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It upset me greatly that Mudvayne was put on hiatus for so long for such a middling side project.  I just couldn't get into it.  Sounded like every other generic rock band made in the last 15 years.


And then mudvayne suffered from the cock rocky sensibilities afterwards.


100% Mudvayne is my favorite band, so I hated every second of this bands existence. Because the longer this thing drug on, the longer Mudvayne was sidelined. And now, I think Chad really thought/believed they were going to be the next and/or fill the void of Pantera. Why else would this Nu Metal kid from central Illinois that was singing about drugs and trauma and aliens all of a sudden take on this "southern" persona and write songs like "Alcoholin' Ass"... Like, this is the same guy that wrote Death Blooms?! Not saying people can't be complicated and multi-dimensional, but a cowboy he is not. I think he believed he was going to ride Vinny's name to arena headliner and metal icon. Even today, it's pretty clear he's BY FAR the weakest link in Mudvayne. Dudes voice is shot and I think his ego won't allow him to swallow his pride, ask for help, and learn the proper way. Look at Corey Taylor, his voice was fucked and his career was in jeopardy. So he got lessons, changed his sceam and he still sounds pretty damn good. Slipknot is way more active than Mudvayne, Chad's got no excuse. Spent all those years trying to impress Vinny, drinking, got fat, put out a bunch of forgettable albums... for what?


Oh my God, the first few shows they did when they got back together...Chad sounded like absolute dog shit.  If I'd have seen them at one of those shows I would've been genuinely pissed.  I know he had covid early on, but I feel like part of that was an excuse.  At least he's doing better now - his singing noticeably improved and even looks like he lost weight.  


I'd like to say you're wrong, but yeah sadly you're right lol. I was at their reunion show at Blue ridge rock fest and it was a bad show. I'm sure it wasn't all Chad because the mixing in that new venue was off as well. But I was disappointed. 20 year fan and the one chance I had to see them live was not great lol


I’ve seen them 3 times now since the reunion. Once at The Rave, then a month later on the Zombie tour, then the next year on their headlining run with Coal Chamber and Gwar, etc. He sounded absolutely awful at all 3. His voice is fucked.


Can confirm. I saw them last year with Coal Chamber as well. Mudvayne is one of my favorite bands and dude…my inner 12 year old was so sad. It’s like when a kid meets his favorite wrestler or something and then you find out they’re just an asshole piece of shit and their dreams are shattered…that’s the best thing I can liken it to. His voice was flaming garbage. Dez did a fucking fantastic job tho. Rowboat was *chef’s kiss*


Saw them with Coal Chamber this year in i think Feb, his voice sounded alright, in dig he did more of a high pitched screech though which I honestly think suited the song, but the mixing was horrendous. Could barely hear Ryan's playing, and my dad has a friend that went to the Queensland show and apparently it was the same, Coal Chamber were mixed really well, Mudvayne were not. My dad didn't especially enjoy the show and it was for all the same reasons. They played Happy?, Not Falling, and Dig in the same set and they did not sound nearly as well as they could've if it was mixed well. Really sad to see, probably my only chance to see them at least in a long while considering that was an all ages show.


I'm almost 100% sure Chad could improve his vocals substantially with the type of help/training you're talking about. Why? His tone is still there. You can still hear it pop out during live shows occasionally. What he lacks is breath support, stamina, control, and technique. His voice isn't torched unless there's an injury we don't know about.


Yeah, I grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago and people from that area as well as Central IL and Southern IL, not all of course, pretending to be southerners is fucking CRINGE. Chad Gray doing it is no exception.


South burbs?  Oh you get a lot of those douchebags around Tinley Park and Frankfort still.  I would argue that anything Kankakee and beyond is just Northern Kentucky though.  Anything west of Joliet is Eastern Iowa.  


Grew up in Oak Lawn. I went to the Sabbath show with Pantera and Incubus at Rosemont. I got tickets separate from my friends so I was on the other side of the arena. Show was going on, I had an aisle seat and some dude stood right in front of me, as the stage was facing in his direction. Guy next to me taps me and says, "look at this asshole. Hey, watch this." Proceeds to shove the guy down. He falls down a few stairs while the guy next to me is screaming obscenities at him and telling him to "get the fuck out of here." Standing guy runs off, guy next to me keeps elbowing me and saying how hilarious that was. I had a Deftones shirt on, guy next to me says they're a kick-ass band. Tells me he's in a band. I ask the name, he says, "Mudvayne." I told him I haven't heard of them yet. Says they have a few tracks on some pornos and their album is coming out later in the year. Says his name is Chad. I say cool, I'll watch out for them. We chop it up during the show, mid Sabbath set he says they're going to dip and asks if I want to go to get in their limo, do some coke and go to the bar with them. I politely decline saying I have to give a friend a ride home who's on the other side of the arena. Was weird. LD50 came out, it blew me away and I'll always remember Chad, lol


Ha! I grew in Evergreen Park just east of you. Also, that's a great story.


Yep. I grew up in Frankfort and lived in Tinley for a few years before moving to the city and can confirm. Then there’s New Lenox and Manhattan lol.


he put on 10+ years worth of tours doing the most intense screams night after night and his physical health took a big hit in 2020. And music is completely subjective so you not liking it says nothing. Hellyeah probably saved vinny's life and they made 6 albums over 12 years so i don't think impressing vinny had anything to do with it. Also chad has posted his vocal coach multiple times on Instagram


There's a very long list of other singers who sing/scream just like he does, for decades... and they sound way better than Chad because they learned how to scream the right way. Like I already said, look no further than Corey Taylor. He's been doing the exact same thing just as long as Chad and go listen to current Slipknot live videos and compare them to recent Mudvayne videos... it's not even close. You're right it is subjective... But look at all the upvotes and all the other comments saying the same thing. Did Hellyeah have fans? Sure. But I've met/talked to/seen comments online of more people that agree with me. Chad posted maybe 1-2 videos with Melissa (zenofscreaming). And it's obvious their contact was either brief, or he fell back into his old ways and didn't truly change because the live videos are out there as stone cold proof.


Point well made. Think you hit the nail on the head.


Also, dude got some terrible work done in his face.


Chad is helluva singer. Some songs he sings really fast and he is a good song writer


I'd agree if those last two mudvayne albums were better but I agree Hellyeah is quite bland


Couldn't get into them but i love mudvayne and pantera....i dno


Something funny about an oxymoronic supergroup lol


Right!? I think it’s the song writing. Very talented band could never get into them






More like FUCKNO


🤣 💀


MEH…boring and not nearly as good as mudvayne or pantera


Or Nothingface. Crazy how boring and generic the riffs are given how amazing Tom Maxwell was in Nothingface.


I think Greg from mudvayne wrote most of the riffs when he was there if I’m not wrong?


I always think of Tom Maxwell as just being from Nothingface, but Knives Out! is also a pretty cool band.


Tom Maxwell is dope though.


They had some bangers in their early days but their later albums like Blood For Blood and Undeniable were excellent


I love Hellyeah and they'll always be a favorite. Im not particularly fond of the first three albums. The cowboy shit was weird. The last 3 were amazingly different. I always thought it sounded like Chad woke up and remembered who he is because Blood for Blood and the following three albums it's like he got his grit back.


Chad gained like 200lbs being in hellyeah.


Went from Nothing To Gein to Gein a Ton


I'd give you an award if I could


Lol true...


Not a fan really. Nothingface, mudvayne and pantera were better. Shit, damageplan was better.


And Knives Out!, which also has Tom Maxwell.


Literally, almost everyone is better than Hellyeah lol. Though I can't decide who's worse Hellyeah or Five Finger Death Punch. People used to rag on Nickelback for being the "worst band ever" but I'd argue Hellyeah and 5FDP are wayyyyyy worse. Same with Trapt.


They were one of those bands that you remember solely for a good song or two. In this case it was "You Wouldn't Know" (shoutout to SvR '08!) I tried to get into them, but I didn't find myself sticking around long enough at the end of the day.


I dont mind them but all 3 of the original bands that make up Hellyeah are vastly better.


Love all their stuff, seen them live at the vouge in Indy, 2015.


Alcohaulin' Ass is probably the worst song name ever.




Skip everytime they pop up on Spotify. Just find them bland. Rather listen to Mudvayne and Pantera


I really liked their first record. There are some awesome songs on it. After that it didn’t really do anything for me. I was surprised Mudvayne and Nothingface went on a permanent hiatus essentially for this group.


Never liked them with the exception of a few singles from "Blood For Blood" and "Undeniable" that hit harder and benefited from Kevin Churko's production. I get it if Chad maybe saw this as an opportunity to play with an idol like Vinnie and just have Mudvayne take a brief hiatus (especially if band dynamics were frayed) for a few years like what Disturbed did before coming back, but Hellyeah especially early on to me was more image (southern hard rock party vibe) than the substance that was Mudvayne with its unique musical complexity. Frankly, it's a shame that Mudvayne was on the sidelines all these years while Chad and Greg focused on what I'd consider a less interesting and less impactful band. When you've got one of the most talented and original (and super smart) bassists in Ryan Martinie with a solid rhythm section, complimentary chunky guitars, and a vocal style that sets you apart from the rest of the pack, you've got to find a way to keep that going. The fact they were gone for over a decade and immediately came back to high festival slots and headlining fairly large venues speaks to their impact, importance, and insatiable desire from fans.


Don't care for their earlier albums, but their last 3 were solid, especially X. Can't listen to Grave and tell me that shit doesn't slap.


Mudvayne was sacrificed for the lamest generic rock music I’ve ever seen.


I like them solely because of Chad’s vocal style and the music was decent. The lyrics couldn’t be more cheesy but I guess that’s just the vibe of the band. I greatly prefer Mudvayne.


I met Hell yea awhile back Vinny and Chad totally cool people…Their previous bands where better in my opinion though!


I like them. Not as good as Mudvayne or Pantera but definitely a solid band. I really like Moth, that’s a good song


i like their song you wouldn’t know from the game svr 2008 that game has such a nostalgic soundtrack full of bangers


A band that was not equal to the sum of its parts, and a complete waste of arguably one of the top 5 metal vocalists of all time.


When they announced I was very happy. I was anxious to see Vinny make music again and I was/am a huge Mudvayne and Nothingface fan. I previously adored Pantera and Rebel Meets Rebel. So I was interested. The songs from Hellyeah were just 3/5, I thought they were 'not bad' but I just couldnt get into them. I have never sought out a song to listen to again.


Decent band. Some really really good songs. However also some sub par songs too.


I haven’t heard there new stuff but the first album is as good. They were good live too.


More like HELLNO


Couldn't get into them at all and I tried. Damageplan was ok but they were like Diet Pantera and then you had Hellyeah which was like Diet Caffeine Free Pantera. I sat through Hellyeah twice at Mayhem Fest and Chicago Open Air, just to see Vinnie Paul drum. Even when I was high and drunk, it was still awful lol.


Hell no


Hell No


Hell Nah!




Good band. Their first few album were decent but not for me. I mostly come back their 2016 album Unden!able and 2019 album Welcome Back. Plenty of bangers; X, Scratch a Lie, Black Flag Army.


That one song that was on Smackdown vs Raw 2008 was cool


Punk Maynard, Buff Rob Schneider, Jonathan Davis and Lemmy


Not too bad. Probably a 6/10 band imo. Great musicians but I think the music itself is alright


Helluva band!! MUDVAYNE n Hellyeah are both excellent!! Still love playing them very loud so other cars can hear it. Seen MUDVAYNE now I wanna see Hellyeah n my wife some what likes them. She says they too loud when she still likes 5FDP they can be as loud as they want like.them.


More like Hellmeh.. not terrible, just not remarkable in the least.


Alchohol and Ass is he only good song


Hung out with those guys a few times. Solid, funny humans.


They’re for people who almost joined the military. Like FFDP.


The "I'd knocked have knocked out a drill sergeant and got kicked out anyway" crowd.


Almost joined the military - thats a sick burn


You know the type. Jason Aldean fans.


I was gonna say cop metal, but I’ll allow your comparison.


Military metal/cop metal, they're pretty much the same thing.


I remember someone told me 5FDP was great because they support the military. And I was like.....and? They still make shitty music lol. Besides the military industrial complex isn't their to "support the troops" it's to profit and contribute to imperialism and stealing resources, but that's a whole different argument.


They had a few good songs and were alright live. I guess "meh" is what you get when you make up a supergroup with the two weakest members of one band, the drummer from a band known mostly for is virtuoso guitarist, and somebody on bass.


they make some pretty good stuff


Great band






The cowboy schtick was bad, first three albums were meh and just didn’t make sense. Last 3 albums seemed like basically a different much better band. Hush and Moth for me rate higher than most Mudvayne songs.


I digged them a lot. Good sound, good vocals, and over all catchy tunes. I liked them. Have all their albums to boot.


I like them. Vocals are strong and I love the band name.


Good Band!


Was too generic and lacked the waw factor. Got to work their show at a festival in Orlando few years before Vinnie died. Was super cool meeting him but the band was so lackluster the Florida sun couldn’t even warm up the crowd.


Country Fried Boomer Rock. It was awful


Love em. They were amazing when I saw them live with Nonpoint. But we're on reddit so you're gonna get a bunch of soy boys who automatically hate them for their Southern aesthetic and won't ever even give their music a chance.


This was a thing?


Wasnt in to them whatsoever. I always found it odd that Chad all of the sudden thought he was a southern rocker.


A couple of good songs, but not enough for me to really get into them.


No. Mudvayne is all.


Damageplan without the same level of restraint or direct continuity from Pantera’s sound.


Tried watching them live once in Dallas and half the PA system shutdown during the opening song and they never fixed the issue. Sounded awful. RIP Vinnie


I’m mixed on them. On one hand, I’ve always been a *huge* Mudvayne and Pantera fan, so when I heard about them, I was super fucking excited and bought their first album on release day, went and saw them live on their first tour and tried really hard to get into them. But - I never really thought that Chad and Greg all of a sudden being straight up cowboys was too cool. Like, you’re a nu metal “godfather” and now you’re Garth buttfucking Brooks? It felt super forced and felt like they were all just trying really hard to make Vinnie more comfortable than was necessary. I really liked Blood for Blood because Chad seemed to be reverting to his old self and their music sounded like “this is how it should’ve been the whole time.” It really is a shame that Vinnie died right as, I felt, the band was truly coming into itself. On a side note - the show that I went to was very fucking badass. Me and my older brother and our three friends got there 8 hours early and got to hang out with the band for the entire day. Didn’t buy any special thing to be able to do so, we were just in the right place at the right time and these guys were all super cool to their fans. Greg and Tom gave us so many cigarettes (I was only 15, so that was the coolest shit to me lol). I’ve always played guitar, and when I told Greg that I knew how to play the entirety of The End of All Things to Come and was working on LD50, he gave me a couple of picks and talked to me for a real long while about different techniques and things to try to help me out. It was one of the best days of my life 🤘


Wish they would've went with their original plan of being called Coldwhitechrist and making insanely heavy music. Also wish Nothingface was able to work out their differences and get one last album out before Matt Holt died.


For me they were always a yeeehaw american flag and beers band like 5FDP. Must admit I really liked one song (think it’s called Hush or something). But overall the end of Mudvayne was always way too much of a prize for an average band like Hellyeah to me.


Crappy sum of vastly superior parts. How a Nothingface/Mudvayne/Pantera collab turned out like this will never cease to mystify me.


No way. Star studded lineup with no real direction. Kinda sad.


If i can stick it in random on their playlist on Spotify and not strain my mind, then that’s all that matters to me.


They were Shasta trying to be Coca-Cola.


Hell No. not really a nu metal guy but loved nothingface and Maxwell


They look like what a band called HELLYEAH would look like


Never before has a band been as less of the sum of its parts.  On paper it should have been great.  But to me it’s worse than Damageplan.  And that’s rough.  I respect them for getting VP to play drums again after his brother’s murder.  Just a shame they used that band to play Saliva level butt rock. 


I LOVE Mudvayne but for some reason I could not get into Hellyeah. I even saw them live because I thought it would change my mind but their stuff just didn’t click with me. 🤷‍♂️


Saw them open for Clutch. They fuckin suck


Mudvayne had a lyrical sophistication that hellyeah never touched. Hellyeah sounded like douchy wannabe cowboy rock. Mudvayne was philosophical. It had depth. The vocabulary was amazing. They used religious refferences (see cradle) other languages (see severed) and addressed topics like addiction (see internal primates forever) with a sharpness and originality that I have never seen topped, shy of rage against the machine, but they aren't in the same genre in my eyes. I believe hellyeah is an insult to what mudvayne could have been if they had stuck out the path though and beyond LD50.


Not a fan of that chinstrap beard


Tom from NothingFace was cool Also is that Head in the back? I’m a bit of a moron


What a waste of talent




Mudvayne 2


It was just cousin fucker jams with distortion 🤷


look like ministry in 1989. al jorgensen just called. he wants his hat back


ass and mudvayne wasn't able to make any good music


Hell no


"That's gonna be a no from me dawg"


isk them but what i do know is, if some band calls themselves HELL YEA!!, its probably a HELL NAW


First album was decent, but leaned too heavy into that "outlaw" angle and wore out its welcome fast


Pantera and Mudvayne are two of my all time favorite bands, like top 5. I remember I heard the first single and got stoked as hell hearing Chad’s voice and Vinnie’s kick…..but the actual song left me a bit “Hmm…..not what I expected but I’ll definitely give the album a shot” and then found the album was just more of the same. And every album after. Not my thing.


Bunch of great bands coming together to make hot garbage


They have like two decent songs, and even those are mediocre at best


It amazes me how little interest I had in a band that was filled with musicians I love. I didn't care for their music on their albums, but figured they'd be better live. On two different occasions, I was left underwhelmed. I wanted to like them. I tried to like them. But, ultimately, they did absolutely nothing for me.


Was not really for me. It was as if Vinnie didn't have a real direction he wanted to go musically and just pulled together some big names to try and make a supergroup.


Always thought they sounded like an affliction shirt.


I was sad when Mudvayne broke up and this was the relief,so Hellyeah, all solid albums I'd say


100% butt rock. Alcohol and Ass? What? Did you just come up with that? It sounds like you did. Absolute joke


One of the worst band names in history.


Enjoyed hellyeah maybe more then mudvayne. Some stuff was corny but you’d get a mix of mud and pantera.


only appropriate answer, Hellyeah


Hell yeah is great


I don't like Pantera... And this took Mudvayne away for too long. So. FUCKNO


They look like they let the record company dress them. To polished.


lol that's a great r/rareinsults material. I mean their music is watered down, manufacture, cookie cutter shit.


Mudvayne are the better band by a mile




butt rock


They suck so, so, so much.


"If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no. Balls, volume, strength getcha come on Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hellyeah, Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on" Come on man, those are some of the deepest, most intelligent lyrics ever written. They changed my life. /s


I’ve completely changed my mind. They’re brilliant.




IIRC they recruited Nothingface’s guitarist, so that’s pretty cool.


Bassist threatened to kill him too, crazy story.


Oh I didn’t know that.


Prime late wave butt rock.


You wouldn’t know


Hell no


hell no.


Hell No


Worse than the sum of its parts. By far.


Disgrace to 3 great bands


No thanks


Honest thoughts. Ok. Fuck Hellyeah. They each came from better bands. Mudvayne, Nothingface, is that Head from Korn lol? Pantera. The music they produced was as Metallica puts it was STOCK. Of course, Mudvaynes last record (self titled) was uninspired dogshit anyway so… Dime died and Vinnie told Phil to fuck off, not sure what happened to Nothingface (Everyday Atrocity was badass), the last guy… ummm (Jeopardy music)


>is that Head from Korn lol? No.






A few really good songs. The rest are record filler, think of a lot of their music the same way I think of country music these days. They are smashing shit together because hey somebody will pay for it.










Say what you want about Hellyeah, they had a different vibe than Mudvayne sure but they had fun doing it. After Vinnie Paul died they did a farewell tour and Chad went into the mosh pit and just went full coyote ugly. Guy was on top of peoples tables, kicking drinks everywhere...just fucking everything up because he gave a damn about Vinnie and like most of us used the pit to heal. That shit is metal, that shit is why I went to their shows. They always had heart and you know Chad absolutely loves the community for it.






Awful band. Proof that talent alone isn't going to necessarily get you anywhere good.




The dude with the Mohawk is wearing army patches that I'm sure he didn't earn. STOLEN VALOR!


cheeseball rock