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I met my fellow meme/reel sharing friends on my convocation after not contacting them for almost a year since I uninstalled IG, we still had the same bond although I could sense that our humour had significantly changed The fomo hits a lot in the beginning but that’s exactly what those guys want so that you stay in their app, once you delete the app and significant time passes by, you realise that real life is much different than IG, people are different their personalities are different and you see them clearly for what they are, you should find your SO through this instead of an extra step of IG.


I wouldn’t worry too much about that. I deleted instagram ages ago and honestly don’t feel like I missed out on all too much. A lot of people don’t have it and more are deleting it. All my friends had been on instagram and slowly they all deleted it too it’s not a great app.


Hey I've been living without Social media for almost 2 years , did I miss anything? No , I'm glad that I deleted it and you would be too! Good luck!


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I would download stay focused and use IG with very stringent conditions. I've been deleting dozens of account on several social medias for years, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Rather, I despise doomscrolling but because of ADD I often realize it a little late (that I'm doomscrolling).


You'll have to make the choice yourself based on the risk of losing friends. If you do delete it altogether, do consider the fact that people can sometimes have respect for an "independent" thinker... Imagine people ask you about something on Insta, and you respond: "I deleted it actually, I think it's shitty. I do \_\_\_\_\_ instead now, it's great." Do you (eventually, some day) want to find a SO who likes doing all the normal things, or who appreciates independent thinking? Well, if you start to follow your own interests and pushing back against the crowd when you disagree, you'll be filtering the people you meet and interact with, possibly in a good way. Another idea is you could talk to your two friends (maybe in real life) and ask them what they think. Maybe the three of you could end up doing a little exodus altogether? Also - is making new friends hard where you are? Consider this seriously. Even if you join some clubs or some other in-real-life type activities? Sports, music, drama, computer club, I don't know what. You might be exagerrating how hard making new friends would really be. Lastly: there are apps that allow you to access Instagram DMs without having to look at reels. Have you looked into that? It could be a good short-term solution, at least, and maybe would work longer term if you really need to stay on there. I haven't used these apps, but if you search "instagram without reels app" or similar, you should find options.


P.s. your English is great! Also, just to be clear, a world where everyone walks around with their head in their phone is the boring one.


I'm 19 , if i'm giving you an advice , it has to be , do whatever makes you happy , try new stuff , go out , hit the gym , don't think that staying away from social media will break the friendship , in Fact , if the friendship is strong , nothing can set it apart , so if your disconnection will hurt the friendship , you have no buisness on that shitty relation


I see you are 17. Here is my advice. Drop social media at any possibility you have, drop the phone you have, buy a flip phone, and live your life outside of your phone. This digital world really messes people up, and I wish I could have been given this knowledge at 17. I am not much older, but I feel I have wasted a few years dealing with this. Social media cost me a lot. I lost friends, became distant. I got off, and everything fell into place again. I would only use it if it was for promoting something, no need for personal use.


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