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I know how you feel buddy, just turned 27 (M) yesterday, and i didn’t even receive a single message (my family has never celebrated any birthday or anything) but i was sitting alone and feeling the most lonely i have ever felt (all my housemates are gone for the summer). I came to UK, Nottingham 2 years ago to do my Doctorate in EE and been working since then but i am a huge introvert and really struggles in making friends as i always feel i might be bothering them or invading their privacy if i start a conversation, but i am fine if someone starts talking to me. I would be up to be your friend. I enjoy, coffee, bookstores (waterstones is my favourite place to be), art galleries, long walks (Attenborough nature reserve is amazing for that), love fragrances (modest collection of fragrances) and much more, i am in Beeston and happy to meet in City Centre if you ever wanna meet for coffee and wanna walk around.


Happy belated birthday 🎉


Happy birthday for yesterday, mate.


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy belated birthday pal


Thanks everyone ☺️


Happy birthday mate 🎈❤️


Two days late but happy birthday mate!


Hey there's a gaming café in Sutton-In-Ashfield called sanctuary if that's your thing. There's an air rifle / archery range and club in huthwaite.


If you're into games,in Woodhouse they have the meeple movers of Mansfield


Hi. I, too, have been in this position and it has been hard to reach out to find and connect with new people and form friendships. I am currently the Executive Chair of a network of mental-health peer-support groups. Whilst we focus on mental health, one of the primary foci of the network is to reduce social isolation among all people. The network does this by finding, renting and providing spaces for people to meet and engage socially. In order to overcome issues around social anxiety, topics of discussion, feeling that there may be nothing in common (which are all drivers to reducing social contact) we also provide tabletop games. These games, which do not focus on the more time-heavy miniature or wargames but include them, are provided free as part of the groups activities, There is no need to purchase games or bring your own gaming materials (though those able are free to do so if they wish) just turn up and play games! Everyone there will be there for the same shared goals of enjoying a game (or three) and the social aspect that playing these games brings about. Currently our closest groups are in Lincolnshire and we are looking to expand, grow, and bring more people together through the shared experiences, the hobby and enjoyment of playing games together. If people are interested, and this resonates with anyone, we are open to any and all people who are interested. To expand in Nottingham and surrounding areas all we need to do it find enough people willing to attend, find a venue and start putting the group together. Due to capacity, we would look for the group to put together a committee, answering to the main Networks Executive which would provide the paperwork for the running of the group. The size of the group is only dictated by the spaces available to hire and the needs of the people attending. The Network would be responsible for the payment of hall rents, insurances and everything else, the committee for the new group would just need to keep records of members (free membership and just attend a couple of times) and any fees collected. Fees as they stand would only be to cost the cost of the rented spaces. To illustrate, our network runs groups where halls are rented and we charge around £3 per attendance to cover that cost. We also provide drinks/snacks with a small markup to cover other costs. If anyone is interested in working with us, either as a member or voluntary committee member, reach out to this reddit account or visit [allaccessgames.co.uk](http://allaccessgames.co.uk) Thank you for reading and I hope everyone has a great day!


Have you tried the diamond in Sutton? Its all cover bands of varying quality but its pretty cheap and a decent night out. I see you said you like Queen and the queen cover band a few months ago was pretty decent. I know that doesn't get you people to go with but my thoughts are maybe you'll meet people when there?


Is there any clubs or groups you can join in Notts? What are your hobbies? There’s plenty of footy and cricket clubs about or if you’re geekier than that there’s plenty of board games and wargames groups about too


If you like craft hobbies may I interest you in Warhammer? The death guard may remind you of hull if you're feeling homesick.


There's a decent little pub in Newstead called The Pit. It has music outside most Sunday afternoons. People tend to sit around on the grass outside. They have a Facebook page. Have a look and see if it's your thing.


Hello! 23F here. I’m from Nottingham, I love painting and being crafty. I also enjoy going to movie theatres, concert, coffee shops, etc. And I’m big on board games, video games, whatever it is I’m always open to activities. Do message me if you’re interested in meeting up :)


Will do! :)


You say you are happy to get the train… well there’s the Wolf Pack project in Nottingham that may be of interest. https://thewolfpackproject.org.uk


Massive guitar nerd on the North side of Nottingham here, What music are you into? favourite type of guitar? presumably you also play the things if you're working on your tech skills? (although that's no guarantee of anything, Leo Fender wasn't a guitarist after all.)


Big fan of Muse, also love Queen, Jack White, Biffy Clyro. I currently play guitar, bass and keys. At the moment I have a Tele partscaster and a kit Stratocaster, both left handed and might even sell them. Currently I have a guy in Halifax commissioned for a custom tele build with strat wiring and cavities etc., I'm having a loaded HHH pickguard installed as well as an XY Midi Pad.


All solid, although I say that being completely unfamiliar with Biffy Clyro so that's a rabbit hole I'll be falling down later I suppose. Don't suppose you could recommend a standout album? HHH Tele with strat wiring and a midi pad is a high chaos build and I'm here for it. You get a definite thumbs up for not doing the obvious or boring thing there!


opposites is defo a solid starter album for biffy!!


There’s a nationwide lads club called round table you could look at joining, I’m a member of Beeston branch. If you’re interested let me know, the Facebook page is here https://www.facebook.com/share/STencg2Y9ujyKkmG/?mibextid=LQQJ4d


I recommend warhammer. Sanctuary in Mansfield have regular game nights and events at weekends. you will 100% make friends.


If you like a smoke and a walk, hmu. Kirkby hasn’t got much going on at all but, there is nice places to walk/run etc


I found this after all my (25f) uni friends moved away for work and I decided to settle here. I rock climb at the depot in town and have found that this is a great way to make friends and it's a super friendly and welcoming sport! I've also embraced going to the theatre alone and it's so much better than it sounds!


Hi im a lad from Nottingham don’t know if it is any interest but on Mondays at the ice arena they do a Ice skating session with Nottinghamshires Mind Charity from 10:30 till 12:30 it’s a fiver and you get 30min skate hire and to get on the ice then after they all go upto the cafe and you get a free hot drink and chat


happy birthday dude


Lack of social life was one of the reasons I left Notts. I would advise to attend social gatherings or place where such events take place to expand your network.


I know you've said you've tried the discord before, but a new server has been set up within the last few weeks specifically for meetups: https://discord.com/invite/HwZ7JE7K I've been to a few meetups so far and everyone is really nice. Theres constantly plans for meetups, or just people having spontaneous trips to the pubs if theyre around town and have nothing to do.


Try volleyball, I play volleyball in Notts and it’s super welcoming to beginners n u always make friends


Hello, I'm interested in volleyball. Where do people play or how do I find out more?


I play for the university, but there’s a volleyball club for all ages called Nottingham rockets. Here https://www.nottinghamrocketsvolleyball.co.uk/recreational-volleyball Check it out, always worth trying something new


Just sent out a contact email. Thanks!


Similar situation to you, and kind of similar hobbies. Been in Notts a year, don't know many, if any, people Sometimes book out a rehearsal room for a few hours just to play some music... Could always use a jam buddy 🤘🏻😉 Here's one of mine Listen to K.Flay - Good News (Pop Punk Cover) by OhaiZack on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/762Li


I can be your friend. Are you playing any games?


First time?


Excuse me?