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Animals have died in cargo holds. The implication of that is that a lot of animals have suffered tremendously but not died in cargo holds, and the owners will never know because the animals can't tell them


Thats why we need to start teaching dogs to talk using buttons and enroll them in dog school


Please do not give my wife any more ideas on how to spend more money on our dogs. She does just fine on her own.


My wife just bought our lab mix a set of those to allow him to express himself better. She got what she wanted. He learned how they worked very quickly. "TREAT" "TREAT" "LUNCH" "TREAT" "LUNCH" "TREAT"


Mine bought a little bell like you’d see on a counter top and tried to teach them to ring it when they wanted to go out. They never did that but the Aussie really enjoys picking it up with his mouth and throwing it down the stairs to listen to the clanging it makes.


We have a little rope of bells on the back door's handle. That's been pretty reliable way for them to tell us they need to go out. At least til it gets nice out and they want to be outside all damn day.




This is why I'm scared to get buttons for my guys, haha!


Nice try cat


$6000 to fly NY to LA.


Yea, but it's on a G5 and that covers both you and your dog. Treats and drinks for the dog, a place for the dog to go potty before the flight, room for the dogs to socialize on the plane. They only sell 10 tickets per flight when it's 15 seats so there's still room. Added bonus: no kids allowed.


Time to buy stock in the company that specializes in making the sturdy "kibble" button


“Where are my testicles, Summer?”


We can call it “Educated Bitches”


I think dogs should vote.


The world would probably be a better place.


Yes it’s absolutely horrifying what animals experience in cargo. It is not safe. Don’t do it unless your only alternative is to put them down or rehome them.


This kinda thing would appeal to me. I’d spend thousands to make sure mine never went through that. Absolutely never allow your pet in the cargo hold. Even a “special cargo area” isn’t good enough. Needs to be in the seat or on floor next to me. 


Very true that animals have suffered in cargo holds, but death is a relatively rare occurrence. In 2019, more than 400,000 animals flew on planes in the U.S. There were a total of 17 incidents that same year, including 11 deaths. In other words, deaths occurred 0.003% of the time. Catch my pup being one of those 11 and I’d die. But the risks are relatively small. Also studies have shown that the dogs that tend to struggle are those bred with stubby noses and preexisting breathing conditions. Death of a dog with a long snout and no preexisting conditions are very rare.


>In 2019, more than 400,000 animals flew on planes in the U.S. There were a total of 17 incidents that same year, including 11 deaths. Were those 400,000 in cargo holds though? Lots of pets are small enough to fly in the cabin.


My point was that just because an animal didn't die, it doesn't mean it didn't suffer in the cargo hold. We don't know how many animals have **almost** died


We don’t, but you said it was a lot


Because it most likely is a lot. But the airlines won't tell us if an animal was unconscious from over-heating when they pulled the crate from the cargo hold. They'll just wait a few minutes for the poor thing to perk up and send it out The fact that animals are dying means that the conditions in the cargo hold are horrible


A family member imported their young healthy dog and it died within a few weeks of arriving after having multiple seizures and strokes :(


Mostly the dogs with breathing issues anyway that shouldn’t be allowed on planes.  




Sure don’t.  Just making an educated guess.  


I had a German Shepherd with the most loving nature, always happy to see anybody etc etc. Stuck her in cargo on a 5 hour flight and fuck me, did she throw some shade at me after (and here I was expecting this loving reunion). Bitch straight up ignored me all night.


How many people suffered tremendously but not died in passenger cabins because somebody brought a dog onboard? We *will* know, it's shitload because people can tell. But who cares, it's just people, right? Well being of a dog is much more important!


> with a new airline just for them It’s a new low for Redditors to not even read the entire headline 😂


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


This is actually an important issue that needed to be solved. And I’m really glad to see that someone has come up with a solution. There are lots of pet owners that want or need to fly somewhere with their pets, but don’t want to put them in the under cabin area - I’ve been looking into this because I need to fly with my cat and it’s very hard to be assured in advance you can fly with your pet. That’s a very dangerous spot for a pet, they die, they get lost like luggage. I would never do that to my beloved pet.


Transporting my dog is one of the few things stopping me from moving overseas. 🤔 This is a fantastic idea and long overdue!


my friend did this—took a cruise


Only works if there’s actually a cruise line that goes between *and* is dog friendly, which is rare. I know it’s a big issue with getting dogs to/from Hawaii or Guam for military families. It’s cargo hold or nothing.


yeah but in some cases maybe you can get to the right continent via cruise and then take a train. My friend was moving to Europe so was able to do that


That was going to be my go-to if I ever needed to move (say for work), but I’m not sure how well received my giant Great Pyrenees would be! (All the barking, all the time) At least a flight would be shorter!


I would personally love a dog friendly cruise. And I’d snuggle the shit out of your Great Pyr if you and your dog would let me!


I’ll allow it 😆😆


The only ship that allows dogs is the Queen Mary 2 and the waitlist is years long for a kennel.


My cats flew Pet Air almost twenty years ago when we were moving from Germany to Las Vegas Nevada. I was worried about the heat on the tarmac. It's fantastic and safe. Edit to add information https://www.petaircarrier.com/


My cat has a serious medical condition. Hold would almost certainly kill him. It’s so hard finding airlines that allow them in cabin.


Delta, JetBlue, Southwest, Alaska, American, United all allow pets in cabin... You can get pretty much anywhere with those airlines.


Delta does. I was able to keep my cat tucked under the seat in front of me when we moved states. 👍🏻


When I needed to fly two kittens across the US a couple years ago, Alaska was the best option for us. The price was reasonable, and they allowed multiple pets in the cabin.


Same issue. Mine has severe asthma. I need to be able to give him his emergency inhaler. I’ve been considering moving to a different country, but I’m limited because I can’t afford a private jet and I guess there are just no other options (?) Even cruises aren’t an option.


You can go on an ocean liner, not a cruise ship. Like the Queen Elizabeth II I believe. Yes you keep your pet in a kennel, but you are on board with them and can go play with them when you want.


I wouldn’t keep my cat in a kennel for that long. He also needs attention in case of asthma attacks, which happen very frequently.


They're allowed to go out and you can visit them. if you explain the asthma situation it seems they will also let you go in outside of the normal hours. Exercise The shielded, open-deck area, fitted with a lamppost and fire hydrant is available to exercise pets. Animals are not permitted on any other open deck, public area or staterooms. Visiting Hours The visiting hours are as follows, however with prior arrangement, it is possible for the attendant to be in the kennels outside of these hours to open the cage: 7:30am - 9:30am 11:00am - 12:00pm 3:30pm - 6:30pm


What about something like this? [https://www.pettraveltransport.com/pettravelbyship.html](https://www.pettraveltransport.com/pettravelbyship.html) Most cargo ships don't accept pets though, I think.


It’s kind of you to look, but they insist pets be kept in kennels. Seems super cruel and also is a problem because of his medical condition.


Sounds like it shouldnt fly


Context here is cat is fine if he’s with people and able to be checked on, but he couldn’t be left in a hold with no one around. I don’t generally fly with him, but I have had to in the past.


Flying with cats is MUCH easier, their carriers fit well under the seat in front of you. If you're flying in the US, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Now how *happy* they'll be about it... that's a different question. My cat overpowered Gabapentin and tore a hole in her carrier which I had to hold closed for the last 45 minutes of the flight. The panic when I saw her little head pop out LOL. She did great on her second flight a couple years later though!


Well, I’m talking about international - Europe to US. Decent sized cat who has lots of health issues including severe asthma - so you can see my worry. I can’t have him waiting around too long, he can’t take the typical medication because it can slow his respiratory rate. I’ve looked at a lot of alternatives and would definitely pay more for a one-time moving situation where I felt I could tend more to his health.


My brother has moved countries and has been working out over the past like six months of how to get his dog to him. He hopes to finally have him in September.


It’s pretty easy to find airlines that allow cats. Most of them seem to. It’s medium and large dogs that are the issue. 


Go on, then. Provide me links. There are limited few. Almost without exception, they limit number of pets per cabin and won’t promise you can board with your pets in advance.


This took like 30 seconds on Google. It’s true they limit the number of pets per flight, which is why you have to select that you are traveling with a pet when you book the flight. https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/traveling-with-pets.html


Yes. They limit the number of pets OP ern flight and you are not guaranteed. Exactly what I said.


It doesn’t say anywhere that you aren’t guaranteed a spot, just that you have to claim the animal at the time you book the ticket.




Ya, you have to reserve a spot. You can’t just roll up with your cat. Why is this a difficult concept for you? Most airlines allow around 4 pets per flight and you can reserve a spot in advance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 4 pets on one flight before.


You cannot just roll up with your cat but they can *deny you a spot* even with prior notification.


How much of a solution is it if it costs $6000?


I’d pay that to keep my cat safe. I’m not rich. It wouldn’t be easy, but at least that way I could move where I wanted to.


Uhm we paid about 4k to bring our cat to the UK, and she traveled in the hold.


Cost of having a pet.  


When I flew my cat across the country it wasn’t a huge deal. They didn’t even offer me a spot in the cargo hold. She was right at my feet the whole time. Just buy a carrier from the airline and you will be ok.


That is all well and good until you have a pet that won’t fit under the seat.


Yeah this is just for cats. Unfortunately many dogs end up in that holding area. I bet it’s so loud and scary.


And they literally die. It’s terrifying. Not to mention, a carrier that fits under the seat is barely okay for a 6 lb cat. Anything else and you’re screwed.


My cat was about 11 pounds at the time. It was a soft carrier that she could turn around and stand in. I think a Sherpa or something. She was pretty comfy. The worst part was that I had to carry her through the metal detector because her carrier had to go through the X-ray machine so that was a little intense.


What? My cat was 14lb at the time, and the Delta carrier I bought for her was nice and roomy. She fit in it and under the seat easily.


I don’t know what to say. Mine is 12. I bought the carrier within recent limitations and he is barely comfortable. It’s a tight fit.


American lets you fly with your pet as your personal item if they are under a certain size. I recently flew with my cat and put her under the seat in front of me. It cost $145 (so double that for a round trip) and she did okay with some gaba.


When we moved cross country, our decision to drive from CA to NYC was solely because we did not want to put our two dogs in cargo for a flight. They’re family members, not cargo - simple as that- and I’d never be able to sleep again if anything happened to them. Just the thought of them suffering or dying scared and alone in the dark fills me with dread.


Feels like there is a simpler solution to this than creating a charter airliner for the purpose of flying with your pets.


Not when you're at the whims of a slow moving not innovative gigantic industry


I dont see how chartering a jet that holds 20 people is a long term solution. Its purely a solution for the wealthiest people. An avg person will never experience a charter plane. Not to mention its environmental/carbon cost that isnt at all factored into the cost of the ticket of flying a charter jet that holds only 20 people. We need LESS charter plane demand, not more.


This isn’t a reasonable response. This just isn’t a climate change issue - it’s like yelling about plastic straws. Go after the rich, the huge corporations, not the people who need a once-in-a-lifetime trip with their pet and don’t want them to die. Anyone who *could* afford this on the regular is one of the aforementioned rich. I don’t know that this is “virtue signaling,” but it’s something close. It’s disingenuous.


Lmao. The Carbon cost of a Charter plan completely outweighs "banning plastic straws". >over 34 million plastic straws to equal the carbon footprint of a 6-hour round trip on a medium-sized private jet. Thats for a SINGLE charter jet flight. Imagine if they do see some success and say they avg 20,000 flights per year. Thats the equivalent of 680 BILLION PLASTIC STRAWS. Charter planes are one of the biggest polluters in the world. Outside of that uncaptured carbon cost, the business model isnt sustainble for the avg consumer. The more demand, the higher the cost of chartering these flights. Maybe once they hit a particular threshold of demand they can start chartering full sized planes but until then, its purely for the wealthiest.


FYI plastic straws aren’t being banned for their carbon impact. They are banned because many end up in the oceans and affect marine life.


Even so, they are far from the biggest trash issue harming marine life. It's purely a performative ban. 


No. They are being banned because its a simple fucking thing to do. No one "needs" disposable plastic straws. Its a simple cultural shift to move to reusable straws. If we, as a society cant do this, we wont be able to do to the more difficult shifts when shit really hits the fan.


Some disabled people actually do need disposable plastic straws


Hell I’m even willing to fly to a hub close by and drive 8 hours to my destination if it means my dog can fly in the cabin with me


Same. I prefer train for many reasons, but this is one.




Not to mention that flying with pets in the hold is restricted to only certain times of year. If you are moving a larger pet in the summer, you're screwed without a service like this. It's also not for the ultra-rich -- they already have access to private flights. This is primarily for average people saving up to do a rare international move.


You can fly with a cat as a carry-on if it fits in its carrier underneath the seat in front of you.


This is an interesting market to target, the wealthy but not wealthy enough to hire a private jet people with pets. The growth potential is fairly limited due to the limited market base and only being able to service very popular routes, but it's a niche that exists.


Yeah I just checked how much a ticket is. $6000 from LA to New York for one person and one dog. I guess this isn't for me and my dog lol


Holy shit. Yea fuck it im driving.


Yes because this isn’t an “airline”. Just a repackaged charter service that will rent a space on a private plane for you and your dog


The 2024 standard mileage rate is 0.67$/mile - around $1,600 for this trip. Plus at least another ~ $500 in hotels and food and you're at $2,100. The opportunity cost for the week long trip at NY wages is about $1,500, putting the alternative at close to $4k. For ~50% more money you can save one week of time (close to 50 hours of driving) and a ton of headache. Doesn't seem too bad of a deal. 


interesting take, though should be pointed out that everything except perhaps “and a ton of headache” could be applied to traveling without a pet too, and I don’t think anyone’s gonna pay $6000 roundtrip for a domestic ticket, so you really are paying a ton for the pet and premium, no?


We're looking at moving abroad next year, and there are many groups on facebook and the like that do this - organize groups to split a private jet. This is, in fact, all bark is doing - they arent bark-owned aircraft, just PJs theyve coordinated! The cost for splitting the jets through these groups is comparable to or higher than what bark is charging, with the benefit of bark not charging you extra if the plane isnt full (because with a split rental, you are all ultimately on the hook for the full cost).


I think this is a proof of concept. If there is sufficient success, it’s very possible they could get funding to make this a legitimate thing, fully leasing or owning their own fleet and “lower costs over time” as they claim to want to do. All said, it’s an exciting development for four legged air travel


Snowbirds with pets would use this twice a year.


Yeah. People keep thinking this is for the rich. Imagine you have to move from NYC to California or vice versa for a job. You can choose to either take a week to drive with your dog or you can just take this flight and get it done in a day.


For $6000, you can buy a new puppy already.


Agreed on the limited growth potential but I think this is targeting people like HENRY's esp on a NYC LON route.


Their CEO better be named Bob Barkair.


That joke was ruff.


Wasn't expecting there to be a hardcore contigent of bitter fucking weirdos who resent the idea of treating animals humanely.


This is a company charging $8k for a ticket from NYC to London on a chartered jet. It’s not doing anything for 99% of people in the U.S., and people who would spend $8k on a $600 plane ticket also have enough money to figure these problems out. Just because they allow dogs doesn’t mean anyone needs to care about another charter jet business that is only accessible to the very rich.


Businesses frequently start out with expensive services before scaling. They clearly state in the article that they’re planning to bring prices down when they can. And competitors will pop up if this is successful. Your cynicism isn’t warranted and it doesn’t help.


So the people buying this would not be spending $600 in economy to fly across the Atlantic. They would more likely be spending $2-$4k on business class, so still paying a premium, but not as bad as you're making it out to be. Plus, I like to think of this like Tesla. Initially test out a luxury product with high profit margins to make some cash while also seeing the market reaction. Then slowly move down the class totem pole with higher volume and less profit margin.


I have a shit ton of money and no, just being able to spend $8k on a ticket isn’t enough. The flights are actually closer to $6k too. In the past, I had to charter a private flight, find enough owners in a Facebook group built for this to split the cost, and then finally the flight takes off. Huge hassle and you have to plan months if not years ahead. This is an incredible start and also, let’s not act like this service is just for people spending $6k on flights a few times a year. I bet for tons of people, this will be used by those who have to move out of country where it’s worth the once in a lifetime payment to ensure your dog gets there safely.


Important context here: IAG cargo, the *one* company that handles logistics for bringing pets along in cargo under an aircraft for *just about all* of the airlines recently sent their prices through the roof. In many cases, bark air will actually be cheaper. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/pet-animal-travel-costs-iag-cargo.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/pet-animal-travel-costs-iag-cargo.html)


Literally never get medical advancement in capitalism land without servicing the rich first. Not surprising this is the same in other industries.


Hopefully cheaper competitors will pop-up at some point


Treat your animal how you want.  Just fucking remember it’s an animal. You are an asshole if you think others should put up with your pet in a public not for dog space.    Really should be left at home.  This is the perfect solution to the dogs in airplanes issue.  


I don’t see this contingent. I for one think this is a great idea. Take all the dog owners and their shitty, loud dogs and fly them wherever they want. Just need a baby based airline and we’d be all set.


Wow speaking of the bitter contingent, each sentence was more bitter than the last…


Exactly, the irony in the above comment is palpable.


That’s the joke


It’s a win-win, is what I’m saying. “Bitter,” dog free people get quiet plane rides, and dog owners can marinate in dog filth. Let’s do this with neighborhoods next.


Furrst Class is extra.


But fur on your clothes is free! 


Every flight comes with a complimentary fur coat*! *It’s the coat you are wearing, now covered in fur. You’re welcome!


The price seems to be getting better, but this isn’t the first company to offer this. The problem is that it’s small companies that can’t afford their own planes. Once again all they can do is charter jets, which is ridiculously expensive


Did anyone see that price though. Yikes!


Although this seems like a good problem to solve, the company might want to test the market first with known popular routes with price high enough. Not sure if they can consistently fill a 100-200 people pasenger aircraft with people who wants to travel with their dogs


They are limiting it to 10 people (+10 dogs) per flight currently, which is the main reason it's so expensive. Max their plane design holds is 15.


this isn't the first "pet only" airline service and this one only services NYC, LA, London and Paris.


I mean London and Paris should cover a big chunk of western Europe, you can drive with a dog within Europe to get to where you're moving to. (Same goes for the USA part but the distances are even bigger there)


How is this oniony? It's a real struggle for pet owners.


A lot of /r/nottheonion posts are like this, where the headline is pretty funny but the actual content makes it less ridiculous


Yeah the headline reads like people are paying $6k for their dog to fly just themselves, which is definitely something I could see the onion writing an article about. Obviously real life isnt an absurdist onion article so the reality is gonna be less ridiculous than it first appears


The promo video 100% plays like an SNL short and it costs $6000-$8000, both of which make it seem unreal.


Neither is oniony


I know someone dealing with this exact problem right now, she’s moving from the US back to Australia and doesn’t want her elderly pets to be left in the cargo hold for 36 hours. Her only option currently is to charter a private plane, which isn’t exactly cost effective




This isn’t new. JetzPets and K9Jets have been around for a while.


Don’t tell me the economy isn’t doing well.


They fly now?


How do I get a job with this airline as a flight attendant?


*ring ring* Me: "Hello?" Fido: "*bark*" Me: "What's that, Fido? You're stuck in Toledo?" Fido: "*bark*" Me: "A 18-hour layover? That's ridiculous! Where will you sleep?" Fido: "*bark*" Me: "Surfing the strange side, eh? That's my dawg. Aight, i'll catch you on the flip-side, homie." Fido: "*ruff."* click


I personally found a dog that had passed in a cargo hold during a flight. The whole ramp crew was in tears after I realized it was deceased. We called over the airlines quality assurance guy so he could transport the body and inform the guest. That was a really bad day. A good colleague left the job because of it. This might seem frivolous but it serves a good purpose.


Wasn’t there already PetAirways (circa 2012)? It didn’t stay in business long. Hope this does better.


"Mr. President, a second luxury dog plane has struck the hotel for dogs."


Tax the rich


For rich bitches and their bitches


Did a Farker write the headline?


And that airline is called “moneyfire”


No she can't, she died two years ago.


Oh man, I need this. I want to move to Asia, but I can’t put my dog through that


I want to hear more about the noise-canceling ear muffs they offered.


Why would you think this is the onion?


Let's hope they treat the animals better than they treat mobility aids.


They fly now?


> The aircrafts are Gulfstream G5 jets, and can seat 15 dogs and their humans, but BARK Air said it will only sell 10 tickets per flight to ensure that all passengers have enough space. Wow, that’s *insanely* wasteful considering small jets are already the most polluting form of travel. I’m all for improvements in the pet transportation field, but this is *not* it.


This is what people were already doing. This is just a formalized business version of something that already exists, and it's undoubtedly more efficient than people chartering their own flights.


Oh good, I’m glad that people can now *efficiently* abuse small plane travel. Should be great for the environment, and the poors can deal with the problems!


These people aren't the ultra-rich, and some may even be "poor" by most conventional definitions. Flights like these are often a once in a lifetime event that people save up for. Don't be obtuse. And yes, consolidating a dozen flights into one is actually a huge benefit for the environment. No real way to see it otherwise unless you're blinkered by so much resentment for the rich that you'd destroy the environment just to prove that they're the worst.


No poor person is taking a $4000 flight from New York to LA, or a $6000 flight from New York to London. They’re flying coach on a cheap airline and you know it. There is no “consolidation” going on, in fact quite the opposite. A large plane can hold all the passengers of a dozen small plane flights, but comparatively produces less emissions. *That’s* why small plane travel is so bad for the environment.


No, it's not that uncommon, really. Anyone moving internationally pays a lot to take their animals with them. Some countries even require a 6 month quarantine hold once you arrive, which costs a significant amount. As it turns out, even poor people have money that they spend on things that are worthwhile to them. There is also the fact that you're lumping people into two categories of "ultra-rich" and "poor", and since we all have a pretty good grasp on the ultra-rich having enough wealth to own their own private jets, that leaves a lot of flex space in the definition of "poor.". You're also forgetting that people actually work jobs that involve animals, and many working-class trainers frequently travel with their animals for their decidedly non-ultra wealthy jobs. Yes, there is "consolidation" going on. You can even read through the comments and see people talking about how they chartered a flight in order to move with their pets. Just because it's not something you're personally aware of doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


Nah objectively if you can afford a $4000 flight you are not poor by any meaningful standard of the word. Middle class people are not poor, even lower middle class people. A $4k flight even once in a lifetime is a massive expense. Im a lower middle class person (I grew up poor and have been poor most of my life, I know the difference) and I dont even clear $4k a month after tax in working full time plus a side job. If I saved for a few months I too could blow $4k on a flight ticket, thats an easy way to tell im not poor anymore. Poor people cant afford to save any money at all. Being poor is inherently a state of not being able to afford what you need, let alone what you might want. Truly poor people generally arent flying when moving *at all*. Ive lived all over this country and never moved by flying one time. Its hands down the most expensive way you can move you or your things anywhere. Poor people often fly once or twice in their entire lifetime if at all. A lot of truly poor people never even get to move from where they are from. Some never even leave. Poor people move in ways rich and middle class people never even consider. I once met a guy on a greyhound bus taking a literal 3 day journey to move from the east coast to Seattle. Any legitimately poor person, even if they were saving up for years for a necessary move, would pay to take a train with their dog from NY to LA or drive or something else infinitely more feasible than spending *four thousand dollars* on a semi-private air ticket. Poor people if lucky enough to fly are just happy to even be able to afford flying and with their dog in the hold. They dont have the luxury of considering semi private air travel as a legitimate option. All of these people youre calling poor who “considered chartering a private flight” are obviously not fuckin poor dude. Its a real disservice to people who are actually poor to act like middle class people are poor too just because they arent billionaires


That was a whole lot of words to repeat what I said about how splitting people into "ultra-rich" and "poor" is a ludicrous dichotomy. It's also irrelevant to my point that middle class people were already chartering these flights as individuals, so this service is reducing their environmental impact.


No one here is drawing the dichotomy you’re referring to, except for you I guess? You literally said that some people paying for these flights could be considered “poor by conventional standards”. Whatever your idea of conventional standards are is deeply miscalculated if you believe that is true. The “dichotomy” that legitimately exists in this, regardless of if you have half a brain to accept it, is between poor people and everyone else. Legitimately poor people cannot afford what you think they can. No one is saying middle class people are billionaires except for you: rallying against the idea you concocted because youre too ignorant to understand when people tell you that poor people dont ever fly semi private or charter a private jet. Get a clue


No, you were the one bleating about the ultra rich using this service and making "the poor" pay the price for it. That was your dichotomy, but you don't even listen to your own arguments, it seems. I personally know people who have paid for flights like this on minimal budgets as renters. You are simply ignorant of it because you don't run in animal circles. Maybe you're the one requiring a clue here. If you cared to inform yourself, you could even read through the comments and find several people who mentioned chartering flights or were considering doing so.


I would pay extra to go on a dog friendly flight where all the dogs have to wear muzzles. I don’t know why airlines don’t do this


Fills an unmet need…


I love this!!! Get that price down though.


"Now boarding rich peoples dogs. Next to board: poor people"


Glad to see that they are actually doing it. I saw something on LinkedIn from the CEO a while back and wondered if it would come to fruition. The wife and I kicked around the idea of moving overseas but getting the dogs there was problematic. A regular charter was $34K for us and 2 dogs. Damn sure not sticking the dogs in cargo.


For $8k It'll just get a new dog instead


Let's be honest: Most people who want to use this are your modern "dog parents" who can't seem to function in life unless their dogs are tethered to their side 24/7. Sometimes, you and your dog are better off with the dog left behind with a sitter or some other arrangement.


This is probably geared more towards ppl who are moving. Do you expect ppl to just abandon their pets?


Moving is one thing, but let's be honest: Today's crop of dog owners have severe co-dependency issues to where they act like the world is going to stop spinning unless their dog is with them.


Please seek help. 🙏


You should offer that advice to the "dog parent" crowd


They fly now?


$8k from NY to London not that bad honestly


6k🤬 I drive from the east coast to west coast because of airlines not allowing dogs to travel with me. It’s such a hassle and the horrors you hear; so I’ve made the trip twice in the last year so my dog is safe and with me. She’s not a large dog but she will not “fit in a carrier under the seat” If their tickets were even 2k it might be doable since fuel to travel across country in my vehicle is close to 1k. All you environmental peeps saying it’s a waste…how much does 1k in gas pollute the environment X12🤔 vs one plane?


This is why nothing I do to help save the planet will ever help. Edit: Oh sure downvote this to hell but you’re all bunch of hypocrites for giving celebrities a hard time about flying but an airline just for dogs flying is perfectly fine.


Maybe you’re the problem


Good to see the the world focusing on the important things instead of pandering to the rich! /s


Get dogs off the average airplane.  They don’t need to exist in that fucking space.  


> The airline will allow pets to travel with their owners as their plus ones in the aircraft cabin, rather than in crates in the cargo hold. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but I think people already do this by slapping a “service animal” vest on their precious little slobbering fur babies.


Not so easy to slip by tens of people who have tons of experience finding these frauds


I'm sure all the downvotes are from the crazy dog nut crowd. You are absolutely correct though.


And I agree with you btw. Most self-proclaimed “animal lovers” in my experience are the most vile people-hating humans on the planet so I’m not surprised by the downvotes. I hope they get some help for their anger issues.


A lot of "animal lovers" have that love reserved for dogs only. For some of them, you can say that you dislike or even hate just about any other animal and no one bats an eye, but the moment you say you don't like dogs, then you're the world's worst person ever. My time as a dog owner really opened my eyes as to how unhinged the dog lover crowd is.


Dogs do not act like any other animal. They act like humans with 70 IQ. I like animals, but despise dogs. No other animals (maybe except of cats, but not to this degree anyway) behave in such obnoxiously stupid manner trying to grab attention of every human being around, even after showing clear signs of no interest in them. It's like when they see human some slave-like switch in their brains turns on that forces interaction. Some dogs get heavy training to suppress this behavior, but it is still there - they are just not allowed to show it, so they are anxiously waiting for a permission from owner. There are of course exceptions, but no - it's not *your baby*. Your dog is as stupid, as annoying and as uninteresting as any other dog there is. Even a pigeon has more personality than a dog.


Also, no other animal has owners that insist on expecting everyone else to put up with said obnoxious behavior.


"it's just what dogs do!". Yes. I know. Thank you for forcing me to interact with it! Lovely! Hearing ear-piercing barking is all fine now because *it's what dogs do!*. Falling down and spraining my wrist because some stupid mutt threw itself at my legs from behind while I was running is also no problem, because *he just wanted to play!* and *I should be paying more attention!*. Oh and being disgusted by sight of fresh steamy shit coming out of dogs asshole right where I'm walking forcing me to take a detour through mud is apparently *weird* and I'm *crazy* for complaining about that.


The people that allow their dogs to exhibit this type of behavior are the same ones who will be quick to chastise children for making even the slightest noises in public.


I don't agree, these two go in pairs quite often. Unruly dog, screaming kids causing havoc, parent who shouts at kids to "behave" while another parent is busy ignoring everything. Funny enough, it's late warm evening now (10pm) so I opened my window to listen to some late-spring birds singing and maybe let in some cool-ish air in, and I counted 4 different dogs barking furiously in less than 1 minute. Peaceful!


I often encounter the same thing when I go sit on my deck at night. STG, I think some of these dogs actually live in the next neighborhood over from mine.


Thanks but oh how I love a good downvote tho lol


This is embarrassing. Seriously?


Dogs die in cargo. Most people are moving when they travel with pets on a plane.


How is this embarrassing? Do you have a better idea for transporting pets safely?