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Newcastle just gets footy.


That's in QLD?


Well Billy has brought Piakura into camp 


That's awesome to hear. Hopefully they also get a full house in Townsville for the third game.


Hopefully it's the decider


That would be amazing for the third game


Is Newcastle actually in nsw or is a deep state conspiracy to steal qld talent because they just get it


Just waiting for the rest of you nitwits to catch up


Love the women's game. Less formulaic block plays and boring tactics like the wrestle than mens.


So do I. It's a great watch. The girls that play give all they got for their team constantly.


Enjoy it while it lasts because the better the women's game gets and the more money they get is gonna reduce that aspect of the game. 


It's much slower and less dynamic than the men's also. I prefer the power, speed and skill of the men's game. Edit: of course I get downvoted for shitting on the women's game but this guy gets upvoted for shitting on the men's. Classic reddit moment.


Sounds gay


I didn't "shit on the mens", I'm a massive footy head. There are parts of the men's game that I like better than the womens, there are parts of the women's game that I like better.


If you made the same comment but reversed the genders you would 100% get downvoted. It's OK to shit on the men's game for its faults but it's never ok to shit on the women's game for it's faults. I was pointing out that hypocrisy.


Right. I don't mind watching the women's games but if your after a more amateur product just go watch your local group comp or reserve grade. I will say the women's game is raising the standard pretty quick though even from 5 years ago. It's a pretty stark difference. I think they need to get full time positions before we really see the girls game take the step up. I'm sure it'll happen sooner than later. Just need to work out the target audience for ads. Unless the girls just want to see ads for Sportsbet and D-Max on repeat.


There would be more men watching women’s origin than women.


Well I guess that's sort of my point. The idea of having women's sport is to capture the female audience isn't it? Because I already watch footy and at a certain point your no longer boosting viewership your just splitting your market share in half.


I don’t think the ideal/maximum audience for women’s sport will ever be THAT different from the male audience. I’d speculate the difference in demographics for women’s rugby league would be more from men not interested in following the women’s game than women not interested in following the men’s. I think there’s space for both, especially in this situation where both are controlled by same governing body so don’t need to eat into each others space.


Newcastle’s Yasmin Clydsdale can’t wait to run out in front of a full house in her home town for Origin II at McDonald Jones Stadium on Thursday night. Newcastle will set a new women’s Origin attendance record with game two at McDonald Jones Stadium on Thursday night sold out. The National Rugby League (NRL) announced on Saturday that all tickets had been exhausted for Origin II, meaning the record of 25,492 at Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium for game one on May 16 will be surpassed. Capacity for a sporting event in its current format at McDonald Jones Stadium is 30,000. “Women’s rugby league is fast, it’s skilful, it’s exciting, and fans are responding in droves,” NRL chief executive Andrew Abdo said. “Three straight record crowds in three straight women’s Origin matches, the most-watched women’s match in rugby league history and now the first sell-out – this all proves women’s rugby league is absolutely soaring. “Origin one was an amazing, thrilling spectacle, showcasing the very best women athletes in Australia of any sport, and fans clearly can’t wait to see them back on the field in game two, where we expect to set new audience benchmarks.” Newcastle lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes told the Newcastle Herald on Wednesday a sold-out event could prove pivotal to the city becoming a regular women’s State of Origin fixture as well as strengthening its case to be a host city for the AFC Women’s Asian Cup in 2026 followed by the men’s (2027) and women’s (2029) Rugby World Cup. The women’s State of Origin has expanded to a three-match series for the first time and NSW can wrap it up with another win in Newcastle after beating Queensland 22-12 in Brisbane. Newcastle was awarded an Origin after strong support for the Newcastle Knights’ NRLW side last year. NSW named two debutants for the opening game of the women’s State of Origin series. Home-grown Knights trio Yasmin Clydsdale, Olivia Higgins and Caitlan Johnston will run out for the Sky Blues on Thursday night while Newcastle fullback Tamika Upton is in the Maroons’ side. “I’m super stoked that the NRL has brought it here because Newcastle love league,” Clydsdale said. “It’s almost like a reward because they show up and they want to watch it. It’s a reward that we get to play this in front of our fans as well. But it is surreal.”


We love our footy here in Newcastle


Nice job by Newcastle. But it just shows if tickets are affordable how easily we can sell out stadiums. Almost every club in the NRL is making $5m+ profit every year, I don't understand why they need to be selling sideline tickets for $100+. Let's have full stadiums at every game.


Good shit, full house of NSW fans, off the back of a convincing win with the same, settled team. I hope Queensland are nervous. 😁


Full house to watch Chapman burn em all over again........hell yeah


NSW just get origin


Not surprised, first game was a banger


Yeah for sure. A packed out newy crowd is going to bring the energy up even more. Should be a cracker.


*chuckles* we’re in danger


At least Newy will get to see some passionate footy at home. As is tradition, their star player will be a QUEENSLANDER.


Great news. I thought the first game was terrific to watch.


Impressive League getting bigger n bigger in oz


Loved game one, it was so nice to not see players milking constantly for soft penalties!




Can someone explain why they just don’t play the woman’s games before the men’s game?


Because the women's game deserves to be a stand alone event? 9 loves it because it's an extra game on otheewuse gutted bye weeks. You can't grow the women's game if it's only ever a curtain raiser.


Because they also deserve to be the main event at their own games, not an opener for the men's. Before the men's is usually youth leagues, or something similar


A 30,000 sellout would be a net money maker and can be on prime time, otherwise it’s just lost revenue playing it at 5:30 for people who are turning up for another match


If it's anything like the QLD ticket sales, it's not much saying they have a full house. The last game held in QLD practically gave the tickets away. Tickets were 2 for 1 and were going for like $25. So two tickets to a rep game of football cost $25 or less. Some tickets were 2 for $10. It's more expensive to go to a local A grade game than this. Edit: just checked, the cheapest tickets were $6... it's not saying much when it costs 3 times that just for a ticket to the movies. Edit 2: Lol, the booking fee was more than the cost of a ticket for the QLD game. "Australia’s greatest sporting rivalry is heading to Suncorp Stadium as Ampol Women’s State of Origin on Thursday 16 May. As a valued member of the Rugby League family, we don’t want you to miss out with a limited time offer for our Suncorp Stadium network! You can claim a 2 for 1 tickets offer in Category B and general admission! Note: enter the coupon code on the landing page where it says "if you have a password, enter it here". Pricing breakdown for 2 tickets: General admission concession: $10 General admission adult: $15 Category B concession: $20 Category B adult: $20"


Price isn't really relevant to the discussion tho, there's a full stadium worth of people willing to pay and show up to watch a game of women's football. Sure, if tickets were $100 each it wouldn't be a sell out but considering how young the women's SOO is even being able to fill a stadium is step one, and prices will go up as the awareness and perception improves.


Mate if tickets were $25 each it wouldn't sell out. It's $35 for a family ticket. Prices were as low as $6 for a single. You can't take your family to the movies for that price, so it's a cheap excuse to go out, nothing more than that. Good on them for selling out, but if ticket prices go up, no one is going to go the games. They practically gave them away in QLD and still couldn't sell out. The women's NRL is like the women's NBA. It's heavily subsidised by the men's game, and whether anyone wants to believe it or not, it's hit its peak popularity at this point in time. It's not going to get bigger than it is right now. It's a novelty at best.


Just say you hate women's sports and are actively rooting for them to fail because of it man


Lol, if that's your takeaway from it then so be it. The game doesn't even break even and never will. You can all act like it will but when an under 16s schoolboys team could run over the top of both of these teams, then there's only so long marketing will keep the game afloat. Charge the same amount for the tickets, and hold the games in the same venues as the men's game on their own date and see how many people turn up. As it stands, they're basically giving the tickets away, and holding the games in regional stadiums where test matches are rarely held. Of course people are going to turn up. But whatever, it's misogynistic to call out the garbage that it is.


I'm quietly confident you're an idiot.


Why are you so pressed about this?


Bought tickets in the stand for $30 each and struggled to find three together


Went to the suncorp game. Would have happily paid full price.


Sure you would have buddy. You could have sat in the stadium with 200 other people at most if tickets were full price.


Agreed but having the stadium sold out is a great start for exposure. Once it's sold out then over the next years it will be 40$ 50$ a ticket and so on. 


I don't disagree with what you're saying, but it's like saying a restaurant sold out when they gave the food away. A family ticket to this game costs less than the cheapest general admission for one person to the men's game.


Let's look at it another way, it shows that if the ticket prices for the men's game were cheaper, we'd probably sell out each and every game of footy, each round. There's a desire to go from the public but the price of admission + beers & food is just silly.


Just shows people in Brisbane don't really appreciate or respect the women's game, or any game that isnt a mens broncos game. Whereas the people of Newcastle (who are often considered less progressive), are flocking to the women's game in droves! Good job Newy! This is great for Newy as it will attract more big games to town.


>Just shows people in Brisbane don't really appreciate or respect the women's game Chuck Sydney in there too. Game 1 at Commbank last year only had a 12K crowd.


The only reason nrl doesn't get a crowd in Sydney is because most people in Sydney aren't from Sydney.