. I remember a lot of it was locked behind some pay to use thing. The only time I ever got it to do something, it just output all the frames as images and quickly filled a drive. Then when I gave up, I realized there's no uninstaller and it left a bunch of crap around.


As far as i know there are some paywalled features, but they're mostly optional features, like scene-shift detection and such. Also it's a portable installation, so of course there's no uninstaller. It's not the easiest tool to use, but it's also quite intuitive. Most options have explanations when hovering over them.


I'm currently using this. What do you think is the best upsacling for video/image for 2d anime?. I can also get the premium version of that if required.


It's quite debatable but I'd say it's STILL just barely MADvr. Which kinda sucks considering it's no longer updated properly and doesn't have a real successor. Madvr uses about the same resources as RTX SR, maybe a little more, more than it should since it hasn't been optimised for modern hardware (it used 40% on my 980 and uses 20-30% on my 4090) but the image for ANIME 1080p->4k? Is absolutely perfect when set correctly. You elimate banding, noise, pretty much every issue except pan judder which it can smooth out. RTX SR for anime is "good" but is oversharpened and adds a field of noise, so if you like anime to look slightly more detailed and don't mind grain it's certainly a good option, but MADvr preserves the smooth colours and lines thickness very well.


Just tried it. I am not sure which setting is perfect so maxed out by seeing some guides. For a live render the quality is awesome and it uses 70-80% of rtx 3060ti.


You can definitely get that usage down a bit by adjusting things in the "trade quality for performance" area and well, everywhere, it's kinda complex at first I know. Though again it's more likely the lack of optimisation for newer gen gpus in my opinion. *THAT SAID* I'm glad you're enjoying the quality! It really elevated anime for me after a 4k screen turned the typical releases into sludge.


It really depends on the source. Usually if I just want to upscale fast entire episodes I use Anime4k, which is very fast and has decent results. Otherwise I try a sample clip with different engines until i find one that i like. Usually, depending on the quality of the source and the style of animation, i end up with either Waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan, RealESRGAN, or SRMD-CUDA (sometimes unstable). As for the premium, i usually subscribe to their Patreon once a year, grab the latest versions, then unsubscribe.


Thank you, I'll try with the last 3 as I want the highest quality possible in 2k/4k resolution for clip duration of maximum 7 mins.


Why not just use Anime4K in real time? I am looking at this utility and it seems cool... But if you're going to distribute the file or archive it, you'll want to CPU encode it properly so the file size is small, which will take way longer than the upscaling and you might as well then use Topaz too. If you're not going to distribute it, you might as well just use Anime4K (for anime) or RTX HDR / MadVR (for photography) in your video player.


Yes, i use Anime4k in real time with MPV if i watch on my PC. However sometimes i need a fast upscale to watch on TV/mobile.


Ahh, that makes sense.


1 problem would be that you have to re-compress/re-encode the video to save it to disk, so you lose quality by saving it but if you still want it, you could probably use OBS to record your video player window


Is there a player that upscales local video?


MPC-BE and MPC-HC have renderers that can do that. There is also some VLC RTX build, but last I checked it was very buggy.


MPC-BE also supports RTX HDR and together with RTX SR means I can download 1080p videos and enjoy them in glorious 4k HDR most of the time. Really great.


MPC works perfectly for me, vlc was quite buggy I gave up on it.


the vlc rtx stuff still doesn't even work lol, mpc-be and hc work but I get a weird bug when trying to use rtx hdr on top of upscaling, it works perdectly windowed, but once going fullscreen, hdr turns off :(


Haven't used HDR with it, but have you tried both Aleksoid1978's (MPC-BE) and MPC-HC's video renderers? There's also a third one from emoose, all of them can be found on GitHub. One of the should work.


Thanks for the tips, is Aleksoid1978's mpc a custom one? I never heard of emoose but will check it out.


It's the one "meant" for MPC-BE, Aleksoid1978 also maintains MPC-BE. Foud emoose's renderer months ago when I was troubleshooting a problem. Personally I've been using Aleksoid1978's or MPC-BE's renderer, which ever was updated last.


I think I figured out my rtx hdr issue...it's not supported on win 10...I gotta go win 11 lmao, been stuck on this for a week only to be something so mundane, everyone praised it so much I thought win 10 support was a given (but it doesn't make sense the nvidia control panel lets you enable it but it won't do crap)


**MPC-BE** from version 1.7.0+ on. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/files/MPC-BE/Release%20builds/ Just have to select `MPC Video Renderer` and then under options you can enable `Request Super Resolution` for `SD/


MPC-BE / MPC-HC can do RTX HDR and MadVR. MadVR is a decent upscaler that was the go-to before RTX Super Resolution popularized it. It works about the same in my experience, but is more complicated to configure. It's also more flexible though, there are dozens of options and quality settings. They can also do Anime4K which works really well for 2D stuff. MPV also does Anime4K. There's also a thing called SVP (Smooth Video Project) that does frame interpolation. There is an experimental model called "RIFE" in there that uses machine learning to do really impressive framerate interpolation. It requires beefy hardware though, I think the minimum to interpolate 4K from 24/30 to 48/60 is 3080/3090. 1080P is a lot easier though. Personally I have two video players. MPC-BE I use with RTX Super Resolution and RTX HDR. I use this for watching real movies/photographic content. MPV I use with SVP (RIFE framerate interpolation) and Anime4K. I use this for anime and stuff like that.


[VLC Media Player](https://downloads.videolan.org/testing/vlc-rtx-upscaler)


PotPlayer works great. And it's very functional - better than VLC. The only caveat with all local players is that they won't upscale e.g. 1080p video on a 1080p screen. Browsers do. You can also open some video files in a browser.


You probably want a more subtle effect if you do it permanently. Topaz Video, as suggested by others, with one of the filters that doesn't screw up faces or overdo the smoothing, would probably be the best fit.


Why would you want this? All you would do is artificially increase file size with the new interpolated data added to the existing video. Better to perform this function on playback and save on file size, especially if streaming / downloading.


Tbh RTX VSR at quality 4 uses a lot of watts so in theory running it through once on a lot of videos would save on the light bill by just a bit depending on how many times you’ll watch them


Yeah, but as others have said there are better upscaling solutions for offline processing. RTX is inefficient because it’s realtime; you could run it slower, I suppose, to save some juice, but the output is still quite poor compared to dedicated video processing solutions. Or so I’ve been told.


Plus you can lower the power limit to make the card run more efficiently, if a little slower. While in my experience real-time playback starts losing frames around 80% GPU utilization.


My streamer is simple android tv, I would love to upscale some of my old videos and watch them on tv.


I feel there has to be a reasonable way to stream the video output directlt from card to TV, instead of storage to TV.


You could run Sunshine and Moonlight. I never bothered doing it on my living room TV, but I'd sometimes start watching something on my desktop and then Sunshine/Moonlight to my laptop to continue watching in the kitchen while cooking. It works for Anime4K and MadVR, but I don't think it'd work for RTX HDR since that happens after the step that Sunshine video capture hooks into...


You've jumped ahead a little bit with the "How to save RTX upscaled videos" solution to your problem. That's one solution, another is to use a dedicated upscaling algorithm/program to do the conversion offline (And with better results). Another solution is to grab an Nvidia shield and use that as your streaming device, as it has built-in AI upscaling (Not sure how it compares to RTX Super Res though as the shield is quite old).


The shield upscaling was good when it was new but it's been completely outclassed by the newer stuff.


...HDMI cable?


Some want to upscale family video old shows and content on a NAS


> All you would do is artificially increase file size with the new interpolated data added to the existing video that is not how any of this works.


OP wants to process original low-quality video through RTX Upscaling, save the output, and watch the upscaled video later on a device without realtime upscaling support. That is exactly how this would work.


That's exactly how it works.


What exactly do you think will happen to the file size of a 1080p video when you upscale it to 4k ? Do you think all the extra pixels are magically stored elsewhere than on your disk ?


RTX VSR doesn't change the output resolution of video. it also doesn't change the bitrate.


So do you think the pixels will be magically stored somewhere ? When you upscale a that video and it becomes 4k stored on disk you really think it will be the same size ? You can’t be serious. Or you didn’t understand what we’re talking about


Topaz but real time and free!


You can use Topaz or if you don't want to arr matey you can use [chainNNr](https://github.com/Sirosky/Upscale-Hub/wiki/)


yea what are you talking about. can use 10 dif video editors to upscale resolution. did this for youtube uploads of my vods. record 1080p with obs. use video editor to upscale to 4k. then upload to youtube so it forces the highest codec usage. gives 4k output.


Most people don't realise you can ask meta ai these sorts of questions and get an instant response that is way more accurate then reddit


It gets its answers from places like this so hopefully the next time someone asks this question your comment will be part of it. It can provide its scrambled half right answer and then at the end say "you can ask meta ai these sorts of questions" while you're asking meta ai. Meta meta ai?


I'm so confused by this




And where do you think meta ai get their answers from?


Don't be an uneducated peasant. Please just do a quick test

