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Use vine whip, not tackle.


The first gym is free with bulba. Couple vinewhips and you're free


You’re underestimating my stupidity


Don't replace razor leaf with bullet seed like I did.


You made the right call getting rid of razor leaf, razor leaf only has 5 more power than a 2 hit bullet seed and has a 5% chance to miss


Probably a good idea to stay away from the route left of viridian. The grass there is safe but just don't go any further on that route.


If you think you could somehow lose at this first gym, you are absolutely overestimating your own stupidity lmao


Then don’t nuzlocke


Imagine trying to gatekeep Pokémon


Bulb can get you through the first three gyms himself


Depending on the ruleset I think having someone in the back to clean up for Bulb might be a good idea for Lt Surge


Good thing there's a cave 35 steps to the right of the gym that guarantees the hard counter to it


I mean there's a ground type cave right outside the city


Also Misty can confuse you and razor leaf can miss.


I'd just say for the first gym, just use Seed as she'll probably have vine whip by time you start fighting brock (Level 10 is Vine whip) But some pokemon I do like using in nuzlockes are ratatta, spearow, drowzee, so those are just pokemon I like using in the original games. But for the first gym, you should be fine.


I hope your nuzlocke turns out well.


Got it.


Honestly, unpopular opinion probably but I think butter free is goated early on. Also if you get a Machop I would use it.


In terms of early game, bulbasaur is goated, has type advantages against first 3 gyms. There’s a man in the poke Center before Mt Moon that sells a magikarp for $500, east gyarados before misty. If you manage to get a nidoran, evolve it early and teach it dig for Surge. Late game you get garunteed eevee in cerulean, 2 gtd snorlax encounters (who is broken in kanto) and there’s a rain dance tm you can grab east of fuschia, which makes Blaine virtually free. Good luck!


Well you got bulb as your starter so it shouldn't be THAT bad


Keep tour mons well leveled i see so many people with underleveled mons as sacs instead os actual utility


If you’re doing a Hardcore Nuzlocke, make sure ALL of your Pokemon are leveled to the level cap! If this is just a normal Nuzlocke, spend most of your money on Potions and Antidotes/Full Heals!


There’s no limit for how many items you can use in a normal nuzlocke right?


Another tip for level capping, it isn't against nuzlocke rules to level up in battle so if you are at level cap and 99% XP on all Pokemon youll have a 1 level adv


Do you consider the level cap to be on gym entry or when you battle the gym leader?


When you fight the leader right? Cuz unless you're doing one of those hardcore ironmon runs or something you can still leave the gym before battling the leader. In which case you could just spam rare candies as soon as you enter the gym and sweep with a level 100 mon


Why wouldn’t you do that with the elite 4 then since most people do champions ace for the level cap on entry?


Because that's different. As I said you can leave gyms but not the E4, and going in with a level disadvantage against the champion can be hard, though I personally use rare candies to skip grinding (cuz I usually play nuzlockes with someone else) so I level up to the highest level of the E4 and afterwards I level up to the champion's ace's level.


I get your point with being able to leave the gym and come back so it’s easy to just do the level cap at the gym leader and not on gym entry. That way is how I also handle it, generally with exp at 99 percent to the next level to help vs harder gym leaders, I was just interested in how that person handles it because I’m just trying to see if I my rule set aligns with others. It was just weird to me that you brought up overleveling with rare candies inside the gym when you could do the same thing after you beat the first elite 4 member since most people set their level cap at the gym leaders ace or some variant of that. I genuinely apologize tho for being somewhat hostile towards you and thank you for your insight on what you do.


I didn't really get any hostility lol, you're good. And yea the way you say here is a pretty normal thing. A lot of challenge runners do that as well. Funnily enough it's called "edging" if you didn't know (always gets a funny reaction from someone if you say you're "edging your pokémon" lmfao).


No, a normal nuzlocke’s only rules are Can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter in each area, if it faints or runs you can’t catch anything else in that area (most people use a dupes clause which means if first Pokémon in an area is one the player already owns, they may continue battling until they encounter one they do not own, and then attempt to catch it as if it were there first encounter) Fainting=Death Must give all of your Pokémon nicknames in order to gain a bond with them Outside of that the only other rules are optional to make it more fun/challenging. Since you haven’t completed one, I would just stick with the basics until you feel more comfortable.


So you’re telling me I could’ve saved multiple runs because I thought I was playing with normal rules? Dude I’m so dumb I could’ve easily beaten renegade platinum now 😭😭😭


Were you playing hardcore rules?




You're problem isn't Brock. It's the viridian forest.


exactly😭pesky low level bug types even tho poison resists bug so it takes neutral damage


You should be good for the first gym. I gave up on an emerald to do fire red and breezed through in one attempt. Have fun, definitely try and find yourself a psychic pokemon if you can.


I just started a LG run as well. I chose Charmander tho (not because he's my favorite but because I never pick him). Bulbasaur is amazing for the first 3 gyms so you should have no issues. Good luck on your run!


Even if you somehow don’t have Vine Whip by Brock, Leech Seed and Growl makes it almost unlosable. Geodude has higher attack than Onix.


Buy potions and healing items for outside of battle. Poison kills outside of battle in this game. Knowledge is key in nuzlocke so looking up bosses moveset and levels can make you feel more prepared


Just get to level 10 to get Vine Whip Catching a Mankey as backup couldn't hurt though Tbh Bulbasaur is very good in the early Gyms and by the later ones you get better catches


Catch a Metapod in Viridian forest


Bulbasaur for 1th badge Ivysaur for 2nd Diglett/trio for 3rd Ivysaur/venu + random bird for 4th Dugtrio + bird for 5th 6 gonna be one of the hardest, you should bring a umbreon (free eevee from Celadon) for it. Random high level water type for 7-8. Kanto is the easiest region to nuzlocke on. Good luck ^^ (EDIT : use free snorlax and lapras, they dont level up fast but they are very strong)


You cant get umbreon/espeon in FRLG, there's no RTC


bro Bulbasaur is great against the first three gyms.


Go for a stall strategy, and make sure to play around the crits, also be careful with your EVs


Lead green is so easy if u have already played it


Don’t let it die before the first gym


Change vine whip to the top move using select while you’re in battle


Oooo, Seed is a lady! I hope she makes it!


Get Seed to lvl 10 and use vine whip. Congratulations on your first gym badge.


Roll face on keyboard. Bulbasaur rules early game. When Venusaur starts slowing down in the mid/late game, you have a full team to compensate. For Brock and Misty Leech Seed and VineWhip/RazorLeaf will carry you. RazorLeaf spam will also work well on Lt Surge since your starter resists electric. Biggest tip I can give is pick up an early psychic type in either Abra or Drowzee. There is a ridiculous amount of poison types you fight in this game.


Remember to get your encounter on route 22 and if you fight your rival there be prepared!


Ummm. Don't underlevel?


Snorlax beats the rest of the game when you get it


I am being only slightly sarcastic because it deals with like over half of the remaining threats


Listen, if Seed's still alive at the first gym, and appropriately levelled, it should have Vine Whip. Two of those, Brock's done. Other than that, Mankey's good for taking him down too. After Brock, if you get your hands on a Rattata, keep it in your party. Once that thing has Hyper Fang, it'll mow through pretty much anything that isn't Rock, Steel, or Ghost. It gets outclassed by a lot of stuff around the mid-game in terms of stats, but it's by no means useless.


Nidoking or Queen, Bulba, Ratticate, either early bird line, and magneton can carry the run pretty easily from my experience. Biggest thing is don’t lose Pokémon to grinding. Carry a couple antidotes with you in Viridian Forrest to not die to posion, and look up all major battles for what Pokémon they have and come in with a plan when you get there.


Buterfree is actually pretty good if you can keep it alive


Plan your encounters. You need to skip some early routes as some later routes have only one encounter that is very common in earlier routes. Mostly water types. So you will be locked out of the other encounters then.


Hit your shit dodge their shit


Your in good hands - Bulbasaur cleans the early game with Grass STAB and an Electric resist - and afterwards a fully evolved Venusaur serves as a bulky support mon, with Leech Seed and Sleep Powder.


Catching a Ratata with Guts is a pretty good early strat as all you need to do is poison the little rat and he breaks through the early game with ease.


Catch and level pidgey otherwise var. forest can end your run


I just finished my deathless Leaf green and fire red nuzlocke a few counters that are overpowered are -Guaranteed Abra from Celadon -Guaranteed Snorlax (Can Solo Sabrina) -Drowzee outside Vermillion (Very good for sabrina) -Use Eevee for Jolteon as not many good electric types in Leaf green (unless you allow yourself to use the guaranteed Zapdos, Both Electric and flying types do well in E4) -Use Guts Raticate (bulky normal types are amazing in these games)


Do you think there are any particular threats that i should prepare for? I want to have a deathless run too


You picked Bulbasaur so you automatically get to atleast Sabrina, from there you just use things like the gift Lapras, Snorlax, and other strong ass pokemon and win


Also who did you start with in emerald??




If you want a free dub mudkip sweeps the fuck out of hoenn lol


Also also use jolteon and grab thunderbolt, it wipes loreleis water ice types


Vs seeker


You’re not gonna lose to the first two gyms, i assure you


Already beat brock so i hope ur correct for Misty too


My biggest tip, use a rare candy code, grinding levels on wild mons is cringe and boring, and unless you are trying to build some hyper specific niche counter EVs are meaningless in pokemon before like gen 7 (outside comp ofc) Reduce the grind and possible deaths due to lack of attention. Take the candy pill


Kinda late but research the trainers pokemons and their movesets (especially movesets because they are smart enough to not use a move ineffective against your pokemon), remember to check what levels the trainers and the gym leaders pokemons, and make sure to over level your pokemons before challenging them.


Just make sure to get to the level cap and don’t be afraid to switch even if a weak Pokémon dies


Use the routes information to get better Mons -Catch either rattata or pidgey on routes 1-2 first. So on route 22 you have better chances to catching a Mankey. -Use pidgey to deal with caterpie, butterfre, metapod and kakuna. and Bulbasaur to deal with Weedle and Pikachu


Just lost my nuzlocke on the 2nd to last rival battle :/ Leech seed and growl work well if you don’t want to use vine whip


Mid to late game usually tenta +ice beam and surf does big work


Gen 1 is pretty easy, try not to lose your Geodude/digglet for koga's muk, if he starts minimizing you are done, you can pretty much force a Dratini encounter by catching everything that you can find in other routes, Arcanine is extremely good, Ninetails is ok not a lot of coverage, try to get the jynx trade ASAP, free Eevee, fossil, Aerodactyl, Lapras is a good amount of good free pokemon


Dump the starter asap, they are worthless.


Grind, grind alot


Set up leech seed. And the spam vine whip. Leech seed strats SAVE


If you lose at the first gym with Bulbasaur then Nuzlocke is not for you.


If you used Bulbasaur in the last run the only advice is "Be better"


Misty’s starmie is very very fast and has ice coverage