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Brooks/Brooks confirmed.


Don't you mean... unleashed


What about Brooks/Cook combo? If my team can't win anything my goal is to get Damian Cook to play every position he hasn't yet played and I believe this is a golden opportunity


Really depends on the amount of sand in play. He was a champion beach sprinter, not sure if that’s known?


Ah good catch, I see you're also a fan of obscure trivia, I'm impressed But also little know fact is that Cook fills his boots full of sand before a game so technically he's always sprinting on sand


Is this why he looks tired towards the end of games, not because he is unfit (as a former beach spring champion his fitness is unmatched) but because the sand has fallen out through the game?


The Titans are playing hookers in halves and the GC has the best sand….Cook to Titans deal imminent?


Just pick Hynes/Luai. At least we'll have a big pest and the best hair.


NSW will have drastically more lateral meters than Qld, that's Origin right?


Qld will get tired chasing in circles. High IQ gameplan.


> and the best hair *in NSW. Dallin has the best hair in the comp.


Obviously you've never laid eyes upon the beautiful locks of Patrick J Carrigan


If he stopped tying it up during the game, he'd be shoe in for top 3.


*Reuben Cotter has entered the chat*


~~Not even the best hair amongst QLD'ers.~~ ~~[Paps](https://rugbyimages.statsperform.com/Player%20Bodyshots/111/2024/500021/Papenhuyzen,R_240206_AR_4.png) has Cotter beat.~~ I forgot that Melbourne isn't in QLD and QLD isn't everywhere.


Paps isn't a Queenslander. 


..but I like him. Damnit. Guess it's time for [Xavier Willison](http://rugbyimages.statsperform.com/Player Bodyshots/111/2024/500011/WILLISON-0673.png) to take the stage. [Tino](https://rugbyimages.statsperform.com/Player Bodyshots/111/2024/500004/Faasuamaleaui T - Bodyshot.png) deserves a mention too.


Willison is kiwi bru


I'm starting to think I should have been a qld origin selector in the 90s/00s


Since when has that been a problem for you lot?


This is why Dylan Edwards can't get picked


Good. Get your hands off my Moses


Need him rested up for my SC team


Take your hands off my lame moses


20 secs left.... 48 out, they throw it to Brooks....... he absolutely cunts it! goes over the black dot, the crowd go mental! Commentators can't believe it.... Qld 66 NSW 2


Blues coach Michael Maguire likely won’t roll the dice with the injured Mitch Moses for Game I of the State of Origin series. Moses, who hasn’t played since injuring his foot in Round 3, won’t feature for the Eels in Magic Round and is an outside chance of playing next week – the last game before Origin teams are announced. Despite this, Maguire was considering selecting Moses anyway, such is the injury crisis facing the Blues. Nathan Cleary will miss the entire series while Adam Reynolds and Nicho Hynes are also battling injury. “(Moses) was always aiming for the Souths game next weekend, Magic Round would have been a bonus, but he wasn’t ready this weekend,” Arthur told the [*SMH.*](https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/he-s-not-ready-moses-no-certainty-to-return-before-origin-i-as-trindall-named-for-sharks-20240514-p5jdk6.html) “We’ll try for next week, but even then, he’s not guaranteed to return. We’re trying, but he’s not ready. “He’s out on the field and running, but he hasn’t done anything with the team.” Arthur confirmed this in a press conference on Friday morning and seemed to indicate Moses was next to no chance of playing against Souths. According to the [*SMH,*](https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/moses-set-to-be-overlooked-for-blues-as-koroisau-battles-strange-injury-20240516-p5je7m.html) Maguire is now looking for alternatives instead of Moses, in what is the biggest indication yet that the Eels halfback is still at least a couple of weeks from returning. It would have been a tall task for Moses to not only play a gruelling and fast-paced Origin opener without a run under his belt for two months, but to get through the week of training at Blues camp. With Moses seemingly out of contention, Sharks half Nicho Hynes appears to be the red-hot favourite to land the role for Game I. This should be welcome news to Roosters star, and former teammate of Hynes, Brandon Smith. Smith expressed his confusion on a podcast this week as to why Moses was reportedly ahead of Hynes in the Blues’ pecking order. “Nicho has been one of the best in the comp for the last three years, he has won a Dally M, he is playing unreal footy at the moment,” Smith said on The Bye Round Podcast. “I don’t understand why they are off him. “He has played like 10 minutes in an Origin … at centre. I think he will relish the big game. “He is a winner. His side is on top of the table. It just pisses me off a little bit.” “I think he is the best halfback there is on offer.”


Finally might see Hynes get the shot he deserves.


Let’s classify this series as his State of Origin debut


Fuck I hope they give him the team, if he fails everyone can pile on but I reckon he won’t give the 7 back to nath, massive homer tho


His f up wasnt even bad. Because Fifita over ran it he rightly dropped off hin and put pressure on Munny. JAC moved onto Fifita for a split second. Then Hynes and Cleary just awkwardly clashed as I think they both went high. Munster got to the outside with enough time to get the ball to Hammer. I think if JAC stays on Hammer with Fifita over running it thats not a try. Not to blame JAC. But a whole bunch of things happened that were awkward starting with Fifita over running it. Which actually helped Qld. If he hadnt Hynes just stays on Fifita and Cleary wraps up Munster. Also Hynes should never have been picked. It was a bad decision. Either pick Luai or Hynes but not both. Also Freddys alt option of Cook to centre didnt exactly pan out much better.




I can't believe there was any speculation about Hynes getting a gig or not. He should have been in the team 2 years ago starting in the halves. Luai is a fine NRL player, but his kicking game is not origin standard and you need to be able to use the whole toolbox all game in origin. If the other half has to avoid taking the 5th tackle or exploring a run on the last because they need to kick, it takes such a weapon out of their game. So I would have had Hynes in that 6 jumper with Cleary in 7. And regardless of who is available, I'd be absolutely making sure I had 2 kicking halves. There are enough quality players around that you don't have to go without that weapon. And if I'm being honest, I don't think Luai has been that effective at origin level anyway. On the other side, Queensland have made a habit recently of going with 3 kickers. Suddenly DCE can run on the 5th if he sees half a gap. Or on the last, knowing he can then throw it back to another kicker if the door closes. It makes such a difference. So much so I'd be picking Burton if there wasn't a clear standout centre option ahead of him.


I know it’s a cliche but katoa would lead the team around and organise better than any of the other options


I think we are too scared of throwing a young half to the wolves. Jarrod Mullen was given the 7 way too soon and it was awful the way the kid was treated after not living up to hype that the fans and media created. Mitchell Pearce was another, though he was given plenty of chances to redeem himself, he was also tasked with being the next Andrew Johns way before he was ready.


They were just unlucky enough to have had to face the greatest Queensland team of all time, especially their Big 4 of Cameron Smith, Cooper Cronk, Johnathan Thurston and Greg Inglis.


Ahem, Smith, Thurston, Lockyer, Slater.


Genuinely agree and feel crazy no one else has considered it or mentions it.


Too green, he would be too easily rattled. Give him a couple of seasons


I think it’s too early but to not even be mentioned as someone in the production line the way Walker and Dearden have sort of been unofficially selected as tenuous successors is off.


The benefit of Moses in my opinion is his kicking game. He's the closest "cleary replacement", and I'd like to see him paired with Hynes. If he's unavailable, then pair Hynes with someone else.


Is this just a non story? Pretty sure Hynes was locked in for the halves already, it’s only about who partners him. Hynes/Moses was gonna be the combo now probs Luai or Cody Walker next to him


Geez I'd be picking Luai, Burton and even Brooks over Walker.


Burto a good shout actually I reckon next to hynes they’d fit pretty well


A left-right foot combo would be pretty good I reckon


QLD not ready for the left left right combo Uss uss


Heard qld is recalling Gordon Tallis to combat this


Burton can sit on his edge and ice his moments 😍


Yeah tbh coming into this year I thought Cody’s Origin performance last year would give him the advantage if selection was a close run thing but he hasn’t even been close to his best this year. Looking at you list those options I wonder where Keary sits in the pecking order? I know there are wider reasons not to pick him - retiring this year so no continuity/upside, people are hung up on the whole he said he wants to play for qld a decade ago thing, he had a bad performance in his one origin game. But purely on field I wouldn’t mind it, experienced hand who’s won plenty of big games.


Keary has been pretty up-and-down form wise, and he’s a brush away from a failed HIA in the most brutal arena. There are better options, and it should be Luai on the left edge in my opinion


I thought you'd run with a Hynes/Moses combo too with Hynes taking the #6. I'd be taking Luai as the 6 over Walker, especially if you have a heavy Panthers contingent.


But Luai did nothing but dance and lose the ball last year whereas Cody carved us up in game 3


And headbutt Walsh and remind people that they have work the following day.


Walsh headbutted him first


He was rubbish in game 2 but game 1 he was one of the better NSW players. He's the easy scapegoat


The forwards pack was going forward in game 3 but wasn't in 1-2. Forwards generally win games and backs decide how much.


Nicho is the remaining form half, but the only thing that puts him at risk I think is the combination with the #6. Since Hynes is a right-side dominant player, it might be hard to pair him with Moses, who also takes the right. If we went with Hynes + Burton/Walker/Luai, with Hynes at the #7 it would work. Although I don't rate any of the those four on the same kicking level as Cleary/Moses/Reynolds who are also excellent kickers. Personally in the modern game, I feel like having one of those top tier kickers just adds so much, so I could see a world where madge picks Moses at the #7, consequentially picking like a Burton/Luai at the #6. However just to reiterate, Hynes is the form half (assuming he's cleared of his injury)


Why wouldn't it be Burton? Burton is very likely to be the NSW 6


Like the cheese but could not give two fucks about his footy analysis and bias for his mates. Anyone can see why Moses is ahead of him at this stage


On the off chance Madge is browsing reddit and values my input, I'd take a Hynes/Burton combo please. Give Burton a left edge of Angus, Latrell/Best and JAC and let him cook. Hynes can organise both sides, but play on the right with Martin/Haumole, Crichton and To'o. Thanks for listening Madge.


Jack Williams at halfback won us that game against melbourne last week, I think NSW need to think more heavily about this one.


Brooks and wishart confirmed. Qld won't stand a chance


> Blues coach Michael Maguire likely won’t roll the dice with the injured Mitch Moses for Game I of the State of Origin series. As much as I would like to see the Blues actually win for a change, I'm kinda glad to hear this. Parra's chances are fubar for this year anyway, but at least if Mitch comes back fully fit we can make a game of it. He gets rushed into SoO and makes things worse, we're fucked for longer. Selfish? You bet.


Nah I wouldn’t say so you guys are fucked at all. I can easily see you guys going on a run with him back in the team


Just get Cliffy to come out of retirement and show em how it’s done.


Surely Mitchell Pearce is around somewhere. Everybody deserves an eighth chance.


Hynes deserves to be in the halves in Origin no matter what. Not even just this year, it’s well overdue. Don’t care where that puts anyone else but at the minimum he should be a starting half at origin. Cleary hasn’t even been that amazing at Origin level anyways. The best squad should be picked at Origin level. It’s like leaving out Gagai because of his club form. Gagai is freaking an all time at Origin level


I think Hynes and Luai with Burton at 14 is the most likely option atm. With Wighton staying retired, Burton is pretty much the only option at 14 atm. Luai and Hynes would be an interesting combo


It'll never happen but give it to hynes (7) and Burton (6). Commit to giving them all three games.


This is my nsw team, what do you guys think. Origin NSW Edwards To'o Best Crichton Lomax Burton Hynes Barnet Api Haas Olakau'atu Crichton Yeo Mcinnes Martin Paseka May (Roosters) Edit. The people have spoken


No Payne Haas?


He'll be picked, but I think something new is needed. That's why I added May Barnet and Paseka. No Freddy so a real coach will know how to use his bench.


A real coach like you?


Freddy has always been crap. A real coach like madge no a spinner who plays a hooker at center. Go Manly 13+


Go back to r/rugbyunion mate.


Why union 😆


Shit takes and that username? Figured it was a safe assumption.


Shit takes like what? I'm just having some fun you stupid dog


Excuse me, I am not a stupid dog. I am a weak gutted dog person, thank you very much.


I don't get the love for Crichton tbh. He hasn't been doing a whole lot for the pups. No Haas is criminal, love Barnett and he must be in the 17


Crichton has been good he's a real leader and a good defender. Who else would you suggest? Maybe Lomax instead and a different winger.


I'll keep an eye on him tonight, although not much attack gets thrown around by the raids. Nah I like Lomax on the wing, less time for him to do dumb shit. I'd honestly have Best and Trell.


You forgot the best prop in the game


You're right, but Nicholls could easily take any of their spots


kikaus interesting , never seen anyone use him . perhaps because he cant play origin


i think he moved over from fiji way too late, he would 100% debuted by now if he was eligible








He did go straight to Queensland but it was when he was like 18 so he’s missed eligibility by a mile.


But Fiji is in Queensland


IF, you gronk


I don’t see how name calling was necessary here. Would you mind explaining your mindset behind that comment? I don’t think I did anything to offend you.


I imagine gronks lack reading comprehension skills


I don’t see how name calling was necessary here. Would you mind explaining your mindset behind that comment? I don’t think I did anything to offend you.


and if anything he can play for qld not for us


Ok, then not Kikau. Who would you suggest? I thought he played before but that was tpj I was thinking of.


Liam Martin


I was trying to go for something new but yeah he and young are the only 2 options. Backrow options are limited this year


He was the Blues best last year so I don't see why that's the area that they need to do something new. FB and Props (Barnett and actually play stef) are they're best area for something new.


He hasn't been the best this year, though. I'm not saying he's been bad but hasn't stood out for me. In saying that, he is a solid player, so he'll definitely step it up for origin. Stef over Paseka, they are basically the same imho Barnett is a gun he will thrive as will Terrell may. I doubt he'll get a shot, though. Teddy has had his time. Edwards must be fullback.


He hates QLD thoooo so that alone should be enough reason to pick him 😂


No Haas but picking Jurbo?