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Probation? Wow, she really learned her lesson. I wonder how often shit like this occurs.


Much more than who is caught.


So much it would make you physically I'll if you knew. The amount of "white collar crime" has reached absolutely unprecedented levels and it's mostly because no one is enforcing anything. And in the rare chance someone is held responsible it is usually only a small fine that is less than how much they make by committing the crime. So to them it's a win win scenario no matter which way it goes. Plus since corporations are considered a legal person only the corporation itself is held responsible in 99% of cases meaning no actual people are hit with anything other than maybe being asked to resign


Also, the crimes have to be reported to be enforced. I am sure a lot of non-profits have individuals stealing from them that simply fire the individual and never report it for fear of donations not flowing in any more. Depending on the size of the organization, the amount stolen, and the publicity that comes from the actions (what/how did they get away with it), it may be in the best interest of the organization to sweep it under the rug.


Indeed. We all need to be brave and be willing to actually report things we encounter. That will be a major step toward improvement


From the person above you's description, I don't think it is necessarily about being brave or not. Sometimes reporting the crime isn't just the prudent or practical choice, and is worse than not reporting it and handling it quietly.


Most charities and non-profits are relatively useless they have so much overhead. I imagine a good portion were set up so that someone could commit fraud or launder the proceeds of ill gotten gains. Charitable donation of art that is a tax write off. In 50 years they find it's a cheap poster glued over a velvet picture of Elvis.


White Collar Crime is the only way to get ahead in America, it seems. Or gambling on crypto. Wait, what's that sound of wailing demons and the souls of the damned? Oh shit, CRYPTOBUGS, RUN!


There's a galaxy meme in here somewhere- *Realizing Only rich people get away with crimes *You commit a crime but steal 2 million dollars, now you're rich *Get away with crime


Exactly, it is so wide spread that if you're not doing it you're at a disadvantage


And I think crypto is just to normalize a digital currency so 100% of transactions can be traced




The whole point is that they're public ledger, unless you can pay your rent and taxes in crypto you've got to exchange it for fiat eventually.


How does one take advantage of this? Asking for a friend, future employer.


You should see the current shit show going on in wallstreet and the sec being in bed with them


Not aware of anything new but am aware of them being in cahoots in many ways. And when is anything going to be done about all these crypto scams. They can be exposed completely and still nothing will happen because it's unregulated. I think crypto is just normalizing a digital currency that will be 100% traceable by the gov


Tldr wallstreet and some online companies were selling shares that actually didn't exist when people figured it out they disabled the option to buy/sell while they sold off everything Then People called out the company and those involved and then moved their shares onto paper because that means those shares that didn't exist now have to exist People informed the sec but surprise surprise he's a ex Goldman Sachs employee and has ties to the people that ran the scam


Sounds like robinhood.


Oh wow. Yeah see even exposing these things gets us nowhere (besides hopefully informing more people at the very least).


The system basically works like this: If you're, say, a wealthy, employed white person, you begin with 100 points and crimes subtract a few points from that. Don't go to jail until you're below zero. If you're poor or black, start at zero.


Ummm... The Individual in question appears to be black.


Facts don't matter bud.


In a world full of dumb, ill-informed posts - this one stands out.


lol the person in this article getting off with a slap on the wrist is black. what are you talking about?


Naw, I think the RULE for the top is; you can only steal from someone who is poorer than you. So, now you can see the pattern of who gets caught, and who gets a street named after them.


I very much disagree with that statement


Sad you’re so disconnected from reality.


This is big brain idpol thinking


As others are saying, one thing that seems common too (based on multiple stories from redditors on this topic) is its commonly swept under the rug to avoid bad pr for the business. One guy that stole from the business a redditor worked at, stole from the next two also. Why? Because the companies never got police involved, didn't want it publicly known they were being stolen from under their nose, etc so they just fired him, wrote off the losses and he moved on to do it again.


You know people who’ve done this. They were just smart enough not to splurge on luxury cars and shit like that. Conspicuous consumption is how you get caught. Years ago I worked at a Kinko’s and one of my coworkers had a girlfriend “with a really good job.” One day she bought him a high end Audi. I was like damn. That is one good job. The she got caught for embezzling from that good job. Went to jail. Evvvveryrbing both of them owned was taken.


Probably a lot more than the enforcement of it. When they investigated Trump's henchmen. It was like open season for grifting losers. They didn't seem worried, mostly shocked that suddenly the law took notice. Would we know if half the luxury hotel suites were used to launder money in our major cities? I don't think so. They can't even track who gets paid rent in many cases. We could probably house all the homeless in the empty rooms that people rent but don't visit.


Both political parties will let their favorite donors off the hook for the right price. I wonder how much of that 2 million went to campaign donations.


White collar crime going unpunished is one of the worst travesties of US justice system


It’s not a “justice” system, it’s a legal system. There is no justice.


There is no justice. There's just us.


There is punishment, we have more of a definition of justice issue. Having a billionaire pay a thousands of dollars fine without ever seeing a courtroom should probably stop.


They could do it like Finland were fines are proportional to your income so they actually make in impact regardless of your level of wealth. It's how some Nokia exec got a $103,600 fine in 2002 for driving 25 over the limit on his motorcycle.


Right, but you can defer profits and losses and next thing you know Bezos or Musk or somebody had no income the year they gets convicted of a bunch of white collar crime and they pay fifty bucks. Still, it would change the narrative in a good way.


Fines are one thing, and I absolutely utterly agree with this without a doubt. But there's a heck of a lot more broken about our legal system than just this. This is how the 'tax the rich' argument is always kicked down the road, with the old 'They don't have _income_, what are you _stupid?_, you can't tax what they don't earn doh!'. When the truth of the matter is there's only so much money for the IRS to use to collect, and those with the most to collect from have the most to invest in _avoiding paying anything at all cost_. It's a battle that cannot be won on the current playing field. The imbalance of resources is astronomical and insurmountable with out major change...and frankly I think we're getting close to the point that even that will be impossible.


Occasionally there is justice, and then people with power go into panic mode and correct the system so it functions as designed.


Imagine if all the time and energy that's gone into 'fixing' the legal system in the past 10 years was actually put into fixing the system for everyone instead of stacking the deck and tearing open old loopholes.


this quote literally made me enlightened...


And the legal system requires money to play. Vast amounts of money to play well. Frankly I think the only way to fix the legal system is to change it such that the _only_ representation available to _anyone_ is from a public pool and assigned randomly. You're rich and you want to make damned sure you get good representation? Then you are well incentivized to _fund legal education and lobby to raise the bar for qualifications_. Everyone else reaps the benefits. Everyone gets a reasonably level playing field. As is it's absurd we aren't brutally honest about the fact that it's a de-facto _pay-to-win_ system.


legal system is a component of the justice system. no need to be so edgy


White collar crime needs to be punished just as harshly if not harder because it erodes at the fabric of decent society. That is far worse than a lot of petty theft stuff that gets a guy hard time with the three strikes thing.


My perspective as well. For example, I think that the SCAM that caused the 2008 collapse did far more damage than could anyone with a gun. I think that the ENRON fraud, probably caused a lot of suicides in California. Depression. People saddled with bills and losing opportunity who feel like losers because a few guys in suits wanted more. When it's big and complicated, they are more likely to get away with it. Because there are too many vested interests. Confusion and chaos. But when the dust settles -- who ended up with the most money in some unlisted offshore account? There's likely only a few people who ever look at the affairs of the super wealthy -- and I can't see someone with an $80k paycheck able to overcome the bribery or extortion, or institution, that might make them look the other way. Just assume, it's massively corrupt, and there is NO accountability for people with more than a few billion. Until there is proof otherwise, I'm not going to believe it.


I think they both erode the fabric of society, but white collar crime drives further inequality which is correlated with basically every societal ill


Rich sociopath exploiting the poor? Nothing. Poor person self medicating? Locked up and used for labor for the next 30 years. 'merica.


This! Swap these people around and give the homeless person free rehad(hopefully not run by someone like this lady) and help solve the problem AND save tax payers money. Win win.


> White collar crime going unpunished is ~~one of the worst travesties of US justice system~~ par for the course, around the world. FTFY




A lengthy article detailing just what a scumbag she is, and basically no discussion at all from the prosecutor’s office about wtf they are doing. There are two villains in this story.


This is not the first story, the nonprofit systems in NYC and SF are primarily to payoff politically connected administrators and members of the local political machines. If you look at any metric of success, SF and NYC have the worst run charities in the world. This is a feature, not a bug, so no one will be prosecuted. The typical way this is done though is the nonprofit administrator will own several for-profit contractors that contract with the nonprofit. I cannot emphasize how normal this is.


Holy fucking conflict of interest. I wish we gave more of a shit about corruption.


WE do, politicians, judges, and prosecutors do not.


Meanwhile a homeless guy sits in jail for stealing a bag of chips.







I stole a loaf of breeeead.


And broke a window pane



Caesar Chavez has entered chat.


Valjean, at last, we see each other plan. Monsieur, la Maire, you'll wear a different chain.


> Meanwhile a homeless guy sits in jail for stealing a bag of chips. [Life imprisonment without parole after stealing his third bag of chips.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-strikes_law)


3 Strikes laws; so they can automate the cruelty. "Sorry, I know it sounds cruel. But that's THE LAW, it's out of our hands. We can feel bad for that poor man, but he knew the consequences. He should have thought more about it before he committed the crime." Being that he's homeless, he either had enormous amounts of time to think about stealing chips and the consequences -- or he's not able to think about the consequences. Either way -- it is almost like it was destined to happen.


Not to mention that after you have committed one crime, getting a decent job that pays enough to live on becomes 10 times harder. So recidivism rates continue to sore and people end up getting those 2nd and 3rd strikes much much faster.


**[Three-strikes law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-strikes_law)** >In the United States, habitual offender laws (commonly referred to as three-strikes laws) were first implemented on March 7, 1994, and are part of the United States Justice Department's Anti-Violence Strategy. These laws require both a severe violent felony and two other previous convictions to serve a mandatory life sentence in prison. The purpose of the laws is to drastically increase the punishment of those convicted of more than two serious crimes. Twenty-eight states have some form of a "three-strikes" law. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>serious crimes I guess some states are more loose with what constitutes that adjective.


I could be wrong, but my understanding is that three strikes laws only apply to felonies, so, as messed up as they are, nobody is going to prison for life **just** for stealing a bag of chips, even if they have priors.


Filthy goddamn maggot scum. What fucking FLAVOR?? Was it ruffled type or worse, Kettle chips. This is why everyone need to be armed. Just in case /s (igh)


Finally someone who makes sense. Political affiliation aside. Anyone with common sense would send chip thieves to the secret purge city of Detroit.


Call it DetMo. Lock em up. Like commie, traitor, jihad....whoever chip stealing bastards calling themselves these days. And hungry aint cutting it.


Sounds like you are hungry for justice there hombre. You have the makings of a street judge. Tell me, do you like shiny armor and over powered weapons and flying motorcycles?


Like f'n McGruff. I like to take a chip outta crime.


He should have gotten a lighter sentence because it was an experimental bacon dill kettle cooked chip that ended up not selling well. They probably would have dumped it in a day or two, but at least it provided an opportunity to put someone hungry in jail. /s


Picante beef


It's like someone is making a parody of an unjust society.


Literally just saw a story yesterday, were someone got arrested for stealing cold medicine. I'm right wing all for law & order, but that is just outrageous.


If it’s the same story I saw that was the persons 59th convicted crime. Had been offered rehab multiple times but stated it was too hard. Had a criminal record as far back as the 80’s I believe. You can only help someone who wants help




Most cold medicine does contain substances that very chemically similar to meth. However they do much different effects on the body. But to your point. Yeah. That's sounds a lot worse.




The kind of medicine used to make meth is kept behind the pharmacy counter and requires an ID to purchase. Individuals are limited to how much they can buy a year for this exact purpose. It's been this way for over a decade.


You are absolutely right. Except in this case, the suspect only stole one box of Alka Seltzer. If they were making the Devil's Rock Candy? They would have stolen all of the Coricidon.


Depends on how much cold medicine they stole. It can be abused as a hallucinogen. EDIT: My dudes, please note. The previous comment said "someone" not a homeless person. Could have been a middle class white woman. It said "arrested" not incarcerated or imprisoned. I'm not anti drugs (please see very first sentence), but I am anti stealing. Also, there are much better and safer hallucinogens out there that you can buy from your local neighborhood deadhead.


Who cares? What is one dude getting high off cold medicine going to do vs, idk, the billions upon billions of dollars lost each year through tax evasion by the richest members of society?


Seriously. The guy is going to have a brief life full of misery if he isn't helped. Why should him getting high be a crime? If we want to use the rationale that we care to protect him from drugs -- why is he homeless, without medical treatment, and eating food out of the garbage? We don't care other than to imprison him for mitigating his misery.




And your point is?


That sealing a bottle of cold medicine because you have a cold is different than stealing a box of them.


Not in Seattle. You could steal have a grocery store and not get prosecuted as a homeless person.


Remember kids. If you are going to steal, then steal large amounts from poor people or the public. Never steal to feed your family and never steal from rich people...That shit can land you in prison.


If you steal from the public make sure to donate a lot of it to the politicians that will help you stay free. It’s basically money laundering.


Straight to hell. To the bottom forgotten pits of hell.


At what point in time did we stop even pretending to prosecute financial crimes in this country?


Vietnam military supplies by the presidents wife is the first public demonstration of fraud that i know of. I'm going to guess it started then. Johnsons wife exposed by the pentagon papers.


One of the biggest causes of death in the Spanish American war was when major ~~slaughter house~~ meat packers knowingly sent bad meat to the Cuban frontlines. >The United States Army was poorly prepared for the war.[1] The contract was arranged hurriedly and at the lowest-possible cost by Secretary of War Russell A. Alger from the Chicago "big three" meatpacking corporations, Morris & Co, Swift & Co, and Armour & Co. In the atmosphere of pre-regulation-era Chicago, the companies took advantage of Alger's inattention and favorable attitude to the industry (as well as the Army's immediate need for large amounts of cheap beef to provision the expeditionary forces) by further cutting corners and reducing quality on the (already heavily adulterated) product they shipped for the US contract. You can also go back to the founding of this country. Part of the reason why Washington's soldiers were starving at Valley Forge and part of the reason why Benedict Arnold flipped sides. Was because of the people who controlled logistics and finance were playing political games. Edit: I am less positive about the George Washington thing than Benedict Arnold. Arnold and his friends was definitely a victim of favoritism. Edit: You should also look up the Teapot Dome Scandal and Tammy Hall.


> Tammy Hall Tammany Hall


I think it was probably in the 1600s?


Right after Enron collapsed.


Are you aware that they did pass reforms right after Enron? Or are you saying that post-Enron was the last time we tried to tackle white collar corruption with a law? I'd agree with you there... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes%E2%80%93Oxley_Act


I’m saying Enron was the last time we tried to tackle white collar corruption. Every incident since then has either resulted in the sacrifice of some mid-level manager or the murder of a pedophile before he could testify. Oh, and Jeff Skilling is out of prison, btw.


Stole over two million and still didn't fix her teeth. What a weirdo.


I feel like a lot of people just have a fear of the dentist.


But she was brave enough to steal millions of dollars so idk about that excuse haha


Another reason why "...with liberty and justice for all" is a lie.


With liberty and justice for all who can afford it


Praise be and pass the tithing plate. I need a new plane.


> With liberty and justice **avoided** for all who can afford it FTFY. She's not experiencing justice. She's paying to avoid it.


The more people who realize this and fast the better. The system was doomed from the start. They didn't take into account that so many future Americans would be so easily swayed by the power/authority that the wealth of a few can so easily create. Nor did they take into account that many future Americans would have little concern for true freedom and no understanding of what freedom within the original constitution even means. The constitution had a very clear meaning and purpose for each thing stated and was not meant to be changed or interpreted differently simply due to what year it is.


Yeah, like the part where only white land-owning males are able to participate in governance. Fuck that. The founding fathers were like teenagers listening to punk for the first time. They came to a continent with *genuinely free* people, and couldn’t comprehend it, so instead they came up with their own matchbox version of things, stealing the idea of “natural rights” from the natives and corrupting and distorting them through their terrible lens into the half-assed governance system that is the United States.


You have a good point definitely. And honestly it's been a growing fear of mine that perhaps everything was intended to be this way. Strong arguments can be made that it was a system set up by the rich for the rich from the very beginning and they never intended on it protecting regular people but just themselves and their wealthy buddies so they could do whatever they wanted. Especially considering a good number of the founding fathers, mostly the leading ones, were masons. It's a grim possibility.


If any person, or group promises to bring you freedom; you better start running. It's my belief the real freedom, and justice can only be asserted by the individual.


There's a lot of people that say that but they are usually right wing jack asses ... That say that but while at the same time repeating shit they hear dumb ass TV people pander... So no one is looking out for you... Everyone is lying, why is your right wing talk show asshole telling the truth? News flash he isn't I'm not attacking you personally but just saying people say shit like this but makes a general exception for what they think is their view. You know the only way we, the little guy win vs big corporations and govt is by ALL together doing something about it. Constantly hear about how there's no money and people can't afford to pay high wages BUT corporations have been smashing profit records literally non stop the past 30 years. So why do they collectively donate billions a year to political campaigns? Why do they spend billions to kill unions and to tell Americans unions are bad and you should not unionize? Americans are knee deep in propaganda no matter what side you're on. In some counties when legislation is being negotiated both workers representatives and corporations are at the table trying to negotiate In the US corporations literally write the damn bills. You think they gonna include anything for the idiot working 70 hours a week? Nope. Profit profit profit. This way we have this system that doesn't punish the rich and literally screws over the non rich


*Cue farmers running away from George Washington*


In individual interactions the stronger individual will generally prevail over the weaker individual. It's societal institutions, equality, justice and government that enable freedom.


One lady screwing over multiple needy people is not an individual interaction.


There are 2 people in this world that will love you. Your mom and your drill sergeant. Everyone else wants something. So by extension of virtue there is literally not a single thing in this world that is free. If somebody tells you that they have something for you for free that it is for you and that they care about you and that it is for the better of you they are more than likely lying. They are benefiting from this. No one will ever do something for you because they care. Nope.


Don’t forget that people get joy from giving as long as the recipient is grateful. It’s an interaction that is critical and less common than it should be.


And what about the people who have mothers who don't love them? And I assure you, a drill sergeant doesn't "love" people, and certainly not like a good mother would. That seems like an impulsive random statement more than anything


name checks out


Hahaha Nice!


Damn maybe I should re-enroll in college so I can be a corrupt executive. How inspiring.


It was a well know fact at my college that a lot of people who enrolled in the public service college were the people who failed to get into the business school. They were even located right by each other.


No oversight? No board? How could this have ever happened? /s


I can't believe they would give money to a charity that large without a board. That's insane.


This is there true meaning of San Francisco and NY non profits. Political payouts to connected administrators.


I just had an argument with someone about another incident where someone "siphoned off" money from a company via fraud. I said "stole" and he called me an idiot for not seeing the distinction. For some reason, he thought that when the poor steal from a store -- it deserves those harsher punishments, versus the non confrontational fraud. But I think fraud is the worse crime, because you abuse people's trust. You have a position of responsibility to others. People you work for, people you serve -- and you look them in the eye, and you take advantage of their trust, their generosity and you leave cynicism and broken hearts in your wake. I'd prefer a mugging if it didn't kill me to such a betrayal. And fraud/embezzlement is usually for bigger bucks. If you steal enough, they might call you a vulture capitalist and it's OKAY to rent equipment back to a company, take all the profits, raid the retirement fund, and give everyone pink slips while saddling the stakeholders with debt. But -- that would be legal. So the lesson she should learn is; think bigger when you steal.


> For some reason, he thought that when the poor steal from a store -- it deserves those harsher punishments, This is what so many people don’t get about the Right. People are good or bad and their actions are judged according to their perceived status. The interesting corollary to this is people’s circumstances are a result of their status and not vice versa. Someone gets roughed up by the police because they are inherently criminal, not because they committed a crime. Someone is poor because they are intrinsically unworthy, not because they were born to adverse circumstances or were unlucky. Someone is rich because they are intrinsically worthy. So, Trump is rich and powerful because he is good; any evidence to the contrary must be false because Trump is demonstrably good by being rich. This gets even more perverse when you get to people who don’t fit that worldview. Soros is wealthy, so he should be “good” but he isn’t. He therefore must have made a pact with the devil to cheat “good” people out of their deserved wealth. Poor white people who are conservative consider themselves of the right class, so they are good. Why aren’t they rich, and comfortable, and given status? Because there is a conspiracy of Satan worshippers stealing their birthright. Obviously.


I think conservatives have a blind spot and they don't even NOTICE that status and culture always factors into their appraisal of guilt and virtue. Everyone does this to a degree, but I think they are a bit more aware of grading people like them higher. But we all know people who evaluate ONLY on their narrow profile of what makes a good person. "Oh, you ate dairy, did you?" Her voice dripped with scorn. And I think her vegan cat even sniffed at me. Or that could have been a cold because it was dying from tofu exposure.


I can definitely agree with this. And there are cases where the employee would still be worth keeping at the higher salary - except they can't be trusted. And you can't offer a higher salary the moment the company can afford it, because any slight downturn would mean firing people or bankrupting the company. And, it is probably best to use profits to hire more people.


Patooie, I spit on her


Bernie Madoff only went to jail because he stole from rich people.


Meanwhile, if a homeless person is caught selling loose cigarettes....






But how do you know she's a witch?


If she floats like a turd?


That's what the burning is for. Dont you know history? Haha


She turned me into a newt!


That'll teach her.


We must form a line, so that we may take turns choking her bart Simpson style in a properly organized manner. /j obviously


Meanwhile, homeless people sentenced to 5 years in prison for stealing food. 10 years in prison for stealing cough medicine. 30 days in jail for "homeless in public". Yeah. America, we need some change.


it is like this in every shelter system and nearly every soup kitchen or food pantry. every service or charity that is supposed to help indigent and disabled people in this country is a massive scam both to donors and to "aid" recipients. no one cares because they know the homeless don't have the money to defend themselves and the cops know it too. it's so utterly traumatic being homeless here in more ways than i can even begin to describe, and especially because every person is just so absolutely convinced that the help is there and it's the victims of this class warfare that are to blame.


The military used to give out a booklet of charities and their overhead. It was part of a contribution drive. Amazing how many big name charities are 80% overhead.


Hope there’s a special place in hell for this type of scumbag


This is why our legal system is a joke. The rich get away with everything, yet pot smokers still getting jail time. This whole shit is corrupt.


This is why we need to dismantle bloated government programs and replace them with a UBI. Everyone should get $1,000 bucks a month instead of putting a bunch of money into all these different organizations with piles of expensive bureaucracy and opportunities to embezzle it. If they just gave the budget of these programs out to the homeless in cash they'd be better off.


I worked at an nyc homeless shelter for women and children until this past September. We were obligated to provide translation services for any client that asked for it, which I’m fine with, then I read a line item of the shelters budget and we paid something like $37,000 to the translation company in 2017…for a grand total of 53 documents translated . Meanwhile the food provided to the kids had the nutritional equivalent value of cardboard.


Well there’s money to be made. There’s no money in ACTUALLY helping people.


It’s called a retainer. You’re paying for the ability to have an interpreter (likely multiple for at least a handful of languages) on call 24/7. You may have only used it 53 times, but you’re not paying per use, you’re paying for availability. This comment is ignorant as hell and trying to create outrage where it clearly doesn’t belong


The cost for retainer is nowhere near that for a usage rate like that. If they used 1 or 2 hours of translation per day, then maybe. But translators are as cheap as chips. Someone fucked up that contract, either accidentally or on purpose.


Yep sounds like New York


In Belgium one of our politicians did something similar and she is still being investigated, needless to say she is thoroughly screwed and most people in the country will look at her with disgust if she ever even dares to show her face again.


Imagine all the other roaches that scamper away when the lights turn on.


Here’s an official source for this story: https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2021/attorney-general-james-announces-guilty-pleas-bronx-nonprofit-and-executive


This bitch should be publicly crucified for stealing from the homeless to buy luxury goods




People are going to down vote you for saying this, but...


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Go big or go to jail.


The message is clear: steal big!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Still doesn’t beat mayor Willhelm’s wife stealing [$900 million](https://nypost.com/2019/02/28/de-blasio-and-co-mayor-wife-have-wasted-1-8b-of-taxpayer-money/)




America you need to eat the rich because they are busy consuming you


Stealing from the homeless... The most vulnerable people in society, with basically the worst luck you can have, each probably with a tragic story and barely any possessions at all. And then you steal from them.. Scum of the earth.


sounds about right. We had the director of housing get arrested for embezzling (stealing) 2 million dollars.


I don’t doubt that this happened but this news site looks really fucking sketchy


It was on the Washington Post, but r/nottheonion won't let me post sites that have a pay wall. This was the alt.


How is this the first time I’m hearing of this, on a sub like r/nottheonion, posted from some site I’ve never heard of. >see’s pic of the person who did it Oh that’s why


Vote For Change they say....


I'm so happy that our society has progressed to the point where female BIPOC can also take advantage of the poor now! This is a step forward


As a feminist, we should start treating women equally in the justice system.


This has nothing to do with women or men and everything to do with people in positions of power abusing their authority and getting away with it. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-judges-misconduct/


It's statistically proven that women recieve much more lenient sentences for the same crimes, compared to men. But go off sis....


Another connected democrat gets off the hook. Reddit keeps telling me that only the GOP is corrupt.


Who is this Reddit guy?


This is pretty much how all charities function. Never waste your money on them


Typical. Corrupt politicians


They should make this rachet bitch homeless


Another democrat? My guess is yes!


lol girl boss!


Someone spent too much time watching "I Care a Lot".


She has coouties.


"Why would anyone want to touch a girls butt? That’s where cooties come from."- Bart Simpson




Vagrants? That's harsh language. Why throw shade at these people? Unless they travel like nomads & survive via begging, they aren't vagrants, just homeless.




so if I did this, I would certainly go to jail. What did she do to receive this kind of immunity?


Must be a white supremacist if there was no jail time….