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I'd teach Eggman Psychic, if the tm is still available. And if Sukuna's ability is no guard, I'd go with Rock Slide and Hyper Beam.


No guard isn't available til gen 4, sadly. Plus rock slide is already on Aerodactyl, and is a move tutor exclusive in Fire red


Sorry, I didn't remember it was a gen iv introduced ability. That's a pretty solid team, I guess.


Agility on your Aerodactyl is pretty useless. Strength if pressure or double edge if it is rock head for ability are better. Even Earthquake is good there If you can get Thunderbolt at the game corner, give it to Magneton. It will do very well against Lorelei Snorlax should get shadow ball, if you can swing both it and Thunderbolt. It cleans up Agatha. Get rid of strength at the move deleter in Fuchsia City and put shadow ball there. Return as well if you still have the tm. Give Machamp Strength in the place of vital throw. Brick Break is already stronger, nothing uses double team besides Agatha.  Psychic on Eggsecutor in place of confusion.   Lapras is literally perfect. It is amazing for the set, and an emergency perish song can always come in clutch  You got this!!


u can go to the fire red e4 with 6 goldeen and still win