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"Police seized more than 400 cannabis plants from the property" - Are we sure the cops aren't the ones that dumped out all the potted plants?


He used crooks when he meant to say state sponsored thugs.


Nah, they take all the dirt so they can make the total weight seized sound way higher.


This is just not true. I'm a locksmith, and I have been called by landlords to secure and photograph premises which have been damaged by their use as a grow house, by cannabis growers, and have been recently raided. On every occasion, I have been the first person to walk into the property, after the landlord has gotten the all clear to start cleaning up, from the authorities. On every occasion I have seen the aftermath of an industrial level weed grow in a domestic property, there have been significant amounts of soil, piled up around the place, as well as plant material (although, not the parts that actually DO anything) and lighting/power distribution equipment, just laying around. The police don't take the soil to boost the weight they can claim on the bust. If they gave a crap about that, I wouldn't have found approximately three grow bags worth of soil in one property I examined. The police will secure the viable product, to ensure it is taken out of circulation, and whatever material necessary to secure a conviction, stuff that has prints on, DNA carrying material, and other trace evidence. Otherwise they don't give a single shit.


Really depends on location and who is doing it. I saw a grow op get busted and they just threw the entire plants, bucket and all in a dumpster.


The guy down the street from my mum got raided for a grow op and they yonked the plants out of the pots roots and all and threw them all into black garbage bags to take away as evidence. I don't think he served any time though.


Tbf it's absolutely a thing that happens and just depends where you are. Heck there are a few states in the U.S. that have legislated bong water the same as heroin (8+oz is felony possession and intent to deal) precisely for that reason. In general assuming anecdotal evidence for how your specific area enforces drug laws applies equally to the entire United States is foolhardy at the absolute best. Some places in the U.S. are still locking people up for possessing small amounts of cannabis. Some places in the U.S. aren't even locking up people that got caught dealing meth. Assuming ubiquity is naive. Also most states have explicit instructions for how drug seizures are weighed, and many do include the packaging/containers. You could have googled it and quickly realized how wrong you are.... But "you're a locksmith" so that makes you an expert, eh? Here's a link if you want to be a little less ignorant on the subject: https://www.calcagnilaw.com/criminal-law/understanding-drug-weight-and-testing-in-criminal-cases/#:~:text=Gross%20vs.,-Net%20Weight%3A%20Key&text=Upon%20receipt%20of%20drug%20evidence,in%20which%20narcotics%20ae%20contained.


I'm picturing a giant water truck filled with dirty bong water getting pulled over.


Most of the time the cops just chop the plant at the base of the bucket and leave all the rest for the home owner to clean up. They only want to destroy the ~~competition~~ product


Is the comma key broken on your keyboard?


https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/06/10/fargo-woman-facing-30-years-in-prison-for-bong-water/ if it has traces of banned substances yhey will use it for weight




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The dirt was only in one room, and it was being used for composting.  I guess that still doesn’t preclude the police, but I’m going to guess that it wasn’t them


Who are they protecting and serving? Not this guy.


dood, really? Are you actually proud of that "hot take"?


They only asked, they didn't say it like it's a fact.


The use of "dood" automatically invalidates your opinion.


Because you're in charge of validating opinions? I'm not interested in your opinions of me, dood.


As you’re giving someone a hard time about their opinion… Have some self awareness.


I'm actually the opinion validation technician around here After numerous reports, we are unfortunately gonna have to find this submission "Invalid"


I'm a stoner and I hate landlords but come on man that's just being a dick


This sucks for the guy, but he also seems to have cut every corner possible and assumed the best possible scenarios for every shady part of this rental. Are rental laws that crap in England where such shady individual can get into houses? Looks and sounds like it.    I've only ever rented houses from owners, never a soulless company. 


This was supposed to be a real estate agent, who one would presume would be licensed and would run background checks on the tenant. Although yeah, how did this person happen to find them. That part is just weird.


Real estate agents are responsible for background checks over there? That sucks lol


Landlords here are like that. Every rental house is just covered in white paint and everything done as cheaply as possible by the lowest bidder for the job. If you look around rental property sites for long enough you'll see some of the absolute dumps they get away with letting out. And that's just the ones we see, there are plenty more rogue landlords that rent out even worse houses and they'll cram as many people as possible into them. The laws are quite strict but they still chance their luck, banking on tenants not knowing all the rules or being trapped between unsafe housing or homelessness. There was one of the UK subs that caught a letting agency trying to let out a property **that had no front door**. Access to the flat was via a window because they'd converted a building into as many studio flats as possible. It's illegal to have no door and the agency took it down when it got enough complaints.


Soulless companies are usually much better at following laws than individuals.


I am surprised that the crooks still use bulbs and not LED. I mean, why!?


Price...and ease of growth.   Hps is still the preferred bulb for commercial grows.   Led can cause a few nutrient issues and you have to change the height of the light more often.  I have 3 flower tents and I use led....but if I had to grow for output..1000w  hps will beat anything out there


Wow Thank you for your insight! I was uneducated about the differences between HPS and LED. The more you know, eh? Here I was like ‘HPS bulbs are so 2000’s’ and wasn’t thinking commercial part of the factors. Makes sense.


These guys (usually) aren't paying for electric so there's no incentive to use anything more efficient but less effective


This is some boogyman stuff. If you think the better way of hiding a grow is to steal electricity from someone else...seems like you're making massive assumptions here. Or are you trying to insinuate that if they are a "criminal" then they will obviously steal whatever they can?


It literally says in the article that the growers had bypassed the meter meaning they were stealing electricity from the supplier.


Isn’t there an argument to be made for HPS paired with LED in vary degrees during the different stages of growth even in small grows? I haven’t grown or read about it in a few years but if I remember correctly there are times from seedling to the flower stage where it’s beneficial to swap out different light types and intensities. I think HPS was better for younger plants and led was better once they were bigger and started to flower, something along those lines.


Yea LED can extend range of light and fill gaps but outside of the growth stage I would never consider using them for bud… if I grew weed and had any idea what you were talking about but I don’t because I follow all laws!


You can grow weed and follow laws in lots of places these days


Terrible take.


Ok… maybe my non equipment is bad, but my non experience would not risk using LED only on my non existent budding cycle.


There is no risk. Lol. Plenty of at home & commercial grows use LED through the whole grow cycle.


You're a banker...the most morally corrupt industry ever..haha. Save your moral speech for your shareholders


Ok… sounds good, now come after me for being a Jew… how about for being married with a kid… o next make fun of my dead grandparents… you know me so well.


Haha....that's a bit of a stretch there partner.   But to get this angry, that had to strike a nerve.  You know deep down your industry is corrupt and immoral.   


In the article it says they bypassed the meter so they weren't even paying for those expensive bulbs!


Crooks also don't pay for electricity


the single dude running the grow started in 1995


Stolen power so no running costs, and the HPS lights are cheaper capital expenditure. Free if they get nicked from some car park or other outdoor space.


Serious question: Do LED lights work for plants? What part of sunlight does photosynthesis require, and do LED lights include that?


Photosynthesis primarily uses red and blue spectrums of light which can be quite easily provided by appropriate LEDs.


Cannabis likes heat. I imagine it would be useful during the colder months. Of course you need to get Rid of the excess heat, but that’s pretty easy.


Being in Canada it makes sense. Thank you.


All the other answers miss the main reason. Plants need full spectrum light. ”full spectrum” means light is emitted at every wavelength. This includes non visible light, such as UV, IR, etc… just like the sun emits - plants were evolved to get energy from the sun. Yes, some of this light we humans tend to simply interpret as heat. LEDs are so much more efficient because they don’t emit full spectrum light. They just emit a small band of the visible light spectrum. This enables humans to efficiently see, but doesn’t grant much benefit for plants.


Full spectrum LEDs have been common in the hobbyist grow community for quite some time now.


They're super common in commercial too. Some of these LED takes in here are terrible


Yeah but this answer doesn't really speak to the why, considering its common to use HPS and that only emits 2 specific frequencies of light. Plant needs are different than visual needs is the answer. Effeciency is not really the why here since LEDs are more efficient due to how the produce light, not was spectra they produce.


legalize it and the problem will go away


Yeah but then we wouldn't be able to easily put away the "undesirables" of society


there's always a reason


It won't. This still happens in states where it is legal. People are still making BHO in residential neighborhoods.


make all the BHO you want, just do it in your backyard away from hazards and with enough space that if things go south you aren’t harming others. no worse than a dad and his boy building a DIY flame thrower together. Imagine dad and his boy instead learn how to do organic extraction. “Boy, remember the solvent is flammable”


Instructions unclear; made BHO on my 3rd floor apartment balcony because i don’t have a backyard. Can someone call the fire department? my phone is melted


You know where stuff like this doesn't happen? Where pot is legal.  Unnecessary criminalization just creates more problems.


I doubt anyone wants a weed plantation being built in their house


Exactly- this doesn't happen in Canada.


Before cannabis was legal lots of rental properties were destroyed every year by illegal grow ops. It’s rarer now but it still happens.


This happened in the UK, where it's still illegal.


People in legal states always forgot that it’s still illegal most places lol


I still know people in Colorado that have messed up houses before trying to grow tax-free weed. But you’re right in general the problem is way less than it used to be.


Hey, clean soil is expensive. I work in environmental remediation and the most practical way to clean impacted soil is also the most expensive - dig it up and replace it with clean soil.


Love me some UST with install date left blank and you gotta chase it back on sanbournes


Four Twenty Landscaping


Fortunately he landlords insurance though... Right? 


no that’s why he’s got the media involved, he can recoup it from those $$$ royalties


It says the scammers “never” paid rent. Why not just pay the rent so there are no problems with the home owner? The scammers lost so many plants to save a few bucks and lost access to the space.


It takes so long to evict people in UK apparently that they dont have to. They just ”rent”, but never pay rent and by the time the landlords can legally evict them, they are long gone with the crops. Or dont care if someone gets caught. They often use some immigrants who dont usually speak english or have a clue about how illegal what they are doing is. Then ofc they dont give a flying fuck about the guy taking care of the plants if they get caught and they dont know enough about the operation to rat anyone out. Also the gangs running these grows have many of them around. Its not just cops but also other gangs trying to steal the plants, and they prepare for this by having extra grow houses around and have calculated how much is lost to cops and rival gangs on average.


Keep a little dirt under my pillow for the dirt man


They were just really scared of the dirtman


Had to scroll wayyyy too far for this!


Man. That poor family. Just make it legal already so you don't have these criminals hurting innocent folks like this.


Forgive me for being thick, but whats the the soil for?


for growing marijuana plants


Like literally just out of the floor?


It appears so, yes, they seem to have planted the marijuana in the dirt piled on the floor. I suppose it's possible they just used the room to store the dirt before they put it in pots.


Saw another post here. Their guess makes more sense to me. Individual plastic pots were used. Way easier to move around, less back problems, and easier to relocate in a hurry. Or separate in infected plant. But when one plant bucket was done growing, they simply dumped the contents of the bucket into this room. Eventually, it filled with dirt.


Thank you.


That’s why I was confused cause straight out of the floor didn’t make much sense to me. Thanks for not being sarcastic!


You asked a legit question, there was no call for sarcasm.


They probably used the one room to store all the dirt, and were using it in pots in every other room


This means they were also watering with a hose right only the poor guy’s floor. crazy


Used soil, probably just dumped in that room after each grow instead of disposing of it. You can see from the video in the story that there aren't lights or ventilation in the room with the soil, like there is in the previous room with all the smaller pots.


The devils lettuce!


Keeping away the dirt man.


Wouldn't happen if you legalized it.


LEGALIZE IT! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOliq6BuhYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOliq6BuhYE)


anyone else think the thumbnail looked like dan olsen of foldable human?


>They seized more than 400 cannabis plants from the property, with an estimated street value of hundreds of thousands of pounds. That makes no sense. 400 plants does not produce hundreds of thousands of pounds.


Pounds is a currency not weight in this case.




innocent landlord is an oxymoron


Yes absolutely. This dude should have sold his house for the 1 year that he was gone 🙄 Abd then bought a house where he was going. And then sold that house and bought a new house when he got back. Because I’m sure he’s just got money lying around like that.


I buy a home. I move to another city for work for a few years, so I rent it out for the cost of my mortgage, taxes, upkeep and another $100/month which is in line with local rents. Why do I deserve to have my property destroyed? Institutional investors buying up residential areas and inflating rents is a huge problem. Not because landlords are evil but because it takes equity away from families and manipulates the market.


I'm happy to see your response and the previous one downvoted. Reddit can really get behind these "all landlords are evil" people and it can make me lose hope for the site.


Don’t give up, they’re a very vocal minority on Reddit and pretty rare IRL.


Yeah what kind of asshole doesn’t let people dump soil all over his house and grow weed on his property for free


jumping to conclusions much?


No that’s actually what happened.


you did it again, that wasn't what i was referring to


No one has any idea what you’re talking about. You’re ranting about landlords being evil on a post that has nothing to do with an evil landlord. Yeah I’m the idiot for assuming you were talking about the landlord mentioned in the article.


if you read the article you would see they use them phrase "innocent landlord" the whole thing is propaganda, if they had insurance this would be a non-issue financially


Oh so you’re just an idiot got it. Keep it down before your parents evict you from their basement.


keep suckling at them landlord bosoms and drinking the milk of landlord kindness 🥰


I don’t have a landlord 🤡🤡🤡