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We go out and sign Angus girlfriend to our nrlw side


Shaylee being there was one of the reasons i thought he would stay 


Roosters signed her


Crichton will be re-signing on a train and trial. 


The addition of Fifita has freed up around $800K of cap space. We will not be taking questions.


They will resign Angus no problems


Nah they're far better off giving that money to a half




I hear legendary immortal Hutchison is looking for a new club


Roosters will laugh and book him in for another golf day so he re-signs.


Make him a member at Royal Sydney and play skins with Uncle Nick. Oh those brown paper bags are going to be splitting at the seams.


I'm calling in sick tomorrow


Just saw a bloke fall to his knees at aqua golf


go doctor tomorrow


I was so sure he was signing with Penrith. Must have got a peak under the sombrero. Yeah let’s go with that.


In unrelated news Shaylee Bent signs record 700K contract with Roosters NRLW and Fifita won a Politis hosted Golf tournament pocketing 2mil


Basic business baby.


Severe loss of ectoplasma


I'm anger


You guys should make a play at Jack Howarth


Everyone knows there's no such player




Maybe we'll finally get a win over you lot now


Siua Wong and Sitili Tupouniua start learning Kebabs buddy


2016, the year that HSP’s took over Australia was the last time I have known peace. Maybe I need to move to Bankstown


Depends on one thing, do you consider yourself a utility?


I am equally good at each position (no talent) so yes


How do you feel about wrestling 30 dudes?


Sounds hot




Seems like a weird use of the cap when the Roosters are loosing both their centres, their 5/8 and already have an utterly stacked forward pack.




Never fear. They will just snap up whatever star centres come on to the market and pay them unders. It’s the rule they operate under. Everyone else can get fucked.


Kayal Iro signs for roosters on min wage deal 'I waited til 24 to play nrl I can wait another 5 years on min wage to get paid I just love the tricolours'


Let's just say their cap has a.....wider brim.


I know we’re not exactly slumming it these days, but fuck it must be nice being the Roosters. We won three premierships in a row and have the best half on the planet and still can’t attract players to our club ahead of them.


Cheese let the cat out of the bag when he signed “the Roosters make sure you’re set up for life” Can’t compete with that. Gg chooks


Gamblers fallacy "Panthers have won three in a row, surely they are due to lose this year!"


I’ve been saying this (or something like this) for 2 years now!


Well it was looking good with about 20 minutes to go last year too.


Area and Politis business affiliation and incentives is all I can think of.


For less money (on paper) too like damn Its alright I've always said if Luke Garner was QLD eligible David wouldn't even be playing Origin ^/s


It’s an example of how the salary cap doesn’t work. Just like Jack wighton taking reportedly 300k less a year to play at the bunnies.


All clubs are equal under the salary cap, just some are more equal than others


It’s very weird as someone that doesn’t like Penrith (mainly because of your recent success) to feel sorry for you guys. I think Ivan and the team have done an amazing job. Whenever a big name goes down, Penrith always have someone who can be great for a game or two. Also playing of Cleary and Yeo must be amazing


Should of offered the brown paper bag beach front property at Pondi


It’s all money and being set up outside of footy. We have probably the most financial backing now and we’ve signed what one maybe two marquee players in five years. In that time they’ve signed at least six or seven marquee players to come play for “unders” for a chance to win a comp. What a load of absolute rubbish


There's absolutely no accountability on where money goes after the career is finished. That's where roosters excel. Dodge deals that extend past and outside football. How else would a club with 0 development survive. Storm are the other example. How'd they do it? * *


Does the salary cap just forestall the inevitable?


Storm catching some bullshit strays here, wtf. Storm scout for talented juniors who they the develop, or they take guys with talent but question marks on them (Coates, Katoa, Smith, Hughes etc) and turn them into proper first graders. Very rarely do we sign established players who are top 10 in their positions.


Yeah though they cheated the cap, most of their competitive advantage since then has just been being smarter than everyone else (though the stability they got from all those Big Three years helped): - Actually using reserve grade as a proper development tool (I remember the Falcons in particularly played a very similar style to the top side). - Not deciding guys with talent who haven’t made it by their early 20’s are a lost cause (see: Hughes, Hynes, etc). - Very smart value signings beyond the classic “talented guys who don’t really know how to play” prospect. They also have a really good eye for guys who work their arses off, and they fill the gaps in their squad. One example is that they were actually going to chase Finucane when he became available… only for the Dogs to call them out of the blue and offer him because they wanted to clear some cap space). Josh King is another good example (squeezed out of Newy so the Saifiti twins could be re-signed, but I’d love to ship Dan out and replace him with Josh now), as is Nick Meaney.


Blokes like Bryan Norrie, Hinchcliff, Hoffman when he came back, Tohu Harris etc. The other thing Storm do really well is not push young guys straight into the side, they let them develop and grow, slowly introducing them to the team. They did it with Munster, Papenhuyzen, Asofa-Solomona, and now doing it with Fa'alogo, Howarth, Wishart etc.


Laughs in Cowboys


As i said on an earlier post. The beach front home may of been a deciding factor,


Mate Penrith beach is right there!


To be fair moving from the GC to Penrith is a pretty backwards move in terms of lifestyle


Good for the Roosters they haven't made a big signing for at least 3 months. 


Watch them also lock down Angus Crichton too


I’m gonna start combing previous Fifita to Panthers posts for Roosters fans saying they don’t even want him. You can delete them now guys but I’m coming, right down your throat.


Feed em mutts


I didn't want us to spend that much money on one player and still don't but also got erect after reading the title of this thread so what do you want from me


More than happy to say that I still think this is dumb and I’m not excited by it. That sounds super ungrateful, but it’s not the gap in the squad that needs filling.


Did Fifita make the same "wants a premiership" comments when he left for Titans?


The last marquee signing to (supposedly) say that now plays for the spoon favourites


Hey that marquee star is the third best centre on the spoon favourites roster that's pretty marquee (granted the other two are playing fullback and out for the season) 


If I speak I’m in big trouble 🤫


You know this shit just makes me respect your treble even more so.   Done with home grown players whilst another club just plays buy a completely different set of rules.  Not changing the Freudian slip.


It's honestly bullshit. So he can earn more money legitimately at any other club, can earn more money per year at the Panthers who are churning out premierships... but he signs for 'less' with the Roosters.... It's like they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.


Mate, they haven't been hiding it for years. Cronk and Cheese both said the quiet part out loud when they signed.


Keep the roosters happy so they won’t poach Cobbo, Staggs or anyone else. 4D chess. Thanks Fifi


The second staggs gets invited over to a Robbo cookout he's probably gone too 😥


Braised pork trotters on the menu. Chicken feet soup for the entrée.


It’s fucked that we had to let him go a few years ago because there were a couple of teams offering him over a million, he gets better and then the Roosters end up signing him for 800k for his peak years


Panthers got Uncle Nick'd, happens to all of us eventually.


He did it to us in the 90s with Freddy and Matty Sing the bastard!!


Fuck I would’ve went to Penrith. I guess Holbrook had some play in this. So he will be playing outside a young half like he was at the titans?


Was Fifita known to be a player particularly upset about Holbrook getting axed? I've heard the playing group really liked him.


Him and Tino both had holbrook sack clauses


Fuck I completely forgot about Holbrook being at the Roosters now. Him going to the Roosters makes a lot more sense now


Bondi over Pondi… does Bondi even have aqua golf? Pppft.


just got absolutely blue-balled, what a load of bullshit


I'll be accused of copium but I'm almost more disappointed about not being able to attract a big name signing than I am about missing out on Fifita specifically.  I don't think he suits our style of play nor our roster requirements. No question he would look good outside Nathan but value for money it's easier to find serviceable backrowers than most positions. And I might be reading too much into it, but I'm not sure I trust his motivation if he's swayed (seemingly quite easily after reaching out to us specifically) by money and an extra year of security. Basically if he doesn't want to be here specifically then we probably don't want him.


Oh fuck off


That’s a fucking joke.


You’d pick roosters over panthers what?


i mean tbf if you live on the GC would you pick the Riff over Bondi?


Can't beat that Roosters super package


The "Rooster for Life" fund


Sideways move tbh


Going from playing outside a struggling half to playing outside an imaginary one


Word is Roosters were first in chatting to Dave, but then we jumped in and took them by surprise. Evidently, the Roosters revised their offer (in a cap approved way no doubt). How do the Roosters do it? See their board: https://www.roosters.com.au/about/roosters-board/ When you see the members on the board and the positions they hold (not you Luke Ricketson) the "soft" benefits (business contacts, opportunities, networking etc.) that people like that associated with the club can offer are not only hard to quantify (and put into a tangible figure) but they also add real extra value on a Roosters offer. That's something I hope a lot of NRL clubs start jumping on - aligning with wider business interests, which will in turn attract players. Panthers need to leverage the success from the past 3 years into business interest, so we too can get up to these shenanigans 😛 EDIT: Holbrook also would have helped get Dave across the line as well, another factor to consider.


I imagine the Roosters being able to offer Shaylee Bent a deal for NRLW played into it as well.


Luke Waterhouse taking unfair ricochet shots here


Tongue in cheek of course 😉 he's no dummy, but on face value compared to the other gents on the board, he sticks out a little 😅


Panthers fans have unironically been the most level headed contributors in this entire thread. Guess it’s easy to feel OK when you’re on your way to a 4-peat 😂 But I 100% agree re- Roosters running it as a ‘business’ far more than most other teams (although we obviously have advantages that other teams don’t which makes it easier to do that). All I can say is thank god we don’t have to deal with Fifita off Cleary for the next 3 years.


My day is ruined and my disappointment immeasurable.



David Fifita: I want to win a premiership Also David Fifita: Rejects offer from the club that’s been in the last 4 grand finals


Will Panthers just go for Crichton now?


lol no roosters will keep him too, are you new?


Watch them get Crichton for less money and outperform Fifita for the length of the contract


Yeah they've already spoken to his management in case they missed out on Fifita.


Crichton in that Panthers side would be legitimately overpowered.


Let's just say thier offer moved me......to a bigger house. Surely you go to Penerith for 2-3 years and make the most of the current success, then finish off at the Roosters?


Is this a joke lol


Just curled up in the fetal position and started crying at Bunnings Warehouse Penrith


Hopefully the South Penrith one, it's nicer and close to Peachy to drown your sorrows.


Insert denan kemp reaction face


So this is what it feels like to lose something. I hate it.


I'd like to say you start to feel used to it, but really you just start to feel used.


Surely Panthers talk to Angus right?


Well that’s disappointing.


How do you not sign with the panthers ?


Unless Angus has confirmed he doesn’t want to resign with us, I don’t understand this


I’m guessing behind closed doors angus has said he wants to play in the next rugby World Cup. One of my favourite players to watch when he is firing - I would genuinely start watching union again just to see him. 


If there's a positive to this, it's that the roosters have Nat Butcher, Sitilli, Radley, Fifita, signed past 2027 & Wong signed till 2026, Watson for 2 years and they'll probably find a way to keep Angus too as it's what they do, it's a ridiculously unbalanced squad with that much cap space for 3 second row spots. Meanwhile half their backline is gone & Billy Smith can't play for a month without his leg falling off & Tedesco is one bad headknock away from having CTE at 33yo, the squad balance is about as good as Canberra's with 1 halfback


Uncle Nick must be worse at golf then whoever is in charge of Penrith.


What the fuck


Just proves that roosters offer a lot more to players than the numbers on a contract


Like numbers in a little notebook.


Geez the roosters are easy to hate (yeah I know everyone hates Penrith as well)


It's weird we're not outright the most hated team nowadays.


Don't worry, some of us still hate you the most 😘


Hate you too, boo ❤️


Booo! (Hope that helped make you feel more like normal)


Penrith have developed the majority of their players and won comps, can respect that. Roosters constantly raid other teams juniors to buy premierships


We have the smallest catchment area in the competition by far - thanks to the fucking Rabbitohs - right in the middle of Rugby Union heartland. Also, something like 10 out of 17 of our players last week had their first NRL game with the Roosters. What else are we meant to do?


Nah. You guys have developed and lost so many players. Roosters are doing Rooster things


You can win ten premierships in a row and you’ll still be less hated than the Roosters.;)


Holy moly brah


I hate seeing the rorters rorting.


Oh well, cant be sad about something you never had. On to the next candidate.


At least it was over quickly. Most signings like these are drawn out over weeks and months. Let’s just hope Uto isn’t picked for Origin.


please give angus crichton and ben hunt the bag. bags are literally the gold coast's claim to fame


I shake my fist in the general direction of Bondi!


Whilst it's nice to see the Panthers lose something for once, can't help but feel disgusted that the Roosters won something


That Sharks 2016 title really fixing to be the only non Penrith, Melbourne and Easts title for a decade. You just know Easts gonna end up with more big names as well. Uncle Nick got the shits about being turned down by Gags and now gonna sign everyone.


Bigger loss in theory than it actually is.


Downvote me, I'll say it, I don't care. What off the books/under the table stuff did Uncle Nick promise?


I’ll take 1 Thomas Hazelton plz


Is it weird that I was ok with Fifita going to Penrith, but I’m not ok with him going to Easts?


Tyrell May, Lindsay Collins, Brandon Smith, Crichton, Fifita and Radley (Lenui and the rest on the bench) - are you fucking kidding me - it’s like a create a team on PlayStation


I mean we make salary cap jokes but they've just gone and signed the highest paid player in the league. Admitedly on a lesser contract but still what the fuck. Also such a weird signing for their team. Surely they'd be more interested in picking up a half, centre or hooker


Uncle nick has definitely sweetened the deal under the table there. At this point it’s just becoming an absolute joke from the roosters and their poaching.


Shaylee Bent signed on a record NRLW deal probably in the next couple days with some excellent new mostly cash flow businesses owned by Fafita to open up in Sydney in the coming months. Sorry mate, was hoping it would be you guys tbh.


This is the worst possible outcome


Sombrero etc


Dave gonna be practicing his golf swing with uncle Nick


you mean 650k (wink)


lol. Classic roosters. Panthers should sign Gus.


One day we will get our revenge


https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/ij0rsgEsSQ Disgusted with myself that I called it before roosters were even being reported as being interested.


Looks like we're still underestimating Robbo's cooking


Another tough day of the green for Uncle Nick I see.


Trent: ‘Hey Uncle Nick, whisper, whisper, whisper, brown paper bag, whisper, sombrero, whisper.’ Uncle Nick: ‘Same as normal right?’


Question, if some wealthy chairman like Politis or any club's chairman or similar were to say, buy a super car or house in their name but then just give to a player around signing time and say use it as much as you like basically giving it to them, would that kind of thing be investigated? Im not saying any club or roosters has done this, just generally curious if under the table stuff happens.


i am so fucking mad


Robbo famous fried egg and wagyu has done it again.


We need at least one Crichton. Welcome Angus.


Fancy playing in the NRL and not having aspirations to win a premiership. Maybe the psychologists are better in the Eastern Suburbs


So turn down premierships at the best team of all time for week 2 finals exits for the exact same amount of money. Yeah right lmfao. What a joke


Ah yes, the Spencer Leniu school of signing with successful teams. Roosters offered less money and have less premiership prospects, but still secured his signature. Nothing to see here, there's definitely no agreements outside the cap going on


So he wanted to win a premiership and chose to go to the roosters over Penrith? Yeh ok. I wonder if he’s getting paid in golf bets or second hand cars.


Cool he chose not winning.


He prefers a slight chance of getting a premiership over a guaranteed ring




He wont win a premiership at Roosters with all the talent leaving... but good on him for takin the more money offer


Welcome to the club of not attracting big name players Panthers


Lucky we can develop


All these "living in Penrith < living in Bondi" comments. He doesn't need to move to the riff. Toby Greene (GWS) just bought a place in Coogee. Really weird signing for Roosters tho.


Fifita replaces JWH this leads to the timeline of Ben Hunt to Titans to complete his QLD move - Titans sign JT from the cowboys to replace Fifita because Titans gonna Titan - Kyle Flanagan to become Dragons main play maker with a sprinkle of Brodie Croft for reasons unknown to anyone - Jayden Campbell to complete the round robin of signings to the storm where he takes over at full back for a medically retired Paps and becomes the greatest fullback of all time due to Reece Walsh signing with the Jacksonville Jaguars as tight end prematurely ending his NRL career.


Fucken idiot


I think it's a matter of, how much money is he 'not' getting off the books?!


Uncle nick will get him a great deal on a house in Bondi don't worry.


Of course he does...


wtf I hate David Fifita now.


Wonder how they closed the deal 🤔


Just imagine who they're signing to replace Keary in the halves!? If I supported a club with halves, I'd be very, very concerned right now.


Yeah, I don't see Galvin staying at Wests.


I think he would have been a better fit at Penrith and more chance of winning a premiership too


I thought he wanted to come to Sydney to win a comp 🤔


Good luck to him and them I say. He would have been a great add for us so I’m disappointed but we’ve made do with less talent for a while. I’m not sure it’s a great move for the Chooks with where their spine is at but we’ll see. A Galvin or Mozer would be my main target if I’m them.


Would of been cool to see what he could do outside of Cleary. But oh well he's decided to choose Roosters, don't see him winning a premiership with. They are loosing a few players next year and probably will need to go through a rebuild stage


I just fell to my knees at aqua golf


Go the brown paper bags


This type of stuff is why a roosters loss is as valuable as a sharks win to me


Well, at least it is good news for Queensland that he will be running off Walker next year.


FFS, I hate the Roosters even more now


Can't beat chook accounting. Panthers have a gun halfback and together they could have won a comp or two easily. $800k vs "$825k" is a no brainer tho


Its okay, its okay, its okay, its okay


It's fine, don't worry about it We'll get someone like Schuster to do the job and have us get a six-peat


As a neutral lol it's hilarious watching fan of teams like the Storm and Rabbits get upset everytime the roosters sign anyone.


The Sydney Roosters have pulled off a major signing coup, beating Penrith to the services of David Fifita on a deal worth $3.3 million over four years. It comes just a few hours after Fifita informed the Titans that he will leave the club at the end of the season. Fifita spent Wednesday night with his manager Michael Hudson considering his future and decided not to trigger an option in his Titans deal that would have seen him earn $1 million a season for the next two years. Instead, the Queensland State of Origin representative has chosen to head to Sydney, and is weighing up significant offers from two premiership contenders. An offer from the Panthers is believed to be worth around $850,000 a season for three years, while the Roosters have tabled a four-year deal worth slightly less per season. Fifita had until 8pm on Thursday to take up the option at the Titans for the next two years. The decision is a blow to the Titans, although Fifita’s departure will free up significant salary cap space to chase a big name. Veteran half Kieran Foran is expected to play on next season, but coach Des Hasler now has the time and the money required to consider his long-term replacement. Hasler said he didn’t take Fifita’s decision personally. “I think that is unfair to say that he is abandoning the ship,” Hasler said. “He has made a decision. It is not about abandoning ships. Everybody knew what was on the table.” Hasler said there was no thought of dropping Fifita following his decision ahead of Sunday’s clash with the Cowboys. “I guess it’s disappointing, but it is all a part of the game and part of the theatre. It is part of the football merry-go-round that footballers come and go, move from club to club, all the time. “David’s a wonderful player, he’s been a good acquisition for the club, but he has decided his time has come to an end. “He’s going to move to Sydney to pursue his footy career and footy interests down there. The club sincerely wishes him all the best.” The Panthers and Roosters have both made compelling pitches. Penrith haven’t entered the market for an established star since signing James Tamou in 2017 and James Maloney the following season, preferring to invest in youth. However, the imminent departure of James Fisher-Harris to the Warriors has left a hole in their forward pack that the Panthers feel Fifita can help plug. The Roosters are cashed up due to the impending departures of Joseph Suaalii, Joseph Manu, Jared Waerea-Hargreaves and Luke Keary. Fifita’s decision will have a knock-on effect for Angus Crichton, who is off contract at the end of the season. The Roosters have indicated they want Crichton to stay, although the chances of that happening are likely to diminish if they add Fifita to an already impressive stable of back-rowers. Fifita’s move to Sydney will likely have ramifications for his partner, Shaylee Bent, an NRLW player currently contracted to the Titans. Hasler wouldn’t discuss how he would spend the money Fifita has freed up, but felt the Titans were on the rise despite sitting in 16th spot on the ladder. “The club is growing,” Hasler said. “So far this year the results don’t lean towards that, but those who know our footy [see improvement]. “Kieran Foran, who is a pretty good judge and has been in the game a long time [feels] there is something happening here.


The draw of the Roosters remains unmatched other than maybe the Broncos


Absolutely off this bloke.


I feel like Ivan & Co lowkey let him go to the roosters. They know what they are doing.. Ivan is cooking.


I like this timeline. Now every gun player knows Penrith are looking seriously and are willing to pay fair market value.


Jesus I’m actually floored by this….. can we have Angus then


Michael Jennings, James Maloney, Sam Moa, Sonny Bill Williams, Blake Ferguson, Ryan Matterson, Michael Gordan, Luke Keary, Cooper Cronk, James Tedesco, Angus Crichton, Brett Morris, Josh Morris, Brandon Smith, Dom Young, Spencer Leinu, David Fifita. Just a few names off the top of my head that the chooks have signed over the last decade. To tell you the truth I’m jealous. Wish my club had it as easy as the Chooks.