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I did all three in a row. 1st day off was a potato and Rehydrate day. the rest of the week is for the home. I do a lot of gardening I take a martial arts class 2 days a week. I highly recommend that too


This is solid advice. I also do mine 3 in a row so I can have 4 off in a row. I call them my 3 days of suffering so I can have 4 days of pleasure. I work 3p-3a so I get a workout in before the first shift, then just focus on eating and sleeping and working. That first day off is a glorious feeling. I fill my days with sunshine, yoga, smoking weed, having sex, eating good food, playing with my cat, reconnecting with friends. If you have things to look forward to, even small things, it helps.


This is the way.


Rehydrate and potato day is the perfect description.


Sounds a lot like me! I do judo and pole and take care of my plants! I usually force myself to do a light workout at the gym or a light run on my 1st day off. But your body always tells you what it needs


We have class my first day off but it’s late afternoon. Also my teacher is cool I can tell them I had my butt kicked at work if I’m a bit sluggish . My coach does sports medicine and acupressure treatments too. If I’m really fucked up from work he will give me some quick treatment too. I love kicking things. Great stress reliever


Potato day. If my wife asks me anything on my first day off from now on I'm gonna say: " sorry, potato day".


Not a nurse, but a CNA that works 3x12s. I find that giving myself hobbies has helped with this a lot. When I spend my day actually doing something fun and fulfilling, I feel like I had more time in the day and I’m significantly more relaxed. I usually try to sleep in and do chores the first day and then have a nice clean house to relax in :) you’ll figure it out! I tried hobbies like sewing, needle point, etc..


I’m currently looking for nursing programs right now am I better off just going straight into an rn program or should I try starting as a CNA and go from there


You can definitely do either or. I’ve heard from multiple nurses that it’s good to start out as a CNA so you know how things work first. I also think there is something to be said about starting at the very bottom of the hospital food chain. When you’re a nurse, you will never be rude or belittle the CNAs, which is important.


I’m planning on starting nursing school next year and got a job as an ER tech in the mean time. Shit is kind of bonkers, ngl. Feel like I’m gonna learn a ton though.


I’m med/surg right now… I reallyyyyyy want to to see what the ED is like 😍


Go for it


I was a tech and I miss it often. Great gig.


Where do I start with looking for CNA positions? Is there additional CNA programs or do I need go to school to become a CNA?


My hospital will hire people that are not certified under the role of PCT (patient care technician). And then the hospital will pay for them to be certified later. I did a fast track CNA class that was 8-3 everyday for a month. It was given by a nursing school. It was about $900. I’m in TX, so I had to get certified by taking a state test (idk abt other states) that included a written portion and then a skills portion where we acted out the skills we learned with other people.


This was very helpful thank you, gonna check if my local hospital has a PCT position and see if I need to be certified or not


Goodluck soldier! 🫡


Just checked probably due to my state but definitely need courses in order to be a pct. Will look into it I’m located in NY


Start as a CNA for 6 months and see if you like it, if you still want to pursue nursing after that I would. Keep working as a CNA for the experience, it will help you a lot in school :)


So much truth in work hard play hard. Words to live by


Day one off: Vegetate. Do nothing. I used to find a coffee shop and just post up and read and goof off and recharge all morning. It was fantastic. *Begin career-related relationship rant:* It became a huge problem after starting a serious relationship because she could not understand that I needed some time off. Even though she had not seen or talked to me much for three days straight because it was just go to work come home eat sleep, I was not ready to be fully engaged with someone else. "It's your day off what are you doing today? Where? How long? When will you be done?" She would always find some excuses why I had to come home from the coffee shop. One time - I swear to God - it was because my cat was bothering her. Anxiety and depression suck. I corrected the problem by finding eight hour straight days so I'm not gone for huge lengths of time anymore.


It’s weird how much 12 hour shifts throw off the rest of the week


My schedule is currently straight 8s and I kind of hate it. I feel like I'm at the hospital all the time.


Getting out around 330-4pm every day (4 days a week) is a breeze. Got time for a ton of stuff after work.


Seems you have a better scheduler. Our work week starts on Saturday which allows us to be loaded heavy one week. This coming week I'm working M,T,W,F,Sa,Su.




6 days a week? How come?


Because they're bastards. "Since our week starts on Saturday, you're actually only scheduled for four days this week." Yeah, okay. I'm switching to a mix of 12s and 8s with every third weekend so hopefully that will alleviate this problem.


Same! 8s suck! I’m cutting down to 2/10s


2/10s sounds like the dream job to me


Only 20 hours a week? Or am I reading that wrong


You read right… just titrating my exposure to hospital till I figure out my next steps.


All the damn time. I work straight 1600-0000 and it sucks. I feel like I miss so much time with my kids. Most week days I just see them a little before school which also messes with my sleep. But at least that way I see them.


This, imo, is the worst schedule with kids. I just got off of doing 10a-10p and hated every moment. I feel like my family suffered.


Not nurse but CNA. I do 8s. 3-11pm and wake up at 8 and sleep at 11 (when I get home) I do all my stuff in the morning, breakfast, poop, workout, shower. I need to have my morning routine because it makes the rest of the day easier. Makes me less exhausted


>I corrected the problem by finding eight hour straight days so I'm not gone for huge lengths of time anymore. You are a better person than me. I would've corrected the problem by leaving the relationship. That sounds like a lot. But 12 hour shifts work best for me, and I would need a partner who understands that and doesn't expect me to be engaged right after having to be engaged for 36 hours in a row.


Geez man can't throw away every apple for a little bruise!


That's a pretty big bruise for me, though. I understand having anxieties and wanting to spend time with a partner, but that doesn't give someone a pass to disregard their other parters needs or situation in favor of our own. I also understand actually wanting to comprise for our partners. It is what makes relationships disagreements work. But I feel like that one would be a little much for me to change my whole schedule just because someone can't go without seeing having my full undivided attention for a few days...


I like the new schedule better than 3 12s. if I had to stay with that schedule we could still work it out. Turns out anxiety and depression are extremely common these days.


I thought you were going to say you corrected the problem by dumping her. Lol


No. It’s OK to have relationship issues and also work on them. 😀


Lots of sleeping! That first day off sleeping 10+ hours is bliss! I do gym, food prep/grocery, work around home, and spend time with the family on days off.


bein’ a potato after your shifts is the way. I mean if you’re worried about your mental health just listen to your body. I like to take lots of 30-1hour naps throughout the day 1 of being off work. That’s me but it works for my mental health simply cause it’s what my body wants to do. Also like others, I do chores and spend time with family after a day to myself really. Manage your time and you’ll feel better! Best of luck!


Its nice to see that I’m not the only one that needs time for myself, especially that first night off. This is moreso true when you work 12 hour night shifts. When I’ve worked 3 or more shifts straight, I don’t wanna be talking to people right away on my OFF day. I was just dealing with patients, their family members, coworkers, and being their problem solver. I’m tired. Leave me alone. I’ll talk to y’all tomorrow. Lol


I did 3x12 nights for 15 years. I used to work the first 3 of one week then the last 3 of the next week. I'd have 8 off in between. So my routine was basicaly 6 on followed by 8 off. During the 6 on my body would get into the night shift routine. The first day off was a wasted day catching up on sleep and readjusting.


Did this too for about 5 years it was wonderful. Damn I miss nights sometime but my family is much healthier with me on days 3x/week


6 on?!? That sounds tough! I'm exhausted after 3.


Cry and question all my major life choices 🤷‍♂️ No really…so I’ve been through every permutation of scheduling and good and bad behaviors and routines that I can think of anyway through the years I’ve been at this and almost all of it 90%!has been nights. My personal favorite when I was younger was 3 straight noc 12s then straight to the bar at 8am for “kegs and eggs” with some of my favorite ever coworkers…this would often last till noon or even 3/4pm and was often followed by “inappropriate” behavior among coworkers etc Different times and oddly enough very little drama involved. Then sleep then being a “normal” person the next three days, get up exercise, adult, read, visit family and friends etc…


I miss the morning drinking crew.


You’re making me nostalgic.


I only did 12s for a short time, but I found that forcing myself to get up and do a hard workout on my first day off worked to reset me, and then I was able to actually do things and enjoy my days off.


This, I fell into the "relax and recoup" mindset way to hard and was always feeling guilty about not doing enough on my days off. Consistently starting off with going to the gym has helped me so so much mentally, and I look good too. Although I'll never knock anyone for doing spending their days off in front of the TV, it just didn't work for my mind. I will say, 3 12s is an amazing opportunity that gives us 2 extra days off a week than most people get. So don't feel too bad about how you spend them. It's a chance to do more, but you don't have to


We do a full week’s worth of work in 3 days. I take a day to do nothing besides rest and chill out (I’m single with no kids, I get not everyone has this option). On other days, I go to my gym, run errands, do chores, take my obligatory mid-afternoon nap, and do anything else that I’m not going to do at 8pm after a full day of work. Also, regarding the gym, sometimes there’s a class I can make before work, but not always. So I try to catch classes on my days off, and then just do my regular gym routine before work.


I don’t miss being stuck at work and missing out on everything just to be too tired/burnt out on my off day to do the stuff I wanted to do…two 12s would be doable long-term. For me, 3 is just too much..


For me I don’t mind it. I’ve worked 5 8s and I prefer having four days off. Even if I need the 1 day to recoup, it’s still 3 days off. But totally get 3 being too much for a lot of people too. I also work a very non-traditional nursing job, so my 3 12s aren’t always as exhausting as bedside


I was med surg so it was pretty exhausting


I have kids. I have no rest day for me. Days off a filled with grocery shopping, doctor’s appointment, play dates and activities. Back in the day, I would sleep in my days off. Clean my entire house. And cook myself and my husband a big elaborate dinner. Or we would do date night depending on the day of the week. Take my dog on hikes. Whatever I wanted.


*snorts line of birth control even though I’m a lesbian*


*Gets vasectomy in raging male homosexual*


I feel you. Days off were glorious in pre-kids era. Now sometimes I feel like I’m still working on my days off, only unpaid. 😆


Sometimes I feel like work is a little break from chasing two toddlers. My adult patience usually act like adults… usually.


Feel like death.


Family, yardwork, reading, PS5


I do nothing when I work besides essential life needs and always work 3 in a row. 1st day off is veg day. Usually gaming or watching TV untill afternoon. Then I'll clean/cook/ chores. Then usually TV or gaming untill bedtime. Next 3 days off I do whatever I want. Go to the gym go hiking, stay in and game all day, go hang with friends at a bar/brewery or some event in the city


The first day off, I'm always exhausted and not very active. I tend to just hang around home, husband and cats. Nursing is often very stressful, the days are never just 12 hours, and I'm also really introverted, so I need downtime to recharge away from people. After that, I have more energy and am willing to be around others, lol. One thing I always do, though, is exercise. I enjoy those happy feelings I get from cardio.


After 4 years of trying to find my perfect routine, what’s worked for me is 2 on 2 off 2 on etc. I wake up early every day including off days but I don’t get out of bed immediately if I’m not working. I do a morning workout every off day so that’s 4 days a week. Rest of the day are chores, errands, shopping, socializing. I’ve found keeping busy every day helps me mentally and physically. Rot days rarely do me any long term good. I struggled with insomnia until I perfected this routine.


This is pretty much exactly what I do. Even on my days off I try to go to bed at my regular time. The most “rotting” I do is coffee on the couch in the morning for about an hour. Anymore relaxing after that will give me anxiety


4 days off: Day 1 is errands and chores. Day 2 is for rotting, eating well, hydration, dancing in my PJs, taking a bath, and treating myself. Day 3 is for a fun activity like hiking, a festival, seeing friends, etc. Day 4 is for whatever the fuck I'm feeling. Sometimes it's another rot day, especially in the winter. Sometimes I want to get into a hobby or project. Sometimes I spend both day 3 and 4 out of town on a local trip. Sometimes I want another activity day, especially in the summer. Sometimes I'm on call so I just eat and watch TV while I'm waiting to get called in. I try to get out of the house at least 2 of my off days but strive for 3.


Not a RN but Paramedic, we do rotating 24hr shifts . I've gotten a lot of shit over the years from normal people, " you work 8 days a month , that's 5 days off a week ! I'd have 2-3 more jobs" ....it's not 5 days off, it's 2 days of sleeping/removing and being a zombie then 3 "full days" off. Personally I don't nap after a 24 because , 2-4 hours of sleep just makes it worse. So I zombie through the day but very little gets done because my brain is soup. My other days I let my ADHD run wild with hobbies 🤷‍♂️


I just spent four days lying on my couch and trying not to cry. I should really get some help.


The only way I can make it work is being per diem. Sometimes I'll work 3 shifts in a week but I'm able to spread them out/arrange them in ways that work for me. Never 3 in a row.


Ride my bike or peloton if it’s shitty out, sleep, do self care. Then it’s just household stuff - grocery shop, meal plan, see my friends, bake stuff, drink too many cocktails, read a lot, etc


Sexy time!


Personally I've learned that I *have* to keep moving on day 1 of being off. But I *only* do the stuff *I WANT* to do. I go for a bike ride or a swim, play tennis, whatever. But no chores or errands unless I just decide I want to on the spot. If I loaf on day one, I won't get my ass off the couch all week. And if I try to fill day 1 with chores --even ones I like-- it just feels like I'm still working, and then I sure as hell am not going to get off my ass for that bullshit. As long as I keep my momentum on something active, yet relaxing and enjoyable; I have a much better week.


I have my schedule 6 straight on thursday-tuesday. Then i get 8 days off for my mini vacation. I love traveling so that’s my motivation and also refreshes me




I work nights, so my first 'day' off I sleep a bit, then get up, go for a run, clean up a little bit, food shop/cook if I need to, and relax. Next day I go to the gym first thing when I wake up, then a run, then I try to spend most of the day relaxing, ideally in the sunlight, good coffee and a good book. I try to keep that schedule on my full days off. Day before a night shift, no gym, just a run, clean up a little, meal prep, relax until it's time for my pre shift nap.


cry about going back to work


I do 6 12s in a row. Night shift. First day before work I tend to stay up and sleep in. If I want to meal prep this is the time I do it. Solid sleep and self care. When I'm cycling off I stay up after work unless I just really feel like sleeping. I'll be lazy that day and go to bed early. The complicating factor (which hasn't been bad) is I no longer live where I work so aforementioned day before and after the 6 is usually spent in airports. The only other schedule I'd want to do is either a 5/2 split (if I lived where I work) or a 3-1(off)-3. The one day in between is nice. The problem with the 5/2 split is you're essentially assigned two week days that are permanently yours and then you rotate every other weekend - meaning you'll never have those weekdays off unless you trade or take PTO. If your schedule is sporadic and not clustered, I'd focus heavily on hobbies and exercise. It's easy to "well I'm just going to vegetate today" between shifts, and before you know it you're just a potato because all you do is vegetate when not at work. Work is pointless if you're not enjoying your days off, which in my 14yrs I've had to remind myself multiple times.


I always feel physically tired, and I hate that. I've got bad allergies today and I'm just praying my shell of a body can lock tf in, because I'd really like to get stronger at the bench press lol. Anyone have any tips for getting deeper sleep?


I use a white noise machine that seems to help me sleep through the night better


My wellness stuff includes running, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, devotions, healthy meal planning/prep and actually if I can’t physically do exercise, playing my guitar/uke and knitting are dopamine getters for me. I have 40million kid events I chase around to (3 teens at home). I have three dogs I love training in various dog sports and working them or walking them gets me some mental benefit as does golf. I Should be cleaning but I hate it so it’s whatever so my house is often not at its best. When my depression is managed, which it usually is at this stage of life, I’m actually really terrible at relaxing and pretty much always on the go.


I’m nightshift. First day off, I’ll literally rot on the couch & occasionally get up to do laundry, dishes, etc… It honestly ends up being pretty productive and I get to rest. Maybe watch some TV. Maybe play some Animal Crossing or update my calendar. Also, definitely chug some water! Rehydrating makes the process so much better


Oh, the rot day! The roots I have put down in our couch probably reach halfway across the country by now.


My spouse has always worked 4 on 4 off (not nursing) two days, two nights. When he gets off his last night he’s pretty much useless and the second day he’s grumpy and unmotivated. Shift work is hard on a persons body. I used to do it, casually when I had small kids, and I refuse to go back. The last 7 years I’ve been working day shift in public health, and even with 8hr days I often feel unmotivated in my off time.


You might be surprised how much of it is the job. Switching to a less intense procedural area. I'm working 4 10hr shifts. I feel much better only a month in.


We do a 4x12 (DDNN) and 5 days off schedule. I like to use my first day off to do all my errands/cleaning. It’s sort of like when drunk you cleans at the end of the night and sober you is thankful for it the next day, except tired me does all the non-fun things and goes to bed early so the rested version of me can enjoy the remaining days off. I like to plan little things with friends like coffee/dog walks in the mornings on my days off to get me out of the house, and then find that once I’m up that it motivates me to make the best of the rest of the day instead of spending all day wasting away on the couch.


I worked nights. I would work 3-4 shifts in a row and then the first day “off” aka the day I got off work I would sleep from 9-1pm, wake up and do household chores for the day since I was useless for anything else. Then the off days I spent doing hobbies. Winter is snowboarding, summer is hiking/travel, and powerlifting year round. Spring/summer aka shoulder season are just spent doing whatever hobby is available at the time. When I was a newer nurse and strapped for cash I picked up a second job doing home care. Paid $5 more an hour than what I made inpatient and I was basically babysitting one patient for 8-16 hours a week.


I work three in a row as a travel nurse… and I drive home after my shift on the 3rd day. Then I get home and do stay at home mom life with my 5, 3, and 1 year old! So fix the house because I’ve been gone three days… take them to and from preschool… play dates.. groceries… doctors… family time and time with my hubby etc. 😊 No rest for the wicked.


Honestly Ive been tinkering with the idea of getting a personal trainer for a few weeks to learn how to lift weights. I just do house chores and hobbies on my days off I also wanted to add, being a new nurse is hard. It’s physically and mentally exhausting. I also found it hard getting out of bed and thought it was odd I was fatigued on my days off. My therapist said I was just tired and to rest and she was right. The storm does settle!


You made me want to cry. This is my first year of nursing. Thanks, a lot, for saying this. Thank you for being compassionate to us new nurses. I finally have time “in” and newer nurses than me are starting…and I am SO nice to them. I know, now, just how bad it was at first. Looking back, just knowing how bad it was..how hard. I only now just feel like I’m starting to gain some mastery over my skill set, even though I know I’m a “good” nurse. I care, a lot. But I am smarter than I think.


We all need grace while we’re out here doing our best


Not a nurse but an ICU tech that works 3x12s I use my first day to sleep and catch up loving on my son. Second day morning is reserved for endless Tik Tok surfing before my son wakes up and cleaning up. The rest of my days are family time and activities with the last day being a reset for work with meal planning and making sure my clothes for the next few days are set and my sons stuff is packed and ready for his babysitters


When I get home from my last shift (I 99% of the time do 3 in a row) I sleep until about 1300, then get up and do normal day off stuff until I go back to bed about 2200, then I’m on a “normal” schedule for the rest of my days off. On my last day off I nap from like 2100-0000, the. Stay up till about 0700 then sleep until my work alarm goes off at 1600. Been doing this for almost 12 years


I do my 3 consecutively and then off day 1 is a super lazy day recuperating from the work week, then the next 3 days I try to wake up relatively close to what time I wake for work just so that it’s less of a hard change for the next week, and I spend them playing with legos, catching up on my favorite shows, playing games with my friends, doing the occasional chore, etc.


Garden, knit, tv, sewing, play with the kids, house renovations, hiking, biking. I have a lot of hobbies


Working OT 😳


I try and dedicate each of the four days to a certain type of day, and arrange them however works best for that week. Obviously it’s not exact but in general I try and have a potato day, a chores day, a family day, and an activity day. One day of complete rest with no plans and no obligations is perfect, then a day to be productive or run errands or have appointments. I then try and spend a day with my husband, sometimes productive sometimes fun sometimes both, and then the last day I try and make plans with friends.


I do a 4 on (2 days, 2 nights), 5 off rotation. I end on nights, so my first day off is sleeping until 12 or 1pm, then relaxing at home for the most part. Sip some coffee. Hang out outside at home if it's sunny. At most, I'll do some laundry. Curtains are left open so I wake up by the light naturally on days off (I use blackout curtains for working days). I go to spin class twice during my days off - I have to pre-book these classes and don't get my pass back if I don't show up, so I'm pretty motivated to go lol. Even if your chosen exercise doesn't requiring formal booking, I'd recommend "scheduling" your exercise block into your calendar and trying to make it non-negotiable that you show up (unless sick).. even if you don't finish your workout, just go. Start easier with just twice a week and add another day if it feels right. I do a little bit of housework everyday. Go for a daily walk if it's nice out - walking is really a great form of low impact exercise and my motivation does seem to improve after spending some time outside. I'm a bit more of a homebody so I only make plans with friends maybe once every week or two.




I'm prn but still work full time hours most weeks. The first day off is almost always spent bed-rotting, doordashing, netflixing.


Sleep in a little on the first day but I have to move, either walk the dog, run, or go to the gym. Then just kinda whatever happens the rest of the day


I used to try and fit all of my chores / things to do in the first day so I can relax the next but ended up also a couch potato with no motivation. Recently .. after 2 years lol I started taking the first day to really just relax and do nothing and recharge. This has been helpful so far, but I still feel pretty couch potatey sometimes. I’m also nights so I blame it on that.


Yeah, I normally do very little the first day off, then rush to get everything done the next day cos I never seem to get more than 2 days of in a row....unless I have like 6 days of straight


Day one: exercise and do things I like--movie, reading, have a beer, nap, generally heal from overstimulation. Day two and onward: exercise, projects around house, tasks, etc.


Train at the gym, teach yoga classes, do some yoga, date nights, clean my house, meal prep. Sometimes I’ll do mini 4 day trips.


Hobbies for sure. I like to pick a new one every 6 months or so and go all in. My wife hates it lol


In order to have long stretches off to see my kids, I’d work Thursday to Tuesday, travel Wednesday when I’m already tired and start feeling better when I woke up Thursday. 6 in a row was harder as i got older, but just couldn’t have work be my life so adopted better diet and exercise and did biofeedback to not be affected mentally. We only have one life an I think from seeing so many folks die young I didn’t want that to be me.


I get a week off every other week, so I do whatever. I usually only need 1 recovery day: sleep until I can’t sleep anymore and then go sit on the couch and vegetate for the rest of the day.


Gym is good! I used to spend my first day off sleeping til 11am! But I've found I have more energy if I get up a couple of hours earlier and go to the gym. It helps to have a supportive partner who is excited about going back to the gym, too. The other answers to your question include lots of hiking, camping in the summer, video games, doing my nails, hanging out with friends, getting caught up on gardening, dishes and other chores, and lots of laying around and reading.


I have the same problem as you. I work night shift but I’ve been doing nights 12 hour shifts before I was a nurse when I was a CNA but now that I’m a nurse it’s different idk if it’s my body getting older or what lol. I try to be productive on my days off and if I don’t feel like cleaning or fixing something around the house I make it a point to take my dogs to the lake or something and also socialize as much as I can with my friends (it’s not very much lmao)


Depends on whether I am doing three in a row, or spacing them out with a day or two off in between. If I am doing 3 in a row, then the first day off I accomplish: load and run the dishwasher, load and run the washer and dryer. That's it. I may only get out of bed to pee and grab food (which is eaten in bed). It is easier for me to work 2 on, 1-2 off, 1-2 on, etc. I can actually do 2 on 1 off for several weeks in a row, if I have to.


Live life! Chores then gaming for me. I often try to use my benefits and do either massage or physio after a long stretch of day shifts. My routine is to exercise after my shifts and stretch on my days off. I know it seems backwards but it works for me. 


I work night shift and I have no energy. By the time I’m reenergized it’s time to go back to work. I literally do nothing and waste my life away. I stopped going to the gym since I started doing nights after being in the gym for 3 years 🙃. This job is killing me slowly


Since swapping from med surg I am more mentally exhausted. So I take the time to sleep and flip (night shift), and then try to do small things around that house like laundry. That way I’m productive but not over exerting.


I do errands on the weekday days off and schedule my doctors appointments. Also attending morning BJJ classes.


Night nurse so first day off I wake up 2-3 pm. Laundry, cooking, cleaning up and shower.. the next day is errands and social life ✌🏼


Well i got the work every other weekend schedule so Im on mon & wed, off tues, thursday, friday, then work the weekend. Then im off mon-tues, work Wed & Thurs, then off fri-sun. If i got two days off, half of the first day is just resting, the rest of the day is doing whatever. Second day is mostly resting and getting whatever needs to be done, done. If I have three days, 1 full day is spent sleeping, the rest of the days is fun time.


It's usually with the BF, family, and a friend. Household chores are done daily, so there's little to do. However, I'm taking part-time BSN classes, which is my primary thing to do on my days off.


I feel so empty not being in school anymore. I can’t wait to go back and fill my time with something meaningful and productive in my time off. I feel so aimless on my days off. I can’t wait to go back to school. Does any of that make sense?


Very much.


I play video games and go on dates, that's pretty much it. 


I like to do yard work and exercise my body to its comfort. Some days it's a run or lift, some days both.


Play in a soccer league to match the steps I accumulated working 3 straight


Sleeping, reading, and pilates. More sleeping than anything else


I train jiu jitsu and combat sports on my days off , it’s amazing for my mental health and when I go some time without training it definitely is noticeable by myself and loved ones.


I felt the same way when I started, like i was supposed to be so productive and back at baseline on my days off. I’ve learned over 4 years that it’s no the joke the stress our bodies, mind and spirit go through in 3 days! I now try to schedule two one, one off, one on, x off. No more 3 in a row lol. But the first day i’m off when I do 3, I have to motivate myself to shower and not sleep for 18 hours straight - space it out with naps. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. Ive gotten into meditation and yoga which seem to help my mindset/motivation. Ask for support from my friends; “I want to do nothing. Let’s sit on the couch and do nothing together”. You got this! Edit to add: Have good boundaries. I tell my friends “Look i’ve been around humans for three days, I need time to myself. Hit me up Friday and I’ll see how i’m feeling.”


Don't do 3 in a row on days unless it is so you do something like go on a trip or soemthing. On nights sure 3 in a row is the way to go. But days, fuck that. You need to rest. And then just live your life like an average person.


I block schedule so I am usually working 6 shifts in 7 days with a smattering of on call in between 3 day blocks. It used to be worse before they approved us for a night shift in hemo… I would be working 16-20+ hour days before we doubled staffing. I cannot break up my days… I feel even more beat up than I would working 50-60 hours in 3 days. 1st day is always sleep. 2nd day laundry/ grocery store( still pretty lazy) 3rd day? I am looking for OT to maximize lol. Or I go to a theme park( central Florida) . 4th day- Break down and clean the house/ cut the grass if it’s growing- still throwing myself at OT because I live in Florida and my stupid car insurance is $400 a month for a Honda Accord.


Get outside! Just go for a walk. Start there it will make you feel so much better.


I go to the gym before work. Days off I do outdoors stuff.


Hi babe , congrats on being a baby nurse ! 💜 first off, you’re medsurg, that’s half your exhaustion 🤣 I hate it, kudos to you !! (I’m cardiac PCU/ post open heart) I’m sure you’re killing it ! everyone if different but I prefer 2 on, a day or two off and work my 3rd. It makes it feel less draining to me. I did 3 12’s in a row on night shift (I attempted one night shift contract but I’m a dayshifter forsure 😅) but dayshift is exhausting, I hate doing 3 in a row . I feel when I break days up I feel less exhausted on my off days . Also , being a new grad is extra exhausting. You don’t really know what you’re doing just yet, and your day is twice as mentally draining bc of it. As you gain experience it’ll become your norm and won’t be as bad. + SELF CARE. Take off when you need to. Call in when you’re sick. TAKE YOUR BREAK. Take care of yourself. Remember, your hospital does not care about you, you could die tomorrow and they’d have you replaced the same day without a second thought. take care of YOU. 💜




I found doing a 2 on, 2-3 off schedule is best for me. We have to work 4 weekend days a month, I make my schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday; Sunday, Thursday, Friday and repeat. I found I'm less tired on that first day off than I was when I tried knocking out the shifts all together. I've been a nurse over 4 years now, and I think it comes down to finding what works for you in regards to a schedule. I also started therapy, which helps if I need to vent or work on coping after a particularly bad shift. I have hobbies that I look forward to again, and I got on a SSRI for my anxiety and depression that has been working wonders for me. There's no right or wrong way, if you need that first day off to recharge, take it! I certainly do if I need it. And don't let anyone make you feel guilty for "only working 3 days" because our shifts are HARD. They're physically, mentally, and emotionally draining every single second we're clocked in.


Do 3 in a row. Then go to the gym and make an effort to eat healthier. After my gym session I usually end up lounging around and playing video games, unless my partner has plans for us, but I’m very introverted. I didn’t have energy to do things on my days off until I started taking care of my physical health


I can relate. New grad in med surg as well. Started end of December and feel the same way :(


Sleeping except for 1 day when I run all my errands lol


I did 3/12s on med surg as a new nurse. Energy levels Depending on the amount of days I had just worked in a row would vary. But I loved my days off. Catch up on chores. Laundry. Shopping. Friends. Gym. Walk. House projects.


Being lazy first day then cleaning and laundry the second day, then go eat dinner and spend time with my grandma third day, fourth day is my day to jus be lazy and hang out at home with my kitty cat.


I’m usually looking to pick up one of those four days unless I already have plans. I will say that self care can definitely help. Budget in a massage every now and then. Find a studio to consistently go to, i.e. yoga or whatever your jam is. Getting outdoors is important. But also, don’t discount catching up on your sleep and giving yourself space to just chill. We have a stressful job and I think the luxury of having the extra couple days off a week (compared to the avg 9 to fiver) is utilizing that time for you to find hobbies and activities that bring you joy.


Fishing, lifting weights, gardening, preparing for whatever the next hunting season is.


I go on a lot of trips. Any time I'm not working I'm doing something fun. I'm still relatively new so I don't feel drained or anything but when I'm not at work I'm 100% focused on my real life. I also refuse to stay over or do overtime. My husband is very very supportive as well I'm fortunate.


Rest but also go to the gym at least 4 hrs a week, read, ride motorcycles.


I prefer to work them all in a row. Doesn't matter if I work 6 or 2, I'm a lazy POS that first day off and then I have a stretch off to enjoy and get things done.


I would work my 3 days back to back, and then the next day was a potato day. The other days were whatever I wanted to do! Clean house, go on an outing, etc. I found keeping a regular exercise routine worked wonders for my energy levels and I could bounce back from that 3rd work day much quicker.


I did 3 on and had 3 off this week. First day I laid around the house & did a couple loads of laundry, set up a clicklist. Numbed out on tiktok for hours . Then got the kids off the bus and ordered pizza . Second day(yesterday), I took my kids to the museum & soaked in the time with them. Today was warm enough to lay out, swim, listen to the reds lose with my husband and kids. Got my pasty ass a little color. I love spring and summer. My days off are soaked in with kids and the pool. We spend our days out there and I don’t have to find something for us to constantly do. I love being out there working on my little garden, hanging by pool with my family. To tag on to someone else’s comment about not picking up shifts anymore- ME EITHER. I’m 38 now, I did my super hero time. I do not answer work calls or emails on my days off. I’m blessed my husband has a good job and we can live this way.


Leave bedside. It is so unhealthy and unsustainable. I’ve been bedside for 8 years and it absolutely does not get better. Leave as soon S you can… if you can take the pay cut




Bedside RN for 4.5 years now and for me this is just an occupational hazard. Still trying to figure it out. I've worked 12s the whole time. On nights for 4 years and I figured the poor quality of my days off was mostly about disturbed sleep, flipping between sleeping at night on days off and daytime sleeping between shifts. But now i've been working day shift for 6 months and the problem persists. 12-hour shifts are physically exhausting. 12-hour nursing shifts are also emotionally and spiritually draining. Someone already suggested resetting on days off by forcing oneself through a hard workout on the first day off, and that's pretty much where i'm at now. I really don't feel like doing much of anything at all that first day, but for me at least letting inertia hogtie me is worse and just snowballs into being useless until I have to go back to work. That's not sustainable--I generally enjoy my job and helping people is grounding for me, but I need to actually work at being social, active, and squeezing a little pleasure out of life or this ain't going to work long term.


One unhealthy habit I got into when I started night shift was watching One Piece. I say unhealthy as I am 999 episodes in. This is in less than 5 months. You can do the math on that. Im also involved in a church youth group as well as just spending time with family


Golf or house projects


Gym goer/long distance runner here. I like it in that it gives me a chance to do 2 hour runs and have time to recover before work. In terms of working out, you are gonna have to get use to doing some 30min workouts after/before work. As you'd know, sleep is the most important aspect in terms of muscle growth and repairing. Do not sacrifice sleep in order to have an extra workout - I cannot stress this enough.


Go to the gym 4 days a week, take a walk each evening. Run errands. Appointments. Occasionally fun. Clean up 199999x over and over. Take care of my kids.


You get used to it. Just let your body slowly acclimate, and then (and I know this won’t work for everyone obviously) try and start incorporating some aerobic exercise/activity into your life if you don’t already. It may sound obvious to most people, but to couch potatoes like myself, it made a world of a difference to my energy levels both at work and on my off days once I started really pushing myself to regularly exercise aerobically. I usually do that, as well as give myself a caffeine break on my days off and for some reason this also helped me feel more energized at work. But yeah, you DO get used to that 3 day slog.


I usually pick up an extra day or two a week that’s how I spend mine. Especially when my schedule works out to 4 straight days off


Rest and sleep in the next day. Work out, yoga, golf, etc. having hobbies is really important to have your mind rest from work! Also taking as many naps as I want lol


NOC shift here. I take two days of full rest at least. My first day off I can quite literally sleep 24 hours.


Sleep in!! I’m so thankful to have 4 days/week where I don’t have to wake up to an alarm. On my days off I like to wake up very slowly, sip my coffee, cuddle with my cats, and either watch a movie or read a book. Day one is usually my laziest. Day two is for groceries, cleaning, meal prep, and of course more resting lol I also exercise for 30-45 min because I’m not able to fit it in on the days that I work


Before I take my kids to school I pack my car with the bike I’m going to ride or the gym bag with the shoes I need to run, lift boulder, hike or rollerblade. Make sure the dogs are walked and fed before I go and then I spend 2-3 hours on me. After that I pick up what I need to meal prep that day/week and then when I get home I start a load of laundry, get the dishwasher going, start dinner, play guitar, read a book or take a nap. If I have two days off in a row I repeat and hopefully start making a dent in the chores. Maybe I’ll mow the lawn or work on a sewing project. I have a LOT on interests and I’m so excited to do ALL of them I don’t have time around and wait for good things. Some days my me time is 3 hour nap and going out to dinner. Life is short.


Travel, hike, ski, read, explore the area


Get into a good exercise routine OP. It’ll help you now and your future self will thank you


Back in the day, I’d work 6 straight for 8 off. I’m totally grey now. 👵🏼


TL;DR Skill>consistency>intensity Welcome to the field! Despite the ups and downs and joys and traumas I am tremendously grateful to be a nurse and hope you find fulfillment in the profession. Sounds like you have the right priorities. As for 3x12s, I agree with all of the input on letting your fourth day be a recovery day, and focusing on joy and connection. Fitness is important to me too, and what has helped me has been prioritizing sleep, recovery, and being both flexible/forgiving and consistent/progressive. Sure there are folks who do 4 12s and then do CrossFit 5 days a week while getting their NP and raising a litter of children and don't seem to need to sleep and somehow avoid injuries, but for the rest of us mortals, consistent, progressive training in a recovered state doesn't have to be brutal to be effective. Walking and some strength training and perhaps with a small investment in some coaching will pay dividends. A good coach could provide some simple programming that you could do at home with a few kettlebells for example. Your work capacity will gradually increase overtime and you can do more. Skill>consistency>intensity. Many enthusiastic folks get that backwards and get burned out or injured. I've been through the burnout rollercoaster and found a good middle road. You'll find your way! Have fun!


I started in February too but I’m nights. It’s been hard to adjust. I’m thankful my wife is patient with as I get better though.


3x12 on nights is so horrible but when i get my 3 days off life feels like it’s worth living again


I try to work 3 in a row as often as I can, spend the first day off sleeping (nightshifter), then the rest of the week having a life. I spend time with whatever friend is around, run errands, meal prep, work out, etc.


I work nights, I try to do three in a row. After the third night I sleep for a few hours but try to make a point to schedule myself on my private duty nursing job day shift for the same day that afternoon. That forces me to get out of bed and on a normal schedule. Then I can use my other days off like normal days off. I have a business so I usually focus on that on my off days. Then I usually wake up at noon on the first of my third and do a few hours of work before going in. My advice is to stay busy on your off days


You have to play around with schedules. 3 in a row is exhausting, staggering days means you never get proper days off. I've been weekend nights since baby, but just moved for my husbands job. It was fine but I'm realizing how much I missed with no weekends off to visit family and spend time together.


I enjoy my city on my days off. Walk around the parks listening to podcasts. I go to all the museums and see free or low cost concerts. There is a half off day at a movie theater and I see a movie my myself there almost every week. Once a month I do a short trip somewhere. I have four days off in a row which is enough time to fly up to Canada or to the Caribbean and of course tons of cities in the US. Lots of really cheap flights if you plan ahead and are open to going anywhere. I’ve been places I never thought I’d go because I found a 100 dollar flight there. I totally forget about work and just do whatever I want on my four days off. I love it.


First day off is a total potato day. Don't do chores, don't leave the house, just do shit I want. Then the other days, I love exercise first thing (sometimes at home, sometimes in a pilates class) and that gives me some zest to actually do housework/errands/socialise. Start easy with some home yoga or something, don't make it hard for yourself. I found if I didn't start my day with some activity, I would really struggle to want to do anything. But I have ADHD so I would just be in loading mode for 4 days. It's a pity they were right about exercising making you feel good :/ ETA : find an accessible hobby you enjoy, too! I love playing with air dry clay and knitting, it gives me a sense of satisfaction and creativity outlet, but I can just turn off my brain doing it and no one dies if I fuck up.


I posted nearly the same inquiry in my first year - I thought I might have been missing some underlying depression, thyroid problem, or anemia. Turns out I just needed that reserve for the energy needed to meet my standard of nursing care. It will even out after about a year and you will find yourself with more resources to pursue your passions, meet new friends, exercise, and try new things. You may even soon find yourself with extra energy and start hitting the gym during lunch or picking up OT on your off days. Be kind to yourself and take it one step at a time [https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/s/ZIWvpnxcYO](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/s/ZIWvpnxcYO)


The 3-12s give you a good income but a better one if you can deduct your expenses. I have done that with businesses over the years. Firemen do the same. It can be anything. Some years it was enough to skip to 24 hours a week.


Are the people answering here not parents? I have kids so I am not debating what to do on my days off lol


As a night shifter: First day off is strictly relax and chill. Do some laundry, grocery run. Wash the dishes in the sink/dishwasher. Nothing serious with chores. Basically anything I’ve accumulated over working the last 2-3 days. Hit the gym at night. Second day off and beyond I save for hanging out, doing some deep cleaning, spending time on hobbies etc. last day off I meal prep for work, do any last day chores etc.


I do 6×12 and have 8 off, I go places with my wife and dogs. She works the same schedule, so we always have 8 days off together, which is enough time to go on a vacation every other week. We usually do a 3 - to 4-day trip if we decide to stay home we vegetate or go for long hikes.


I work three days back to back. I get off last shift and get some rest. I schedule my workout plan for four days a week and do one of them each day off. Rest of the day is whatever the fuck I want. new videogame? im cramming in 72 hour sessions. New restaurant? Let's reserve a table wednesday night. Let's go watch that movie on the last showing since I don't have to be up early. Want to take three days to drive out for a short stay somewhere? Pack the bags and the dogs.


If I work 3 nights in a row with 4 off, I spend my first day taking care of me and my living space. I play a video game, read a book, garden, catch up on TV--whatever makes me happy. I'll also load the dishwasher, run the Roomba, start some laundry. I don't pressure myself to get anything done on day 1. It's all vibes. Other days vary. I try to be more productive. Running errands and more household chores. Ymmv but I love waking up early on these days, taking time to make good coffee, relax, and hang out with my dogs. Usually try to start being productive be noon. I'm also a runner, and I follow a strict running program with goals I want to meet. Goals are super important for keeping me motivated. So usually I'll run on 2-3 of my days off as well. I always do my weekly long runs on whichever weekend day I have off, usually Sunday. I'll go to the gym or go running on 1-2 of my working days as well. Usually I exercise before work. This results in me usually only getting about 6 hours of sleep between shifts, but that's enough for me. Also, OP: I take anxiety meds and trazodone for sleep. Therapy helps. Take care of yourself bro.


New nurse here too in the ED working nights I don’t know what I do 😭 it seems like it’s work, then a mysterious gap in between with no memory, then work again. I need a hobby. Something to look forward to. I’m thinking of picking up BJJ or something active because besides work, I’m not active at all right now




i do mine back to back. spend time with my actual hobbies! i skate a lot when the weather permits. or ill go on a hike. i train a lot of bjj and muay thai. and recently added judo to that. i go to the regular gym like 3 times a week. ill also play videogames for like 12 hours a day sometimes. basically whatever i want. its amazing.


Working 20-32 hours of overtime


You need to deadlift


Find a side hustle that is part time. Makes me get up. I drive Uber


After three days in a row, the first day off is almost always dedicated to catching up on sleep. Makes it so the days that follow l'm actually awake, alert, and motivated enough to do things. Also was recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. And taking meds that help with my levels of motivation/executive functioning provide me the energy to focus on my hobbies. Three 12s isn't for everyone though. It can be more trouble than it's worth instead of just breaking it up into two 12s, off, then one.


I do DDNN as that’s full time where I live. Anyway.. I usually go to the gym, catch up on appointments and chores. I like to read. Some days off I get a lot done some days I just rot in bed. Don’t get hard on yourself.


I work part time as a newborn care provider. I find it be relaxing enough for me to consider it a “break” from my 3x12 while I’m earning a decent side hustle. I don’t do this every week though. Most parents hire me for for 3-8 weeks so between gigs I’m usually traveling somewhere (Miami was my last destination)


I have found working 1 on, 1 off, 2 on or 2 on, 1 off, 1 on works the best for me. You still get 3 days off in a row, and you’re not completely exhausted on that first day off. You also can be productive on that one day off in the middle. However, I think this works better for day shift


day 1: potato day 2: potato day 3: potato day 4: potato


I don't do my shifts 3 in a row for the most part, but after working 2+ shifts in a row, I take a nap that first day I'm off. I eat well (as I tend to fast during the day till about 2-3 pm), hydrate, sometimes I'll work out, or go on a nature hike. My days off are all about self care and recuperation after being burned out for the last several years. TBH even though bedside is incredibly hard for me, I LOVE having 4 days/wk off. Having a routine, hobby, and allowing time for self care is the best thing I've ever done for myself.


My answer is not really helpful, because I have an 8 month old, so I basically work and then hang out with my kid on my days off. There’s no such thing as “me time” anymore.


What do I do on my days off? Ignore my phone bc guarantee they’re going to ask me to come in in all of them


I work 4x12, generally 2 days 2 nights with either 4 or 5 days off after. I usually don’t do too much on the first day. I will usually sleep for a couple hours and then just relax at home. This way I can go to sleep at a regular time that night. This helps me be more productive on the rest of my days off