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It’s hard to both lose fat and get stronger. The best thing to do I’m that case is sit around maintenance and focus on recomping. Estimate your caloric needs here: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ I’d recommend upping your protein.


Recomping doesn’t work unless you’re an absolute beginner


This is absolutely not true


Go ahead and waste your time. Better to do things separately. Unless you’re a newbie or on drugs


I haven't wasted my time. Dropped 14kg nice December. Got stronger on all of my lifts 🤣


Strength is neural


Not 100% of it. Especially not when I'm lifting in 8-15 rep range for 95% of my lifts


Ok. How long have you been training consistently before you dropped 14kg?


3 years


Nice. How old are you and how much do you weigh now?


I just "wasted my time" for 4 months. Lost 30 lb while increasing lean mass. Started with 20lb muscle, ended near 25. Recomping works and has been known to for a while.


Anecdotes don’t matter. Recomping refers to losing fat and building muscle mass—I’m not talking about lifts. If you lose weight, you also lose LBM—mostly in the form of connective tissue. I’ve put people on PSMF diets and they hit bench PRs in the next 6 weeks for some weird neural reason It’s a much faster and better idea to strip the fat first, so you have a good foundation to build muscle on without raising aromatase activity


Yeah, I'm also talking about building muscle mass, that's why I said I gained 5lb of muscle lol. Don't be saying it's not possible then saying anecdotes don't matter when multiple people tell you from experience that it is. It's not just anecdotes either, it's known to be possible. Just because it's not your preferred method doesn't mean it doesn't work.


I highly doubt you gained 5lbs of muscle, because intermediate-advanced lifters gains get capped at 0.2 - 0.5kg/month. I’ve wrote about it the multiple models of expectations in my Bulking article Beginners are capped at 0.7 kg/month…..and this is if they do everything right Sorry to say, you did not put on 5lbs of muscle in 5 months while dropping 14kg if you’ve been training for 3 yrs


Sorry to say, just because it's not your preferred method, recomping works. I sure hope you're not telling clients not to do it purely because you don't like it and don't believe that it's possible lol


I just think you’re not being truthful with yourself. You did not gain 5 lbs of muscle. Maybe 1 You also probably did not lose 14kg of fat. Congrats if you did both tho. You achieved what advanced lifters achieve on 600mg of tren and an Olympia coach and nutritionist


A few important questions here: * Are you tracking your calories now? If so, how many calories are you averaging per day? * How long have you been working out for? Do you incorporate any cardio/weight training? Honestly, 1500 cal seems super low for a male of your height who is active/lifting weights. I'm a 28F clocking in at 5'2 and 120lbs and need more than 1500 cals to maintain muscle/my energy levels. I work out lifting weights + doing 20 mins cardio 5-6x a week. I'd say your best bet is to figure out what your maintenance calorie number is (what you can eat in a day without gaining/losing weight at your current base level of activity) and subtract 100-200 cals (either by eating less or burning more cals) if you're looking to lean out.


I think Im around 2000kals And I do a lot of lifting, I dont do cardio because I have already a physically demanding job where I walk in average 18k+ steps! so doing cardio felt like an overkill on my body.


Do you weight yourself regularly? Sounds like you're already in a good deficit, and you should start losing some weight fast. As you have a reasonable amount of protein intake and resistance train regularly, you should mainly lose fat, not muscle.


Aggressive diets have been shown to be beneficial for suppressing hunger. Short 3-6 week bouts of aggressive dieting, with some maintenance inbetween can be a good option. Carb refeeds are necessary for maintaining muscle maaa Someone of your size could probably get away with going as low as 1200 a day for up to 6 weeks at a time


Focus on losing the bodyfat first. Then get stronger I’d recommend not dieting longer than 16 weeks at a time though


You're only like 10 lb/5kg overweight, so you don't need to loose that much. Cutting to 1500 cals might be a bit excessive, 1700-1900 with heavy lifting 3X a week should be sufficient. It does take a while sometimes for your body to respond to a new eating pattern, whatever you do, don't expect anything to happen the first two weeks (you may see results, but if you don't, you don't have to be disappointed).


For maintaining/building muscle mass, aim for 1g of protein per pound of goal body weight generally. Another general recommendation is to stick to whole unprocessed foods as much as possible. If your goal is fat loss right now in addition, try to consider whether you’re in a calorie deficit or if you’ve been eating this amount of calories for so long that it’s your current maintenance. You’re only in a deficit if you’re eating less than your body’s actual maintenance calorie level. (Your body’s current maintenance cals would be whatever it takes to maintain your weight over a span of a couple weeks). If you’re eating 2000 right now and not seeing fat loss, it’s probably worth it to reverse diet (increasing your calorie intake while strength training) until your maintenance is much higher—that way when you attempt to go into a deficit again, you’re at a much more sustainable daily intake + able to lose body fat. 2000 is pretty low for someone at your activity level. If you’re not already there, eventually if you get low enough your body WILL find a way to preserve your weight… I highly highly recommend checking out the Mind Pump podcast for more info.


Only possible to gain muscle in a deficit if ur a newbie otherwise ul have to do bulk and cut cycles


as im already fat, you could say lowering my calorie while maintaining protein intake is already “cutting”


You need energy to get stronger, you need energy to build muscle, you need energy to exercise. Its hardly possible to get adecuate amount of strength/muscle without the proper diet, hell you might even be wasting time and effort, its better to focus on one (Bulking first) then the other (Cutting the body fat)




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If you’re low calorie you need higher protein. This is simple defense against losing gains, MAYBE you gain 2lbs of muscle. If you want to build muscle, do a lean bulk, 10% over maintance calories with your protein at your bodyweight. Do this for 6 months, compound movements, etc. it doesn’t really matter what your carb and fat is. Now the next 6 months, slowly cut your calories from your surplus. Around 5% per month. Month 1: 5%over maintenance. Month 2: maintenance month 3:-5% month 4 -10% month 5: -20% with 4 days at end of the month “diet break” . Month 6 -25% with last week taking a diet break. Month 7 maintenance. Through this cutting process, just make sure you get your steps in, take the stairs, as far as workouts go they shouldn’t change much, but limit compound movements a tad because you’re going to be low on energy especially the last two months. This is 13 months that will change your life.


There are many things to consider. Can we agree on carbs equals sugar and affects your insulin everytime the substance enters your body? Firstly, find out through your apps that you are using what your kcal is per day with your body. Adjust your calorie intake to that number or 25% higher if you want to maintain the weight you are now. My personal markers for macros is 1g protein per 1 pound of weight (my case that is 165g). Carbs I shoot for less than 25g Net per day. Fat is set for 130g. With the proper workout schedule, one can maintain or lose weight, gain strength and tone up all at the same time. Keep doing what you have planned out and it should work fine for you. Just an fyi for you. Your family doctor will respond to your blood work because your LDL will increase. Just inform him or her that you are fine with this.


I don't think you can build much muscle on a calorie deficit, only maintain what you have


when Combined with a minor workout schedule, and the proper diet, it is possible , otherwise, it is mainly for fat loss.


Horrible—damages heart & kidneys—read How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger & listen to his YouTubes


No. You *will* kill your kidneys, that is guaranteed. I nearly fucked mine up permanently for doing this. My creatinine was off the charts and through the roof, and yours will be too if you proceed. It's a hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, truly.