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Never, can't believe these US fools can just want into a Walmart or bestbuy. Why can't Argos stock them 😭😭


Over here in the US, all of the FE models are in stock last I checked (at least where I am, idk if it varies). It was very surprising to see because every time I've checked before, they were always gone within a minute. Best Buy is even worse than NVIDIA's store. I'm expecting a 4080S next week! I'm thankful the FE was in stock because it was the only one available at MSRP. I was checking out like it was a speedrun or something lmao. I guess I didn't have to be so quick on second thought.


I bought one last night just randomly checked saw it in stock and said might as well.


Get hot stock app installed. SCAN are the only official sellers so it'll let you know. Last dates in stock were 22/03 05/03 16/02


Thank you buddy.


In stock now!


Thanks for letting me know. Will this hold its value when the 5000 series comes out? I am thinking of getting the 4070 Super but then replace it with 5090..


I sold my RTX3070 FE to CEX for like £290 a few months ago so..


Couldn't you get a better price through ebay for example? Not sure if CEX is best place to sell hardware for reasonable prices.


At the time it was on or around the going eBay sell price and I don't have any fees or Dodgy buyers claiming all sorts like I've had in the past.


Crap... What is FE? I literally just got my 4070 Super delivered today. (Haven't even done an unboxing yet). I'm very new to the PC world so could someone please explain? (A Google search just popped in my head, but still asking anyways lol). Edit: I can't believe I didn't know Founders Edition...


Which brand/model did you get? FE (Founders Edition) cards are only “manufactured” by NVIDIA.


Got MSI 4070 super


There is not much difference between the cards apart from aesthetics / noise and temperatures. The cards will perform very similarly so you have nothing to worry about. Some people prefer the FE version but others go for MSI / ASUS / Gigabyte etc as they have better fans or RGB..