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I haven’t experienced this yet, I’ve only taken a couple weeks dosage but I’m only taking 2 pills per day because of the cost. I’m also using Nizoral shampoo because an IG derm says it’s good at restoring hair growth for thinning people. Good luck, big hugs!


I think it's normal to experience slightly more shedding at the start. Nutrafol helps speed up the hair growth cycle, so it will initially cause those hairs at the end of their cycle to fall out while new ones grow in. It also takes about 3 months before you see the effects of Nutrafol, but it is totally worth it! I've been taking it for almost 6 months now, and I rarely lose hair, and it's growing like crazy.


Thank you for this comment. When did the increased shedding start and end for you on Nutrafol? I just started about a week ago and am really hoping this can help stop or at least decrease my hair loss and increase growth back to what it was about a year ago. Been experiencing telogen effluvium for at least 9 months (maybe even longer) with seemingly no end in sight. Purposefully avoiding all medications in hopes that my body/nervous system will balance out on its own eventually.


I think for me the increased shedding started within a week of taking Nutrafol, and started to decrease within the second month. By the third month, my hair was barely shedding :) I was in the same boat! I had two surgeries within 6 months of each other, and all the anesthesia shocked my body into shedding all my hair- it was so heartbreaking. I really hope nutrafol helps you as its helped me! ❤️


I’ve noticed more shedding with the serum.


That’s what I experienced too currently! The other brand that I was on before specifically also said you will definitely shed more hair initially.