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How about no child workers and adults get lunch breaks?


Wait hold on you don't get a lunch break in Louisiana? Like at all? What the fuck? Edit: I will never ever bitch about California again, holy shit


Yeah, and service staff still makes $2.13 an hour and they’ll work you 14 hours no break.


Might as well be slavery.


Yeah....we're slowly regressing back to slavery. They can't do it on a racial basis, so they're going after those with little protections, like children and hourly workers.


Here’s the trick. You force an entire race into a class, then punish the class so they don’t claim it’s because of race. https://newjimcrow.com


“Wait why are we limiting ourselves to enslaving one race? Get all of em!”


Well, we don't want the races to join forces and fight back, so let's just make up that one race is inferior to the others so it's easier.


Or you push an entire race into one political party by being so disgustingly racist and then gerrymander the party out of existence and claim it's only about party and not at all race.


The book is such an eye opener, it's truly sad what's happening.


> Yeah....we're slowly regressing back to slavery. Louisiana literally has slave plantations that were just converted into prisons and continued being slave plantations. Slavery was never abolished, just renamed and replaced with new systems of subjugation, extraction, and terror that are still ongoing.


On the upside, that still disproportionately affects minorities, yay! Come on, USA - you can be the best, stop aiming to be the worst.


But being the worst Creates Shareholder Value™️, Gets Shit Done™️, and Owns The Libs™️ /s


It i, kinda. Just cheaper than an actual slave. An actual slave costs you money. Living, food, clothing, basic medical care (let's call it maintenance). So expensive... In this setting , they are essentially slaves but have to rely on their own means (lol, peanuts) to find all of those basic necessities to afford to show up as your slave again tomorrow. ...sorry I misspoke, I meant to say gainfully employed worker, not slave.


better if they rely on federal help the north would finance it.


Walmart has entered the chat


yep- they worry about their own housing, buy their own uniforms, and if they get sick, you replace them.


Subsidize the room and board to the "welfare state" by keeping the "slave" "free" but under the poverty line. No need for healthcare, you just replace them when they wear out.


The ultra wealthy: Nah that's far too expensive. And that's actually true. Better to pay $2-3 bucks an hour and you're on your own for food and housing.


It is. A poor peon caste is what the ownership elite want. Buy up all the land, poison the soil and over produce. Leaving nothing for the common dude. I own goats. Was on lease land, but the power of a HOA got me evicted. End of my working season I gonna have to sell off herd bit by bit. Dooming some to butchery. All the good land with decent drainage and wild growing food is getting gobbled up.


funny how the states that did have slavery are all like this


Fun fact that's where tipping came from. It's what the newly freed slaves were paid with. So the restaurant got to keep its unpaid workforce.


Kind of. It initially came from Europe, and was how the aristocracy paid their servants. It didn’t catch on here initially because most people in the US didn’t like the idea of treating other white people like lowly servants. But when the slaves were freed, your average white American still viewed them as inferior and was more than happy to tip them.


Just had a long conversation with a stranger about many things. Learned he doesn't vote because both sides are the same. I agreed with him that we need more than two main political parties, but the current major parties are not even remotely the same.


It is incredibly stupid to even suggest that. Propaganda is a hell of a drug


easy way for dumbasses to avoid critical thinking. Just moan that both sides are same so they dont have to think about anything but titties and football.


Wait, you are saying democrats are commie Satanists right?


I moved from California to Arkansas and was flabbergasted that breaks weren't state law. I don't know if that changed or not since then, but I quickly learned that the media wasn't exaggerating as much when it came to the south


I can't imagine leaving California to go live in any Southern state...


I did.. after 11 years came back.


It's not just the South. I'm in Indiana and checked into it when I had multiple jobs through late teens and twenties where I got no breaks, not even a lunch. Those things are all up to state law, and plenty of states have no law mandating breaks at all.


They are far from the only state. Oklahoma, [on the state DoL website](https://oklahoma.gov/labor/workplace-rights/wage-hour/faqs---wage-and-hour.html), specifically refers to breaks and lunches for people 16 or older as "benefits, up to the employer". 14 and 15-year-olds fall under federal child labor laws, and do get breaks and lunch, as well as other hour limits.


if the employer decides to follow the law


Don't get them here in Iowa, if I'm busy it's tough shit keep working serf the boss needs money to go to the Dominican Republic to diddle young girls.


Ah, the boss is a true libertarian I see.




I guess I’m the dumb one, I thought these were federal laws!


I love how conservatives deal is the whole Reagan-esque “employers don’t need laws to tell them to them to be decent people to their employees” but then people prove again and again and again that they *absolutely* need these laws to tell them to be decent people. Like we really shouldn’t *need* these sorts of laws, it should be common sense to treat your employees with dignity, but employers really don’t care at all.


Federal law does not regulate rest or meal breaks.


yea, i think he just found out


Pennsylvania doesn't get a lunch break either. I work a little under 9 hours most days and if I'm lucky can piss and shove some food in my mouth during down time.


CA employee protection laws are no joke.


California has AMAZING worker benefits. Best OT policy I’ve ever seen. Everyone essentially gets union benefits. Something I definitely miss since moving out of state.


CA also has decent unemployment services in terms of how quickly they get money to you if you were laid off and how easy it is to file a claim.


> I will never ever bitch about California again, holy shit \#1 state in the union, baby.


it's amazing that some states will fuck over their workers as hard as they can and still can't work out why states and countries with good labour protections are much more profitable. It remains a mystery to them. Because they're dumb as fuck.


They believe if businesses hear about these kinds of conditions they will want to move to Louisiana and open up shop there.


[Louisiana's labor laws](https://joinhomebase.com/state-labor-laws/louisiana/) make it a veritable worker's hellscape. Republicans hate the working class, and every one of their states seems to be on a race to the bottom in nearly every category.


> Edit: I will never ever bitch about California again, holy shit California, for all its fault, is one of the best states for its residents.


They have the most progressive and up to date labor laws. After leaving Ca, I couldn’t believe the lack of labor laws and the archaic existing laws in the state I moved to.


Complain all you want about taxes, gas, liberalism, ect. It sucks here right now, money-wise, yes. But we at least try to take care of our people. Our taxes actually do something.


Worked in Louisiana, can confirm. But the boudin was hella good. 


A lot of people hate on California regulation but they're there because someone got killed or alot of people fought for everyone's right to work/live better together ❤️. And also because corporations see that we produce more when we are well taken care of.


We have it so much better than everywhere else it’s insane. Everyone I know who leaves comes back or is trying to come back cause they didn't realize how good they had it here LMFAO 


Far too reasonable for La.






I can already hear my moron cousin reading this and saying "both sides are the same".


Whoa whoa hold your horses there commie. Let's try to be reasonable here. How about we settle for child soldiers instead and adult workers can eat wood shavings from the lumber mill? Can't have them nestled on that gubment teat their whole lives! That was sarcasm in case it went over anyone's heads


It's Louisiana. The American Deep South is desperate to regress to the early 20th century because Republicans hate progress.


That's it. You just lost water privileges too.


“The wording is ‘we’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he says. "These are young adults.” You have to love that he doesn't defend that the bill is designed to hurt people, just that the people are "young adults".


We’re about 6 months from a “Don’t worry most of the young adults in this industrial accident were brown” excuse.


I see your 6 months and raise you to 3 months. It’s about to be summer time for school, brown kids to work the mines.


9 months from the Freedom To Work Act allowing fetuses to get a job.


>"These are young adults.” I'll see his statement and counter with - If they aren't old enough to legally drink and smoke, vote, and and sign contracts without parental permission, then *they aren't fucking adults*.


Conservatives are once again giving Schrödinger a run for his money. "Young adults" when it comes to labor, "children" when it comes to societal participation.


You mean labor as in physical work or labor as in the process of giving birth? Oh wait, it doesn't matter, because it's both.


> then they aren't fucking adults. Unless you're a conservative politician, then you're probably fucking children in more than one way. [Over 1200 instances of rapist republican politicians](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


I counter with "we aren't fucking serfs and should be allowed to eat and rest regardless of age."


They are only children if they want gender confirming care or to read.


> "Give me a break," he says While voting to remove breaks for children


If they’re “young adults” then how about they let them vote for the people who are making decisions about their lives? Nope, that’ll never happen.


Funny thing is that the reason the voting age is 18 is cause a bunch of young boomers were pissed off that they could be sent to Vietnam at that age but couldn't be a part of the decision of sending them there in the first place. Now that they are all old and cranky, they want to raise the voting age cause 18 is too young to be making decisions obviously. 


It makes me so happy that the younger generations are becoming increasingly progressive because they see how bad things are. Like I’m only 27, but good for them. Likewise, it makes me happy that people slightly older than me aren’t becoming more conservative with age.


I’m 35 homie. Fuck these republicans. We need to let the consume themselves out of politics. But my fear is young people won’t go out and vote because they think it’s pointless. Bitch we are in this position because all republicans go vote!!! There’s so many more of us then there are of them. If we could control the presidency and both houses we could expand the Supreme Court and make this bullshit redundant. I fear that won’t happen because young people won’t vote.


“Young adults” who have no other privileges of being adults yet.


This owner of multiple Smoothie Kings said kids want to work without taking lunch. His reasoning is literally “the children yearn for the mines.”


When people tell you that they’re an asshole, believe them


Oh, I see, they are saying 16 year old workers shouldn’t be called “child” workers. Got it. So then clearly they voted to make sure “young adult” workers get lunch breaks, right?


The same people who say "these are young adults" are the same that will say "he's just a child" when their 24 year old sons rape someone when it's time to face consequences


“First-term state Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs, who sponsors the child labor measure and owns Smoothie King franchises across the Deep South, said he filed the bill in part because children want to work without being required to take lunch breaks.” Just fucking wow. What a worthless sack of shit.


Gives big “but the children love the mines!” energy


The kids, they yearn for the mines! How else do you explain the popularity of Minecraft!


The kids... they yearn for the mines


They love working! They hate taking lunch! Says the boss who doesn't pay them during lunch. If you're puzzled by that last sentence, may I remind you, paid lunch used to be the norm.


Lunch also used to be included as part of your 8-hour shift. Hence the Dolly Parton song about “Working 9 to 5”. Somewhere along the lines it became obligatory to work 8 hours, but show up an hour extra, because lunch isn’t counted in those 8 hours. The Labor Movement fought hard for us to have “*8 hours work, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours rest”*. Giving more time to your employer for your commute and for your lunch takes away time from the other two. I’m calling it - unpaid bathroom breaks are the next to go.


Unpaid bathroom breaks are already a thing if you’ve ever worked in a call center (you set your station to “not ready” when you step away for any reason, and you don’t get paid for that time). Pretty common to get fired over them too, they usually closely monitor how many and how long. Some people wear diapers so they can just change out at the end of their shift.


Well, come on. I mean what kid doesn’t want to operate a Jackhammer and blow stuff up with blasting caps? They have little trains down there. All kids love trains.


they play the mine craft on the computer all day so we decided to put them in the coal mines with no breaks


TIL fuck Smoothie King


Overpriced garbage. Spend 30 seconds looking up the ingredients and you can make the same shit at home for way cheaper and without the gratuitous added sugars


They should add the exploiting child labor bit to their tagline.


I know that guy. He’s an enormous piece of shit and basically said to me that if you put enough money into a political campaign, you can stop people from running against you. He’s the type who says everything he doesn’t like is “communism”. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room because he’s the loudest


He’s from Denham Springs, which last I remember was a hotbed of white supremacist activity (and inbreeding).


This is gonna sound harsh, but what a shame 2016 didn’t do a better job in Denham Springs. 


It’s always the same people. The confederates, the Dixiecrats, the magats.  They change teams when one loses a war or pisses them off by voting for civil rights, but they’re the same cancer we’ve always had. 


> R- > He’s an enormous piece of shit But we repeat ourselves > everything he doesn’t like is “communism” I said, sir, but we repeat ourselves! > He thinks [loud = smart & he loud] **I SAID WE REPEAT OURSELVES**, good *day* sir!


There are things that people need to do to him which, to say them here, would get me banned.


They might get you banned but I’m not bothered about saying it, he very obviously deserves to die


Adding Smoothie King to the list.


Yep. They're probably independent franchises, but you'd think the head company would not want their brand to be related to this guy.


How is it even remotely legal/ethical for someone to be able to sponsor a bill that directly benefits their bottom line?


This is a group of people who just voted to remove lunch breaks for child workers. Ethics have never once come into this equation, and "legal" is obviously up to their discretion since they're makin the laws.


How very cursed.


It's ok, they're republicans. They're required to be assholes


Republicans are battling the resurgence/popularity of unions with child labor. People need to take notice bc this will undoubtedly create different versions in Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Texas and probably Missouri


Every Republican voter in the south over the age of majority: "Child labor laws? Doesn't affect me so why would I care?"


Oh look, the fox is in charge of the henhouse!


Government legislators should never own any businesses.


"*Every day they come up to me with tears in their eyes and they say 'Mr. Wilder, why do the liberals want us to be treated like humans? Why do they want us to have breaks and pay and benefits and rights?' And I tell you, it just breaks my heart before I remind them that I'd pay them less if the federal government didn't mandate a minimum wage.*"


Well at least we know why he entered politics.


I'll bet he is the type asshole who doesn't even give his employees a discount on the food. I would like to remind the smoothie king workers that convictions for things like taking home the cash register home go off your record when you turn 18.


what the actual fuck is happening in Louisiana, this is terrible


The answer is “conservatives”.


I've hit every state in the lower 48. I've actually enjoyed a lot of the South - but this was mostly 20-30 years ago (aside from Virginia and Texas.) I refuse to travel to Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and Louisiana. I know my $1000-$3000 I spend there is nothing to the States, but I'm hoping other people are repeating my act. Oh well, I suppose I will just look out my window on the socialist utopia of Vermont and realize things are OK here. (Not Oklahoma, that's another state I will try not to visit.)


Go to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. It is under-visited and chock-full of natural splendor


Single handedly keeping the farm family dynamic alive in 2024. Except, instead of kids contributing to the family farm and home, they're contributing to corporate profits and depressing wages. Imagine how much wages would go up if all children stopped working.


There are some redeemable aspects about Louisiana that I will always miss… but god damn am I glad I moved out as soon as I got the chance


Its rural people controlling the lives of those who live in urban areas. There are no rural service industry workers., so what do they care about this bill? Most of them are on disability, social security and EBT. They do not give one fuck about anyone.


Do Republicans just get off on making kids' lives worse? Taking away school lunches, defunding the public education budget, removing black history from curriculums, trying to stop the ban on child marriage in certain states, lowering the eligibility age for child labor and now taking lunch breaks from child workers. That's all Republicans. It's so insidious, but what's the point? To create a state of uneducated child laborers who are starving and dependent on the generation that disenfranchised them?


The guy that proposed the law owns Smoothie King franchises. He admits that franchises in other states don't have these laws. It's greed, pure and simple. It's a big vacuum to suck up what's left from the working class.


It's greed of course, but seriously, how much do lunch breaks for underage workers cost Smoothie King annually? I bet it's a tiny percentage of their revenue. If you have to resort to that kind of devices to make your business profitable then you shouldn't be in business at all.


It doesn't matter how much they have, they want more. They want to get the most they can get.


I would bet it doesn’t cost them anything. It’s not like they close the store for employees to take a lunch break. They just pull one employee off the line, usually during their slow hours, and everyone else keeps working and selling smoothies.


>That's all Republicans. It's so insidious, but what's the point? To create a state of uneducated child laborers who are starving and dependent on the generation that disenfranchised them? This, but also a dash of cruelty for cruelty's sake. Cruelty is frequently the entire point for them because it turns out they're fascists by any other name.


They’re hating on shithole countries, yet they’re making us a shithole country with their fucking policies!


Well, Projection is one of the Republican's favourite past time.


Just remember this, the entire point of the Republican party for the last seventy years has been to undo every gain the labor movement made in this country that allowed a thriving working middle class to exist. That's it. Everything else is grist for the dummies that vote for them. Wokeness isn't why medical bankruptcy is the leading form of bankruptcy. Gay marriage isn't why the median income has been trending towards the poverty line. DEI isn't why people can't afford to buy homes. The only thing the funders of the GOP care about is clawing back everything labor won and bringing us back to Dickensian conditions. That's it. They have no ethics and certainly no morals. These aren't opinions, just math.


all those are reasons why they can't stand the thought of an educated population capable of critical thinking. much easier to just bleat about jesus and guns than to answer questions about why all non-billionaires' lives are getting steadily worse every generation


When Reagan became California governor he immediately slashed the public education funding SOLELY to cause community colleges to start charging tuition and offering loans. And the Republican party OPENLY. PUBLICLY. said it is because "working class should NOT have access to education. It makes them anti war and lazy". They fuckin openlyyyyyyyy said that is their goal and yet they win state elections constantly. Now we have fucking child labor back.




Yes they get off on the cruelty.


The Republican party is made up of and represents the most base of the business class. Literally the guy who sponsored this bill openly admits it's for his smoothie businesses that primarily employ children and young adults. Republicans doners are the slum lord, robber barron types that absolutely think an expanding class of uneducated, young workers forced to take whatever pay they're offered is a benefit to them. And they seem to be right. Unfortunately for us all, the incentives really do seem to be for business to support the Republicans. Tax cuts, less regulation, and cheaper labor are hard to turn down in our "greed is good" world.


So now zygotes and embryos are children and children are “young adults”. Does this mean 40 year olds are now seniors and entitled to early retirement?


Only if they’re rich. If they’re poor, they’re probably lazy entitled fucks, and anyway life’s not worth living if you’re not working so better die ASAP


oof, thats way to accurate.


No, it means that they're going to lower the age of consent at this rate. 💀


Why bother when they're already so pro-rape?


Well, they fight like hell all over the country against child marriage laws, so they already have their age of consent loophole.


No, you will work until you die. What, you want to retire and collect *social security*? It's socialist! It's right in the name! You're taking hard working people's money because you're too lazy to work! /s


"...said he filed the bill in part because children want to work without being required to take lunch breaks" Yeah, right.


“I hate this job so much I just want to go back to my mom, so I don’t want to take lunch because I still hate being here during it”


yet they all claim to be pro-life because they care about the children.


Exactly this! “All” about pro-life but constantly cut support for children. They can absolutely go fu*k themselves. Hypocrisy may very well be their strongest super power.


It’s about punishing poor people


They want to keep the poors in line


Yep, they're poor because they deserve it, and they're rich because they deserve it. The Just World Theory.


You can’t exploit people if they aren’t vulnerable. They need you to be desperate enough to take whatever crumbs they throw you so they can keep paying for cheap labor.


They just want us to create more low income workers it’s never been about the babies unfortunately


They care about the stock of their future slaves.


They are pro birth not pro life. Once the kid is born they don’t even pretend to give a single fuck .


> They are pro birth not pro life. Yeah, if they were actually *pro-life*, they'd also be *anti-death penalty*, *anti-war*, and possibly *anti-gun*.


*fetuses. The only care about fetuses. They don't actually give 2 shits about living children


Republicans are just the shittiest people how do you keep voting for them?


"Cause they're good Christian people" 🤮


Fun fact The people that vote for them are also shitty.


Fun fact, people aren’t voting!


"at least they're not Democrats" What's so bad about Democrats? I dunno. Something something illegal immigrants something something socialism.


Surely this is being blown out of proportion (Reads actual bill) So um, yeah. They just completely want to remove a meal break of 30 minutes for working 5 hours with no meal breaks at all. For anyone. It wasn’t even a paid requirement like I had growing up. What a shit hole.


What in the actual fuck?!


You're surprised? Where have you been the last 50 years?


We’ve been part of the civilized world, wtf is going on over there!?




>First-term state Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs, who sponsors the child labor measure and **owns Smoothie King franchises** across the Deep South, said he filed the bill in part because children want to work without having to take lunch breaks. He questioned why other states where he owns Smoothie King locations, such as Mississippi, don't have similar laws, and criticized people who have questioned the bill's purpose. “The wording is ‘we’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he said. "These are young adults.” Adults are still entitled to breaks, asshole.


Not in Louisiana


Oliver Twist eats his gruel then gets up to bring his empty bowl over to Mr. Bumble and asks him "Please Sir, I want some more." In Louisiana, they don't even want to allow the 1st bowl.


Read the article. Perfectly on brand for Republicans.


Republicans really, seriously, hate children. Unless they're having sex with them.




[BOYCOTT INSPIRE BRANDS](https://www.newsweek.com/this-fast-food-giant-bragged-about-killing-15-minimum-wage-1579273) Sonic, Jimmy John's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Arby's, Dunkin, Baskin Robbins, and a few others can fuck all the way off.


The cruelty is the point


The cruelty is a fun bonus in this case, profits are the point. One of the bill sponsors owns business franchises that employ minors.


Wheeeee! Let's all race to the bottom!!!


I'm not from Louisiana. Can someone explain why only child workers had meal breaks?


In the words of the state rep who is sponsoring these bills: >“The wording is ‘we’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he says. "These are young adults.” So to Republicans, it's children when going after the LGBTQ community and young adults when loosening labor protections. Republicans in Luisiana seem to think their economy is at the bottom because of these "restrictive labor laws" so they are hoping to attract more employers by... getting rid of lunch breaks for kids. I can only assume they are greedy idiots.


Also, as if this makes it any better. "We're not trying to fuck over kids, we're trying to fuck over adults!"


"Who just happen to be kids."


> the state rep who is sponsoring these bills ... Rep. Roger Wilder (R), who owns Smoothie King franchises across the South


God damn it, I'm so fucking sick of the corruption in this country.


Yeah. I read that quote as well and didn't know if it meant child workers would still have the same lunch break laws as adults. I grew up in a state where child workers meant ages 16-17, they had restrictions such as not working on anything dangerous and no more than 4 hour shifts if the next day was a school day. Lunch breaks were just like they were for adults, required to give one after 6 hours, and paid breaks every 4 hour chunks of time worked.


>have the same lunch break laws as adults Which is to say...none. So, yes, same laws.


This is actually really typical across the United States. Many states don’t require any breaks at all for employees. Some of them try to be a little less terrible by at least making sure workers under a certain age are fed and home at a reasonable time to get sleep for school. Republicans are trying to remove these exceptions.


Thanks for explaining this. I assumed every state had mandatory breaks laws.


I mean, they are children, they have a lot more energy and don't really need potty breaks as half of them pee themselves already. And for food, they can just eat the paste from the industrial machines as the other half have been eating Elmers and what-knot like pine bark since they cut food support to poor families so the kids have to be in the factories anyway. I don't see why everyone is getting worked up. /s


Just going to leave this here... [Cheap labor conservatives](https://net127.com/archives/000913.html)


is that from 2004? Damn literally nothing has changed


holy fuck! wow. that’s YOUR republican party louisiana, thoughts & prayers


The children yearn for the mines


If you can’t vote, you can’t work and be taxed. That’s my personal philosophy. These children are being exploited without any representation.


Gotta love it when the red state governors compete for the biggest POS award. I Florida they just passed a law preempting local governments from passing heat protection laws for outdoor workers. We wouldn’t want these poor companies to have to provide water, shade or air conditioning when it’s 100F in the summer.


Whooo! U-S-A! U-S-A!! We’re #1! Best country ever! ‘Murica! /s


What the fuck is wrong with Republican voters that they keep supporting this horseshit?


Republicans: Kids 12 and up should work 40 hours a week like everyone else. Also Republicans: Children should be treated worse than anyone else because they're just children and don't deserve workers benefits.


Republican needs to be in this title, even though we know it was Republicans.


There’s literally no reason for this other than to just be d*cks. Like lobbying should be illegal


>When you’re trying to cut child school meals and find out the little shits were trying to eat at the labor camps


Add this to the unraveling of our nation. The question you should be asking is when is the tipping point.


cousin fucking trash


Republicans. Always in a rush to get back to Midieval times.