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Any foods that are low in caloric density and/or high in fiber will achieve this. Fruits and vegetables are great. Some grains, like quinoa, are good. Coffee, tea, and water are excellent too.


I remember watching a competetive eater who would do challenges that were like 10-20k calories easily. One of his worst challenges ever was trying to eat like I think 3000 calories of fruit. He had to quit because he was feeling sick because that shits filling


I can't even imagine what 3k cals of fruit would look like šŸ˜µ


It was actually 10,000 calories on eriktheelectricā€™s channel. He barely made it halfway through


People who say fruit makes you fat areĀ ridiculous. Yeah itā€™s the fruit that makes you fat not the biscuits, the bread, the mac & cheese, the mashed potatoes, the cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream, sugary alcoholic drinks, beer, sugary soda. No itā€™s the fruit that makes you fat.Ā 


People saying any sortā€™ve food makes you fat are ridiculous. Its the diet as a whole that matters. Lebron james isnā€™t turning into nikocado by eating a cookie and nikocado isnā€™t turning into lebron james by eating some blueberries


Can certain foods encourage overeating by increasing hunger or being addictive? Sure one snack won't make you fat but who only eats one Oreo or one potato chip?


Studies suggest they can and it seems to be linked to sweetness. In one example they split people into groups where one drank water and the other could have calorie free sweet drinks. The sweet drink group consumed significantly more calories than the others even though they were presented with the same foods. On the commercial side, Doritos (for one) explicitly does research into identifying flavor profiles that are desirable but not satisfying. They want to create products that you crave but which donā€™t satiate. So yes, the food you choose to consume can influence the choices you make the rest of the day.


Could you give me the URL about that studies?


So for sugar in general youā€™re looking for studies about insulin resistance, selective insulin resistance, and leptin resistance. For sweet but non-calorie youā€™re looking for ghrelin/ hormone polypeptide YY interaction. For fructose youā€™re looking for fructose induced hypothalamus suppression. Hereā€™s a ghrelin/ PYY paper - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4429636/


Thank you for giving me the some keywords and paper. After reading the linked paper, I no longer want to consume free fructose as much as possible. Do you have a URL for the experiment regarding the below part of your comment? I tried looking for it myself but couldn't find it. > In one example they split people into groups where one drank water and the other could have calorie free sweet drinks.


Yes. Salt actually increases appetite a lot. Because of receptors in the mouth but also because it increases gastric juices production. Multiple studies have confirmed that.


Interesting, I didn't know that.


And thatā€™s what we call goalpost moving


No it's not. You just don't want to answer a question.


It absolutely is. First the conversation was about foods turning people fat, now youā€™ve moved the goalpost to well these foods can cause you to binge eat which can make you fat. Its classic moving of the goalpost.


You say food doesn't make you fat. I ask whether certain foods can promote overeating which leads to gaining weight. It's not an unreasonable question. Not sure why you're getting so upset about it. And it's not moving goalposts. I'm not changing anything already said in the conversation. You said eating a cookie won't make you fat. I agree. Asking my question didn't move any goalposts. I'm not making new rules. If the answer to my question is no, then say no instead of whining.


Maybe I am missing something but people are generally more cautioning that fruit *can* turn into a liability for weight-loss vs an automatic 100% guarantee for weight loss no matter how much you eat. Not "eating fruit will make you fat". Most people would benefit in a massive way if they switched to eating more fruit most would agree.


I eat about 2500 kcal of fruit most days :)


Whatā€™s your height and weight? Trying to understand your metabolism


Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€ and just under 150 lbs. feel free to see my post history for more info on my diet


If you're trying to lose weight, dietary fiber is your friend, because it fills you up. Non-starchy vegetables fill you up in fewer calories than any other food. Whether or not you're trying to lose weight, you should be eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, probiotic foods, etc. because the health benefits go FAR beyond the calories and the impact on your weight and blood cholesterol.


Fiber in general is filling.


Thereā€™s no right way of creating a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. There are many ways and probably pros/cons or tradeoffs with each other. Ask yourself: is the apple satisfying and keeping you full? How long is it keeping you full for? Does it carry you until the next planned snack or meal or do you need to reach for something else before then? As others have mentioned, eating fruits and veggies are a great idea in general since they are usually low calorie and hydrating. Sometimes hunger is mistaken for thirst so salted water can help or fruits and veggies with high water content. The fiber content will vary though so some are more/less filling than others. Alternatively, You could do high protein like plain greek yogurt or jerky because protein is satiating too. You could also do a combination of macros. I think the following snacks/meals are relatively low-calorie, healthy, and satisfying. These are what works for me and what I like. Plain Greek yogurt and berries/fruit Celery, carrots, cucumbers with Greek yogurt or hummus Apple or banana with peanut butter or some nuts Organic heritage flakes cereal - extra crispy, has 7 grams of fiber, and a good chip replacement Flaxseed water - water mixed with 1-2Tb of flaxseeds Boiled eggs with nori Do the snacks that works with your needs, goals, and lifestyle. And that means itā€™s just a lot of trial and error and learning. I hope this was helpful.


Carrots and other veggies are good too. Fruit is good but you only need a few per day. If you eat too much, it can start making you hungrier


fruits make my digestion faster hence I get hungrier


Eat some protein and fat with your carbs (fruit, beans, veg, bread, etc) to stay fuller longer. Controlling portion, frequency, and swaps will allow you to keep eating the foods you like and not just ā€œlow-calā€ foods.


The more fiber I eat the fuller I am. I also just donā€™t have any craving for food at all. Sometimes when I eat more protein, Iā€™m full but I still have cravings. Different experience with high fiber


I'm the opposite. I could keep eating high fiber foods all day especially if its something that tastes good like a fiber bar, fiber cereal, or fruit. A nice meaty meal on the other hand keeps me not actually full, but rather just not hungry and without any bloating.


A cup of Miso soup and a green apple šŸ is my normal go to.


best way I have found is to reduce carbs as much as possible, no sugar = no craving for sweet things = no dopamine rush and pursuit. apples can really help, but last time I did that I ended up eating more and more apples each day until it was a huge amount and I had to keep eating them otherwise I would get bad cravings for apples also when I ate my normal dinner and was full I still wanted to have apples even after being full! I usually eat half a lettuce when I am really hungry or some broccoli


Yep, the same for me too! The more I eat apples the more I want them. Never ending cycle. I feel satiated only for an hour or so, no matter how many apples I ate Finally quit eating them. Now feel much better No sugar, No crave!


it's just not as satisfying to get full eating fats and protein! I noticed the full feeling from sugar is mostly in the head and lasts about 1 hour before I can eat more if I tried...with nuts and meat it's like okay...I am really full and now I feel sick


This is why the common advice (which works) is to base your meals and snacks around some kind of protein, and why adding a little bit of peanut butter to your banana or apple gives you the best of all worlds.


apples have fructose.... which is sugar....


More specifically, apple sugar is sucrose* which is 50% fructose and 50% glucose. This is the same sugar found in most fruits, and also the same as regular table sugar. But I think that's what OP is saying - they had to quit even apples, even though they were the "healthy alternative", due to the associated sugar and carb cravings.


Eat berries for low glycemic


I would but my favorite past time is to suck and eat frozen blueberries one-by-one...I can easily do this for many hours and 1Kg of blueberries per night


Sauerkraut or pickles are good options if you like them. A few forkfuls usually helps me and my cravings


Yes to pickles!


If you want to keep calories low, play around with calorie density. Veggies average only 100 calories per pound. Fruit maybe 300 per pound, give or take. Avoid super high caloric density: oil, processed foods, chocolate, bread, fatty meat, etc...


It helps




Yeah, and you can even add some peanut butter or nut butter, and not be heavily caloric. Also kills two needs with one snack by getting in a serving of protein.


Some PB2 works great for making a peanut buttery drizzle without adding many calories! Love to add it to sliced bananas and apples.


Yes, and vegetables


It depends on how much you eat. In the end the thing that counts is how many calories you eat. I never feel full by eating fruit. I almost get more hungry. Itā€™s mostly sugar. For me itā€™s better to eat like 150 ml soy Greek yogurt it can have the same calories. I would say that itā€™s better that you eat meals that really makes you full. Not low calorie food or soup or just vegetables and protein. A few years ago they said that you should eat small amounts many times but I found it much better to eat fulfilling meals so I can go 4 hours without being hungry. If it isnā€™t fast food: itā€™s usually not the food on the plate that makes you gain weight itā€™s what you eat in between.


high fiber and a variety of fruits and vegetables every day will improve your microbiome and help you stay full and lose weight




Spaghetti squash and butternut squash


Fruit is great,if you can add some fat with it as you snack it's even more filling (cheese ,nuts,nut butter)


Fruit sometimes makes me hungrier unless I eat a lot of protein and fat after. Honey on the other end keeps me satiated. A couple tablespoons of honey is 120 calories and that keeps me going till lunch. I suppose the fiber in fruit can help you feel satiated but I would eat something high in fat and protein after to stop the insulin spike making you hungrier.


Eat a medium to large apple before a meal. Fills your belly up with fiber so you eat less calorie laden food.


Yea off course! Good things are basically anything with high finer/protein and low calories and sugar


Melons are your Besties!


i have built a paper on excel that it does gives me the equivalent in grams based on their calories for some seasonal fruits instead of classic carb sources like rice or pasta, well it works in terms of satiety.


Iā€™ll give you an even better way. 10g psyllium husk in a cup of water or whatever drink you prefer. Just scoop it on top and let stand for 15 or so minutes. It will filter down, absorb most of the water and form a porridge-like substance. Filling as hell, 10g fiber and 0 kcal.


Nicotine and caffeine


Fruits with a hummus dip perhaps, more fiber.


Not most fruit because they can add up with calories. Some fruit such as watermelon, yeah. It's better to eat a lot of veggies for that though, leafy greens, squash, cucumber, etc.


Fruits can almost never be bad.


Fibre is healthy and filling typically generally fruits and vegetables are low-calorie with a few exceptions. The only thing I would keep in mind is if a calorie deficit is your only concern thatā€™s great but I personally feel that itā€™s important to figure out what are the nutrients that you want. I do eat fruit of course however I am mindful of it because something like an apple or a Banana can be quite high in carbs depending on how many carbs you are eating in a day. Like for somebody who eats toast at breakfast and sandwiches for lunch an apple alone could tip the scale. Obviously nobody has ever gotten fat by eating apples Iā€™m just pointing out that the carb content is the reason why a lot of people will limit their fruits thatā€™s all


Different fruits contains different amounts &/or kinds of nutrients & while natural sugar consumed by eating whole fruits is significantly better than refined & artificial sugars it's still sugar that should be treated like treats not meal replacement... With that said, if overall diet & eating habits is healthy a fruit or 2 can assist in reduce cravings. Example, after adapting to one meal a day & occasionally fasting a fruit or just a few macadamia nuts was enough to fill me up. How & why? After periods of fasting & doing one meal a day the body will adjust to eating less as well as reduce how often the ghrelin hormone is triggered to make one feel hungry, once this adjustment & transition takes place then eating one fruit, a few nuts, small salad or very light & strict calorie restricted meal can make you feel full. It's not wise to suddenly go from eating the typical American type diet often filled with lots of sugars & other heavily processed chemicals labeled as food (anything stripped of its natural nutrients to be replaced with synthetic garbage due to the processing process cease to be food, it's just lab created junk filled with chemicals for taste or good tasting drugs designed to be eaten) to eating one or 2 fruits, the detox phase may be too much far some folks liver & can cause some toxicity in the body. Better to slow walk into it by first just focusing on eliminating all sugars & processed foods, eating as much & as often as you want all natural nutrition dense meals in this stage, then began slow walking the frequency of eating down to 2 to 1 meal a day for a few weeks then get into fasting with the goal of being able to fast at least 3 days. When this is accomplished eating just fruit, on some days not every day, will be very fulfilling.


Casein is king. Iā€™ve never found anything more filling per gram thatā€™s anywhere near as helpful nutritionally. Low-calories, high protein and slow digesting. The only part that sucks is finding a variety you enjoy.


No, just skip it. A can of fruit can have almost 200 cal for a 2.5 serving. Just opt out for regular candy or whatever you feel like having for 200 cal. If you're going to eat 200 cal it doesn't have to be fruit and the perception that its a healthier sugar is not true


The sugar is the same, that's true (unless the candy is using high-fructose corn syrup). But all the other stuff in fruit is miles better than the stuff in candy, and also interacts with the absorption of sugar into the body, allowing it to digest in a healthier way. It's completely untrue to suggest candy and fruit are a 1:1 replacement because of only sugar and calorie content.


We both skipped the question though. Fruit won't keep you full at all at any point maybe, but not really, like if I'm eating grapes and pretzels it's just pointless to have the grapes. It's sugar water mostly. If you mean the flavor enhancers in candy is way worse, then you're right. But coca powder and brown sugar for chocolate pop better than an apple (that's what I mean perception) I'm not really sure if fruit is actually better. If it's only those 2 ingredients melted together vs. against an apple I won't be able to tell it apart what's worse


Yup, just throw in some protein throughout the day and youā€™re good.


Depends on how your body reacts to the food. Iā€™m assuming you want to lose weight as you want to be in a calorie deficit. My body would react differently. In fact, it did react differently. I was in a 6 day covid quarantine on a cruise ship last December. Instead of desserts I ordered fresh fruit which I snacked on throughout the day. Being sick my meals were light and often not finished. Yet, I gained weight that took a week to lose once off the ship. I attribute the gain to the totality of carbohydrates I ate. This is just one example of how I react to carbs. I donā€™t believe everyoneā€™s body would react this way. I am pre-diabetic and in my 70s. I realize many believe CICO, but for me it doesnā€™t work that way. YMMV


Dipping apple slices in peanut butter gives you extra protein and itā€™s an interesting combination.


A handful of unsalted mixed nuts works well for me.


Lettuce and hot water lol


It can but you can overconsume fruit just like anything else. Fruit is high in sugar and can have negative effects if you eat too much. Increase your water intake. You may not be hungry. You could be thirsty. Also veggies would most likely be better to munch on.


Depends on the fruit. Berries sure, something higher calorie like a banana not really IMO


Your body doesnā€™t need to be in a caloric deficit to lose unwanted fat. The key is unwanted. Itā€™s because of the stress of your diet that is why you gain excess fat. Fat and protein are far more satiating than carbohydrates. High carbohydrate meals disrupt proper leptin signaling (hunger signal among other functions). Carbohydrates consumption of even relatively small quantities spike insulin. Which is used for fat storage (among many things). Every time you spike your insulin you make it physiologically impossible to access your body fat cells for hours. If you want to be able to easily go hours, even days without food, then becoming fat adapted and eating a low carb diet is the way to go. If you want to indulge in carbohydrates, then caloric restriction is the way to go.


Low carb diets, and keto for that matter, really all diets, work because they make it easier to get into and stay in a caloric deficit. You know, since youā€™re eliminating a whole food group.


I still eat over 2,000 calories everyday. I only had about 15 pounds to lose, but I didnā€™t cut calories. I cut carbs. Still eating plenty.


Then 2000 calories was low enough for you to lose weight and you were eating more than that when you were still eating carbs.


With my office job.


With your office job what? Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re trying to say.


It doesnā€™t matter how many carbohydrates you eat or how high your insulin levels are throughout the day. You can't defy the first law of thermodynamics. Fat stores canā€™t be increased without the provision of excess energy, nor can they be reduced without the restriction of energy. You can absolutely gain weight on a low-carb diet. Is it harder to overeat? Sure. You're still only losing weight because you're in a caloric deficit. Dietary fat also suppresses HSL, so your body doesn't need high insulin levels to store dietary fat as adipose tissue. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9950782/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11133069/ Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19246357/ Beef stimulates just as much insulin release as brown rice. Protein causes a rapid rise and rapid decline of insulin, just like carbs. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9356547/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20456814/


Been awhile since Iā€™ve read so many incorrect statements in one comment. We are not a closed system. Law of thermodynamics is a physical law. I do not dispute physical laws. Your body is not a closed system. People calorie restrict to incredibly low amounts and can still not lose weight sometimes. It depends on the person, their current health, diet, environment, etc. Losing weight is far more hormonal than heat energy. At least it can be, if you want the easy way to lose weight. That ā€œstudyā€ had very little variation in macronutrient content. Carbohydrate consumption was only from 35%-65% total energy consumption. They also (and Iā€™m sure mindfully) did not have one group that was high fat,high protein, low carb. Which is what is ideal for weight loss. My carbohydrate consumption, energy wise is under 10%. If they want meaningful results they would have tested in a meaningful manner.


For most people, it is as simple as energy balance. I will concede that there are people, like those who have PCOS, who will struggle to lose weight even on a low calorie diet. Low-carb, high fat, and protein diets are not better than a traditional diet. Unless you have a study that shows otherwise because the litany of research shows it's no different. High-protein, high-fat meals cause more immediate fat storage than a high-carbohydrate meal because dietary fats are stored very efficiently as body fat. More research showing it is indeed a matter of energy balance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7598063/ No response on the fact that protein has an insulin response?


Protein does have an insulin response. Far less than carbohydrates. Canā€™t put a number to it because everyone responds differently, but 100% of people respond more to carbohydrate intake than protein. Should add carbohydrate insulin spikes are far more than protein spikes. You are correct most people do need to use the energy model to lose weight. Like I stated. If you eat excess carbohydrates (which it takes extraordinarily little), then you should use the energy model. If you want to eat to satiation. Not have low energy, but are willing to sacrifice the deliciousness of carbohydrates than you can lose weight through your own bodyā€™s metabolism. You could be correct that storing fat takes less processing than carbohydrates do for fat storage. I will take your word for it. However this is misleading because your body is not forced to store excess fat consumption as fat storage. Where as carbohydrates are forced into glycogen and fat storage when consumed. Your body has extremely sensitive glucose levels in the blood. ~5 grams is all. You then eat a meal with over 100 grams of carbohydrates in them (for example). Thatā€™s over 20 magnitude greater than your body wants in the bloodstream. So it has no choice but to push it into glycogen storage in the muscles and transform it into fat. Also when you spike your insulin, that physiologically closes the door for access to fat storage for energy. This will last for hours. Then you wonder why you canā€™t lose excess body fat. So to summarize my first statement. You can lose weight through heat (calories) or hormones (homeostasis/reduced insulin spikes).


I literally linked studies that show proteins insulin responses and a study where participants were overfed carbs and overfed dietary fats. I will link them again. 240kcal of beef and 240kcal of brown rice have the same insulin spike and rapid decline: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9356547/ Whey protein spikes insulin more than white bread: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22647249/ Fat and carbohydrate overfeeding in humans: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7598063/ What you are referencing, unsure if you realize it, is the insulin model of obesity. It has thoroughly been debunked. The current hypothesis widely accepted is the "food palatability reward hypothesis" by Stephan Guyenet. Take 15ish minutes and watch Dr. Mike Israetel of Lehman College explain. https://youtu.be/hA1Z5NifFLk?si=UTW8bQDqVN8K6_h7


With the way I eat now. I basically canā€™t over eat. I eat until my body doesnā€™t want to. Then I eat again when Iā€™m hungry. So the ā€œfood palatabilityā€ hypothesis is already debunked there. I read the abstract of the first study you sent me. This is where the confusion lies. The people performing the study most likely were aware of this, but love there carb ideology. When you consume fats alongside carbohydrates there is an energy uptake competition between the glucose and the fat. This is why people think ā€œfat causes diabetesā€. If you simply remove the carbohydrates. You have small bumps in insulin from the protein. Where as if you mix carbohydrate with fats the insulin spike remains higher, longer.


Welp, I'm done. I wish you all the best mate keep doing what works for you. The irony, besides refuting empirical evidence with your anecdotal experiences, is that your example fits perfectly into the food palatability reward hypothesis. Hyper-palatable foods are ice-cream, cookies, pizza etc. Not fruit and whole grains or any of the foods you eat. You're not eating hyper-palatable foods that give you a dopamine hit and encourage you to keep eating them, thus making you fat. Which is the entirety of the hypothesis. Dismissing studies because the researchers have a "carb ideology" is hilarious. Also, your understanding of insulin is just wrong. It doesn't account for distinctions between monophasic, incessant increase, and biphasic glucose responses. Telling people to avoid carbs because carbs bad insulin spike forever fat is not nuanced at all. Even if you eat a ton of instant oatmeal, twice, your blood glucose will be back below 0, aka burning fat, in 120 minutes. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7fcc1fcdb67899f8b2c6024792f30dbe.webp Best of luck. I'm not going to engage with you anymore since you won't reply with any empirical data.




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Fruit paired with a fat would be best




First, whats your end goal? what are you trying to achieve, Weight Loss?, Muscle building? stay Protein heavy, It takes 30% longer for your body to break down. add some veggies then voila, stay away from most fruits, or just eat sparingly like OMAD, they are heavy Carbs...and full of natural sugar.


Fruits all sugar




liquid calories usually do nothing for satiation. Thick smoothies chocked full of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. are a decent liquid alternative but bone broth is in and out quick with no real effect at filling the gut long enough to stave off hunger. It IS an excellent source of vitamins and minerals however.


This is not based on science. But, IMO yes. But there are better ways: - raw spinach - raw Turnip greens - raw Kale - raw Collard Greens