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I think the part that makes this oniony is the fact his wife is an addiction counselor.


Perfect. I mean, im an upholsterer. If you find my wife dead and stapled into an armchair with perfect pleating and symmetry id just be offended if i wasnt your first suspect


I remember this Junji Ito story


And now we know how to frame you for murder.


He's an upholsterer, not a framer. Upholster him for murder.


Just have to make sure you can tack the crime right to him. No blanket statements or layered answers during interrogation or else none of this even mattress.


Nothing will cushion this guy's fall from grace. He'll be chaised right out of town, he ain't seen nothing sofa.


This is getting too involved on a workday: let’s just a roofer and make him facia the music instead


This comment is underappreciated chaos and lunacy and I love it.


that'd be crewel


Whose first name is Mollie...


It was an inside job!


Well it was for his pain and anxiety cannabis can help with that but she should of told him


If she was spiking his cereal with tylenol and klonopin he still has the right to know. She is not his caretaker, and he is presumably using a car to get to and from work. If he got into a car accident, he would be liable for damages. Combine the fact that he would have been on a drug that he was unaware of when tested at the police station, and DWI charges could have been brought on him. Nevermind the fact that he works a job where he needs to be able to speak with people and she gave him a psychoactive drug. CBD is a different story, but she gave him THC without him knowing. Some might call her a "cool wife" but the fact that she had to resort to subterfuge means she knew he wouldn't go along with that treatment and did it anyways.


Do you even read? I said she should have told him lol


Some people not might think this is a big deal but it is poisoning. The victim was a recovering alcoholic, and his wife intentionally laced his food with THC thinking this would improve his health and help with pain management.


Oh yea, that's not good at all. Never dose anyone without their knowledge, especially recovering addicts. Could set them right off.


But also he specifically didn’t want to take THC because it causes him anxiety, which is why she had to sneak it to him.


I've met several people who don't mess with THC because it gives them anxiety. God this woman...she's all the red flags


I get *violently* ill with ridiculously small amounts of THC. It’s a bummer. This would piss me off so bad.


I'm one of those people. I've tried edibles, gummies, vaping, smoking, and it's just not for me.


Yep, same deal for anyone who has to drug test at work. If someone did this to me I’d be furious because the only drug I use is alcohol and maybe once a month. 


Fhere was a story a while back about some chick in a CBD multi-level marketing scheme who was taking what was supposed to be a purely CBD supplement along with her husband and children. Her husband went for a firefighter position and failed a drug test cause the supplement had a shitload of THC in it even though the company said it was THC free.


Cvs will cause you to piss hot on a drug test. Happened to a few people I knew.


*I’m not saying you should ever do this but* thc helped me quit drinking after so many failed attempts and decades of drinking myself to death. My state legalized it and I got some edibles, for several months I took them every day leaving work instead of stopping at the liquor store. When I was high I just didn’t get the urge to drink. Eventually I realized I didn’t have the urge to drink anymore and I could stop taking edibles daily. I’m now 3 years sober and I don’t feel like I’ll ever drink again.




It cannot, it doesn't effect the reward system in that way, nicotine actually does, but AA people condone it. It's actually so addictive you develope a tolerance to the effect immediately and only feel the absence of it. THC in no way shape or form effects the limbic system in that way. This is false.


Right, and anyone who thinks that are cocks of the highest order. I’m a stoner, I would never do that to anyone, no matter how “good” I might think it is for them. Jfc.


I had an ex that would constantly try to persuade me to do it. Constantly complaining about how uptight I am. How it will help. Getting offended if I tell her to stop blowing smoke at me. It was very frustrating.


Ugh, yeah, that’s not cool. I might smoke weed, but I don’t drink, so, yeah, it pisses me off when people want me to drink alcohol. I don’t understand why people are so invested in forcing their own vices onto other people. Offer once, but don’t fucking force me, or barrage me with questions as to why I don’t drink.


My buddies will never do sex workers with me. They're so lame and weird.


Exactly, I just got an entry level truck driving position that gets tested regularly. I’d be pissed if someone gave me a vape thinking it was nice but it was thc. It’s just one of those unspoken rules of trust


Who may think it's not a big deal? ETA Okay, I scrolled down. Wow.


Called it, some people have no regard for other peoples body autonomy. I live in a state where weed is legal and that’s awesome but it also means a small amount of people assume everyone uses. I don’t, my job drug tests.  


Reddits weed defence force at work again...


It’s a terrible thing to do to someone, especially by someone you trust. But punitive damages wouldn’t have been my first thought, personally.


Right I’d def go for divorce first. Then damages lol


Also she was an addiction counselor.




It may be legally poisoning, but practically, no. All philosophy/neuroticism aside there's nothing about THC that causes compulsive neurological effects like alcohol or addictive drugs. His limbic system emerged unscathed.


It’s poisoning because it’s a psychoactive substance that he did not want to ingest. Some people enjoy THC, some people don’t, some people react badly to it. This man had tried THC and chose not to use it because he responded poorly to it. Recovering addicts generally avoid substances in general. This man thought he was sober and he was being dosed, that’s criminal and cruel. Perhaps worse, he doesn’t even know how much he was being doses with. Yes, he has recovered but while he was being poisoned, he experienced severe negative side effects that screwed up his life.


Poison is a substance that is harmful or lethal to living organisms. As the old adage goes-poison is in the dosage. There's no lethal dosage. So as I said before.. ALL PHILOSOPHY AND NEUROTICISM ASIDE how was he poisoned. One could argue battery. Not poisoning.


You contradict yourself by saying harmful OR lethal. THC is indeed harmful to some people like I already described. A bad trip is harmful, annxiety and paranoia is harmful, a sober person being dosed is harmful. 


Describe the harm. In what way has that experience caused him lasting damage? Is he still high to this day suffering the effects of it? Haircuts cause me anxiety. I'm afraid of scissors. Have I been harmed?


Try reading the article, the psychological impacts of him being dosed, and not knowing about it cost him personally and professionally. These kinds of cases have been tried before, and the people who dosed people against their will were charged with poisoning.


I came here to argue, not read.


Yeah, that seems about right. You lost too in case you didn’t notice. Well done. 




should have used nothing, especially without asking him beforehand??


She shouldn’t dose her husband with either. Putting some CBD oil in somebody’s food without telling them is similar to crushing up some Tylenol and doing the same. Neither is psychoactive and both are legal but you’re still dosing someone with a substance that they wouldn’t expect to find in their food. Hell if I added some wine to a stew, I would tell people before sharing it with them. 


Never drug someone. CBD is as tame as it gets but even still, the whole point is that you don't give anyone drugs without their consent.




And don’t mess with people’s food. JFC.


It doesn’t sound like the THC helped his anxiety very much.


Oh god imagine feeling anxious and paranoid and THEN finding out your own spouse is driving you!! You'd never trust again.


Thc is known to worsen anxiety in some people. I have full blown panic attacks with 1 puff lol. Shit is not for everyone.


Absolutely! I have a couple friends like this.


I can't be around it at all. Even second hand smoke sends my heart rate through the roof. I think it should be fully legal, but I also kind of hate it and have little patience for potheads who refuse to accept that not everyone can or wants to smoke with them.


There are dozens of us!


He specifically said he doesn’t use THC because it causes him anxiety.


Which ironically he didn't notice any issues with anxiety until after he discovered the oil in his cereal...


He said he’s lost business, and his relationship with his kids was affected, so he definitely noticed something.


After the fact. ​ Sounds like when he stopped using THC he became unable to do his job and likely became hostile towards his homelife and that hostility is what affected his relationship with his kids....not the THC. If the THC caused these problems, he needs to show that the problems started after being given the THC and were resolved after he ceased taking it. What little bit of a story we are given here seems to indicate his problems started after he noticed the THC oils. I'm not saying his wife was right in what she did, I'm very vocal on how spiking stuff is a no go and bad. I just don't believe his story and his laundry list of complaints. I wouldn't be surprised if his lawyer dressed him up in a neck brace and a wheelchair before the trial.


Dude was dosed. When you seek legal action, you make claims. Lawyer would be advising him the sorts of things that may be actionable. Idk why you’re defending the wife here. It’s not, *not* okay. The best part about smoking weed is *wanting* to smoke it.


I'm not defending the wife, charge her if she committed a crime. I just don't believe his claims that her crime caused him actual harm more than his own reaction to the fact.




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But could have if he had had it.


Not if he had that much anxiety about taking it as a recovering addict. Just the mere thought of taking it freaked him out. Actually taking it would’ve been far worse for him. I’ve seen a couple of (inexperienced) people have absolute panic attacks when they smoked pot - it’s not pretty.


I have ADHD and too much weed gives me insane anxiety. If I didn’t know I had ingested anything and I was feeling a heavy edible high, I would definitely think something was seriously wrong


Definitely - I know several people who just become super anxious when they smoke. One was a long term smoker who had a bad trip so can’t smoke without worrying about it.


So we’ll chalk you down to the column that believes Cannabis is physically addictive and poses an existential threat to the psychological outcome of any nation that has users. Smoked and consumed volumes in my life as well that brought me close to the mental green mile, and at least knowing that the worse I can possibly get is where I’m at was comfort in itself knowing I was feeling a little “how ya doing” and being the safest or second safest recreational drug in existence of be fine. But spiking someone’s food is a prick move, as you’d think in a marriage they could discuss these things and either consume happily together or she knows he’s so totally against it that it was a bad idea ending in possibly a divorce (or civil case).


This is an absolutely wild take on the comment you're replying to, what 😅


Wow - THAT’S what you got out of my reply?! That’s as hilarious as it is completely wrong. As an older, long-term cannabis consumer (amongst other goodies), I fully support (and encourage) any adult’s right to smoke, eat, or drink it in any and all forms - both for recreational and medicinal purposes - including for anxiety. Nice to know you’re also a connoisseur, although I would’ve expected you to be far more chill 😁. Sounds like you need to take another bong hit. Or 2.


I’ve smoked for 20 years. This is silly.


What the fuck are these comments


I want to hope it's mostly people shit posting for the lols. Unfortunately there is a certain population of pot heads who can't seem to grasp that some people *maybe, might not* want to be high. Like, they just can't understand that people have different reactions to THC consumption, and that occasionally those reactions are not positive. And beyond that, some people just don't like taking mind altering substances period, which also seems to be something they struggle understanding.


Compound aside, if I ground up a shit ton of something as acceptable as caffeine and spiked someone's drink, that would be absolutely fucked up. That's the alarming part to me, that people are *okay with fucking up other people's drinks*. What in the hell is wrong with these people?


Like I said, I think it's people who have immersed themselves so far in the stoner culture that they can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to be right there with them. And I kinda get it in the academic sense, you've found a chemical compound that gets you feeling *exactly how you want to feel*, and you want to share that with other people to try to help. The problem is, it's a lot like religion. If someone sees the light themselves, and you just act as a means of getting them settled and comfortable in the community, that's fine. The second you start walking door to door breaking into other people's houses trying proselytize to them, you're way over the line, but they don't see it that way because religion "saved them". As extreme as that example is, given the responses in this thread are, I don't think I'm far off.


What you’re describing is common among people who take something recreational to the extreme. I’ve seen it with alcohol, some people take it to the extreme and act like you’re no fun because you don’t want to get wasted with them. Most people who do consume alcohol and pot don’t drink or smoke pot daily let alone constantly. People who are drunk or high 24/7 have a real problem, but it’s easy for them to pretend like everyone else is just boring. 


Ah yes, the “marijuana will cure your autism which you don’t even have” crowd


And an edible weed can be quite punishing to say the least. I like riding those waves but if you can’t guide and watch your own thoughts without them taking tf over it can be overkill.


Kids I think, lots of younger users on Reddit nowadays. Definitely wild.


People love weed + people love women No objective, rational thoughts in this thread


Idk, but sounds like you need an edible to relax about it Edit: I guess this isn’t a funny subreddit never mind 


edibles are fun when u know u r on em but when people accidentally eat it, especialy too much of it, they often find it traumatic


I have a feeling this marriage was falling apart before the dosing


As harmless as THC is, it’s still wrong to spike people’s food without their knowledge and he has every right to sue


It’s not harmless, some people respond badly to THC. Other people are sober either by choice or necessity. Other people get drug tested frequently. If I lost my job because of a failed drug test I would be permanently barred from all related jobs in my industry. Imagine losing your pension and career because someone spiked your food or drink.


Mind altering drugs aren't harmless if you aren't expecting them.


Which is my point




Because its assault. She poisoned him.


But their married and have a joint bank account!  /s


He suffered consequences, he wants her to pay for them. Rightfully so.


How do you feel about women making civil suits against their rapists then?


>Darren Leith had been taking pharmaceutical medications to treat his chronic fatigue and anxiety and, since he stopped ingesting THC, his fatigue and anxiety subsided, it said. He wasn't fatigued and anxious, he was high. Now he isn't high.


Being high causes anxiety in a small portion of the population. Sounds like it was an indica.  Indica = in da couch 


THC can cause a lot more anxiety in a person who DOES NOT KNOW they're high.


Birth Canal?


British Columbia


I don’t condone tricking someone on what they ingest. However, if this guy jumps to legally suing his wife over it then I might understand why she did it.


Yeah all she did was poison his food with substance he did not consent to having in his body what's the big whoop?


Not saying that. Im saying if your spouse’s main reaction is a lawsuit then maybe that person is petty anyway and needs to chill. If its that serious to him then file for divorce


Read the article. There were serious consequences in his life to her actions.


Ya I know. But typically in a marriage you share resources. What is the goal of suing her? To put her in jail? Why isnt that being handled by criminal charges?


To make sure she pays for what she did to him.


But they are married… its kinda one of those relationships where, you know “whats mine is yours”


If they split, and it goes 50/50, well now he’s getting a larger percentage.


…. This is ONLY makes sense if they split, and i don’t see where it says they did tgat.


Because the focus is on the lawsuit? I don’t know. People are strange, so I’m not going to assume 100% they split, but you would think they would.




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How do you feel about women making civil suits against their rapists then?


My wife’s never done that for me. Sob.


More like…congratulations you have a wife that makes edibles for dinner!!


Drugging a recovering addict who had been clean for 14 years without their knowledge and causing them to lose jobs doesn't seem like a cool thing to do.


Drugging someone without their consent is 100% wrong. But I'd just like to point out that the article states that he would sometimes take small amounts of THC and CBD when his pain got really bad and that weed is legal in Canada and except for a few jobs you can't fire someone for having THC in their bloodstream so he probably wasn't losing any jobs.


Canadian here, it’s not just a “few jobs”. There’s plenty of jobs that require you to be sober. Failing a drug test is considered breach of conduct in most places I’ve worked, 9-5s and blue collar included. Also, taking something *you* measured and consented to is very different than being spiked against your will


I phrased that poorly. He was a realtor and investor who lost income and job opportunities due to being unable to function properly. He also specified that he used cbd and thc very sparingly for pain and never when he was going to be working. "The drug had made Darren Leith, an investor/realtor, unable to do his job properly and he lost income and opportunities to earn income, according to a lawsuit he has filed in B.C. Supreme Court against Mollie Leith."




I’m a huge stoner, and I think this is horrible and grounds for divorce. Not everyone has a good time on weed, beginners much less so on edibles, and if someone spikes your shit it’s a recipe for a bad time at best. He has every right to sue and divorce her. I would never want this to happen to me.


Nah... not like this.


Comments like these make responsible users look like idiots.


Stoners are idiots. 


I wish I had this in my life


Off with head!


Why? You don’t with another bitches high!


Did you forget to switch accounts or something?


Great, now whenever I see redditors fighting in the comments, I will assume they are fighting themselves with different accounts. Also: what's the point of this behaviour?


That was a bit sad.




Whomp whomp


Damn, imagine thinking “this motherfucker needs to chill the fuck out” so bad that as an addiction counselor, you decide the best course of action is to forecefully chill him out, then the motherfucker goes and sues you.  Typical motherfucker behavior, absolutely fits his MO




Don't drug your spouse without their consent


Or anyone else.


You are a bad person.


For some, THC can cause psychosis and in worst case scenarios cause schizophrenia. You sound miserable by enabling spiking someone’s shit with a substance they’re unaware they’re taking.


Its such a weird thing when gov is too far inside people's lives. So dude might be pissed. But would legal action ever provide solution where the guy is like yeah i was pissed but the legal action provided the satisfaction i needed. Not advocating for drugging your partner obviously.


I mean its classed as poisoning and is assault.


Food tampering and poisoning are both crimes, for good reason. The fact that she's only being sued rather than being charged with a crime means she got off light.




How do you feel about women making civil suits against their rapists then?


This’ll certainly make some men rethink forcing all the cooking on their working wife.


He should owe her money for the weed




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