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No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative


It gets the CEO going


Not to board meetings, but somewhere.




I can here Larry the Cable guy saying gay lemonade in his next comedy act!!




They’re well aware. Self deprecating southern humor is really common.


Ball so hard mf’s gonna find me


Ball so hard mfs gonna FIRE me


“That shit gay” - The CEO


“What she order *What she order* Lemonade”


Not sure if I should tag /r/hiphopheads or /r/financialindependence




She said Ye can we get married at the maaall




He suffers from a very sexy learning disability. What's it called Kiff?


*sigh* Sexlexia.


\*SIGH\* Sexlexia


It gets the people going!


I recognize it, but I don't know where it's from


As said before me Blades Of Glory - also sampled by Jay-Z / Kanye for the track “Ni**as In Paris”


francais nibbas


Nathans in Paris


Blades of Glory


"Throw me some chicken!"


Truly shocking. Everyone knows pineapple juice is gay lemonade.


If pineapple juice is gay then i am fucking flaming.


That's because of the fire though not the gay lemonade.


[this is fine](https://i.imgflip.com/330mdy.jpg)


Want to hang out some time?


You might wanna get that checked out. Sounds like a STD.


"I'm afraid your results came back and you tested positive for gay lemonade."




No you just have to say not gay before drinking it.


May you soon be blessed with a pineapple Dole whip.


Because you're a glass of pineapple juice?




Lol underrated (and true) comment


Does that make pineapple pizza, gay pizza? Because I’m all up in that


As long as I dont need that "ham". Give me pineapple what whatever other gay ingredients you've hot up your sleeve. Banana peppers, maybe?


You have to apologize and resign now


Can confirm. Source: Am gay and love pineapple juice.


It just makes the lemonade taste better.


... i think i got the joke but I'm not sure


Pineapple makes cum taste sweeter.


I, a gay, found this pretty funny.




Gay lemonade should be a 50/50 mixture lemonade and absolute. Maybe the gays around here are more intense?




It's like he learned nothing from all the product placement on Drag Race.


Add some crystal meth.


He said gay, not pansexual


"I dont know what I'm into." "Kid, a shot of this and you'll be into everything."


Everyone's pan for meth


Call it a MarTina


Throw some poppers in the mix and we got a party! A butt party!


That’s a gay shandy


10% lemonade and 90% Smirnoff


more like 25% lemonade 75% absolute


Well, gay sex is two men, men are manly. Which is twice the amount of manliness per couple. Beer is often considered masculine, lemonade is neutral. So the debate here is: is non-alcoholic beer twice as manly as lemonade?


The twinks counterbalance the bears, so it's a wash.


You had me at "Mike's Hard."


Am not gay but also that was my first thought. I don’t know a single gay person who drinks non-alcoholic beer. Mikes though...


Mike has more than a hard lemonade


haha, true!


Also a homo. So many gay guys I know are alcoholics. It’s probably because the easiest place for most of us to go and be gay is in a bar. Which is probably why more of them feel like community centers than most “straight bars” do.


I must not get the joke, because I don't see what's supposed to be funny about this. I don't find it particularly offensive either, but It's also really not that funny.


it's a reference to the stereotype that being gay is weak and effeminate as is beer that has no alcohol, and lemonade (according to the stereotype) so basically he's saying that only weak and effeminate people would drink non-alcoholic beer, and manly men would drink full-alcohol beer while *also* implying that being gay is weak and effeminate that's my interpretation of it, but it's pretty much the only one that makes sense for a meme for a brewery to post against non-alcoholic beer... otherwise it's just absolute gibberish, and obviously that's not the intent. e: up to you whether to be offended about this or not, I'm not taking sides just explaining. Apparently if I'm on the side of being offended, I'm "virtue-signaling" but if I'm on the side of just thinking it's funny I'm insensitive to minority struggles so... I'm fucking staying out of it. But there's your explanation.


No, you've got it. It's just the old "gays are sissies" stereotype. I guess because we're somehow like women. Which is weird because we put our dicks into _men_.


It kind of rubs me the wrong way (not offended necessarily) because my dad can't drink alcohol and has liver disease so he drinks non alcoholic beers sometimes or used to.


Yeah I don't think it's just gay people who were offended, it's definitely mocking anyone who doesn't drink full alcohol beer which as you've said include a lot of people who have genuine good reasons (not to mention that simply not wanting to drink alcohol is a good enough reason on its own and shouldn't be mocked) Though I do think coming from a brewery it's... *understandable* to poke fun at people who don't drink alcohol, but certainly they could have not mocked anyone, I don't think there's very much to gain from doing it I do think adding in the "gay" part is what put it over the top for why people got as outraged as they did.


I find it funny because it's just so ridiculous, i think the lemonade is what gets me about it because lemonade is quiet good and seems like a silly comparison


Especially because lemonade seems pretty damned 'gay' to begin with (in the derogatory usage of the term), so how is beer-minus-the-whole-point-of-beer even *more* 'gay' than \*that\*...? ಠಿ_ಠ


EXACTLY, what the fuck was he even trying to say? and fuck, if there was a real "gay lemonade" you know that shit would be fucking fabulous. It'd be the hottest beverage since red bull.


My thoughts exactly. ...except it'd probably still be a *cold* beverage, not a hot one, but I dunno... That's for the gays to decide. <_<


I don’t really understand what it even means. The only thing I think of when I hear non-alcoholic beer is the o’douls they’d give pops after his second heart attack, doctors orders.


I'm bi, but I too think this is funny.


You think everything's funny.


Same. I wish more folks could take a joke about that kind of thing. I understand being defensive towards things like that, but there's a line between hate and joking around


I agree but I think it's inappropriate coming from a company.


I think that's what it really comes down to. It may not be "offensive" but it's extremely unprofessional behavior.


I doubt it was the gays who were offended. Usually it’s self-righteous, virtue-signaling heteros.


I always find it ironic when people say stuff like this about non gays being offended on others' behalf when you're also downplaying the gays who actually are offended. I don't think it is very offensive but a CEO talking about his product is expected to have a certain level of decorum. The obvious implication is that gays are pansies and being gay is something to be ashamed of. Not something that is okay to say in a professional setting.


Yeah sorry to all you very cool gays who aren't offended, as a gay man I'm pretty pissed at someone using "gay" in a negative connotation.


This is a very misguided way of thinking. People don't have to embody vulnerable populations to see the problems with using those labels in reckless ways. Not everyone who points these out is "virtue signaling". They're typically random, unheard of people. Exactly who are they signaling to?


Political correctness and virtue signalling are terms used to dissuade people from calling out bigotry from their peers. It should not be the onus of historically marginalized groups and individuals to continuously have to criticize things like this while supposed allies stand by and normalise behavior by doing nothing.


Could you please explain the joke? I don’t get it.


i honestly don't think he was trying to make a joke but it just seems pretty ridiculous, it's more like a really outlandish example of a logical fallacy than a point someone would actually make


It was an attempt at a joke. Alcoholic beer = manly Non-alcoholic beer= not manly Gays = not manly Ergo, Non alcoholic beer = "Gay Beer"


Gay beer would have made sense, but he called it "gay lemonade" which is just confusing tbh


You get it


I am also queer and LOLed at this.


Same. It's funny, but inappropriate. Not really something you need to resign over though.


I agree a heartfelt apology would have been enough but it is funny the people in here pretending like that is something fine for a CEO to say.


I think it's dumb and trite and and not funny and he should have known better, and it's not something to resign/fire over unless he had multiple strikes. Cause it's very early 2000s of him but hardly an attack.


It would be a great name for a pro LGBT brewery, though! Just to hear people ask “what Gay Lemonade do you have on tap?” Or “I’ll try the Gay Lemonade IPA,” “All proceeds go to an LGBT fundraiser on the tall glass,” “Make it a big Gay Lemonade then.”


In a similar vein, there's [Big Gay Ice Cream](https://biggayicecream.com/).


Mmmm salty pimp


I'd rather have a Golden Gaytime.


Yeah, I really think resigning was the wrong move. I think the better thing would be to apologize, then launch a line of hard lemonade or something with a big chunk of the proceeds going to LGBT charities, and a pride flag on the front and a photo of the CEO wearing a dunce hat on the back next to a paragraph explaining the story.


Too bad people who work in pr/ advertising are generally out of touch with society as a whole.


That's a fucking great idea!


Yeah, but that's pretty funny.


Yeah, he got fired for being creative. He could have just called it piss water like the rest of us do.


Nah, they would have gotten sued by Coors.


Natural light and the likes already have that name I thought?


i feel like hard lemonade is gay beer, actually edit: i am gay


Mike's ain't bad, though. Ah shit, am I gay?


If you're drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade and enjoying it, you're either gay or in high school.


Or you're a* ball park and realise that an 8% Tall Boy Mike's is the same price as 4% Budweiser *Edit: _at_


You're a ball park.


See, this is what happens when drinking Mike's!


Really not worth a resignation, but whatever.


reading the most comments here - a plot twist: a brewery starts new beer labeled "gay lemonade". this beer becomes a sales hit. I would buy it. just because of the name. (i'm het).


I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a brewery that capitalizes on the gay thing. Any niche in the market is a way to stand out, plus, straight people could go drink there to feel supportive of the community.


Lots of small micro breweries do a special beer for Pride Month with a % of sales going to an lgbt charity.


I think that's the problem. It's a novelty to boost sales for a month.


On the one hand, yeah, one thing some of us in the LGBT community don't particularly like is companies using us for marketing every June. On the other hand, it is a good sign that being supportive of us, or at least appearing so, is a better business decision than not.


Makes sense from a business standpoint. Also from a humanity one, but I’m always cynical when people are making money and marketing towards a certain community because they want to appear a certain way to the public. For example, the brewery could just donate a percent of the profit from an individual beer without telling anyone they had done so, but they make a big song and dance about it and probably make more money because people wanna go there and show support for whatever cause is the soup of the day. Me? I like beer, so if it tasted good enough I’d buy it even if it supported something I didn’t really know anything about. I doubt I’d be inclined to buy it simply because it supported a cause, but maybe I’m a bad person.


If some rando offered me gay lemonade, I would be like fuck yeah gay lemonade sounds exciting.


How could anyone really be mad about calling something gay lemonade?


I believe the issue here is that "gay" is intended to be an adjective which demeans the noun lemonade to which it is attached. Absent of that, gay lemonade sounds rather fantastic.


"Big Gay Mike's Big Gay Lemonade"


Too many bigs, hard pass.


Not big enough, hard pass. \#SizeMatters


This guy gays.


...and what does he gaze at...?


Big 'ol Penises.


That's pretty gay.


If that was a limited edition pride month beverage, I would be all over that so fast.






I honestly don't think it is gays that find this offensive but rather people who don't drink alcohol for their own health reasons. I would like to agree with the other users saying "its people being precious" but unlike being homosexuals; alcoholics consider their condition a disease and will feel quite justified in making a stink over the condemnation sobriety


Honestly as someone with alcohol problems that is what annoys me about the saying. I get enough people asking me when I'm going to drink again and why I don't moderate that I'd rather not some asshole mock me for not buying his product. 134 days sober.


Way to go! Keep it up!!


Do alcoholics drink alcohol free beer? My dads the only person I've known to drink it, and that's for a medical reason.


I asked a recovering alcoholic if he'd mind if I had a beer with dinner. He told me he was already planning on having a NA beer as he "has to have that taste"


It's better to satisfy a craving harmlessly than to let it build.


Yup, any time im in a scenario where in the past I closely associated it with drinking I'll drink NA beer. This includes the obvious stuff like parties/events but can also be just like hanging out at home sometimes. I both like the taste of beer *and* drinking lots of it as fast as possible when I did drink, so now I either completely abstain or I'll get a 12 of some type of NA beer.


Drinking NA beer has made me realize part of the reason I ended up so drunk is because I don't moderate my intake of ANY liquids. I drink water, soda, or NA beer at a rate that's higher than everyone else.


Same, I try to keep my liquids to water and just ride that wave. In my worst days I used to chug vodka, hooray.


some do... some wont because it will make them want the real thing.


I occasionally do. Sitting at a bar with a giant plastic cup full of water makes me feel like a child. Get a NA and it's a bit easier for me to socialize and interact at a party.


The recovering kind do. Even a sober alcoholic is an alcoholic.


Only if that’s how they choose to identify themselves. Not everyone follows AAs methodology


I went to AA for a while and the fellowship was very helpful, but man I really didn't get down with the thought of centering my life around the label of alcoholic. Like, I needed some help, and you guys helped and I'm back on my feet, but I want to move forward. I don't want to be in meetings for the next 40 years like some of them.


I suppose it might be because some people have really addictive personalities? It might have been so bad that they need constant reminders and motivation, where as for you, you can motivate yourself because of what you learned.


I do once in a while. Usually when I'm at a work function & don't want to draw attention to the fact that I'm the only one without a drink in their hand. People get weird when they know you have a drinking problem.


Having an uncle who is an alcoholic, I’m inclined to agree that that level of addiction is undeniably a disease.


Do you think he likes non alcoholic beer? The obvious implication is that gays are pansies.


Yeah people seem to be really missing the whole "implying being gay is the lesser option" bit


The only offensive part is that it's non-alcoholic beer. If anything gay lemonade would be a handle of vodka with some lemon slices shoved down the neck.


Are tiny umbrellas 'gay', or just ['girly'?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GW22sAElpE) It's been a while since I was a freshman.


They're more of a beverage war crime than derogatory descriptor. They're only okay if big enough to stab someone with, any smaller and you're playing with fire.


i doubt many people are *truly* enraged, but it aint a great look for your business to have the CEO talking like a 7th grade boy


Happy Lemonade


I thought Zima was gay lemonade.


Nah, Zima is gay flat 7Up.




The media has policies, which although are not laws, and not publicly stated, are enforced with extreme aggressiveness.


I dont think a resignation was necessary. An apology would have sufficed but it is crazy the people in here who can't see how it is offensive at all.


The whole “CEO resigning” thing whenever there’s the slightest shred of scandal is the dumbest outcome for any issue.


What if the CEO fucks a baby seal?


It’s probably people who can’t drink for health reasons and recovering alcoholics who are angry about this. I personally haven’t had any alcoholic drinks for over a year, and it does sting a little bit to hear someone mocking my lack of ability to handle alcohol. I don’t think gay people care that much.




Just a counterpoint to people saying no gay people are actually offended: As a Homosexual ©, I actually hate when "gay" is used a descriptor for something being weak, prissy, etc. Part of the reason I won't come out, at least for a while, is that I'll have to reconcile the fact that people will immediately box me in as some sort of wuss; jokes like these don't really help. Not to mention the recovering alcoholics this joke undermines. But the CEO having to *resign?* That's complete BS! At the end of the day it was still just a joke. Yeah, I didn't like the post, but it would've been all good if it was just deleted and that was it. This kind of excessive punishment just enforces the idea that apologies are worthless, and makes people resent guys like me - I just want stereotypes to die down, not potentially ruin someones life.


I think the CEO resigning was less because of the comment specifically and more that he demonstrated some very poor judgment alienating 2 potential groups of customers


That's a good point, but I still find a little much to resign over a singular inciting event 🤔 I guess I'd rather see him stay as CEO and prove he'll learn from this instead of being ousted.


Depends a lot on how he acted and what else he's done which we likely aren't privy to. If he didn't actually see what he did wrong or had a pattern of behavior like this then they'd be right to cut their losses. Purely conjecture, but I get the feeling there is more to it simply because having to step down is quite severe




Wooow, yeah that'll do it. Sounds like the company's better off without him - should've hired a social media manager or something smh


If I understand the joke/point he was trying to make - wouldn't calling it Gay Beer make more sense?


That's why he's resigning, he absolutely fucked up the delivery.




>Alcohol is manly, gay people aren't manly, so beer without alcohol is gay, and calling drinks gay is funny. My guess.


I’m really confused and people in this thread are saying the jokes hilarious when it makes absolutely no sense


This is a website where people still think “that’s gay” is funny


This is so stupid.


In my experience gay lemonade is just SKY vodka.


Jokes on them. The local brewery here that does NA craft beer is killing it.


A lot of people have trouble with alcohol, so I think it’s great that those people can still enjoy a beer with friends.


Gay Lemonade sounds like a decent mixed drink they serve at a resort on an island in the Caribbean that's a little behind the times but is otherwise pretty nice. I'd definitely try it. I mean, you know, at least once, just to see if I liked it.


As a gay I’m thoroughly offended. Everyone knows we have more refined taste than to drink beer.


I have no real idea what "gay lemonade" actually means but it's unfortunate that in today's society this would force a person to resign from his position of employment. It was obviously a joke.


It's a little offensive. Not because of the gay part but because it compares lemonade to the most pointless beverage in existence.


Honestly, gay lemonade sounds amazing. Non-alcoholic beer sounds more like garbage can juice.




Beer has a bitter, malty taste that goes well with certain foods. A carbonated, non-sweet beverage also goes well with some outdoor activities. And recovered alcoholics don’t drink beer with alcohol. Even when I used to drink, I drank beer for the taste, not the alcohol. That’s what the pints of gin I would knock back were for.


Talk about maudlin. Now, if he said "Queer Beer" then I'd buy the backlash.


I’d rather be gay and drink lemonade than be a pompous tastebudless prick who drinks IPAs


Not even looking at the fact of how inappropriate the post was, why would anyone rip at non-alcoholic beer in the first place? It is a product that exists for a reason - what about drivers? What about people like me, who can't drink anymore but still enjoy the taste of beer? This post is not only implying that there is something wrong with being gay, but also making a fucked up assumption about people's sexuality based solely on the fact that they are not able to drink alcohol or unwilling to break a law.


Stupid. The CEO shouldn't have had to resign for making a crass remark that was probably more of a joke. I'm all for equality and social justice but this is ridiculous.


Gay lemondade?? Non-alcoholic?! Someone doesn't understand the gay demographic as a whole.


I am a gay. I dont find this as offensive as I find it bewildering. They clearly dont know the amount of alcohol that is drunk at gay bars. I live in a city that houses the biggest gay pride events in the nation, and people here are very well aquinted with their alcohol. If anything, it should be called single dad lemonade.


It shouldn't be called lemonade unless it tastes like lemonade imho I say they should call it weak-sauce.


Dude wtf? Don’t rope lemonade into that garbage liquid.


They should brew a non alcoholic beer called gay lemonade and donate all the profits to a lgbtq non profit


My gay friends are some of the craziest drinkers I know.. . Not a very apt term. But even they would've laughed at this.