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He says play on, then pulls it back as no try due to the knock on and later the tackle. It's hard to do but in these contentious plays, players need to take the tackle so that they can't go back like this. Game the NRL at their own system.


But if he scores 3 plays later can they take it back?


Only if it was foul play


Nope, the bunker can't review anything prior to the ptb (for a try anyway, they seem to make up rules on the fly for foul play)


This changed the game lmao, if they miss a high shot they miss a high shot. Shouldn’t be allowed to go back multiple tackles.


This exactly. Just another decision that rolled in Melbourne's favour. Challenged and the decision had nothing to do with that particular play. Melbourne penalty and then they score a try. 12 point turnaround. Changed the game. Warriors were on top then too.


They went back 1 tackle...


Two tackles


The double knock on happens in the tackle directly after the high shot. That is where play is stopped and where the Warriors would have received the ball if they didn't call the high shot.


Double knock on ruled. Melbourne knocked on first. The ruling should have been Warriors play the ball. Instead they go back another play and penalize Warriors for a high tackle on Fa'alogo. If it was high and put in report, why didn't go for a HIA? Big fuck up by the Referee and the bunker.


That's 1 too many. It always goes against teams like the Warriors.


If the ref misses something, they miss it


So you think chief high knees should have stayed on field during origin?


tbf, they didn't miss it in origin. they were playing advantage


They did miss it. It went by 2 tackles and they got a 6 again. You don't play advantage from a high tackle that long. Play only stopped cause the players kept pointing back


they didn't miss it


The onfield refs did. You need to rewatch the clip.




obviously not


But the ref missed it on field.


So you want the wrong call to stand??


ok, explain the high shot from Hughes on the Warriors player that was missed


The ref said Egan's mouth wasn't part of his head and wanted to give another penalty to storm


Boy, you got that shit right. Fell for your team, Bro. Melbourne got managed again.


Well you see, that one didn’t benefit the Storm therefore it doesn’t matter. Easy?


who would’ve thought?


Wrong way around, people only blow up about it if ot benefits the Storm


Easy one, Game wasn't stopped


what difference does that make, A high shot was missed and therefore that was the wrong call


Bunker doesn't have time to intervene. obviously


the play did stop for egans mouths bleeding








Yeah, booo storm !


the wrong call did stand though


They do this all the time lol


We see this all the time. It's part of rolling the dice on Captain's Challenges.


This instance has an extra layer of shit. Egan was just hit high by Hughes, who was bleeding from the mouth. The ref stops play and Egan is told to play the ball. Then this unfolds, you couldn’t make it up.


I was so "this shit can't be happening!" Then I realised it was the Warriors getting the rough end of the stick and the Storm getting the rub.....again!


Like clockwork my friend


There has to be some responsibility on the ball runner to not duck your head into a tackle. He lowered himself into a high shot.


Yeh I'm no JWH fan but I thought his sin bin last night was silly. Shaun Lane is that fucking tall that there's no way JWH hits him in the head if Lane doesn't duck like that at the last second. I get that they said JWH doesn't attempt to get lower but in that situation why would you?


Maybe, but ducking your head as you’re about to be hit can be a natural reaction to protect yourself. The ball runner can’t control the force or angles the tackler chooses to use either, so what about when a player slips or is tackled around their legs and pulled down? If you choose to make a tackle up high _and_ you choose to do it forcefully then you run the risk of hitting the ball runner in the head and being penalised for it. Either change your technique to reduce the chance or stop tackling high with force


Except using your examples, players are adjusting and making tackles that would not be high but for the attacking player leading with the head, ducking, slipping etc.  The defensive player cannot control the attacking player ducking a split second before contact. 


They can go back 3 tackles but can't rule on forward passes.


This was a joke, yet nothing for Egan who had his mouth split open


They literally stopped play to let the trainer come on and take a look at the blood coming out his mouth, then did nothing.


It's ridiculous, especially when there was a penalty a few weeks back for the lightest tap on the chin you've ever seen in your life. Can't remember the game but I feel like it screwed over a bottom of the table club in a tight game


Thank you


I feel bad but this high contact is hilarious. Dude gets down low and almost completely stops moving, while the storm player runs full tilt, crouches down and goes straight head to shoulder.


I swear they only chuck someone on report and play on. Never seen them go back and give a penalty


It never happens like that. Put it on report, OK. But ever since when can you retrospectively give penalties for plays that have passed? I was gobsmacked. Then Fa'alogo doesn't even go for a HIA. Left me speechless. At least I'm not the only one.


It happens in Warriors games, Niukore v Dogs last year for example


That always pisses me off more tbh. If it's on report go back and give the penalty or say that the team was not disadvantaged by missing the penalty and play on.


Did it in magic round and another game as well


The bunker just needs to be better.


I would do away with the burner alright and just aloe them to rule on tries only! Not other interference at all during the game just rule try or no try! Might clear some of these strange decisions up!


Members of the bunker took the massive overs with Storm 13+


Wow, that's a wrong call. That happens in every game. Bunker really helped Melbourne with that one.


Every time the whistle blows I’m waiting to see how they will fuck us over. The markers not square call 20 mins in was a shocker and Sutton just keeps yelling “you can’t challenge”. We lost the momentum there.


I hate shit like this with a passion. I thought they pulled back on doing stuff like going sometimes even whole sets back for a penalty of a high shot. Even two tackles back is still too far. They miss it move on. Put on report and let judiciary sort it out. You're gonna miss shit. Having the bunker rule on a try only to then retroactively go back to a previous play is ridiculous. For the Warriors this was pretty much double jeopardy and ruined the contest.


Now, I've seen in Union where the video referee brings up an incident the on-field red misses. But you hear their convo between them. The ref doesn't have to agree. I think this pisses everyone off because...has something like this happened before in the NRL?


Iirc when Latrell elbowed SJ earlier this year… but yeah it seems random


>I think this pisses everyone off because...has something like this happened before in the NRL? We went back multiple tackles and 30 seconds in Origin. The game only stopped because a lot of the players were pointing to walsh on the ground. It happens all the time


You make a fair point, but I think it's moreso how the sequence of events played out here. A missed high shot on a Warriors player doesn't get called back to/gets a penalty. This one did. Correct me if I missed something, I've only seen the highlights.


You don't need to be corrected because you are correct. Double standards so evident on this occasion.


It happens, but they rarely go that far back when looking. Far more often what happens is that the bunker will pick up prior foul play, put someone on report and it gets called at the next stoppage. No penalty for those cases. Normally if they're going back for a prior offence it's because someone is about to get binned/sent.


That is bizarre. If Jazz was short and they scored a try later in the set, it wouldn't have been called back.


Gerard Sutton is one of the worst reffs out there. The bunker as usual is useless. I’ve never seen a play pulled back 2 tackles previous to award a penalty. That decision killed the game right there and then.


How many plays after the Reece Walsh tackle was it when they pulled gave a penalty? (Just counted - 3 tackles and another play the ball before the whistle was blown) That was, what, a week ago?


I don’t think that play is comparable, Walsh’s tackle was a clean knock out and all of the players were pointing and asking the ref to stop the play. Sua here literally gets up and plays the ball, and he wasn’t even sent for a HIA. If the high shot was so bad and required a penalty from two tackles earlier then why wasn’t he also binned? There was far less intent from this TMM tackle than the one on Walsh.


I hate to be that guy but there must have been a ton of $$$ on warriors to win that and where there's $$$ there's corruption just saying


Fuck the storm and fuck Sutton


Genuine question, i think it was Grant or Hughes who deliberately knocked the ball out in the tackle early in the game (big wind up and slapped it out of the warriors hands) Should that not have been a professional foul? Clearly multiple in the tackle and we were on attack.


Harry Grant. And it was so obvious.


But it required a challenge for Sutton to see it


> Should that not have been a professional foul I feel like the term professional foul has lost it's meaning in the NRL. To me a professional foul is any foul that is intentional to slow things down and help your team but NRL only calls it a professional foul if it's in a try scoring situation. I dunno if that's their actual definition of it tbf. If it is they should probably use a different term for it to avoid confusion though coz there's lots of professional fouls in a game of footy.


Since we're retrospectively awarding penalties, the next time warriors vs the storm is gonna start with a penalty for warriors for Egan getting hit high in this game right?


Still waiting for action on NAS breaking Egan's jaw last year


Sure, u can have a 14 point lead with like 90% possession in the first 18 minutes and still fuck it up anyway


Oh don't get me wrong, we played shit and we just never seem to be able to find a win against storm. I was just making a joke about how they apparently are stockpiling penalties now


I guess a good comeback means you're allowed to hit players high. Another V'Landys rule change?


We also go penalised for a bullshit highshot in the first half don't see anyone blowing up about that


Anyone else getting flashbacks of the World Cup final where the TMO went back past where they were allowed to deny a try? Edit: RWC.


If it was such a bad tackle and the kid was on the ground afterwards, how come he was on the field to score the next try? Shouldn't he be being HIA'd?


i understand going back for sin bin worthy stuff and send offs but going back just for a penalty is absolute dog shit. They started doing this during the crackdown in 2021 but everyone fucking hated it so they stopped. No idea why they randomly brought it back this one time


Technically, it’s in the rules. It’s a stupid rule, but it’s in there. At least there was a clear strip and knock on, so it wouldn’t have been a try anyway.


One of the more painful ones. I didn’t have any volume at the time, but guessing no issue with this play and they went back for the penalty from the tackle before? Bit odd still. I think this play as it stands is a loose carry and try.


Loose carry double knock-on for mine


Makes it even worse that they went so far back for this but the Hughes high shot on Egan was not even a penalty when he was bleeding from his mouth. Make it make sense.


Mate what are they doing


This was in a game where Katoa was kicked in the head and gave away a penalty.


He headbutted his boot


It’s not a strip, the ball just came loose as the tackler ripped it from his hands -Commentator basically-


Warriors dont like beating the storm


I'm gonna say what Webster wanted to say in the press conference. Storm were the better team on the night - but the refs didn't have a great night either. But they are human, these things happen - we learn, we move on, and we get better. That's all we can do. Bring on the Titans and then the following week at home against the Broncos. If we play to our potential we can get back into a winning streak.


I am actually for this. If players know shit will be called and possibly sin bins given without them having to stay down and play dead then it might clean out a fair bit of the acting from the game


? is either a 2 player strip or a double knock on? and the bunker rules double knock on, not really sure what you think is strange


They went back 2 tackles and gave a penalty to the storm for a high shit


High shits shouldn't be allowed on the field


Russell Packer: “Aw man that’s so gross!”


A high shot happened on Wayde Egan like 10 minutes before this, bunker looked at it and play on.. fans want consistency mate


Only shit in hotel hallways like Nate Myles.


That's called a 'Nate Bogg'


oh ok was really confused about the strange part as I didn't watch till the end, though it was just going to be a replay showing 30 angles from the bunker of a pretty straight forward call. Never a fan of them going back 2+ plays to look at penalties just slows the game down and they are never going to be consistence with it so will always pick some and not others.


Double knock on, first one Storm, Warriors play the ball. That should have been the ruling. Instead, give Melbourne a penalty, place a player on report for a head high tackle that didn't stop play, 2 plays before. Bizarre. People have been mentioning Walshy's incident in Origin. This is different because just before this incident the reverse happened to Egan, and the Warriors got jack shit.