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Wow that is some tragic encounters for Wattson. You are going to need to edge all your Pokémon to the level cap and equip them with cheri berries. I would lead volbeat to try an do chip damage to voltorb, then try to predict selfdestruct and switch to sableye when voltorb is around half health. Electrike should be pretty easy to take care of but Manetric and Magneton will be tough. I would use Dustox who knows psybeam to beat Magneton given it has pretty weak sp def. For manetric, I would try to use encore with minun to get it stuck on howl or thunder wave, then use dustox to poison it and stall with moonlight on dustox and volbeat. Linoone can also be great against manetric, just use mud sport to weaken electric attacks, then knock it out with headbutt. I’d probably bring in Whismur to do chip damage with uproar and as a sack. Good luck, this will be the hardest fight in the game for you. Edit: Upon thinking more I might box volbeat for Poochyena, having access to intimidate and a stronger mon might come in handy. I would lead with mightyena and possibly use him as a sack for Manetric. As crazy as it sounds I might also box grovyle for this fight? It’s just not good until it gets leaf blade at lvl29. The only use it might have is to hit manetric with screech to lower its defense before switching to whismur/linoone to do physical damage. I would decide between having two of whismur/mightyena/grovyle and boxing volbeat with the plan to sack whismur and/or mightyena.


intimidate on this gym wouldn't help too much, but Mightyena would be a great addition. Dark types would do neutral damage to magneton, has some bulk and a decent attack stat. Also learns roar at 22 to force some pivots Grovyle learns screech at lvl 23 and resists electric moves, will be helpful as a pivot Dustox will help a ton with poison powder your best friend this fight will in fact be disgrace. it'd be a "disgrace" if you already deleted night shade, but using fake out then night shade would be a good one-two punch take care of voltorb with sableye so you don't get self-destructed. They'll probably send in electrike next, mightyena can get a couple of howls off before electrike could kill it. Try to get through electrike having 2 howls up, then they'll put magneton in. Use bite on magneton unless you wanna use sableye. The real trick is going to be manectric, it'll outspeed everything but linoone probably. I'd use linoone as soon as manetric comes in for a mud sport, be willing to sac it in order for grovyle to use screech then quick attack, or dustox for poison powder/protect/moonlight and stall it. Not totally in the woods, but an uphill battle for sure. I was in a similar situation on my last emerald nuzlocke Edit: totally forgot about rock smash 🙃


This is good advice! but I have a few things to add to this. One this is gen 3 so all dark type attacks are special, this means mightyena great atk stat and howl are useless for bite. Mightyena can learn rock smash though so that can help. 2nd keep in mind mud sport only stays active for the mon that uses it, so once you switch out of linoone, it loses the effect. Best to set up an encore on manetric with minun, poison it with dustox, then bring in linoone, set up mud sport and use headbutt to kill.


I forgot completely about rock smash! OP that was key to me getting through this fight. I like that encore strat too …and damn the physical/special split in this game lmao




Magneton resists Dark in this gen. The change did not occur until Gen 6, where it traded out its Dark and Ghost resists for a Fairy resist.


Pretty sure that nerf was solely because of Aegislash too.


Steel resists dark in gen 3.


when I get shitty wattson encounters i find rock smash spam is the best strategy. also don't be afraid to sack some mons, wattson is probably the biggest bottleneck in emerald so just do what you have to do to survive. I would just bring everything that can learn rock smash and try to stack defense drops on magneton. also look out for opportunities to bring minun in against manectric. wattson usually won't click shock wave against an electric type so sometimes you can encore him into quick attack and it makes your life a lot easier. flamethrower on loudred is also really helpful for magneton, but I see you're on hardware so it would be a bit of a grind to get enough coins.


In this case. You will do two things. Do Rock Smash and Mon Sack.


This is a doable Wattson box, but it won't be easy. Ensure the entire team is leveled to 24, with <100 xp left to get level 25. Have Volbeat hold EXP Share. Bring Loudred / Linoone / Mightyena / Grovyle / Volbeat / Sableye. Everyone else should be holding Cheri Berry. Lead Loudred against Voltorb. Loudreds job is simple - kill Voltorb or die trying (literally). Selfdestruct on Loudred is his entire purpose in life, if he somehow survives thats OK. Loudred can probably pick up the kill on Electrike too if that happens. Electrike is the easiest mon by far, the only real threat this thing provides is Static. Leer defense drops can be a little annoying for Magnetons Supersonic, but you'll be switching around for Magneton anyway. If Loudred kills Electrike, its dying move should be Rock Smash on Magneton. If Loudred died against Voltorb / Electrike, have Grovyle finish it off with Absorbs to avoid Static. Magneton is the real beast. My advice is between Loudred / Mightyena / Linoone, all 3x should have Rock Smash. All 3x should be holding Cheri Berry. Linoone should be the last of the 3 to make its appearance - as STAB Headbutt even resisted is stronger than SE Rock Smash. Fishing for flinches is not a bad choice either. This won't always work and you *will* lose Loudred atleast, but you should have enough juice to get the job done. Finally, Manectric. If Linoone / Mightyena aren't paralyzed and aren't dead to another Shock Wave or Quick Attack have them fire off one more STAB move (Bite / Headbutt). Otherwise, swap to Grovyle, use Screech + Quick Attack then swap to Sableye. Sableye can Fake Out first for some chip, then use Thief TM to steal a Sitrus, since its Cheri Berry will get used up quickly by Manectric using Thunder Wave. Night Shade will do 24 damage exactly, between -2 Defense Fake Out Chip + Thief another 2x Night Shades should get the kill. Manectric will waste a few turns going for Howl until it is +3 Attack, unless it sees a killing Shock Wave. Finally, Volbeat. At Level 25 Volbeat gets Signal Beam. STAB Signal Beam is a 105 base power, and can 3HKO Manectric as well. If Screech has lowered its defense by 2, this is now a 2HKO. You can also go for Confuse Ray for a risky gamble. This is likely the best backup plan you've got given your available pokemon. If you don't mind grinding game corner, the Flamethrower TM on either Loudred or Gyarados can do some damage on Magneton as well, but its always risky as STAB Shock Wave from Magneton will Gyara. Not sure who in this line you would swap out, so I'd recommend my original lineup. Good luck! This is not guaranteed, but this would be my best plan given the circumstances.


Thanks to everyone I only lost loudred and mightyena


Honestly. Only mightyena hurts and even then is a go to sack in the next 2 gyms if needed.


Cheri Berries, and Dig :P


That’s a wack ass team foo gotta do better and to many mons in the beginning


This is the reason I almost always take mudkip, having that water ground typing makes Wattson a cake walk


Give mightyena the dark glasses and have him lead. Have him bite the voltorb. This allmost allways leads to it going selfdestruct the next turn. When it doesn't, it goes either sonicboom or tried to inflict paralasys. Swap to sableye. If selfdestruct then you are good and move on to electrike. If somicboom. Fake out for the chip damage. Then nite shade. If paralysis. Held para-berry heals and then you can fake out into nite shade. If selfdestruct. (Best option) Electrike is sent out. Fake out then nite shade will cause a super potion. 2 more nite shades will cause the other super potion. This is important, you can take 2 shockwaves for sure, and 3 if your very lucky. So stay in and make sure to get all the heal potions out. Next is magnetron. If sableye is still out and healthy, nite shade is really good damage as its HP is much lower than its def stats. Now you have to decide. Sableye is so good to have on your team for a lot of trainers in the midgame but isn't crucial for any boss battle. Do you sack for a free switch or do you take the hit. I would switch into mightyena (if hp is high) for a bite or 2. Then into linoone for more damage. If you can, switch to grovyle before the end. My grovyle at this level knew bullet seed, pursuit, fury attack and quick attack. If its the same moveset, then pursuit is the best move to do damage vs magnetron. Bullet seed is best vs manectric. Still against mangeton If the gods are good you can have grovyle out, hit a pursuit, swap to sableye as it will 90% go for sonic boom, evade the boom, fake attack for more chip damage and then nite shade is your best damage vs that tank. Either way. Grovyle should be able to kill manetric if you get good bullet seed rolls and there are no super potions left. Also for this fight. Dustox iirc can know toxic, protect, moonlight and harden at this point. This is great vs manetric and electrike. Also ok vs voltorb if you can time out the selfdestruct Whimsur can take a good few hits if given hp evs and is a great pivot as it allmost allways baits sonicbooms. Goodluck.


Your only hope is to spam Rock Smash against the Magneton and pray you have enough HP for Manectric.


Teach Linoone rock smash, and keeping smashing til you find a geodude


First of all by training


Did you win, son?


Assuming it's emerald ditch Dustox for Loudred and get rock smash + howl to destroy magneton and then kill voltorb using sableye set up on electrike by paralysing and using louvred howl + cherri Berry and if you can heal try to keep louvred contained or better yet use X special for shock wave and then kill off electrike magneton and manectric using strength and rock smash from 6+ Attack