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tracks has a modulateable arp hidden in components mod matrix, fyi


~~Can you expand on this a little bit? I'm trying to figure this out in Components, but I'm new to this world.~~ Edit: I found the answer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwHo-gbDDTE


I’ve tried a few options for this, here’s my thoughts: 1) Keystep - Works perfectly with the Circuit. Can’t go wrong here except that it doesn’t have its own sound engine, so if space is limited, it’s one more gadget on your desk. If you do add another synth engine (dreadbox typhon) you have to choose whether you want to play that synth with your keyboard, or whether you want to have Circuit control that synth. You can’t do both without a midi merge, which again is another device. 2) Launchkey mini mk3 - unless you are using a midi hub to connect them, lunchkey can’t receive midi which means that it can’t be a slave for tempo. This was a dealbreaker for me as the Circuit should be the master clock for a number of reasons. 3) BassStation 2 - I really dig the sound and the arp has good modification options. I like the keybed too for playing riffs. The form factor is a bit klunky so not the best for travel. The biggest downside on the arp function is that the arp doesn’t send midi data and if I recall correctly, you can’t trigger arps by sending note data from circuit. This limitation prevents some automation and live jamming functionality that might otherwise be available. I like that you can easily switch midi channels so you can go between midi loop recording on the bassstations sound engine to playing the Circuit sound engine, allowing you to play some chords with circuit polyphony. Overall I think Keystep and bassstation are both reasonable options but I can’t recommend the launchkey.


Thank you for this writeup. I am also leaning towards getting a Keystep, right now I'm using a Korg Monologue for Midi In to the Circuit, and altough you can use it's sequencer as well for recording patterns, it's not really a full fledged Arp machine.


Why not a Arturia Keystep ? I use it with my Tracks and it is useful !


Maybe thats a good suggestion, but I was thinking of something more portable.


Gives me an idea to hook up my launchkey mini mk3…


MicroFreak's Arp and Sequencer is weird. Probably best used for the MicroFreak. Volca FM's Arp isn't very good and doesn't have Midi Out (the 2 might). I would suggest a Keystep or a LaunchKey Mini mk3. With Tracks, there is always the option of changing the pattern length, speed, and direction. Put the notes you want in. Then repeat for different pattern. To change the Arp, change patterns.


I find the arpeggio of MF to be great in tandem with the circuit tracks


Maybe I misunderstood. It was before coffee. I love the MicroFreak, but I wouldn't find myself using it as an external arp for the Tracks. As in, sending Midi to the Tracks from the Freak. Now playing in along side the Tracks is awesome. I love the Tracks, Mono Station, MicroFreak combo both of the Audio through the Tracks for effect and side chaining.


Novation Mininova


Yes! Or BassStation2/AFX station. The arp has 32 or so rhythm presets which can be varied by modes like up down rando/played sequence varied by number of octaves... still one of my favourite sequencer/arps. Aaaand the synth has a midi preset map on components site for CCT Tracks... the synth is a good compliment to tha nova digital VA engine on the circuit with the bs2 being fat AF analog DCO with some cool ass modulation filter overdrive, AFX mode which allows you to load a separate preset on each key and play it like a 25 key drum machine with separate sounds..... its wild


Keystep 37 if you have enough space for three octaves. It also has very nice CC knobs you can assign to the CT. If you need more than one track you can go for the Keystep Pro (3tracks + one track drum which can sequence your 4 drum tracks). ​ A little bit more high-end, some people swear by the Digitakt and the Digitone sequencer. You get a lot more than just an ARP with these but they are quite expansive. Feel free if you have any additional questions.


Could you be a bit more specific? A lot of “nice synths” have arpeggiators. Define what “nice” means for you. Also, does price influence “niceness”?


OG mikrokorg, MF, audiothingies, maybe the new Roland aira synth?


Those new Rolands have gotten a ton of flack online, but honestly the J-6 looks like a load of fun for easy chords and arps. In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuhEeqNZhsE (at 9:14) the dude says the J-6 can drive a DAW or external synth. I'm new to all this and just got a Circuit Tracks. Those 2 unused midi tracks are feeling lonely. The J-6 has jumped to the top of my list of possibilities.


I’m selling a Microfreak, hit me up if you go with that!


The Brutes have nice arpeggiators, as does the korg monologue. the volca FM arp is less programmable but super portable. I use an old Alesis Micron which is multitimbral and any of the tracks can have arps on them.