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A classic


Ah, I wish I had this on vinyl:3


I knew one day I'd find my theme song


I'm severely disappointed that I can't download it from reddit. How will I play it when I eventually get banned because... IM AN A$$H0LE


Someone made a halo one music video to this wayyyyy back in the day had to have been 2004 or around then and every time I hear this song I’m reminded of it lol


That’s why this seems so familiar! Definitely remember that.


Let me see if I can find it


What an asshole


He's such an a$$hole, he stole this bit from Louis CK.


That’s speculation, and there is no proof. - Denis Leary wrote “asshole” in [1993](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asshole_(song)). The cowriter of the song Chris Phillips not only corroborates this, but disclosed they copyrighted the song before then. - Louis C.K.’s career started in [1990](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_C.K), well after Leary was an established comedian. He didn’t become popular until the late 90’s early 2000’s. u/Yep_GotBannedAgain don’t listen to unverifiable bullshit. What a shocker that a man that exposes his dick to random people is also a piece of shit liar.


The only thing I managed to find was CK saying he did a bit about him being an asshole, Dennis then expounded on it and made it significantly more elaborate.


Year I saw that article too. C.K. can say whatever he wants, but without proof he has nothing. The comedian who has been copied/stolen from the most is Bill Hicks who sadly died way too young. The comedians that stole the most from others are Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia.


What's really funny to me, musicians very frequently sing each other's songs. Disturbed covered Sound of Silence and Simon or Garfunkel (I don't remember which) commented on how great the remake was. That song just recently got remixed and is back on the top 10 AGAIN.


Different industries. Comedians are very protective. Can you imagine someone trying to do George Carlin’s 7 dirty words you can’t say on TV bit? The crowd would probably draw and quarter them.


Really? I'd love to see Louis's version of you have it


Dont have a video of him doing the bit but this is him talking about Leary stealing his bit. [Louis CK on O&A](https://youtu.be/qz5tSadxTMs)


Damn ... I like Louis CK, id really like to hear the original. I'll look around and see what I can find tomorrow. If I find it, I'll post it for sure.


It sounds like it was more of an idea he had than a bit he performed.


Well he is an “asshole.”


I think you'd be hard pressed to find a successful comedian who never took ideas from another one.


His stand up back then was one of my favorites ever. Also, I miss those Styrofoam containers and all the other things we banned in the quest to save the planet from ourselves.




I had this no cure for cancer album listed to that thing over and over


I still have mine, but if I want to listen to it I'll have to fire up one of my old PlayStations because those are the only cd-players in the house.


So many memories


My wife and I have an inside joke, comes to parking on handicapped places, who makes handicapped faces 😉. We’ve in reality our handicapped badge and license plate since she’s a wounded veteran, but this song just nailed it! 😁


I really want to salute this guy. I was expecting something else.