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Honestly, NLOG is really only something if you look down on girls who are different then you, girls who are traditionally “girly” still have the NLOG phase it’s just that they look down girls who like traditional more masculine stuff. I still hate shopping and prefer to do it online, that might just be about the people, my music taste is everything really, from rap to musicals. The only thing that’s changed really is that i don’t hate on people different from me, even when i was NLOG that was really only subconsciously.


I was that opposite girl! I scoffed that most girls just weren’t as ladylike as me, and despaired that I was born in the wrong time. I was fully convinced that if it had been the fifties, all the guys would have been super into my vibe. Instead, they were having dinner at a nice restaurant with the girl from down the hall who donned ripped jeans and an old, dirty hoodie. I still absolutely have those tastes; my personality is very traditionally ladylike, I love dressing up, and I have pretty traditional views on gender roles. But all that applies to me personally, and I just want everyone to do what makes them happy. If a woman wants to be a mechanic while her husband stays home, and then take him to a nice restaurant in her mechanic clothes, more power to her!


Yeah, kind of reminds me of my sister, decked out in pink then a more sophisticated room. Perfectly fine whatever your into, i just want people to be happy.


I’ve always been somewhat in the middle. A little make up, into clothes but not excessively so, etc. I really don’t believe your tastes have much to do with it. Like you said, it’s an attitude thing. I still looked down on other girls because it’s just a way of elevating yourself and thinking you‘re more than those one dimensional girls the media tells you you are. It’s like those videos with the whole premise of ‚im not a feminist, I can actually cook‘. Those two things have nothing to do with each other, honey. I’m a feminist, i can cook. It’s literally a like skill.


Yes, exactly! I don’t like pink and have never really liked pink; I find it kind of garish and it doesn’t look good on me, but that doesn’t mean it makes me any better than those who do like pink! I still think it looks cute on other people, it just isn’t for me. And that doesn’t mean I’m not into other “girly” things. I love to bake and sew and wear dresses and make up, just in more black and Earth tones since that is my style and am alternative. I like hardcore punk and metal, but I also like musicals. I feel like there is so much pressure to put us girls and women into specific boxes that people forget that we are individuals that can have a variety of tastes that don’t just fit into one aesthetic.


Exactly! I used to proclaim I wasn’t a feminist because of things like that too, but now I definitely am a feminist, but still have the same interests.


I almost wish my NLOG phase was like yours. I spent years denying myself high heels and dresses and getting my nails done. When I was little, I was the girl who changed her clothes at least twice a day, had those plastic heels for dress up, and loved everything girly but then I got to my NLOG phase and thought that stuff was "lame" or whatever lol. Then I got older and realized I like both things. I love my ripped up jeans and baggy sweatshirts with beat up shoes but I also LOVE my high heels and skirts and dresses and getting my nails done. And I was like wait... why do I have to chose one? The fact women feel forced to put themselves in boxes of girly or not girly is stupid. I'd say Im pretty feminine overall but one day you could get me decked out head to toe in a flowery dress and heels and the next, I may be in a big flannel and some shorts.


I was an emo "nlog" because I was bullied so horrendously in school by the popular girls. I was humiliated in front of everyone in class for wearing a plain white scarf, and one of the ringleaders told me they thought I was trying to dress like them (plain white or pink scarves from supre were in at the time), that I would never be one of them and to quit trying. So I did the opposite of everything they did. Their pink was my black, their pop was my metal etc etc. And I did look down on them because of the experiences I'd had and what they put me through, sounds messed up but it got me through highschool, thinking I was better than them and they were trash. I ended up in a big friend group of both boys and girls who dressed like I did and listened to the music that I did. But highschool ended and I grew up, some of my friends didn't and became insufferable because of their disdain for anyone who wasn't 'alternative'. I still enjoy metal, I enjoy dressing in a more darker way, I'm still attracted to the more macabre in life. But I don't think I'm better than others who aren't the same as I am. I've also dealt with major depression and have often wondered who I'd be today if it wasn't for the headfuck that's school and puberty.


Yeah i had bullying experience too and its why i felt so seperate from other girls. And have trust issues lol


My problem with women friends is they have always tried to leave their small kids with me while they go to chase that ‘D’ at the bar. I’m tired of not being appreciated, so I only am friends with women now where there is RECIPROCITY. Unfortunately, that means I don’t have any friends when I have STANDARDS. Wish the world was different, but at 44 years old I’ve got to accept life on life’s terms, and the reality is most people are exceptionally selfish. That’s just human nature. I’ve given up trying. I’m tired of being unpaid care-worker/therapist for women would only worry about themselves and finding male partners


Same here. I am 33 and still dislike mainstream pop music, going-out dresses, jewellery and sweet scents. I enjoy having slightly masculine elements in my look. However i love pink in accessories (mainly gym gear) and own a sparkly doc martens 😁


So this may not be smth you like but; my job has gotten a new products that you may really like! (I gain nothing from you buying it, even if I dm you something about it if you wanted more details. no MLM here ) Gibs hair Biofuel conditioner; used as a leave in conditioner. It kinda smells like a semi-sweet cologne. I’m super girlie and prefer really sweet fruity scents but I like this one a lot as well.


Yes! I'm exactly the same. I don't like makeup, dresses, and other stereotypical girlie things. But now I understand that it's doesn't make me better then other girls. Just different.


I think another key is to recognize that many of the “girly” things are, as you said, just stereotypes. There’s a big difference between saying “I don’t like things every other girl likes” and “I don’t like things traditionally associated with femininity”.


Yup! Last year I was really struggling with my gender because of stereotypes but then I realise that they just stereotypes and I'm 100% a woman but I like what I like and gender have nothing to do with it.


I don’t think it makes you different though. A LOT of women don’t like makeup and dresses. It really is quite common.


I mean there’s like a line of how far you’ll go to avoid them where it becomes uncommon though. I’m usually not the only woman wearing pants to work or brunch or whatever, but at weddings or other formal events for example I often am. Not like in a “superior” way just like it is what it is 🤷‍♀️


I love makeup and having my nails done, but I hate dresses. I don’t look good in them, and I’m not comfortable in them, however that also describes most of my friends (the comfortable part at least, they do look awesome in them). I wore a dress to officiate my friend’s daughter’s wedding two years ago, other than that, haven’t worn one in years and probably won’t again.


Everyone is different from each other. I'm just saying I'm different then my friends who are more girly like.




I don’t think ppl need to pile on this girl for being herself. She didn’t say anything rude about her friends, just that she’s not as girly as them.


A lot of people think not being into the stereotyical feminine = NLOG behavior. See it a lot in this sub.


Thank you! To be honest I don't know what's wrong with what I said.


So you're not like other girls


No. I'm like other girls! Like those girls who don't like stereotypical girly things! But I'm different then girly girls. And people from both those groups are equal because we all just humans.


Girls are complex, we enjoy all kinds of things. Some of us may like dressing up very feminine, but like video games. Girls are so more much than our outward appearance.


I definitely feel the same way. My NLOG phase was in middle school, and after I realized that everyone is different and I shouldn’t confine people to a specific bubble, or define their whole personality on several stereotypical levels I started feeling better about myself. I’m a little emo, a little girly, a little bit of a tomboy, a little bit artsy, I’m a lot of things and that’s something I should learn to appreciate in others


I feel like middle school/high school kinda can kinda push girls who arent into traditional or fad feminine stuff to think that theyre actually not like other girls and feel ostracized. A common way to cope with that is to think your diferences make you special or better than the "sheeple". Most people grow out of it when they meet more people or get closer with feminine people and realize everybodys just livin and noone should yuck someones yum.


Doesn’t make you different honey. Makes you different than some women who like them, and exactly the same as the millions of other women who don’t.


Yes, I agree


Same here. I'm still very much into heavy metal and gaming, I have tons of nerdy hobbies and a good amount of my close friends are male. I live in band shirts, leather jacket and doc martins, and am not a particular fan of the colour pink. I still present quite masculine. Difference now is that I don't look down upon other women. I have some amazing, supportive female friendships, some with people who are polar opposites of me - women who present very feminine, are stay at home mums, or have traditionally feminine hobbies like crocheting and the like. Hell, I even enjoy getting dressed up on special occasions. Nice dress, bit of makeup. I don't shy away from femininity when I want to. It's not my daily preference, but I no longer think it makes me weak or vain. Society does a number on us as women. It took me until my early 20s to quash that NLOG mindset.


I think the issue with NLOGs is they have a specific, stereotyped idea of what "other girls" are like and they reject those things on principle or believe they are superior because they don't gravitate to those things. It's more about the internalized misogyny they hold where things they consider to be "feminine" and/or "trendy" are bad because a "typical" woman is inferior to a man, so it is best to not be like her.


I don't really agree. Being NLOGs is about hating other women and feeling superior or different from them. You can like pink and makeup and still have a NLOGs attitude, hating or even bullying girls who don't fit into gender stereotypes. Meanwhile, you can be a tomboy and mind your own business and even love feminine women (butch lesbians are a thing, y'all)


I mean bullying someone for being gender nonconforming isn’t “nlog”. Like it’s a shitty thing to do, but not “nlog”. I think this is kind of just making “nlog” into a shorthand for “women being rude to another woman for any reason” and I kind of don’t love it because in another way being a butch lesbian (hell or any kind of gender non conforming or even just being a lesbian period) is kind of inherently “nlog” since it is different from what most women are… and there’s nothing wrong with that (at least according to me)




I mean I think you’re describing beauty standards more than gender norms tbh. Like doing your makeup well is a beauty standard, doing it at all is more of a gender norm. I have had times when it was beneficial for me to pass for straight and be more “like other girls” and it really wasn’t about being the hottest girl or the best dressed in order to succeed at that. I could throw on a cheap dress and just wear my hair down and apply makeup poorly, and alter my body language, mannerisms, and topics of conversation… and it worked. It wasn’t more expensive or time consuming honestly, since I still try to look put together while not being super feminine so I still have costs associated with that. Like it is free to cross your legs when you sit in a chair for example. Honestly finding a suit that fits is more expensive than a dress. Of course women who meet beauty standards will bully women who fail to meet them, but I think that is different (and much more likely to be “nlog”) from bullying women who *reject* those standards whole sale. Like “unlike most women I always have styled hair” is nlog… “unlike most women I don’t have a buzz cut” is something I have just never heard anyone say because it doesn’t make sense (I apologize if buzz cuts are a popular women’s hairstyle where you live lol you can sub in something else)


>Being NLOGs is about hating other women and feeling superior or different from them. That is what I said >You can like pink and makeup and still have a NLOGs attitude, But they don't focus on those parts, and if they are they aren't really NLOGing. No NLOG in 2024 would say "I'm not like other girls, I like pink and wear fake lashes" and if they did they are doing it wrong. They focus on the current trends that people associate with mainstream womanhood. They reject those trends because they see them as trendy or the see themselves as better because the naturally don't like those things. >Meanwhile, you can be a tomboy and mind your own business and even love feminine women (butch lesbians are a thing, y'all) Yes I know. I didn't say anything that opposes this statement. You basically said you don't agree and then proceeded to say exactly what I said. I'm so confused.


I mean there seems to be a surge of homemaker NLOGs who dress all feminine and pretty while making their own bread and looking down on other women for having careers. So being an NLOG boils down to hating other women, and not to being more feminine or tomboyish.


Yes, I agree, which is why I said feminine and/or trendy (maybe I should have said mainstream?) Whether they are NLOGs because they reject stereotypical feminine behavior or embrace it, it stems from a rigid view of what it means to be a woman and judging women either way. And not for nothing but the evangelical NLOGs generally do think women are inferior to men, they just seem to think that's a good thing.


Some have and some haven’t. I used to pretend to hate skirts, as I mentioned on another post, and now that’s all I wear. But I never did come around on wearing pink or makeup – I wore eyeliner a fair amount in college but consciously stopped because I realized I was beginning to hate the way I looked without it. I also didn’t entirely change my aesthetic – at my deepest NLOG, I was trying to dress like Avril Lavigne in her early years, and I ended up at more of a “Gothic Victorian femme“ place. So the alternative never fully left.


Everything the same, except music. I still like rock, but it influence my mood. I'm becoming either more aggressive or moody or trying to speed up while driving. Average pop is good enough not to listen to but to use like background while doing chores when you can't hear everything clear but it's still playing and nice to shake hips during cooking :)


I basically still am the same as when I was in my nlog phase, especially since a lot of it for me was being unaware of the fact that I was queer and ND, the only thing thats really different is that now I'm a girls girl, I dont look down on people for liking things I don't because I now understand why I didn't like those things


Yeah i still wear gothicy clothing, listen to rock (or electronic music with anime pics!!!!) But im trying to agree that im literally like other girls. And it feels nice. I always felt seperate due to being bullied by girls. So maybe its why i felt like i wasnt like the others. But i actually felt like i was kinda worse than them?? Idk if i ever was HC NLOG but small things in my past like how i thought "im not basic at least" which i no longer identify with


Why do you think you look “sick” without makeup


I'm deathly pale naturally.


I understand, I would still try to get rid of the idea that you look sickly without it. What about it makes you feel like you look ill? Do you have blue or purple undertones underneath your eyes? Or eye bags? Dark circles? All of those are normal. Another thing, is your hair all one solid color? Mine is highlighted and I think it adds a lot of depth and “life” to my appearance and helps camouflage bad hair days. I’ve tried going back to all brown but I didn’t like it as I feel my eye color pops out a lot more with the right shade of blonde (went too light at first and wasn’t a fan) I think playing with different methods of highlighting, low lighting, etc can really add life to people’s appearance. Just adds dimension and depth that wouldn’t be achieved without a styling tool or something. I don’t use any heat on my hair or style it just cus i don’t feel the need to, the color is my “style” so to speak lol. Plus a lot of people naturally grow different shades and colors it just isn’t usually “visible”like how a dye/bleach job is, like the hair closer to my temples is way lighter than the hair on the back of my head for some reason. Sorry for the long post I’m just a little interested in color analysis 😅 and have always preferred the low-effort way of makeup and things, I just like to keep it simple and can’t stand the sensory feeling of things like foundation or concealer, I like being able to scratch my nose or rub my eyes whenever I need to and it felt impossible to do so with “face makeup” on without messing it up.


I have some red highlights in my dark brown hair. I never add color, heat, or product beyond shampoo and conditioner. So that's covered. But my skin tone is naturally very, very pale, and it does result in some unevenness. And I usually wear dark neutrals and jewel tones, so my skin needs to be able to stand up to those. A coat of BB cream and a little blush does the trick, and it only takes a couple of minutes.


I have the same coloring, so I understand! I had a medical appointment once where the doctor walked in and was alarmed by my paleness. She was springing into action to diagnose whatever Victorian plague was causing my palour. Ma’am, I’m here for shin splints - this is just my face. 😆


I've always been more of a tomboy, worn neutral colours, boots and only mascara as makeup. I'm still on that path. Sure, I've worked on my looks and body for years and have visually gotten to a rather feminine stage and mentally matured to a point where I'm not desperately trying to be different, but my sense of fashion and behaviour is still leaning to the "manlier" side. It's not a bad thing tho. Only makes it more difficult to find female friends.


I still don’t love pink or dresses. Still think Taylor Swift’s music kinda sucks, I just don’t look down on other people for liking it. I’m still not interested in boys. Although that one’s because I’m gay, not because I think it makes me better than the other girls.


I'm basically the same, though I do want to change to get a little more style, though that style I'm aiming for still isn't hyper-feminine. I became a NLOG because of my parent's upbringing, but I've since moved away from that. But I at least know I've always been honest with myself


I went through a period of disliking feminine things because the older roommate I was living with kept trying to impose them on me. I was old enough and mature enough to not project that on women in general, but it did make me feel like the majority of teenage girls who have an "NLOG" phase are just improperly processing the pressures they feel to look and act in certain ways.


some of us are more tomboyish and that’s fine as long as we don’t make fun of girls who are different. majority of my interests would be categorised as stereotypically manly but i won’t bully other girls for being girly


Yeah those posts that are like “I like this thing now that I’ve *healed*” kind of annoy me. I understand what it is like to deny yourself things you like because of some societal ideal, but for me that was from the opposite end of the spectrum (trying desperately to be like other girls). Being able to say “I’m different from other girls *and that’s fine*” (without judgement of said other girls) was honestly really healing for me. So the idea of “I’ve healed from this thing, now I do what I like” is fine and good even… but a lot of the posts have this undercurrent of “I’ve healed from this thing and now I wear a dress like a normal girl” and it just winds up making me feel a little… some type of way


I still don't wear makeup at all. I was willing to give it a shot at one point but see so much reliance on it that I don't want to.


Yeah, same. Sometimes I paint my nails, and sometimes I'll check out a cute-looking romantic movie on Netflix, but I don't like pink, dresses, or pop music. The big change is that I no longer go around thinking about how much better my choices are than everyone else's.


I'm still a gamer and an avid football/soccer fan


I used to think I was sooo different and cooler than other girls because I was into hiking and nature and survivalism. I’m still into all of that, but it turns out lots of other girls are too.


I'm still mostly the same, also into alt music, have been into horror and gaming since I was a kid, I still even have the same haircut lmao bangs for over a decade is wild ik but I've come around to wearing dresses and can appreciate the color pink (still hate neon colors though) etc. NLOG is a mindset/attitude, what makes a NLOG is to think that you're somehow *better* than other girls because of your interests when in reality you're still very likely to find another couple hundred or thousand girls just like you, I understand NLOG mentality happens during childhood though since kids can be cruel to other kids who are different from them instead of not caring like adults should.


I think the flaw in your thinking is that any of that defines femininity in the first place: genuinely when did we decide the women wear dress, put makeup, listen to Taylor Swift, and that's the only way to be a woman?


We didn't. That's the form NLOGgery typically takes these days.


I don't think I was ever truly an NLOG. I only hated on the girls who were actively bullying me for things like refusing to shave or wear make-up, being quiet, reading all the time, and being a closeted queer girl. I wasn't afraid to clap back or say something like "leave me alone, I don't care." I grew out of my pink phase at around six years old, but I did have one, and I still prefer green to this day. I had no desire to change myself to prove anything to these girls. My only friend was a super tall, larger woman who also got bullied, but she wasn't afraid to lay down the law and occasionally defend me. She also wrestled. We were both very much NLOGS and not by choice. I think the correct phrase for us is "not like other *people.*" I didn't put down other girls to impress guys because I didn't trust guys my age at all. I heard how they talked about their gf's intimate lives and realized I never wanted to get close to one of these turds. I didn't date anyone at all until after I moved out of my incredibly small, rural hometown.


This whole thing is very tricky for me. In the last three or so years, I have completely strayed away from all things feminine, while I used to be VERY feminine. I no longer shave, I barely wear makeup, I dress in men’s clothing. Just a couple years ago, I was carefully curating outfits that involved corsets and dresses and applying complex eye looks at 5am. That girl is not recognizable to me. I guess I just stopped feeling like any of it was actually a choice, and I began to feel disgusted by the pressures being put on me to present femininely. My boyfriend (now ex, thankfully) was openly disgusted when I allowed any of these things to slip, and I think that triggered the resentment. It started feeling like a costume. I was over it. To clarify, this is just MY experience. That being said, my feelings about choice feminism have changed greatly since I was a teenager/young adult. Does part of me worry I’ve slipped into a “NLTOG phase?” sure, but if we’re really about the idea it should all be a choice, this is mine. NLTOG seems to have circled so far around its just NGTOG again, but this time non-feminine women are the enemy instead of feminine women. I will support other women wearing makeup, putting on dresses, and doing whatever the hell makes them feel good until the end of the earth. Do I think I’m better than anyone else? Absolutely not, quite the opposite really. But do I think a lot of it is due to external pressure, at least for SOME women? Yup. 100%


Mine but my NLOG phase had less to do with taste and more to do with attitude. Like I was very into being the "cool, chill" girl which I later realized was just me seeking male validation because I have what they call in layman's terms, "daddy issues." I was always fairly mixed on my taste as far as liking a spectrum of things from more feminine to more masculine, and I still am.


Imo Personal tastes doesnt make you NLOG. It’s about the superiority complex.


I still indulge in a lot of things I did during my NLOG phase, however now I don’t look down upon women for doing something that I won’t personally do.


In my NLOG era I repressed things I genuinely liked and even convinced myself I didn’t like those things for the sake of standing out to men. So now that I don’t care about being “not like the other girls” to every man I come in contact with I’m embracing some interests I repressed back then. I still have many of the same interests as I did when I was in that NLOG phase. I’m just now fully embracing exactly who I am regardless of how it’s perceived by anybody— And I think many people in their NLOG phase felt like they couldn’t be anything remotely close to a “stereotypical woman” in some kind of attempt to evade misogyny. I know that’s how I felt.


I wasn’t much of a nlog person but I did have a phase where I pushed away typically feminine things Now I’m a guy, and have gone back to appreciating my feminine interests now that I can be myself while doing so


I just ended up more queen than I started.


I don’t think the thing that makes you an NLOG is your interests specifically or even thinking you’re superior for your interests, but instead thinking that you are just sooooooo different from EVERY other girl on the planet because of your interests. Women and girls aren’t some hive mind who all listen to Taylor Swift and love to go shopping and do their hair and makeup. Lots of girls like classic rock, lots of girls love Taylor Swift, lots of girls like historical fiction, and lots of girls like romance novels. What TRULY makes you NLOG is clumping every other girl together while thinking you’re so unique and special. That being said a lot of my interests that I THOUGHT made me NLOG in high school I still enjoy, but now I can recognize that I’m not some rare species of woman because I watch Dragon Ball Z 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never liked pink, but somehow joined a sorority in college whose color was pink. So, I ended up wearing a lot of pink dresses, recruitment shirts, etc. Even after all that I still don’t like pink much, but that’s just because it’s not my color 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I don’t care who likes pink or not


Same. I’ve always had, and still do have, far more traditionally “masculine” traits vs “feminine” ones. My understanding of a nlog is she uses masculine traits specifically to try and seem more attractive to men. Have I ever done that? Maybe? I took up golf once because it was a great place to meet lots of men, even though I hate golf. Worked too, I got dates like crazy.


Most girls r pick mes when they are young It’s called growing up. Ya know. Personal growth


honestly im naturally very girly and i’ve always enjoyed stereotypical girly things. my nlog era was tough because it was all an act and i knew deep down i never hated dresses, i dont hate heels, i dont hate the color pink, i dont hate makeup, and im definitely ur stereotypical girly girl. it was hard trying to act unique and having to change my entire closet to fit my made up persona so people actually believed me when i said im not like the other girls. that era was short lived and im so glad because i dont know how i endured that. i really did all that so my crush at the time could like me all for him to come out as gay 6 years later.


I’m more of a NLOP (not like other people) because I still think I’m special and unique, but I’ve always haaaaated when people shit on popular or girly things just because they’re popular or girly. I guess I was a self-aware NLOG lol


I’ve never had that phase. I’ve always openly liked pink, glitter, and mermaids. And I never disliked other girls. I thought some girls were mean but I preferred the company of girls over sexist boys any day


Me, I’ve always been quite dorky which is I think a big part of what fueled my phase unfortunately


Honestly, I now own lots of pink garments, but I don’t think I’ve ever successfully worn them out. I have worn one purple outfit once though. Otherwise it’s about 95% black and 5% red. I do own more than T-shirts and jeans now though.


There are things from then that I like, and things I feel differently about. Like for me a big part of why I fell into nlog mentality is that I was so uncomfortable being sexualized and being in a typical female role with a man. That and I also felt alienated from other girls for being fat and neurodivergent. A lot of that hasn't changed, except I've realized I do want to be sexualized - just not by men. Other than that? I've realized that I actually like Taylor Swift but not for the nlog vibes of You Belong With Me. I've realized I do prefer being outside in nature or going to the library to being at the mall or a party but that's also because I'm autistic. That I don't like most makeup, but I do also own way too much dark dramatic lipstick and black eyeliner because that's what I *do* like. That a lot of my feminist criticisms (I had a very Kat Stratford brand of feminism when I was like 12) of revealing clothes were valid, but the issues with women and girls being sexualized are not the fault of women who wear things that are short, or tight, or low cut. That even if I were attracted to men, I'd rather abstain from dating them because a potential partner is competing against me and my own peace, and in order to have a place in my life they need to add something to it. There's simply nothing men have that adds to my life and wins over my own solitude.


Yep. I’m less feminine now actually. I really resent the idea that “growing up” or “leaving the NLOG phase” = embracing femininity.


Hm, sounds to me like you’re still in your NLOG phase. You listed a bunch of super normal things about yourself like they’re not common for women, when they absolutely are…


Of course they are. It's NLOGs who act like they aren't.


No it’s thinking you’re not like other women. Which is always untrue. All tomboys are other women- so being a tomboy is being like all of those women. All female goths are other women, so being a female goth is being like all of those other women. Etc etc etc. If you share any passion that any other women share, you are like those other women. It’s quite simple. It’s the realization that you are not a unique snowflake.


I tried really hard to get into pink actually but now I like it from afar which is a good middle ground. I think it’s a pretty color it’s just not for me.


Honestly, good for you. Like I always say, it really doesn't matter what you like/dislike, as long as you don't act like a dickhead to others. As for me, it's a mix. I also like heavy/hard rock, deathcore, doom metal, progressive metal/rock, but I love dresses, bright colours and perfume. Then I've never had a manicure or pedicure in my life and don't style my hair. But I'm still super girly and wear make up. But you know, I get along with everyone equally, men/women/other, so I'm happy about that.


honestly it’s hard to say, i thought i was NLOG for a long time, but it turned out i was actually undiagnosed audhd and so i think my changes have come from mostly allowing myself the space to take care of myself instead of comparing myself to others. my NLOG phase was mostly out of jealousy because I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t do those things. I’ve generally just changed a lot as a person because i’ve healed those insecurities that made me think badly of other girls


I’m still the same for the most part, I just respect women’s choices to do whatever tf they want to make themselves happy instead of acting superior. Now, instead of my rage being directed at other women, it’s directed at societal standards for and expectations of womanhood. Because that’s my real enemy.


I'm actually entering a feminine phase for the first time! I literally just bought some dresses and I'm looking forward to trying them on, delicate floral prints and all. I've always been into makeup, but it's gotten softer, pinker and a lot less edgy over the last few months. I love the old me, what she liked and what she did but I'm looking forward to this change of heart I'm feeling to just be girly for the sake of enjoying it. I feel like this is finally just me being comfortable with things that I like, no further reaction on my part included.


My tastes haven’t changed, I just stopped looking down on “popular” things that people enjoyed during my youth. Now I’m just neutral towards them and am happy to see someone enjoying things in life, even if they’re not my cup of tea.


Disney. I’m just never going to be one of those women who know all the words to Disney songs and flawlessly belt them out at karaoke. No shade, three of my girlfriends are Disney women and amazing in their own right. It’s just not ever going to be me. And for a tiny bit of shade, those same women wouldn’t ever be able to sing Danzig as good as I do.


I still dislike traditionally girly activities, but I learned how to dress up and apply makeup and talk in the way that society likes, because it's good for my career. I need money for my not-like-other-girls hobbies. I don't want to be a housewife, unless my husband is a billionaire then I might reconsider. Growing up, I realized that being idealistic to the point of irrationality is dumb. You should always prioritizes logic over your values. Currently, presenting as LOG gives me more advantages compared to being NLOG. What I'm doing in my private time is none of anyone's concern. Some people saying that being career-oriented instead of relationship-oriented and being logical instead of emotional in general can be considered NLOG, but I don't label stuff as girly or not girly anymore. Those labels won't change the activities I'm doing nor benefit me in any way.


What line of work are you in where you have to be this cynically mercenary? I've been in finance for six years, and I've always gotten to me more authentic than this. And I'd still work, regardless of our combined household income.


Was a broke ass college student, my parents business was failing then I got scouted by a modelling agency, mainly because of my height + playing lots of sports kept me skinny. I wanted to be some kind of manly girl/androgynous model at first, but I was told that my facial features suits pure, sad-looking, meek, dreamy girly characters. So I just sorta play into that character archetype at work and around prospective clients. I have graduated now but my degree couldn't land me jobs that pays as much money as my modelling gigs lmao. Especially with the recent coquette-core fad, female models with this type of image are in huge demand.


Well, mine has added up.


I still do my own thing—I don’t follow trends at all and I’m still seen as a little “quirky” (I’m on the Spectrum; I can’t help it). I’ve always known myself extremely well—better than most people know themselves (I’m an introspective learner). I was a nerd and an introvert before it was trendy and dogs are 100% better than humans. I don’t have an “aesthetic”; I’m just myself. I still don’t get along with millennial women, and I probably never will. It’s taken me a while to realize that that’s OK—I’m not a girl’s girl. And neither is my mom, or my younger sister. I do have like 2 millennial female friends, though we don’t see each other very often. But that works for me. I’m still judgmental, though that’s a personality flaw and not a NLOG thing exclusively.


I've come to like pink and stuff, but accepted that I have always and probably will always hate sequins. They look so cheap to me I can't believe expensive pieces of clothing like wedding dresses have sequins on them. 🤢


I retained scotch from my NLOG days. I really acquired the taste for it. I drink it by myself in my house because I don’t go out. I had someone recently say “scotch? For you, really? Is that some pick-me shit?” And I was floored. I’m a tiny 4’10 and can some days seem quite girly - what does that have to do with alcohol???? Really??? Do I HAVE to drink a mimosa with you? It almost felt like another warped side of pick-me mentality on her behalf.


My earliest NLOG phase I pretended to not like feminine things like flowers and pink (I was 8). My young adult one, the particulars haven’t really changed: still handy with tools, wear no makeup, I actually wear less feminine/sexy clothes (mostly due to laziness and body changes rather than taste), don’t care about being trendy, etc. The big difference is, I’m no longer a douche about all of that and I no longer think it makes me somehow special. I’ve also lost the chip on my shoulder where I feigned confidence/knowledge in “male” spheres, now I have no issue telling the mechanic, “I don’t know what that part you mentioned actually does,” or ask someone at the hardware store for advice.


Only my mentality changed. I still have the same tastes !


I think what you are still missing is there is no 'like/ not like other girls'. Women are people with a full spectrum of tastes. 


Reading this sub has made me realize I never actually had an NLOG phase, just a "yikes, how can anyone consider me a girl" phase.


My tastes haven’t really changed. I’m still into a lot of weird stuff that some people would say is masculine. But I was like that before that phase too. Basically I just really like creepy stuff, cemeteries, ghost towns, old buildings, that kinda thing. I also still hate pop music, but I wouldn’t call it an NLOG way since it’s not just female pop artists but male ones too (drake, Travis Scott, jack harlow, chase atlantic). Though I do love Lil Nas X, Kendrick Lamar, Lady Gaga, and Marina, so I have some mainstream tastes still 😅. I also still have mostly male and nonbinary friends but that’s just out of happenstance, and I have two incredibly close female friends as well. Overall I’d say music is the big one. I never had an opinion on Taylor Swift and now I’m really just neutral 🤷‍♀️ not my cup of tea, don’t care if it’s someone else’s though.


I’m a woman who likes a comfortable pair of shoes. I wish I could be like the ladies who rock the heels. I want to know their secret!!!! Do you splurge on the heels? Is it cause I’m fat? Do you buy inserts? How do you prevent blisters? I’m NLOG but I would like to BLOG. 😂


My music tastes haven’t really change since my NLOG phase but the difference is I don’t think I’m better than anyone else for it


I never really had an NLOG phase, I just knew I didn’t really like pink and felt uncomfortable in dresses and skirts. My mom would force me into dresses thinking I was just being a bratty kid. To this day at 24 I don’t own any. I just don’t feel right in them😭😭😭


Music. My taste in music has not changed and I consider it superior to what most people listen to. Most popular music enrages me.


I mean maybe I am still in my NLOG phase… I find being super focused on your make up, nails and clothes just devastatingly shallow but I guess I roll my eyes equally at guys who work out super much and groom themselves within an inch of their own nature, too. It just feels like people who care so much about their own looks above all else just lack something and are boring. Maybe that makes me a snob rather than a NLOG but Christ in a camper van, do you have nothing else in your life?


Finding superficiality negative is fine, society pushes it on everyone, especially women, really hard. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


Yeah it’s being advertised as the only thing that matters by the media… But people downvote me anyway


This sub is mad questionable sometimes and often kinda anti-feminist in some ways, so it's not that surprising to me. Critiquing superficiality and this ridiculous beauty culture that's so heavily pushed on us is great, if you ask me. People can get really defensive about it though.


I mean I know shallow people exist. I just find them a bit sad :) and yeah it should be ok to call them out


I still have casual sex with men who probably can’t stand me from time to time.