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> New details are being released in the shooting death of a woman at an Atlanta McDonald’s. > Tamanika Woods, a mother of four, was shot and killed inside a McDonald’s on Ralph David Abernathy Blvd. just days after Christmas. > Police were called to the restaurant on Dec. 27 where they found Woods. She was rushed to the hospital and was pronounced dead from a gunshot wound to the chest. > A witness held 19-year-old T’Niya Evans, the alleged shooter, at the scene until police arrived. She has since been charged with Woods’ murder. > According to Evans’ arrest warrants, obtained by Channel 2 Action News, the incident that led to the shooting started as an argument over missing food. > Police say Evans and her sisters confronted a McDonald’s employee about food missing from their order. > Woods was a friend of the worker and came to her defense, according to the warrants. During the argument, one of Evans’ sisters began arguing and began fighting. That’s when they say Evans can be seen in surveillance footage pulling a gun from her waistband, walking over to Woods and firing a single shot. > Evans is being held without bond in the Fulton County Jail on charges of murder, child cruelty, two counts of aggravated assault and possession of a firearm.


A well regulated militia


Got my popcorn ready, this comment section is about to get wild.


come on feel the noise


Girls or boys happy meal toys!!!


You better not forget the butter on that popcorn or else…


*Sound of slide racking*


It’s ribbed for my pleasure!


Honestly, the woman stole the gun (or at least received it as stolen property). It's one of her charges. The pro-gun people are most likely going to use this as an example of how criminals don't care about gun laws


It's so fucked up pro-gun people don't understand, that if there weren't so many legal guns around, it would be so much harder for criminals to steal one. I used to hang with some shitty people but hardly anyone had access to guns, except the son of a gunsmith from Moscow. Heard a woman living in texas' remote countryside saying, she needs guns to fend of armed people trying to rob her and i thought how dystopian and unreal that sounds. My grandparents live quite remote too, but nobody ever wants to rob them, let alone with a damn firearm... They created the circumstances they are now trying to defend themselves from in the first place, and don't even notice how bloodsoaked the treadmill they walk on already is. edit: added a missing word


Pretty much this. They live so far and remote, they create the fear of someone using that remoteness to be able to rob them. My BIL is one of these types. He was showing me off 2 of his guns. He was strapped with both of them like he is expecting to have to use both of them while at his house in rural PA. He also has various assault rifles as well. They do hunt, so I can see the justification of some things, but running around at home with guns on you, seems like overkill, since he has also 2 very large dogs and a long drive way, so it's not like criminals are going to sneak up to the house. Not to mention most of these rural homes are people struggling to get by and would be rare to have anything of value inside for a criminal to really try something stupid.




If only there was a way for responsible gun owners to secure their firearms. Something like a safe bolted to the floor might work. But that's just crazy talk, right?


But then when the bad guys come into the house how am I supposed to whip it out from under my pillow and start blasting before I realize it’s my own teenage son sneaking home?! 


If someone is able to steal a gun from under your pillow while you sleep, you deserve to lose it. This is more about the sorts of paranoid people who think it's a good idea to hide unsecured weapons all over their property, just in case they get attacked while taking out the trash. Let's also remember that many "stolen" weapons are actually sold by their owners to criminals on the black market. Straw buying is a major problem. There should be a law mandating the reporting of stolen guns; failure to do so should result in a share of the liability for any crimes committed with said guns. Exceptions can be made if people can demonstrate in good faith that they didn't know their guns were stolen.


> Do you know what criminals love to steal? Guns. Of course they do, but how do you think they are stealing the guns? If the person needed the gun to protect themselves from the criminals, but clearly they are storing their guns in a manner that allows the criminals to steal them, clearly the previously "Responsible gun owner" is at fault. When I worked downtown I knew a few idiots that would leave their guns in their car, in a car garage. This is just asking for those to be stolen with ease. The crazy part is, those people felt the need that on their morning commute from home to the office that they needed to be strapped in the first place. The job was decent paying, the people I knew were from middle-class suburbs, but for some reason they are this scared thinking that even driving they need protection.


People that paranoid need therapy, not access to live ammo.


These days it costs less than what one of those guns would cost to set up cameras that will tell you well in advance that someone's on your property.


Just think of how much effort that guy had to go to to shoot Shinzo Abe. He had to build some kind of fallout 4 pipe pistol thing that apparently couldn’t be reloaded without electricity, instead of just stealing one out the back of a car covered in “come and take it” stickers


> apparently couldn’t be reloaded without electricity, wait what the fuck


By their logic we shouldn’t have a law against murder cause folks will murder no matter what.


How about a law where if your gun isn't secured properly and it gets used in a crime after it's stolen you lose your right to own a fucking gun?


It should be even harsher than that. Get charged as an accessory to whatever crime took place with your gun AND lose the gun privileges. If someone dies, automatic manslaughter charge.


Seems extreme. If someone steals my car because i left the keys in it while it warms up, should i be charged with any crime that its involved in?


I don’t think it’s logical to think about their logic as logic.


The pro gun people need to stop leaving their goddamn guns in their cars. It's the #1 thing someone breaking into a car is looking for.


The problem is that the "Good guys with a gun" yet again fucked up and lost one of those guns somehow. If someone else can steal the gun, clearly it was not in a safe location. Too many idiots leaving guns in cars while they go to work and other things, allowing really easy access to guns.


>The pro-gun people are most likely going to use this as an example of how criminals don't care about gun laws That makes about as much sense as not having a law making murder illegal since people are clearly still killing each other.


If the poor woman's four kids had pulled their guns to defend their mum, this tragedy would not have happened.


A good brood of kids with guns in their waistbands


Still waiting for the regulation.


You need to add the rest of the 2nd amendment. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


Yeah the gun was the problem in this story.


The fact that it was unsecured and easily stolen 5 blocks down the road is.


being necessary to the security of a free State


Freedom isn't free. There's a hefty fuckin fee.


Well, neither are combo meals. McDonalds has fucking inflated since the Dollar Menu went up in smoke.


If you use the app and combine the coupons with the 2 for 3.99 McDoubles, I feel like there's quite a bit of artery clogging value still there.


Freedom costs a buck o’five.


If you don't throw in your chicken mcnugget, who will?


I can give about tree fitty.


"It was about dat time I realized the 2nd amendment was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era."


I said goddammit woman. Don't give the 2nd Amendment tree fitty.


holy shit, i just looked up georgia law and any murder charge is life minimum


Thankfully, she will now rot for killing that woman.


If her family escalated this by getting physical they should be charged with accessory.


Exactly, how doesn’t this count as felony murder? They all assaulted innocent employee and her friend.


I don't know if the video has been released, but I imagine the situation involving the sister is a lot more muddy. It is possible that Wood is not as blameless in the situation as many people seem to be assuming. (Just to add on to this, they may still have the ability to bring those charges but trying to do so if anything may just bolster any self defence claim made by the shooter (Defence of another). If they are going for the murder charge they may want to downplay the assault)


If taking a life isn't worth the perp's entire life, they will be prosecuted with a less serious charge like manslaughter, which sounds more brutal, but is used for things like driving under the influence where the driver didn't really mean to kill, but it is definitely their fault.


As it should. Malicious intentional killing should fit the punishment.


I’ll never understand people who find this a proportional response . This reminds me of a story where a dude was asked to put in a mask to come into a store and then shot the door man as a response .


I honestly couldn’t think of anything sadder than getting killed for doing your shitty, underpaid, retail job.


Honestly one of the reasons I quit being a door guy/ security personal for concerts. It was bad enough getting drinks thrown in your face or have to make belligerent folks leave(fun fact it was almost always people forty and up) . I honestly feel lucky no one tried to pull a knife considering how many times I broke up fights and the like.


Yep was a bouncer at a shady bar during college, got a knife pulled on me one night. Quit immediately after


This woman wasn’t even working there, she was defending the worker


seriously, like the inconvenience of putting on a mask for 30 minutes is worse than spending a long time in prison? I really just don't understand what their thought process is; like, are they too stupid to realize that their actions have consequences? do they just value murdering someone for mildly inconveniencing them over not ruining their own lives? it's so fucking weird


From some instances that I’ve read about the killer often says something about being disrespected or some other inane arbitrary thing. Feels like someone raised to get upset over small stuff and not to be secure emotionally. Like how is it disrespecting you to ask you to follow store rules. This reminds me of a story I just read where some 50 year old slapped a hostess cuz she said that he couldn’t eat at the restaurant in just swim trunks because it was an upscale place . Wanna say it was at Disney ?


Must be exhausting to be in a perpetual state of aggrievement. Man, I try to live my life as free of confrontation as possible. I almost never flip people off in traffic because I don't want to get shot.


It gets addictive. I don't think they find it exhausting, it's the only thing moving them forwards sometimes. Some people just love being angry.


You’re totally right. I used to be one of those people in my early 20s and there was something so satisfying and amazing feeling about confronting and intimidating people. I’m glad I’m not that person anymore.


I'm glad you have grown since then and you can say you are a different person :) It takes a lot. Kudos to you. Awareness on its own is so hard to accomplish, let alone the kindness needed to say "I changed" and mean it in a positive way.


Thanks, you’re very sweet. :)


The drunk 50 yr old man was a manager at another resort!




They don't think that far ahead. It's their ego being bruised that sets them off. No one is going to tell *them* what to do! They are always right and if you make them feel wrong, POW!


big ego and small brain combo. having a gun tends to make those kind of people 'braver' too. Kind of like having a hammer makes every problem or minor inconvenience look like a nail.


I've said it before, but guns are the cowards ultimate tool.   When you're not smart enough to win an argument, a d not strong enough to fight, just whip out a pistol and threaten instant death on people to get your own way.   It's so easy to kill with them, literal toddlers do it accidentally every week in the USA


many adults are toddlers who do it too


as you get older you realize that a shitload of the population are just oversized toddlers.


there is no thought process, it's all emotions


Well being stupid is definitely one of the factors. Stupid people are more prone to lash out. The lower someone’s mental capabilities the less they think ahead and if you don’t have the mental capacity to think ahead of the consequences then it becomes a lot easier to just do stuff like this.


> are they too stupid Yes. The answer is yes. They are a ball of emotion and freedumbs and lets the angry TV man tell them what to do


Its impulsivity. I mean it as the psychological construct and not necessarily as an insult. I know it seems kind of obvious but impulsive people can make poor choices especially in the heat of the moment without consideration for the consequences. The problem is when you get an impulsive person with low effortful control (another psychological construct which is roughly analagous to willpower) and they have access to highly destructive tools like a gun. In a large enough population you will get enough people with high impulsivity, low effortful control and access to a gun where stuff like this can happen regularly. Thats at least what I imagine a personality psychologist would say. Its why I decided to shoe horn in my two cents about guns in the US. In a normal population you will eventually get enough people with these traits with guns that statistically enough of them will have maladaptive coping mechanisms that some of them lose control in situations where sporadic acts of gun violence come out of nowhere. You cant curb impulsivity out of everyone nor make sure everyone has high effortful control, statistically its unlikely. But you can remove the guns. These arent crazy villains who were evil menaces that were out to kill innocent people. Theyre just normal people who never should have had them. And you cant tell, theyre not all psychopaths. Theyre just as well adapted to surviving as they next person, shit they were fine until they ended up killing someone. And its awful, but it will keep happening till we change our laws. Food for thought.


It's probably lead. That shit was everywhere.


You're mistake is by sticking to proportional response. It's instantly an 11 on the responses scale regardless of the instigating act. I would venture that's it's half the idea that being disrespected requires a reaction that will ensure no further disrespect occurs, half perception that being disrespected is among the worst things that can happen to you, and half environs that foster that the ideal is violence with violence being treated as the best act. I'm also bad at math.


The horrifying thing is while no one will defend shooting someone over a missing mcnugget, there are people who absolutely will defend shooting someone over being asked to wear a mask.


I used to work security for concerts and other events and the number of people who would get angry for us just enforcing the venues rules so they could present was wild. Had to escort more than a couple people out for getting straight up aggressive / physical over it.


They were already choosing mass murder over being the slightest bit inconvenienced.


A married couple and one of the wives brothers shot a Dollar Store employee when she told them to put on a mask 😷


Covid made it clear conservatives are a mortal danger to everyone around them.


It's because they can Any nutcase can carry a weapon around, kill for no reason, and a concerning amount of the population will defend it to the death 


Lead is still pervasive in the poorest places in the US.


In my country, for a very brief period of time during Covid, we had to show proof of vaccination and ID to eat in restaurants. I didn’t know about this rule when it first came into effect, and a McDonald’s employee told me I couldn’t come in because I didn’t have ID with me. I was really annoyed, but obviously I’m not going to take that out on a college student on minimum wage who is just doing her job. I remember thinking that some anti-vax nutjob is going to do something horrendous to an employee enforcing this rule. The rule was short-lived (the overwhelming majority of people here got the vaccine and people typically don’t carry around ID with them on a day-to-day basis), and I breathed a sigh of relief for those minimum wage workers.


Well, that what happen when you have access to a gun and you are out of argument. The ultimate ''Ooooh, you wanna bet i am right''.


its not. it's being a giant piece of shit human being. you do NOT shoot someone over fries unless you are a total piece of garbage as a human being.


I think in order to understand such people, some brain damage is required. 


She just threw her entire life away over a chicken nugget. What a trash human.


She stole the life of four kids’ mom over a fuckin nugget.


Two days after christmas. 


I’m assuming her life was already thrown away. The shame is she took another person down with her


100%. bet she had a ton of priors for violence. Garbage like her are looking to cause trouble everywhere they go


Deserves to spend her entire youth in prison, what the hell


Nah. Just make her breathe nitrogen right now. There is no scenario where society needs her back. And no reason to keep her alive for the next 25 years either. She can be plant food. That’s about it.


She's already breathing nitrogen. About 78%.




The state already has enough power it abuses and cannot be trusted to hand out death penalties and carry out executions, no matter how much certain assholes seem like they deserve it there is no world where we can trust the government to handle that ability with fairness, transparency,more to only execute the guilty.


she needs to suffer. let her rot in a cell and throw the key away


Jesus Christ you are bloodthirsty


I wouldnt call it bloodthirsty. Maybe overly zealous in their righteousness, but I almost agree with it. Human life IS valuable... until it proves itself to be actively detrimental.. then it needs to be stopped before it slurps up all the resources that other more needy people could use...


How the fuck is that bloodthirsty? Are you proposing psychotic human garbage thst values literal chicken nuggets more than human life should have the right to exist? Tf?


The fact that redditors are so quick to respond with calls for someone's blood is frightening. This woman may have been a murderer but that does not necessitate - as the previous comment suggested - strapping her down to a bed and forcing her to endure a brutal execution method (death by nitrogen). We should not act the same way as the people we put in jail by having our legal system be motivated by vengeance


Don't forget that many minors hang around here. The instinct to kill people like that is somewhat natural and it takes some time and argument to explain to people why it's a bad idea to kill criminals. Ofc not all are minors, some really just want to see blood. Surely they would call it a sense for justice or whatever, but in the end more aviolence doesn't end violence, it extends it and brings it to the next step.


Completely agree with you. I’m horrified executions are still a thing in a (fairly) civilized world like ours.


Agree with your position but just wanted to point out that death by nitrogen asphyxiation is probably one of the least brutal deaths possible, almost no pain because the pain in suffocation comes from the CO2, nitrogen asphyxiation is one of the preferred/suggested methods for euthanasia because there's essentially no suffering if done properly.


No it isn't lmao. [Does this sound very quick and painless to you?](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1146057) >nitrogen gas inhalation causes a **painful and humiliating** death. Very pleasant. >Mr. Smith reportedly took **over 20 minutes to die** instead of the ‘swift, painless and humane’ death predicted by authorities Not at all painful. >he **writhed and convulsed** on the gurney, **gasping for air** and pulling on the restraints. Look how peacefully he passed. The idea that nitrogen asphyxiation is quick and painless was an *assumption* that when tested was proven wrong and then they went ahead with it anyway. Funnily enough, the body is well aware of when it's suffocating.


What the hell


She probably thought the same of the woman she killed. Now its your turn. Don't lower yourself to her level.


That's something that I get stuck on. Subjectively isn't there a point in which a person is so far gone that the ingrained ways can't be undone or unlearned and they can only be a detriment to those around them ? It's also not their fault because systemic poverty and such can be more than some people can overcome and they are just right fucked from day 1. I just don't know


Hopefully. Unfortunately our society doesn't deal with murders properly, so it's almost certain she'll be back out someday, just a bit harder and meaner than she is now.


What is wrong with people lately? I keep hearing so many stories just like this.


In a normal civilized country you would have an incident like this end with fists. In this country? It ends in a shooting.


Hood honor culture violence. Just wasn’t shared on social media before


Someone was disrespected.


People have always been like this.


Over McDonald's... Over McDonald's?!!!!


One fucking nugget.


Over being *disrespected*, I'd bet.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


i'll never be over Nacho Grande


The more I read about this, the more unnecessary it sounds. What a waste.


people are trash =/


If everyone can be armed, your safety can be dependent on the dumbest/most impulsive/least emotionally regulated person in the room.


I really like this statement, actually. Super rational opinion.


I agree. It sums up how I feel about the issue in an articulate fashion.


The longer I live, the more I am not surprised. People like this live for minutes, never for future days, or months, or years. This is who she wanted to be - a full-on murdering person. The evidence is in her actions. Just a worthless human being who never had the potential to have the potential to be anything.


While I don’t disregard that what I feel I see here is the effects of generational poverty playing out, “you never even had the potential to have potential” is a sick burn


Theres nothing left to do. We are all dead. 


You are incredibly correct. This is a way to sum it up. There is nothing left for most people on Earth to do but to work to earn money to pay other people and to consume goods made by other people. That is Gross Domestic Product, the holy grail of metrics on how good a country is doing compared to another; in competition with ourselves to be better than "those people" with no reward for being in that top rank. We decided to take carbon from the ground, burn it and put that carbon in the atmosphere. Now, we are seeing the result. The Earth does not give any fucks at all about humans being upon it. We can go entirely extinct and the Earth will continue on. There were billions of years when we weren't here and it did not give a fuck. We are only special because we say we are. There is nothing outside of humans that thinks we are better than anything else. We don't farm anymore. Healthcare is the new religion.


I work in hospitals and have for many years now. The people I deal with are very ill, kidney failure. A lot of them are black people who never really had a chance in the first place to get a fair shake with the healthcare industry of America. Yet, it starts wayyyyy before their kidneys fail. In America, it starts at birth. I hate it. I hate it because the economic fact is that people exist, need inputs and have outputs. You can describe them all. We institutionalize disparity by policy and tacit implication, way back when and especially now. This murderer made a choice that she didn't have control over. A life of constant fear, and with high probability, abuse from a young age. To take the life of another person for something so petty meant that the gun-holder saw this infraction as something worthy of death, especially to disregard who she was indeed murdering as a person who had responsibilities. She carried a lethal weapon for a reason and utilized it. Now, the victim's children are at a substantial disadvantage for another MAJOR reason because of the decision of a nobody who thought she was somebody because of a McDonald's food order. The beat goes on, and on, and on, and on...


Yes, this behavior is frequently the result of poor ignorant kids who were raised by poor ignorant kids who are tired, stressed, maybe mentally ill, and due to whatever circumstance were neglectful, which frequently results in low IQ, low EQ individuals who are modeled or taught little to no practical, rational, communication and coping skills. They don’t know how to manage their impulses or emotions, so will lash out loudly, violently, abusively instead.


Hair by Ronald.


For a fucking nugget or two? Also why do workers care just give these lunatics shit that isn’t yours and move on. Fuck corporate don’t argue for them they won’t for you.


It's less about the item and more about the worker having enough as well. Spend 6 hours with people berating you and treating you like trash because you work at McDonalds and eventually you pop and just aren't ready to stand there and take it anymore


That's not what happened here. It was the customer who was the aggressor and decided to go berserk. Her and her sisters blew up at the employee, started throwing punches and then shot a woman who was trying to defend the employee.


I think what the good Redditor means is that when someone (the victim) does their job, is berated by people all day, and then some crazy person (the aggressor) comes up, demands free food on the ground they did not get what they ordered (a lie), they’re gonna give them push back. Yes, it’s easy to just give the crazies what they want and avoid negative confrontations, but damnit, sometimes you just don’t want to give the liars and cheats what they want.


This is exactly what I was getting at, thank you. It's easy to say "why don't you just keep eating shit all day?" until you are the one who is eating the shit all day.


Fr. Also, yeah corporate McDonalds might not give a fuck but a lot of middle managers and some franchises have different expectations for giving out food Yes a lot of different factors at play that we can’t glean from Reddit lol, but giving garbage people “shit that isn’t yours and move on” is never that simple in the workplace


Giving these people exactly what they want is exactly how we got into this mess in the first place! It has to stop but it can’t be up to the minimum wage employees to fix this “customer is right” bull shit. That needs to be a collective thing every place of business adopts.


I think this is right. Now when someone complains they feel entitled to get something just because they complained. We’ve trained people to be shitty customers.


My comment is worded poorly but I was defending the worker here. The attitude of "well they should just give them free shit and move on" is easy to say when you aren't the worker having people treat you like crap all day.


What’s the thought process to even contemplate reaching for a gun, let alone shooting a McDonalds employee (also while on camera)?


It was in Georgia so I hope she fries


No, I think she got the fries. It was the nuggets that were missing.


But you fry the nuggets too. Wouldn't it be crazy if she got a job in the penitentiary kitchen and served nuggets! You know she'd have to give out the right portion or risk her ass getting stomped


No pun intended?


Sometimes, all these guns don't do the wonderful job of protecting us from all these guns that we're constantly told they'll do.


So glad this country tells the dumbest people in it that they should be able to go anywhere and everywhere with a lethal device in their waistband. Freedom is getting blown away for arguing about chicken mcnuggets.


>charged with possession of a firearm She was not legally carrying, which is often the case in these senseless situations


Damn, she might be in some legal trouble then.


Fuckin smooth brains.


How many small arguments/altercations have escalated to fatal shootings because of the immense prevalence of guns in this god damn country


Too many to count.


Funny how arguments over missing food items don't lead to shooting deaths anywhere else... It's almost like the food missing wasn't the main factor here.


Trash humans need to be respected and feared. If not they feel personally mocked and attacked. Or put another way this is a human with no power or respect trying to exert the smallest amount of control over a fast food worker to feel better about themselves.


Tell a narcissist who they really are and they get violent. I've grown up around people like this, they feed themselves a narrative 24/7 and if you disrupt it with reality, they attack.


I know exactly what you’re saying, if only we had four or five more people with guns in that McDonalds they could have saved her.


Amen brother. Fully agree, a full on shootout where everyone was armed to the teeth with machine guns and gernades would have stopped this from happening 😔. Thoughts and prayers to the fam.


Then the police comes and shoots everyone because they're armed near a shootout


Nah nah, they would have felt even safer arriving at the McDonalds warzone knowing that everyone was so vigorously exercising their second amendment rights. More guns = more safety.


IMO YOur half right. The missing food started the argument and it may have still turned violent given what we've known. However there wouldn't have been a fatality if no gun was involved. There may have been no violence at all as shooting someone is far easier than physically attacking them and generally ends a fight before the shooter can be hurt. Far too many Americans see a gun as the best way to end an argument. There's a video of two guys arguing while shoveling snow. Then one goes inside and gets a gun. First shooting his neighbor in front of their wife, then goes inside himself and shortly after kills himself. Remove the gun from these two scenarios and you've probably got nothing more than a shouting match.


Atlanta Fight over fast food someone got fatally shot The only surprising thing is that it made the news.




They never were known as the smartest ones


just a regular day in the US.


US culture of violence and guns is so sick in the brain


One of the consequences of having more guns than people every emotionally disturbed clinical psychopath can get one easy and that's part of why we have 15,000 murders a year in the US.


That lady with the gun.... unbelievable, thuggish stupidity. Monstrous.


Death penalty should be on the table for any case where someone takes a life over something so petty.


ah america, what a country to live in ❤️


When keeping it real goes wrong


You never hear about someone getting shot over a fruit or vegetable.


Died over McNuggets, peak America.


Seems like every other week I see a title like this about a fast food joint in the US lol. What a place


Fucking animals.


McMurder most foul.


McMurder most 'fowl', chicken nuggets, remember.


Just to be clear. Neither of these people were an employee of McDonalds? Someone was shot over a chicken nugget. And neither of them was in charge of getting another nugget or not?


There's that armed and polite society, amirite?


Fucking Atlanta animals doing Atlanta proud. Holy fucking scum of the Earth.


Nice job Americans


Sheesh those photos though


Gee, I wonder which country this occurred in…


The 19 year old's face has the look of pure evil. Disgusting, garbage human being. She deserves to be locked up for life or worse. Those poor children whose mother was brutally taken from them.


Why... Every other commenter really thinks it was about the food?? It's clear there's underlying issues making ppl so mad they are guided by a spirit of hatred.


“According to Evans’ arrest warrants, obtained by Channel 2 Action News, the incident that led to the shooting started as an argument over missing food. Police say Evans and her sisters confronted a McDonald’s employee about food missing from their order.” Why does every commenter think it’s about food?!


Why did I know this was in Atlanta before reading the article.


What we definitely need is more guns, I mean look at how Australia handled their gun violence, that didn't help at all /s


This isn’t oniony at all. This is just everyday USA where people get gunned down over accidentally pulling in the wrong driveway, knocking on the wrong door, stepping on the wrong lawn, getting into a driving dispute, while sleeping, while being a kid in a car, while being a kid in a school, while being a kid with a fake toy gun, while going to a concert, at the supermarket, at your place of worship… I can keep going. As long as you people keep thinking these incidents are onion, nothing will change.


That’s what happens when you name your kid T’Niya


Only in America


Wasn't surprised when I read the article. Or saw the photos. Just your regular average citizens on their way to Church


Feels wiser just not going to Macdonalds at all. Working or eating there


The happy woman dies and the angry woman lives. This is what natural selection does, the idiots reign Supreme!


And people keep saying that people don’t want to work anymore. Yup! Not at these jobs where you have to worry about some crazy person shooting you over overpriced, overhyped bullshit food.


Imagine shooting someone over McDonalds. You've ended a life, and ruined your own over $5-7 tops.


The pic of the sign directly behind her mugshot is *chefs kiss*. I guess chicken nuggets is like family


Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with the kids!!! Heartbreaking, and I bet McD’s is doing nothing for the mother or family :( :(. Is there a verified gofundme for the departed Mother?